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Platinum with Prime Resurgence



Hey, so I’m kinda new. I missed last Prime Resurgence so this is all new to me.

I was planning on buying the £39.99 prime vault when I get paid on Friday. I know that’s not gonna happen now but the main reason I was gonna buy that was the 1200 platinum.

I’ve looked on the wiki and it says that for £33.49 I get 7 Regal Aya which is the equivalent of a single prime bundle and only 400 plat!

That seems like a massive drop in value. I realise it’s cheaper but I only get one prime and 800 less platinum. Kinda not worth it at all for me now.

Is that right? Because if so this sucks.


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16 answers to this question

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1 hour ago, AlexanderrtheAwesome said:

Yea I know that, my point is that the Prime Vault was waaaaay better value for money.

That depends on what you are buying.  I find Resurgence provides better value for money...so long as you're buying cosmetics (since all the other items can be farmed or bought with Platinum).

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7 minutes ago, AlexanderrtheAwesome said:

Thanks for your explanation.

I get that it’s easier to shop for what you actually want now but my main problem is the small amount of platinum  for around the same amount of money. What made the vault appealing was the amount of platinum you’d get. With 1200 plat I could buy 10 prime sets on Warframe market plus get everything in the Vault. Or I could get 5 primes and loads of slots, plus everything in the vault.

It’s not worth the money now to the point where they aren’t gonna get any cash from me at all. 

If I’m paying £35 I expect the same amount of platinum I would’ve gotten in the vault for £35. Add to that that there is one less prime Warframe and it’s no where near the same value.


All good. It could be a currency thing and potentially a platform discrepancy. PC prices tend to be cheaper than console prices. 

Like if you are planning on using Platinum to buy things on the Market and you don't care about Accessories/Extras, etc you could just be better off waiting for a Platinum sale/Discount Voucher and getting a large amount of Plat at a heavy discount. 

In my country, the highest Regal Aya pack isn't too much more expensive than the Prime Unvault Dual Pack (which is around $90), with both coming with 1200 Platinum, and so for me, looking at other countries currencies and pricing was starting to get confusing. (Also, hard to find out exactly how much Regal Aya was in my country, so my quick Google searching might be off, it might have been more expensive). That also being said, it could be that in my country, Prime Unvault Dual Packs are marked up higher relatively, so less about Regal Aya being a "rip off", and potentially both being "rip offs", if that makes sense? 

Yeah definitely don't spend money if you don't think its worth it. Looking at other countries prices, relative prices, is weird... like US prices, sort of makes sense... if you get the highest Regal Aya bundle and what it can get you in the equivalent of a Dual Unvault and single Unvault, roughly. With the same amount of Plat, and then, if you so chose, you do lose some value as far as choosing not to spend Regal Aya on Bundles... since getting two Prime Warframes and two Prime weapons separately equals 10 Regal Aya... same as a Dual Prime bundle (the Regal Aya version), but as oft mentioned, that choice plus the convenience of not having to wait, potentially years for the Unvault rotation. 

Ideally... the Plat scaled better, because as far as the mid range options, yeah, 1200 Plat with the Prime Vault you specified, is pretty good, and the "middle" Regal Aya pack being just 400 is well... I'm glad I don't have to be the one to figure out the prices and don't blame you for not wanting to spend money/being frustrated. 

If you are willing to use Trade Market though and are on PC, again, might just be better off waiting for a Discount (may depend on how often you log on though and RNG)

Good luck, take care! 

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45 minutes ago, AlexanderrtheAwesome said:

They just lost £40 because of that. Why not make a dual pack with 1200 plat the same price as the vault was?

Because of the old shifting prices between packs and the new system where you can pick the items you want overall. They had to shift the big pack to something fitting to the new unvault system, so instead of saving cash on dual packs you now instead save cash per regal aya obtained. Which caters to the older higher priced packs aswell as the new system without having to go back and adjust prices when an unvault of a higher value is in rotation. All to allow it to be automated.

edit: Though I fully understand your point. And I wont see myself spending on the new system, just as I wouldnt see myself spending on the old.

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2 minutes ago, Stormandreas said:

Don't buy Regal Aya. It's cost is absurdly high for what you get. If you really want to put money into warframe, just buy straight up plat, otherwise don't spend your money and just farm things out. It'll give you things to do at least :P

Yea I agree. If the platinum in the packs isn’t increased it’s not worth it.

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6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Hello and welcome! 

It can be a bit... since the currency's are different (and the one you use is different to mine), and there can be Prime Access, Prime Unvault, and Regal Aya bundles, with the latter being for two currencies, one in which you can exchange directly for Warframes, items, and bundles... it can be a bit tricky, for me to explain the pros/cons. Like in some ways it is a drop in value, but... sort of depends on ones situation. Like, a large positive to Regal Aya, is that you get much more flexibility and choice. If you were to buy Regal Aya... to just use that Regal Aya to by a specific Bundle, ehh... might not be worth it. However, if you pick and choose certain select items instead, then you would be saving a whole lot of money, because usually those items may not have been able to be purchased together via Unvaults. Does that sort of make sense?

Sorry if I sound vague, but at the moment, I can't go check my own prices and evaluate the values.

Another way to think about it, is if you had to write down a list of items you really wanted and were willing to spend real money on, what would they be? If you don't care for some items that usually associated with others (like certain Sugatra, or a weapon that usually comes with a Warframe) you can bypass them, and focus on what you actually want. Plus remember that you can more easily get certain items with normal Aya. So hypothetically, lets say you really like a certain Warframe, but don't care for their sig weapons? You can instead get two Warframes instead of one Warframe and two weapons. Of course, if you use your Regal Aya to buy a Bundle that comes with one Warframe, two weapons, armour set, a Sugatra etc... 

I roughly remember the value of Plat in each being relatively fair, but again, can't check right now, and the prices conversation may be different for you. Also originally Regal Aya wasn't going to come with Plat, and it took a fair bit of peoples feedback, to get DE to add it (to their credit), because, well a lot of different points/discussion. So that could be clouding my memory. 

Nothing wrong with waiting a while too, and not spending money until you feel completely confident and sure you are getting value either. If you are still relatively new, then there is a LOT to collect, so IMO, it might be better to just play the game, get normal Aya, and remember, other players will be using Aya to get Relics as well, which means, when you do Relic Missions, you might get a lot of Prime gear that way. So... hypothetically, you spend a few months, acquiring items, then later on, you could decide to get Regal Aya to get the pieces you couldn't get through regular Aya. 

OR... you could wait and see whats going to be offered, and if there are any items that really stand out, but are spread across different "packs" (and so otherwise cheaper than traditional Unvaultings...) but stuff that you would rather have sooner than later. 

Welcome once again and feel free to ask any questions that you may think helpful. 

Thanks for your explanation.

I get that it’s easier to shop for what you actually want now but my main problem is the small amount of platinum  for around the same amount of money. What made the vault appealing was the amount of platinum you’d get. With 1200 plat I could buy 10 prime sets on Warframe market plus get everything in the Vault. Or I could get 5 primes and loads of slots, plus everything in the vault.

It’s not worth the money now to the point where they aren’t gonna get any cash from me at all. 

If I’m paying £35 I expect the same amount of platinum I would’ve gotten in the vault for £35. Add to that that there is one less prime Warframe and it’s no where near the same value.

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Hello and welcome! 

It can be a bit... since the currency's are different (and the one you use is different to mine), and there can be Prime Access, Prime Unvault, and Regal Aya bundles, with the latter being for two currencies, one in which you can exchange directly for Warframes, items, and bundles... it can be a bit tricky, for me to explain the pros/cons. Like in some ways it is a drop in value, but... sort of depends on ones situation. Like, a large positive to Regal Aya, is that you get much more flexibility and choice. If you were to buy Regal Aya... to just use that Regal Aya to by a specific Bundle, ehh... might not be worth it. However, if you pick and choose certain select items instead, then you would be saving a whole lot of money, because usually those items may not have been able to be purchased together via Unvaults. Does that sort of make sense?

Sorry if I sound vague, but at the moment, I can't go check my own prices and evaluate the values.

Another way to think about it, is if you had to write down a list of items you really wanted and were willing to spend real money on, what would they be? If you don't care for some items that usually associated with others (like certain Sugatra, or a weapon that usually comes with a Warframe) you can bypass them, and focus on what you actually want. Plus remember that you can more easily get certain items with normal Aya. So hypothetically, lets say you really like a certain Warframe, but don't care for their sig weapons? You can instead get two Warframes instead of one Warframe and two weapons. Of course, if you use your Regal Aya to buy a Bundle that comes with one Warframe, two weapons, armour set, a Sugatra etc... 

I roughly remember the value of Plat in each being relatively fair, but again, can't check right now, and the prices conversation may be different for you. Also originally Regal Aya wasn't going to come with Plat, and it took a fair bit of peoples feedback, to get DE to add it (to their credit), because, well a lot of different points/discussion. So that could be clouding my memory. 

Nothing wrong with waiting a while too, and not spending money until you feel completely confident and sure you are getting value either. If you are still relatively new, then there is a LOT to collect, so IMO, it might be better to just play the game, get normal Aya, and remember, other players will be using Aya to get Relics as well, which means, when you do Relic Missions, you might get a lot of Prime gear that way. So... hypothetically, you spend a few months, acquiring items, then later on, you could decide to get Regal Aya to get the pieces you couldn't get through regular Aya. 

OR... you could wait and see whats going to be offered, and if there are any items that really stand out, but are spread across different "packs" (and so otherwise cheaper than traditional Unvaultings...) but stuff that you would rather have sooner than later. 

Welcome once again and feel free to ask any questions that you may think helpful. 

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1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

I think they made the price change choice when they added the freedom to pick what you wanted between packs. But that is also the old resurgence price, no idea what it will look like this time around.

Also to note is that not all prime unvaults are of the same price. Alot has shifter over time. Some of the very first prime unvaults had only single primes and would cost far more than the current dual chroma+zephyr pack. And of the more recent dual unvaults there have been higher prices than the current one aswell based on the items in the pack.

So it seems they shifted to the higher priced big pack, with plenty of spare regal aya after having purches a dual pack.

They just lost £40 because of that. Why not make a dual pack with 1200 plat the same price as the vault was?

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1 hour ago, LeoniePiggy said:

As to OPs question, prime resurgence is for prime items not for platinum. As such regal aya is ment to purchase prime items and the packs you get it in might come with a small plat bonus but that's almost negligible

Yea I know that, my point is that the Prime Vault was waaaaay better value for money. I would get two primes, 4 prime weapons, accessories and 1200 plat for the sameish price as 1 prime, the endo and what ever else you get. But no where near 1200 platinum. 

So basically what I’m saying is, DE you were going to get £39.99 from me on Friday, now you’re getting £0. I’ll farm the primes for free and wait for a discount then buy the primes I need on trade chat in a heavily tanked prime market place that your about to create. 

So my £40 too DE is now probably £10 maybe in the future if I’m still playing in a few weeks. They just lost that cash and I can’t be the only person who thinks this is awful value compared to vault?

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28 minutes ago, AlexanderrtheAwesome said:

Hey, so I’m kinda new. I missed last Prime Resurgence so this is all new to me.

I was planning on buying the £39.99 prime vault when I get paid on Friday. I know that’s not gonna happen now but the main reason I was gonna buy that was the 1200 platinum.

I’ve looked on the wiki and it says that for £33.49 I get 7 Regal Aya which is the equivalent of a single prime bundle and only 400 plat!

That seems like a massive drop in value. I realise it’s cheaper but I only get one prime and 800 less platinum. Kinda not worth it at all for me now.

Is that right? Because if so this sucks.


I think they made the price change choice when they added the freedom to pick what you wanted between packs. But that is also the old resurgence price, no idea what it will look like this time around.

Also to note is that not all prime unvaults are of the same price. Alot has shifter over time. Some of the very first prime unvaults had only single primes and would cost far more than the current dual chroma+zephyr pack. And of the more recent dual unvaults there have been higher prices than the current one aswell based on the items in the pack.

So it seems they shifted to the higher priced big pack, with plenty of spare regal aya after having purches a dual pack.

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35 minutes ago, AlexanderrtheAwesome said:

Hey, so I’m kinda new. I missed last Prime Resurgence so this is all new to me.

I was planning on buying the £39.99 prime vault when I get paid on Friday. I know that’s not gonna happen now but the main reason I was gonna buy that was the 1200 platinum.

I’ve looked on the wiki and it says that for £33.49 I get 7 Regal Aya which is the equivalent of a single prime bundle and only 400 plat!

That seems like a massive drop in value. I realise it’s cheaper but I only get one prime and 800 less platinum. Kinda not worth it at all for me now.

Is that right? Because if so this sucks.

If you are in the UK and paying GBP, then I'm afraid buying Regal Aya in Prime Resurgence will effectively be a price hike to you.  But it's not because they actually increased the price for everyone, but rather because Prime Vaults are especially cheap when bought in GBP (probably due to conversion rates when they first set the price):


Looking at the prices for Regal Aya in USD and Euro, you'll see that you get roughly an equivalent amount for roughly the same price (the bundle denominations are different, so it precludes a 1-to-1 comparison):


If you are pressed for cash, then I would recommend you wait for a daily login discount coupon and buy a plat bundle with that.  Aya can be farmed in-game, so you will not miss a single Prime frame or weapon.  Well, unless you absolutely need the Prime Vault cosmetics.  Those are Regal Aya only, AFAIK.

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I think that this aya system 
allows those who lack warframes to spend real money so far,
 no problem, but I don't agree to farm relics and allow
 everyone to do it immediately especially those who start
 having all the warframes immediately, so you risk killing
 immediately the game, it was better at the beginning
 when one had to play hard to make warframe, now for those
 who start it is too easy, in 1 month those who start are
 almost all unlocked, and there are no more players in the
 games especially on consol, the market it is no
 longer possible to make platinum, because now the
 sets are given away, I repeat the farm of the
 relics kills the game you must not give everything 
immediately otherwise 
the game remains without a player
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