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Warframe speculation: Joe mad's werewolf


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1 hour ago, quxier said:

Yeah, all this animal tamer, metal manipulation, bdsm (whiping, duh) is understandable. However where does that spider theme comes from? Strangledome doesn't seems like something spiders would do.

I mean, it can be seen like a web. Theres some wacky web designs out there. Wish it worked more like a web however and less like a  amusement spinny ride 

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12 hours ago, (PSN)Frost_Nephilim said:

I feel like you might as well say a lion calls on the strength of 10 wolves, having the strength of 10 wolves. 

Still a lion

I think I expressed myself badly. What I want to make clear is that she is not a beast woman in the first place. Just a wolf spirit shaman who uses the spirits to enhance her abilities (similar to how the shaman king anime characters do) allowing her to use her entire kit of kubrow-like abilities. Here an example:

  • First ability:
    The invisibility? Does Huras tell you something?
  • Second ability:
    The jump? Sahasa or Sunikate say you something?
  • Third ability:
    Energy drop and HP? Chesa tells you something?

You have to take into account that this is the Warframe universe and Warframes are created beings, so obviously they will have things that are only seen in the Warframe universe (like a kubrow) so basically Voruna has 4 Kubrow like cephalons which is what gives her the power she has. I can imagine the orokin crystallizing 4 kubrows and then putting their souls inside the body of a warframe.

The thing that you say is a fox woman but, in all the mythology or fantasy where there are fox women, they mostly use magic and mental manipulation (of a sexual type) which does not happen with Voruna.

EDIT: And the ephemera with several tails, I think they represent the spirits of the kubrows that voruna uses.

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26 minutes ago, CosoMalvadoNG said:

I think I expressed myself badly. What I want to make clear is that she is not a beast woman in the first place. Just a wolf spirit shaman who uses the spirits to enhance her abilities (similar to how the shaman king anime characters do) allowing her to use her entire kit of kubrow-like abilities. Here an example:

  • First ability:
    The invisibility? Does Huras tell you something?
  • Second ability:
    The jump? Sahasa or Sunikate say you something?
  • Third ability:
    Energy drop and HP? Chesa tells you something?

You have to take into account that this is the Warframe universe and Warframes are created beings, so obviously they will have things that are only seen in the Warframe universe (like a kubrow) so basically Voruna has 4 Kubrow like cephalons which is what gives her the power she has. I can imagine the orokin crystallizing 4 kubrows and then putting their souls inside the body of a warframe.

The thing that you say is a fox woman but, in all the mythology or fantasy where there are fox women, they mostly use magic and mental manipulation (of a sexual type) which does not happen with Voruna.

EDIT: And the ephemera with several tails, I think they represent the spirits of the kubrows that voruna uses.

Okay. A Kubrow based frame makes ALOT more sense.

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no fur, no hind legs, doesn’t run on all 4s. Yup dragon/demon frame. Gonna throw some demon wing ephemera on her to complete the look. 

Angry Season 7 GIF by Game of Thrones

to fix her theme: 

-she needs some fur somewhere. (Preferably around her chest, and ears) 

-she needs to run or sprint on all 4s. 

-she needs hind legs. 

I realize this is subjective. So for those who think she looks like a werewolf/canine please tell me how and why? 

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Voruna is not released and we already need something better for her abilities. from my point of view, all the work was put into the design of the warframe, which looks awesome but put less work in her abilities kit.  I understand was inspired by wolf  but the abilities are trash except the second one with the status. Like they didn't add something new . The same abilities that exist on others frame but with minors changing  + 2 out of 4 passive that she has are useful that's just my opinon . The final ability I was expected to be amazed by that but in reality was a total disappointment.  why did they say in the stream that voruna would be focus on melee weapon but you give her a sniper and not a close range rifle.  


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10 hours ago, (PSN)Claudija said:

When developing her they had abilities set and a look that were great in DE's mind but we, this Community- got so in a mood about it that they totally rebuilt her from scratch creating the Warframe she is today.

Howd you come up with us changing her? I remember DE making all the decisions, including not making her be able to switch ips stats

10 hours ago, (PSN)Claudija said:

Spider Warframe exists; her name is Khora

Lol like i said, ask for a spider frame...

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2 hours ago, (XBOX)YoungGunn82 said:

realize this is subjective. So for those who think she looks like a werewolf/canine please tell me how and why?

People call khora the spider warframe,

and they think wolves/werewolves like to pounce and take down prey by being stealth, they dont, tigers like to pounce, so do foxes, wolves chase, tackle, flank, etc

Werewolves act like the hulk and dont care about pouncing or being stealth. Theyre just fast and dont need stealth because you arent getting away anyways

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12 hours ago, quxier said:

Khora is spider frame?! You learn new things everyday! Thanks Tenno!

They have rebuilt her? I think  the closest to rebuilt is that they have just scrapped her whip dealing slash/impact/puncture damage. I may be wrong.


Khora's initial design concept was a spider. Pablo and the team put together their concept and their idea... the Community like now, weren't holding back with their hate for her so Pablo and the team took all her abilities away and rebuilt her completely before she launched. The Entangle skill, where you tie up enemies and group them and Strangledome still have a kinda loose callback to her spider origins plus her outfit. The original has a skirt shaped to resemble the abdomen of some usually predatory spiders as her helmet does. Her Prime has her back section another Forum poster spotted; influenced even in part by the black widow spider. Strangledome is kind of similar to some trapdoor spiders or molting as they create a ball of webbing to protect their soft bodies, for the trapdoor it's designed to lure in prey.

Venari and the Whipclaw are, as our fellow Tenno said; a liontamer at a circus essentially which was her released theme :p

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3 hours ago, (PSN)Frost_Nephilim said:

Howd you come up with us changing her? I remember DE making all the decisions, including not making her be able to switch ips stats

Lol like i said, ask for a spider frame...

it was, like this thread; the community telling DE how they hated the whole spider aspect that made DE totally scrap it all and rebuilt Khora from the ground up. Entangle still harkens back to her spider concept as some spider species can use their spinnerets to essentially fire the silk at prey and Strangledome is either a trapdoor spider or when spiders moult; they make a sort of web cave and stay inside until the new skin has fully hardened. Whipclaw and Venari are the new concept of Liontamer though Strangledome can fit either side.

So yes, Khora was ultimately changed because of us; the player community voicing our feelings of the initial spider concept but look at her design- the defaults for normal and Prime. Normal has a skirt reminiscent of most predatory spider abdomens plus her default helm and Prime's helm has the bulbous back section like the black widow, an actual spider.

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3 hours ago, (PSN)Frost_Nephilim said:

People call khora the spider warframe,

and they think wolves/werewolves like to pounce and take down prey by being stealth, they dont, tigers like to pounce, so do foxes, wolves chase, tackle, flank, etc

Werewolves act like the hulk and dont care about pouncing or being stealth. Theyre just fast and dont need stealth because you arent getting away anyways

wolves target the weakest prey, attack its throat or heels so it cannot run away then make their kill. Yet, when was the last time you saw a wolf pack actively make your thoughts here, work? They sneak up on it otherwise prey catching their scent are hardly sticking around. Every predator has their methods as not all have a bear's size and strength as a bear can crush a wolf skull in one hit so you think the wolf's running at that bad boy with no thought of stealth, observation, right time to strike?

Werewolves are mostly still fiction but the key thing you keep missing- a human that turns into a beast at night. Human.. so a werewolf is less likely to use tactics or stealth as we think differently yet Dog Soldiers; seriously you miss sooo much not having seen this one- is a pack of werewolves led by an alpha female. She lures the human prey to her cubs but the humans believe whilst odd, that the woman is no threat as she's just a harmless woman right? Then, well plot would be spoiled but if that movie, a modern take on werewolves; is inspiring DE in some form she still fits their wolf-inspired and by that movie werewolf-inspired viewpoint

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5 hours ago, Ripw0lf said:

Voruna is not released and we already need something better for her abilities. from my point of view, all the work was put into the design of the warframe, which looks awesome but put less work in her abilities kit.  I understand was inspired by wolf  but the abilities are trash except the second one with the status. Like they didn't add something new . The same abilities that exist on others frame but with minors changing  + 2 out of 4 passive that she has are useful that's just my opinon . The final ability I was expected to be amazed by that but in reality was a total disappointment.  why did they say in the stream that voruna would be focus on melee weapon but you give her a sniper and not a close range rifle.  


the parkour one is pretty much no help at all to her as really we use what we have on muscle memory now plus I doubt the mods we have that do things like increase damage whilst wall bouncing are in majority of builds. The energy and health drops are kinda 50/50. I think we have companion mods that do it plus of course Protea but then flip side for new people not yet farmed Protea, the idea that shoot it more energy or punch it more health could be useful. The revive one is basically Venari Aug as she dies in Khora's place getting extended CD which I'm sure could be improved and the Heavy Attack one is for some melee but not everyone uses heavy attack focused melee builds...

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5 hours ago, (PSN)Claudija said:

the parkour one is pretty much no help at all to her as really we use what we have on muscle memory now plus I doubt the mods we have that do things like increase damage whilst wall bouncing are in majority of builds. The energy and health drops are kinda 50/50. I think we have companion mods that do it plus of course Protea but then flip side for new people not yet farmed Protea, the idea that shoot it more energy or punch it more health could be useful. The revive one is basically Venari Aug as she dies in Khora's place getting extended CD which I'm sure could be improved and the Heavy Attack one is for some melee but not everyone uses heavy attack focused melee builds...

yeah, that's what I am saying, like we don't need more support warframe with health drops etc or the invisibility skill. In my opinion except the status ability, nothing new and they need to rework that ultimate, maybe to spawn some wolves or smth.  

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13 hours ago, (PSN)Claudija said:

wolves target the weakest prey, attack its throat or heels so it cannot run away then make their kill. Yet, when was the last time you saw a wolf pack actively make your thoughts here, work?

I didnt say they attack the strongest prey and attack its toes? Why you tryna imply that?

As for how i actually described them getting their kills:

Heres them SITTING OUT IN THE OPEN and the buffalos know the wolves are there, they see the hungry wolves chilling from a "safe" distance. Notice the wolves gathering together to prepare to attack. When they do attack they chase, flank, and try to overcome the weakest buffalo they can. This 1 wolf gets a successful take down by himself, the other gets beat up trying to 1v1 

They dont use stealth often as i said, they have so much endurance and speed that they will almost always get their way Eventually. Someone will get tired, they will find someone will be too young, someone will get out numbered, the variables eventually fall to their favor, and they use their pack to help increase all of these odds

As for why i say theres no pouncing, Heres a vid  with small prey, theyre chasing hares that they could pounce on if they were built for pouncing (which they are not). Look at the distance the hare is to the wolves, its not stealth that helps them get that kill from so far away, its the pack, the speed, and endurance. A Tiger couldnt do this, it uses stealth because they arent using that much energy on prey

13 hours ago, (PSN)Claudija said:

They sneak up on it otherwise prey catching their scent are hardly sticking around.

... what... the prey often smell danger all the time, and knows wolves are after them. Wolves dont care, they have a lot of endurance so they always end up catching up to their prey in the end. The guy talks about their endurance in the buffalo video above. They rarely sneak, you can google "do wolves sneak up on prey?" and most websites will tell you rarely. They just arent sneaky animals. If they catch prey by surprise its often unintentional because there are just lots of trees, hills, and bushes around hid the wolves while they approached in a casual, carefree, non sneaky, gallop. Its not like a tiger who actively crouches and tries to use its enviornment to sneak up to the prey. The wolf just walks up with its pack, and start getting into position. Prey sees it, oh well, chase is on, its what they wanted anyway.

(And i do want to place emphasis when i say its rare that they sneak because it does happen sometimes. Often when they are really unsure about what theyre doing and are scared and curious at the same time, will they try to sneak up on something. Its rare because their smell is so good that they often know what the creature is theyre hunting or approaching. They also often have their pack with them, which ends up giving them this over the top risky sort of bravery. The kind of bravery that makes you think theyre crazy or stupid but theyre not. Excluding the little guy in the video above who forgot he was alone chasing a freaking full grown buffalo. There are exceptions to EVERY kind of behavior in every creature, some are born not as bright as others....)

TIGERS gotta worry about prey catching their scent though. Why? Cause unlike wolves, tigers dont have a lot of endurance and dont hunt in packs. If the prey smells and runs before tiger gets close enough, thats game, no food for tiger. So tiger NEEDS stealth.

Wolves just be like "lol, youre running? thanks for helping us figure out who to chase after, we like chasing anyways AWOO!" cause they wont get tired of chasing it as quickly as a Tiger would. 

13 hours ago, (PSN)Claudija said:

Every predator has their methods as not all have a bear's size and strength as a bear can crush a wolf skull in one hit so you think the wolf's running at that bad boy with no thought of stealth, observation, right time to strike?

Wolf is not using stealth to attack a bear, a bear will kill a wolf in a heart beat, stealth or not. If they have to fight a bear, they do exactly as you said, jump out and face it with no stealth but in a careful and timid way, while they wait until their pack is their pack has arrived and are ready, once their pack is there they all go in, they bite and dodge repeatedly one by one each time one has the oppurtunity, attacking from different angles to exhaust the bear. Eventually the exhaustion will allow them to scare the bear off, rarely does it allow for the kill

here is Just 1 of many examples, No stealth is used whatsoever, they know its a bear. Notice them do exactly as i said. One waits till their pack gets there, gain bravery, and then they attack one by one. Storm obviously the bravest and attacks the most but you can see the others try to too, atleast to help distract it so that Storm can bite it. They then get it to go away.

If you try to find a video evidence of wolves sneaking, you will barely find anything, type tiger sneaking and LOLOLOL its everywhere!!! Theres a HUGE reason for that... its so rare that its hard to catch. Its not all that useful for them and theyre not good at it. Tigers? Its useful as heck and theyre built for it

Like i said i love wolves

13 hours ago, (PSN)Claudija said:

Werewolves are mostly still fiction but the key thing you keep missing- a human that turns into a beast at night. Human.. so a werewolf is less likely to use tactics or stealth as we think differently yet Dog Soldiers; seriously you miss sooo much not having seen this one- is a pack of werewolves led by an alpha female. She lures the human prey to her cubs but the humans believe whilst odd, that the woman is no threat as she's just a harmless woman right? Then, well plot would be spoiled but if that movie, a modern take on werewolves; is inspiring DE in some form she still fits their wolf-inspired and by that movie werewolf-inspired viewpoint

I have no clue where that made any sense. The wolf DE has created doesnt lure anyone to anything through deception of any form, let alone being a human? Voruna doesnt even have a pack cubs to lead them to?

 That made no sense. Theres no connections here... im not missing anything, of course werewolves are fiction but you cant call a person who turns into a dragon a werewolf. Fictional creatures have their definitions generated by the orginal creater of said creature, anything you wish to add to it like a werewolf with scales, wings, and fire breathing is not you creating a werewolf its you being random, youre creating something else.

Tell me your dragon was supposed to be a werewolf, and cant understand how misleading that is, is wild. If theres a movie with a werewolf like that, please say "this movie's version of werewolf is inspired by dragons" or something, and you will do a great job at clearing up everyones confusion when that thing comes out breathing fire. 

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11 hours ago, (PSN)Claudija said:

was, like this thread; the community telling DE how they hated the whole spider aspect

I cant see this. If it is fully like this thread as you are saying, implying that Khora had randomish abilites that didnt resemble spiders that well then i can understand, and AMEN to that, leaves hope for another spider warframe thats actually fitting and to that i say THANK YOU DE for reconsidering. For the actual spider warframe, we will have to dodge some of the webbing abilities that Khora has, yet it could still work. Seen concepts all over the forums that arent like Khora in anyway, and do a great job of bringing the audience the full experience of being a spider warframe.

Otherwise i dont understand. Ive seen a lot of burning desire for a spider warframe, especially after Khora's release. Something else had to have been horribly wrong other than her just being a spider. 

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On 2022-11-30 at 2:15 PM, (PSN)Frost_Nephilim said:

I cant see this. If it is fully like this thread as you are saying, implying that Khora had randomish abilites that didnt resemble spiders that well then i can understand, and AMEN to that, leaves hope for another spider warframe thats actually fitting and to that i say THANK YOU DE for reconsidering. For the actual spider warframe, we will have to dodge some of the webbing abilities that Khora has, yet it could still work. Seen concepts all over the forums that arent like Khora in anyway, and do a great job of bringing the audience the full experience of being a spider warframe.

Otherwise i dont understand. Ive seen a lot of burning desire for a spider warframe, especially after Khora's release. Something else had to have been horribly wrong other than her just being a spider. 

Khora's Wiki should have it in Trivia but I thought it was well-known by now, she was a spider-themed frame on her initial concept reveal but the backlash from the community forced her to be redacted and her entire ability line-up was built back up from scratch to today's version. It's a really old Devstream the Wiki will mention when she was introduced that should have more details on what she was originally to be


On 2022-11-30 at 2:15 PM, (PSN)Frost_Nephilim said:

I cant see this. If it is fully like this thread as you are saying, implying that Khora had randomish abilites that didnt resemble spiders that well then i can understand, and AMEN to that, leaves hope for another spider warframe thats actually fitting and to that i say THANK YOU DE for reconsidering. For the actual spider warframe, we will have to dodge some of the webbing abilities that Khora has, yet it could still work. Seen concepts all over the forums that arent like Khora in anyway, and do a great job of bringing the audience the full experience of being a spider warframe.

Otherwise i dont understand. Ive seen a lot of burning desire for a spider warframe, especially after Khora's release. Something else had to have been horribly wrong other than her just being a spider. 

From the Wiki- Khora's visual design was inspired from an arachnid, hence the abdomen-like skirt, and spiderweb-like design on her chest.

There were discussions about the abilities she had originally, they wanted the damage types on her abilities instead which seem to have become Hystrix too

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So got my hands on Voruna and my first impression of her abilities are mediocre.

Shroud is fine but not sure it should be on the first slot since stealth is kinda OP in warframe especially without enemies that can break it.

Fang seems great for melee builds but I'm not sure about having randomized status effects. Wish I could control which effects I'm putting on enemies.

Lycath is a decent ability. Rewards players based on the way they play with the frame.

Then there is Ulfrun's descent. So I feel like the ultimate is a verison of atla's landslide or Excalibur's slash dash. Not terrible but I dunno...lackluster.

Damage-wise her abilities are fine but visually they seem meh.

Personally I was hoping for one of her abilities to summon an ethereal wolf like in DOOM Eternal's Marauder or provide bonuses to a companion if transformation wasn't going to be a thing.

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Voruna's skills are pretty much a Shaman instead of a theme "WOLF" frame. But hey at least there's some aspect of wolf in it, like her alt helm, her ephemera tails (anyone can equip it), or her 4th ability that is pretty much S#&$ right now, until Pablo comes in and fix her kit around, and maybe, just maybe do something with her 4.

So far I give it at least 2 weeks or a month until most people stop playing her at all because her kit (1, 2, 3, abilities) is pretty much solo missions.

Pretty much mastery level it, and leave her alone until she gets a rework.



Oh look! Someone fixed her breast size, and hip that quick, dam... too bad it's fan made now. Oh, well.

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