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The Spotlight's on Titania


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Not a perfect rework by any means, but I think this will put her in a good place to be a competitive mobbing frame, and make her really good as the boss-killer she wants to be.

  • Passive - Fine as is
  • 1) Spellbind - Increase the base duration to 25 seconds
  • 2) Tribute - Completely remove the need to target an enemy
  • 3) Lantern - Not much of an opinion on this one, as this is the ability I drop. But it should probably be as consistent as Resonator.
  • 4) Razorwing - I understand if it comes with some technical difficulties, but her innate vacuum needs to be removed and she needs to be able to use companions. To lose are rather large game mechanic simply by playing a specific frame is a real downer.
    • Dex Pixia
      • Increase the crit chance to 30%
      • Convert 60% of the damage into a 4 meter AoE with no falloff
      • Make it have near perfect accuracy unlike the horrendous spread it has now
      • For every second you don’t kill something with Dex Pixia, you gain a 10% chance to not consume ammo.
    • Diwata - Don’t have it try and compete with Dex Pixia, instead, make it utility. As a boss-killer frame, I’d want something like a 20% permanent armor strip (additive and scales with strength).

Minor gripe: She doesn’t use her sprinting animation when you’re on you Orbiter, in a relay, etc… and it annoys my OCD to no end.

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26 minutes ago, Graavarg said:

Titania is the weakest warframe in the game?

She's not weak, but she doesn't have much past the novelty of archwing in normal missions. If you look at her as an archwing and not a frame, she's basically a really subpar Amesha wielding Dual Decurions, the worst archguns in the game last I used them.

And it's a rework not a rebalance. Did you want me to nerf some part of a frame I already personally feel isn't even in the best of spot? I'd get it if this was like a MOBA, but this is PvE, and for mobbing this wouldn't even make her top tier IMO.

Not being sarcastic, just curious why you listed that all my changes were buffs?


And more like: minor buff + QoL + n/a + should have been a thing on release + buff + buff + idk if you've used 'em, but the spread is baaad + buff + buff.

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11 hours ago, KitMeHarder said:

2) Tribute - Completely remove the need to target an enemy

The idea of Trbiute is too.. well, tribute an enemy for your own personal buff... So why remove the tribute part of tribute XD. A tribute has a direct corrolation to someone else, not yourself.


Definition of Tribute:

an act, statement, or gift that is intended to show gratitude, respect, or admiration.

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1 hour ago, -LOF-.XinesMC said:

So why remove the tribute part of tribute

I could say a lot of things, but I think the Tribute part is that she shares it with the squad then. It's just a QoL change, because there's no need for this ability to have the tedium of targeting 4 different enemies to get the buffs.

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21 minutes ago, KitMeHarder said:

I could say a lot of things, but I think the Tribute part is that she shares it with the squad then. It's just a QoL change, because there's no need for this ability to have the tedium of targeting 4 different enemies to get the buffs.

So i'm guessing you haven't seen the Titania rework where you can chose a Tribute. XD. Should probably use Titania then post back

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On 2020-10-31 at 12:36 AM, KitMeHarder said:

wielding Dual Decurions, the worst archguns in the game last I used them.

Very interesting interpretation, as there's no way the Dex Pixia is as weak as the Dual Decurion. Sounds like the case of not modding either Titania herself or the Dex Pixia properly.

Lantern is rather underrated by the community, as it draws aggro away from you and your team while grouping the enemies up. You can also "steal" enemy auras due to how it converts enemies into allies (Ancient Healers, Toxic Ancients comes to mind). I would rather make the enemies run towards the Lantern instead of slowly walking.

On 2020-10-30 at 11:31 PM, KitMeHarder said:

but her innate vacuum needs to be removed

Instant no to that, which is the reason why this mod exists as a choice.

Why isn't there a mention of Titania's ironically slow casting animations? It's contradicting her nimble nature as a fairy.

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5 hours ago, Duality52 said:

Very interesting interpretation, as there's no way the Dex Pixia is as weak as the Dual Decurion.

The comparison is the similarity in magazine looping, projectile type, horrendous accuracy (at least pre-Railjack), etc... I understand Dex Pixia can do damage and can brute force some bosses despite the lacking supplemental stats. But in terms of mobbing the Dual Decurion, and thus by extension the Dex Pixia, pale in comparison to the clear speed of the space version of weapons like the Kuva Ayanga, Larkspur, Velocitus, etc... 

And if she's just to be a boss-killer, then she at least needs better crit stats. She can kill the Eidolons, Hemocyte, etc..., but you're not using her because she's good, you're using her because you're bored.

5 hours ago, Duality52 said:

Instant no to that

I said that because it shouldn't have needed to be a thing in the first place. With your companions active during Razorwing, both Vacuum and Fetch are better than her innate. And you can not use those mods for the crazy people that want no vacuum, removing the need for that mod too.

5 hours ago, Duality52 said:

Why isn't there a mention of Titania's ironically slow casting animations?

I personally don't have any qualms with them, but I did make it so you don't have to cast Spellbind as often. I have 177% duration, and I personally think a lot of her CC is unneeded. I'm plenty tanky, I just need to not only kill one enemy at a time (even with punch through it's too slow).

  1. I increased her 1's duration by a fair amount
  2. Her 2 last for a 120 seconds regardless of build
  3. I infused away her 3
  4. Her 4 casting animation is greatly reduced in the air.
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10 hours ago, KitMeHarder said:

space version of weapons like the Kuva Ayanga, Larkspur, Velocitus, etc... 

Archgun stats in space are universal for both Atmospheric and Archwing, with the exception of the larger hitbox projectile on the Velocitus and majority of the Archguns now using projectiles.

The Dex Pixia uses secondary mods, which are more powerful than Archgun mods. Coupled with additional power strength from Titania herself, most Archguns cannot shred groups of enemies as quickly as the Dex Pixia.

10 hours ago, KitMeHarder said:

And if she's just to be a boss-killer, then she at least needs better crit stats. She can kill the Eidolons, Hemocyte, etc

She's more than capable of dealing with both crowds of enemies and bosses; she's not exclusively a "boss killer".

10 hours ago, KitMeHarder said:

I personally don't have any qualms with them, but I did make it so you don't have to cast Spellbind as often.

While you're fine with it, people like me were asking for speeding up her animations for years. Increasing her casting animation speed is still a net positive for everyone regardless of opinion

The point of recasting Spellbind is to refresh one of Titania's healing passive, Upsurge. The increase in duration should only apply to the status immunity, not the enemies.

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1 hour ago, Duality52 said:

Archgun stats in space are universal for both Atmospheric and Archwing

The attributes and stats are not the same on plenty of them.

1 hour ago, Duality52 said:

The Dex Pixia uses secondary mods, which are more powerful than Archgun mods.

You're missing the point. It's the fact akimbo pistols are never going to kill groups of enemies faster than an automatic grenade launcher. 

If she was an Archwing with an exalted weapon instead of a frame, she'd be worthless.

1 hour ago, Duality52 said:

She's more than capable of dealing with both crowds of enemies

There's a difference with being able to deal with, and actually being good and competitive. 

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On 2020-10-31 at 6:56 PM, KitMeHarder said:

I have, and I know. You still have to hit 4 enemies to get all the buffs active.

Well, if it helps at all you can tribute an enemy, cycle to the next buff, and tribute the same enemy as they're floating away (You can quickly get all 4 that way; Though it took me some time to realize you needed to physically collect the tribute from where the enemy was).


I've done that to Kela De Thaym when I grinded for Saryn parts for the Helminth.



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As a Titania lover myself , I would say the changes you suggest are nice , but at this point , just some simple buffs won't put her in a better place , because she is just too mediocre.

IMO , what she need is some big changes , close to reconstruction level of changes.


I post my suggestion few days ago , here's a quick summary.

making razorwing her 1 with lower or non energy drain .

Merge all tributes to a single cast , buffing the effect , and allow stacking to increase duration.

Merge spellbind and lantern into one ability , with lantern when hang enemies nearby , and grant status immune to allies.

And a new 4 that is flavorful and effective.


Those are some drastic change , but I think is necessary for Titania to be good.


I really want to bring Titania to some higher level content , but she is just not effective , which make me sad...

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8 hours ago, Bakahung said:

I post my suggestion few days ago , here's a quick summary.

Works for me, though I don't think they'd reduce the drain of her 4.

And I said what I wanted, but I feel just giving her a suped-up dual exalted Acceltra is just what she needs, as my main qualm with her is her clear speed.

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3 hours ago, _Tormex_ said:

Titania can easily be used on high level content. What build are you using?

A 200% strength Umbra build with good duration and normal range + some survival tool.

Calling her uneffective may be too harsh , that's my bad.

She is capable of doing some harder stuff , but just "working" clearly is not a place good enough for her.


And she fall of really hard at Steel Path , too.

P.s I just woke up , so my wording may be weird , sorry 

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Just to correct you, what your suggesting for her to get is not a rework it`s a revisit. That being said I agree that she needs another lookover her 2nd is still useless imo the percentage of the buffs are bad. If I were to improve her abilities here`s what I would do;



·       Increase cast time of all abilities.


1st ability:

·       Increase ability radius from 5m to 10m.

·       Instead of them rag dolling, make them just hover in the air.

·       Enemies affected are vulnerable to damage.

·       Shooting enemies will have a 50% chance to drop health orbs. When picked up, it will send out a 15m wave of health regeneration giving her and allies 10 health a second for 5 seconds.


Synergy: if you use the 2nd ability on an enemy affected by the 1st ability, they have a 75% chance to drop energy orbs. It can also move the hovering enemy.


2nd ability:

·       All buffs effectiveness will be increased to 75%.

·       The range of enemies affected should be in a 50m radius.

·       Thorns – the damage reflection should be 1000+ to make it useful. This can be increased by strength mods

·       Full Moon – it should also increase companion’s and butterfly’s movement speed.

·       Buffs should be absorbed into her no matter the distance.

·       Enemies that survive the hit their damage output is reduced by 50%.

Synergy: dust & thorns applies to 4th ability butterflies.


3rd ability:

·       Each enemy affected will increase the range by 2m to a cap of 10m.

·       You can shoot at affected enemy loading elemental damage into it depending on what mods you have on your weapons. The butterflies and the explosion will release the elemental damage. Visually loading fire damage will show the butterflies and enemies on fire and will show fire explosion upon deactivation.


4th ability:

·       While active, make the other ability cost half the energy.

·       While having the diwata (exalted sword) equipped, you can close the gap on enemies within 35m. This makes it to where you can reach the enemies quicker.

·       She is able to interact with the environmental objects while in this form. (hacking, opening doors)

·       (Synergy) If you cast the 1st ability on enemies, it will give the diwata 30% more damage when used on them.

Tell me what you think.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)Vexx757 said:

Increase ability radius from 5m to 10m.

This is good for people that use the augment, but this ability isn't good because of the CC, it's good because of the status immunity. So these changes are fine, but don't affect how I play.

5 hours ago, (PS4)Vexx757 said:

All buffs effectiveness will be increased to 75%.

The range of enemies affected should be in a 50m radius.

IMO that's a bit too much for one ability that is so cheap and last so long. Nova levels of slow, Trinity levels of damage reduction, 75% evasion, etc... for only cost 25 energy a pop and last 120s. This is just over engineered at this point, and turns her into a support mishmash instead of focusing on what makes her unique.

5 hours ago, (PS4)Vexx757 said:

The butterflies and the explosion will release the elemental damage.

This would make the ability really good, but usually the devs put limiters on abilities like this to prevent them from being truly good nuke abilities. And it ends up more as just a nice thing when it happens. E.G. Anti Matter Drop, Magnetize, Temporal Anchor, etc...

5 hours ago, (PS4)Vexx757 said:

She is able to interact with the environmental objects while in this form. (hacking, opening doors)

Personally I don't really care if they focus their efforts here, because we can use the operator now.

But I feel your suggestions really ignores the whole reason someone would want to play Titania, her 4. And if the buffs to Diwata were that, then I don't think you should focus there. It's not a bad weapon, but it's not good, and (fun-wise) Archmelee sucks anywhere but in open space.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I’ll never understand why people say Dex Pixia are weak. I literally haven’t found a single enemy in the game that can survive their barrage of viral/slash procs, even in steel path they melt the beefiest enemies in moments...

personally I just wish they’d swap Tribute for something more interesting, none of its buffs are particularly useful other than maybe Dust. Oh and diwata should have like 50 base crit imho, though even that probably wouldn’t be enough to make it good >.>

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2 hours ago, (PSN)DidelphisV said:

I’ll never understand why people say Dex Pixia are weak. I literally haven’t found a single enemy in the game that can survive their barrage of viral/slash procs, even in steel path they melt the beefiest enemies in moments...

personally I just wish they’d swap Tribute for something more interesting, none of its buffs are particularly useful other than maybe Dust. Oh and diwata should have like 50 base crit imho, though even that probably wouldn’t be enough to make it good >.>

It's not weak as a weapon. 

But at the end of day , it's just a pair of pistol that offer nothing special , which is not okay as an exalted weapon.

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On 2020-11-02 at 11:33 AM, KitMeHarder said:

The attributes and stats are not the same on plenty of them.

All space stats were changed to match the ground stats months ago, with the exception of fall off on some of them, and of course recharge vs reload.

On 2020-10-31 at 6:56 PM, KitMeHarder said:

I have, and I know. You still have to hit 4 enemies to get all the buffs active.

You've been able to collect every buff from a single enemy since they added the wheel. Not that there's any point, because the only tribute worth anything is Thorns, and only if you spend a lot of time outside of razorwing. 


On 2020-11-03 at 3:21 PM, Bakahung said:

A 200% strength Umbra build with good duration and normal range + some survival tool.

Calling her uneffective may be too harsh , that's my bad.

She is capable of doing some harder stuff , but just "working" clearly is not a place good enough for her.


And she fall of really hard at Steel Path , too.

P.s I just woke up , so my wording may be weird , sorry 

This very much sounds like build issues. Try this:  UxVtO4H.png

Along with building Dex Pixia like this -

Corrosive for Deimos and Railjack: yvo3wwR.png

Viral for Grineer:XUx0ABe.png

Radiation for the Plains: se3ckfM.png

The attack speed with Velocity and max Blitz is tuned to the duration of Energized munitions, which has replaced tribute for ease of maintaining blitz, and to allow for sustained fire in situations where Pistoleer isn't reliable due to enemy durability, or lack of adds on bosses. Dex Pixia will go from empty to full during the cast of Energized Munitions.

Tenno shield DR sums with damage resistance from mods, which means Aerodynamic and Aviator alone net 89% damage reduction to shields, giving an effective shield value of 2727 with no other investment. Lantern is an effective CC even with only 79% range, provided you tend to stay further from the enemy than the lantern, and you don't put it in a corner with poor line of sight to incoming enemies. Spellbind is used to rapidly stack blitz, and for status immunity preventing "crash fairy" syndrome.

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