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PSA: Clients Not Receiving Void Flood Rewards - Support [RESOLVED]


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9 hours ago, Krankbert said:

I had said what the type of issue was that I was referring to. I feel your ignoring that is counterargument enough.

Honestly, reading through this exchange was kinda perplexing? 

You literally said 'This game has had a consistent issue with really obvious bugs on clients for all the years I've been playing it, probably since the beginning.'

They explained to you, in detail, why even completely different causes might lead to a similar outcome, so even if the original issues *were* found and fixed, you might have a similar bug pop up in the future, for completely different, unrelated reasons. 
Furthermore they elaborated why QA at times legit might not be able to spot such issues with the tools they have available. 

And you are not even talking about reward specific bugs, but client sided bugs in general, a very broad area. 
So obviously what they talked about will apply even more there? 

They absolutely addressed your point. 

I'm not happy with stuff getting released as broken as it does quite frequently either
It's just that the issue at hand might be a lot more complex than you seem to be willing to consider.

The one person set on ignoring the point here seems to be you, quite frankly.  :thinking:


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3 hours ago, RoadCrewWorker said:

I just ran into this as the host of a bounty. Aeolok Stock BP vanished from the rewards during the extract loading elevator. It's not in my inventory afterwards either.


Not sure if running solo is safe. Probably best to just chill for a few days until this is confirmed fixed.

e: or better, wait until it is "confirmed" fixed twice. You know how warframe struggles with basic math sometimes.

Yeah, I had this happen as well except it was the receiver. Saw the reward notification pop up, checked results in-mission and the Aeolak Receiver BP was there; extracted and it was gone from the results and not in my inventory. I opened a ticket for this one as well.

The automated response I got for the ticket (and another ticket I opened where I lost the reward as a client) seemed to indicate that without some very specific information it wasn't going to be addressed; I'm assuming some liberties are going to be taken with this policy since it's a widespread and acknowledged situation on their end.

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On 2022-04-29 at 2:26 PM, [DE]Megan said:

but didn’t want to leave this issue known without offering some kind of recompense.  

What about the ability to see mission progress such as the excavation progress UI being completely absent for clients? Does that warrant no response whereas this does? 

Is this issue ever going to be put on the known issue with a known fix in the works? Since that is the intended purpose of putting up a known bugs list which has been done a couple times now?

It is really disheartening when I am trying to enjoy content that has some bugs that I can encounter and go through the proper procedure for reporting them only to leave them untouched with me constantly encountering it numerous times afterwards even through major updates.

Meanwhile the team is here clamoring about all the bugs with new content and planned fixes in the works without providing any sort of communication with bugs that existed before the major update such as the akarius explosion fx as clients or the two excavation bugs to give a couple of examples. These bugs are all ones that impact numerous players meaning that they have the capacity to get fixed.


Please, fix these bugs that I have reported that are not part of a major update as well since they are considered bugs and deserve some attention and a works towards a known fix since they have been in the game longer than newer content. I have attempted to report them in many different capacities, including bringing attention to them on official update threads. With no resolution yet. 

On 2022-04-29 at 2:26 PM, [DE]Megan said:

P.S: Bug Reports can go here to get on our radar: https://forums.warframe.co m/forum/1787-spoilers-angels-of-the-zariman-bugs/ 

I have done this already for all the bugs I have reported and talked about. I will be respectful and not post my bugs in that forum but specifically highlighting that sub forum is for putting bugs onto their radar really doesn't give me hope. You should have highlighted the traditional bug report forums for getting bugs onto the radar as well since that is where y'know you are supposed to normally report bugs? But seeing how the bugs posted to those threads aren't on the radar for a fix, like the ones I mentioned earlier, I agree that they are being ignored. 

It would be awesome if something more was done to help convey which bugs are currently known and which priority they have such as providing a more comprehensive known bugs list and better communication, such as posting on various bug reporting threads that have gained traction or popping up numerous times instead of creating another sub forum for dedicated bugs just for bugs encountered during the update and then proceeding to not use a known bugs list afterwards for longstanding bugs.

But knowing the track record and seeing how it has panned out numerous times for major updates makes me think this is never going to happen.

Edited by XHADgaming
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The main problem is not the presence of this bug (bug, flaw, whatever you want to call it), but the lack of notification of it in the game. 

It's Monday morning by my watch. This means that people have been farming for two (and by the time the problem is solved, more) days. How many rewards are missing during this period? I'm afraid to imagine.

Pardon my English.

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5 hours ago, Keavy said:


The main problem is not the presence of this bug (bug, flaw, whatever you want to call it), but the lack of notification of it in the game. 

It's Monday morning by my watch. This means that people have been farming for two (and by the time the problem is solved, more) days. How many rewards are missing during this period? I'm afraid to imagine.

Pardon my English.

They released the update and a bunch of hotfixes and stuff and I imagine they might have crunched quite a lot for that, so I understand people bloody need their weekend. 
I also am glad they did address this at all. 

But at the same time I feel you raise a valid concern there. Many people will  not even hear about this. 

Now, to be honest. not getting some resources or endo or the like - I wouldn't even care. 
But not receiving specifically rare frame or weapon bp's or the like would bite.
I just really hope not too many people put in a strong grind into this specific bounty to then not actually receive the drop they had been grinding for. Especially without being aware what even was going on. 


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18 hours ago, Dyonivan said:

Yeah, I had this happen as well except it was the receiver. Saw the reward notification pop up, checked results in-mission and the Aeolak Receiver BP was there; extracted and it was gone from the results and not in my inventory. I opened a ticket for this one as well.

The automated response I got for the ticket (and another ticket I opened where I lost the reward as a client) seemed to indicate that without some very specific information it wasn't going to be addressed; I'm assuming some liberties are going to be taken with this policy since it's a widespread and acknowledged situation on their end.

Yeah to be fair I'm at LR2 and a point where a lost reward isn't going to bother me that much, i probably wont even open a ticket because they're flooded (pun intended) enough as is. Just wanted to report that the issue extends beyond client-side hiccups.

Still, one would hope DE remembers why the introduced the test cluster after the (apparently traumatizing) scale-backend issues with Scarlet Spear in the first place, to catch this kind of bug that can't be easily replicated by a localized smaller group.

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another problem with eximus is that past i think level 50 eximus units there is a huge difficulty gap, they go directly from being manageable to forcing you to spend most of your time focusing on them which is a huge problem for survival missions as now you are killing less enemies which in turn means you are getting less passively gained time all because a majority of your time will now be focused on trying to get rid of eximus units that refuse to die

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I summitted a support ticket BUT they are asking for a lot of information that I don't have:


In order for us to be able to investigate your account, please provide the following information:

  • What are the Names of the other Players that received the item?
  • What One Item do you want restored?
  • When (date & time + your time zone) did you finish the mission?
  • Where (Node / Derelict / alert) did you play the mission / which Void Relic did you use?

With this information we hope to create a reference, so please be as specific but brief as possible.

Please reply with the required information within the next FIVE days. After that, we will be unable to assist.


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just a key note for DE artificial difficulty is not what we want, artificially forcing us to use operators is not what we want, to make the game more difficult all you would have to do is fix level scaling, all you would have to do to encourage players to use operators is make them not die easy and allow them to use weapons other than amps and yes abilities but more than 2

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On 2022-04-30 at 1:44 AM, Riger82 said:

Lol. I filled in a report and all  was told when they responded was that they can't do anything about the lost items.

I see that Support has replied to your ticket requesting some information so they can help you further. 

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On 2022-04-29 at 4:26 PM, [DE]Megan said:

Hello Tenno!

As the Friday work evening comes to an end for the DE crew we wanted to be transparent that we’re not going to deploy another Hotfix before the weekend.

However, we wanted to draw attention to a known issue we’re actively fixing:

I wanted to say I support you guys having a weekend off.  I've been very unhappy with all the stories I've heard about crunch and quality-of-life in game development.  I'm glad you didn't work through the weekend.

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14 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

I see that Support has replied to your ticket requesting some information so they can help you further. 

God I love when people gets exposed with their lies.

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1 hour ago, Krankle said:

I summitted a support ticket BUT they are asking for a lot of information that I don't have:


Names of other players you have played with can be found in your on the right side of you FRIENDS list.

Please be aware that being as specific as possible helps. You do not need to give an exact time frame, just a time frame that is helpful. Make it as easy as possible for them.

In the spoiler, Read from bottom to top (This is my message history. I blocked the names just in case if I need to)





Edited by Aadi880
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On 2022-04-29 at 4:26 PM, [DE]Megan said:

Since we are not Hotfixing again before the weekend, our Support team is here to provide missing rewards for said Void Flood Clients. We ask that you make a Support ticket with the title “MISSING VOID FLOOD REWARD AS CLIENT” so our team can work towards rectifying the accounts.

Don't do this. Support has no idea what rewards you lost, it's just a wild goose chase. Just stop playing the new content until they fix it.

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2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

I see that Support has replied to your ticket requesting some information so they can help you further. 

The thing about them asking us for information is they are asking what item we are missing/want restored. How can we give them this info if the rotation rewards are not dropping and we have no idea what we are missing because we got nothing to begin with. Support is also giving me the same response which is the following:


Thank you for contacting us!

Unfortunately it is difficult to reconstruct what happened without some specific information.

In order for us to be able to investigate your account in relation to the specific issue with Void Flood missions, please provide the following information:

  • What are the Names of the other Players that received the item?
  • What specific Item do you want restored?
  • When (date & time + your time zone) did you finish the mission?
  • Where (Node / Derelict / alert) did you play the mission / which Void Relic did you use?

With this information we hope to create a reference, so please be as specific but brief as possible.

Please reply with the required information within the next FIVE days. After that, we will be unable to assist.

Thank you.



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38 minutes ago, (PSN)chabala said:

Don't do this. Support has no idea what rewards you lost, it's just a wild goose chase. Just stop playing the new content until they fix it.

Pretty much this, I'm afraid, unless you have your teammates' names.

They have no idea what rewards I didn't get.
Having not gotten them, I have no idea what rewards I didn't get.
Didn't even realize there was a point in reporting until I saw this PSA, so have no idea who my teammates were.

And, according to the boilerplate, it's all irrelevant anyway:

Please note that we can only process requests under the following circumstances:

  • A completed multi player mission/event that required a key or consumable resource to enter.
  • A Void Relic was consumed on a successful multiplayer mission without reward.
  • A completed multiplayer Alert/Event that is no longer available.
  • A successful multiplayer Teralyst victory on the Plains of Eidolon
  • You provide All of the required information below.
  • You provide the required information in TEXT FORM (for expediency screenshots and videos cannot be accepted).

In order for us to be able to investigate your account, please provide the following information:

  • What are the Names of the other Players that received the item?
  • What One Item do you want restored?
  • When (date & time + your time zone) did you finish the mission?
  • Where (Node / Derelict / alert) did you play the mission / which Void Relic did you use?

Void Flood doesn't fall under the criteria, and I've got none of the info required.

Which, I mean, fair, but :/

Edited by Chroia
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1 minute ago, Aadi880 said:

No. This is straight up wrong headed. Support absolutely can help.


Ok nice so they can help some people but not all. I left the names of the players I was with and the time of date along with the mission node, but I was in a random squad and never saw any rotation rewards in the mission progress or on the bottom left notification drops. So because I didn't see the rewards(I couldn't because of the bug) means I just don't get them, that is lovely for a 24 rupture void flood. Just great.

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15 minutes ago, Gangster said:

but I was in a random squad and never saw any rotation rewards in the mission progress or on the bottom left notification drops.

It was the same exact case for me too. No UI, no appearance in the end of mission reward screen.

I had no idea what I lost either and was in a random squad. I just vaguely remembered the word "blueprint" appearing somewhere.

So I asked Cyanide and Argonauts what they got immediately after the mission. They clarified to me it was Aeolak and Hespar parts on Squad Chat. ( I knew that one of them was the host, so at least someone got the reward )

You can contact randoms from your friends list. They appear on a list on the right hand side. 

Since 2 people backed me up, I was more confident and sure what to cross reference with Support. And it worked out.


In cases where the rewards itself is unknown, I find it better to ask your teammates for help ASAP, as they might not be online later.

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10 minutes ago, Aadi880 said:

It was the same exact case for me too. No UI, no appearance in the end of mission reward screen.

I had no idea what I lost either and was in a random squad. I just vaguely remembered the word "blueprint" appearing somewhere.

So I asked Cyanide and Argonauts what they got immediately after the mission. They clarified to me it was Aeolak and Hespar parts on Squad Chat. ( I knew that one of them was the host, so at least someone got the reward )

You can contact randoms from your friends list. They appear on a list on the right hand side. 

Since 2 people backed me up, I was more confident and sure what to cross reference with Support. And it worked out.


In cases where the rewards itself is unknown, I find it better to ask your teammates for help ASAP, as they might not be online later.

They weren't online after the mission, I could not message them. I took an in game screenshot of the mission end screen along with all the information but the rewards I should've gotten. I only did that mission because it was the final tier bounty and I wanted to try and get the bounty reward. However it was a voidflood with a requirement of 20 of the big globs you must collect(Took longer than normal because people left the objective to plume hunt) After that I noticed I got nothing from rotation C which I should've gotten multiple times.(24 ruptures done) and when I tried messaging people just "Message could not be sent." So I sent the message to support and just stopped playing warframe since, on my account that flood mission is still the last mission I did and that was on the 30th, I haven't done anything in-game since.Screenshot_2022-05-02_111055.png

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24 minutes ago, Aadi880 said:

In cases where the rewards itself is unknown, I find it better to ask your teammates for help ASAP, as they might not be online later.

I think you missed the point, @[DE]Megan 's post makes it seem like you can open a ticket with support and all will be resolved, but that's not the case at all, it's just the standard 'missing item' claim, where if you can collect enough evidence of what was lost, they'll stick what you ask for in your mailbox. You get to do all the legwork of messaging randoms to try and figure out what rewards you lost. That's not a solution, it's not even a stopgap, it's a fool's errand. It'd be a different story if they could just run a script to find all the missed rewards and return them, but that's not what's happening.

You're not going to keep playing missions so you can take screenshots and message people to find out what rewards you lost that time around. Just stop playing until they fix it.

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21 minutes ago, (PSN)chabala said:

I think you missed the point, @[DE]Megan 's post makes it seem like you can open a ticket with support and all will be resolved, but that's not the case at all, it's just the standard 'missing item' claim, where if you can collect enough evidence of what was lost, they'll stick what you ask for in your mailbox. You get to do all the legwork of messaging randoms to try and figure out what rewards you lost. That's not a solution, it's not even a stopgap, it's a fool's errand. It'd be a different story if they could just run a script to find all the missed rewards and return them, but that's not what's happening.

You're not going to keep playing missions so you can take screenshots and message people to find out what rewards you lost that time around. Just stop playing until they fix it.

This honestly, the mental gymnastics I had to do to tell myself "Did I fill everything out correctly?" Why am I working extra to just get the items I thought I was going to get by playing the game. Instead I just stopped playing after that mission because yeah it feels pretty darn bad to be in a mission for that long and then be disappointed because you got none of the rotation rewards(24 ruptures in a void flood). I got my hopes up by messaging support after they made the PSA but once I got slapped with that reply asking to name off what items I did not get, well how am I supposed to know if they never showed up in notifications or my mission progress? This update I enjoy a lot except one operator change and then the bug of missing rewards just kills it because I feel like I'm playing with a chance to receive nothing in regards to new resources/items/weapons. So I can't even try to get the new weapons unless I spend platinum.

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