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are 4 passwords cumulative? I noticed the genestamps show 4/5 but the passwords dont show my progress...

(XBOX)Tucker D Dawg


23 answers to this question

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3 minutes ago, UmbraAtrox said:

Here it is.

Thanks for showing it to me. I honestly didn't see or notice this.

EDIT: Yeah OK, I'm wrong about what it shows on the top corner too, it does say more. I also screenshotted mine because I thought it was bug when I found all 4.

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1 minute ago, nslay said:

I think you may need the parent because you can't seem to imagine simple scenarios like this.

Ye, sorry i edited that out, because it was harsh and unnecessary, apparently to late. 

3 minutes ago, nslay said:

Lots of searching and no cache... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Here it is.

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9 minutes ago, UmbraAtrox said:

Looking at it once should be enough, if you don't look at it at all then why are you wondering when you don't know what to do. Do you need a parent? 

You know you can just start the mission and if you find any of the bonus objectives it shows progress to the bonus objective at the top corner. So if you found the first password, you'd see 1/4. If you find the 3 other passwords, it shows 4/4. There's no indication you need to do anything else. And indeed, you didn't need to do anything else since once you reached a certain part of the map, bam +15 Stock and the 4/4 vanishes.

I think you may need the parent because you can't seem to imagine simple scenarios like this. Players are not generally scrutinizing mission screens or Tab screens. Duh...

9 minutes ago, UmbraAtrox said:

Wrong, there was a grineer cache next to the pillar in the room where you fought the saturn six wolf. The only difference being last weeks cache could be shot open and this week's cache not. 

Well too bad, you're in wrong my case. I didn't open any cache in last week's mission. I would have remembered since I got every single bonus objective completed in the first run. Lots of searching and no cache... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




It does say "Unlock the cache" in this screen shot with all bonus objectives completed. I didn't actually do that... so maybe DE thought of this possibility.

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9 minutes ago, nslay said:

It's not like people are looking at the Khal mission briefing screen or Tab screen all the time.

Looking at it once should be enough, if you don't look at it at all then why are you wondering when you don't know what to do. 

9 minutes ago, nslay said:

Last week's mission had passwords and no cache to open. You just get credit for 4/4 at a specific checkpoint in the mission (how it should be).

9 minutes ago, nslay said:

last week's password mission did not require opening any cache.

Wrong, there was a grineer cache next to the pillar in the room where you fought the saturn six wolf. The only difference being last weeks cache could be shot open and this week's cache not. 

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9 minutes ago, UmbraAtrox said:

They don't? what does this mean then? aL7eDoo.png

Mine showed 4/4 and nothing else at the top corner of the screen (just like last week). It's not like people are looking at the Khal mission briefing screen or Tab screen all the time.

No waypoint to the cache either. And you didn't have to open a cache in last week's mission that involved 4 passwords. So what gives?

8 minutes ago, UmbraAtrox said:

Probably because you accidently opened it during the bossfight, it was next to the left pillar. 

You didn't read what happened correctly. I'm not even talking about this week's mission! Last week's mission had passwords and no cache to open. You just get credit for 4/4 at a specific checkpoint in the mission (how it should be).

8 minutes ago, UmbraAtrox said:

Yes, if the challenge is to find passwords AND open the cache there is no credit if people only do half the thing. it's not like it's hard to find. The only container on the map. 

The container is not exactly obvious... it sits in the back corner near extraction behind some random stuff. There's no waypoint to the cache and last week's password mission did not require opening any cache.

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38 minutes ago, nslay said:

It's terrible! They don't tell you about that cache.

They don't? what does this mean then? aL7eDoo.png

39 minutes ago, nslay said:

I got credit without needing to open a cache at the end of the mission. It just gave me credit at some check point.

Probably because you accidently opened it during the bossfight, it was next to the left pillar. 

39 minutes ago, nslay said:

I'm sure there are people who won't even notice that cache! What happens to them? No credit for 4/4?

Yes, if the challenge is to find passwords AND open the cache there is no credit if people only do half the thing. it's not like it's hard to find. The only container on the map. 

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On 2022-09-28 at 2:52 PM, HealTheirWounds said:

You need all 4 passcodes or the cache won't open.

Seems the accumulative mechanic DE promised still been placed within the breaker missions.

It's terrible! They don't tell you about that cache. Last week's mission with passwords, I got credit without needing to open a cache at the end of the mission. It just gave me credit at some check point. The first week of Khal's mission (also this week's mission), the cache at the end of the map didn't do anything except respawn you. The only reason I got the passwords is because I curiously opened that cache at the end of the mission to see if it did something different this time. But I'm sure there are people who won't even notice that cache! What happens to them? No credit for 4/4?

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Pablo said during the devstream that it won't be made cummulative, so yeah...

В 28.09.2022 в 22:35, (XBOX)Tucker D Dawg сказал:

might as well $%Y& all and make none of them....


Although it was obvious that we'd run into other problems with those challenges either way:

Chipper's tool box.

Thumper's spare parts.

Kahl's lost floof.

None can be made cummulative, and will always require you to scour the map.

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Nothing is cumulative yet. DE talk but fail to implement, coming up to week 4 now. Same as the no point of return doors on collectables. All talk. It's happened like this on several updates in the past.

But the way the passcodes and cache task is worded and the fact it doesn't increment during the mission, I suspect they're not going to be even after any change.

On top of that, not everything spawns every time: genecodes, veiled friendlies, etc.

Also, body positions are fixed, but only some have genecodes is by design. The bodies are tied to the tiles. Arguably easier and to save time when programming but a poorer experience for the player.

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On 2022-09-29 at 8:33 AM, Xaero said:

yet even after searching every room I could only find 3 veiled soldiers, which is definitely weird.

i too believe here is something going on. First run i had 1 to unveil. 2nd and 3rd run when i was actually taking my time to find the stuff they slowly started spawning one by one a while after the prisoners were free and enemies stopped spawning on that particular prison tile. 


21 hours ago, BR31 said:

I got 6 genestamps in 1 run and 4 in the first one. 

I wonder if that's a bug or DE trying to make finding stuff easier by spawning more than required.

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Some of the subgoals are bugged.
I got 6 genestamps in 1 run and 4 in the first one. 
Some of them were not highlighted near them - i guess that what might break some spawns. 
Same goes for codes and veiled guys.  Murex tileset is just too buggy . 

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3 hours ago, 0bsi said:

I scoured the entire map - twice - during the mission to get everything (making sure I didn't progress to the next section before checking every nook and cranny - even searched for all the secret compartments in case bodies were hiding in there).  Spent an hour on it, and only 4/5 genestamps spawned.  I got everything else in the one run.   I got the one at extraction, because I was being careful to check around the area without getting to close to trigger extraction.

While I've enjoyed the collecting and the optional objectives.... this time I'll be making do with 5/6 objectives complete, because I can't be bothered risking wasting more time running it again on such a big map while the finds aren't cumulative. 

To my surprise, I found 6 genestamps in a single run, yet even after searching every room I could only find 3 veiled soldiers, which is definitely weird.

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I scoured the entire map - twice - during the mission to get everything (making sure I didn't progress to the next section before checking every nook and cranny - even searched for all the secret compartments in case bodies were hiding in there).  Spent an hour on it, and only 4/5 genestamps spawned.  I got everything else in the one run.   I got the one at extraction, because I was being careful to check around the area without getting to close to trigger extraction.

While I've enjoyed the collecting and the optional objectives.... this time I'll be making do with 5/6 objectives complete, because I can't be bothered risking wasting more time running it again on such a big map while the finds aren't cumulative. 

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)Tucker D Dawg said:

Does this mean you hvae to fully scour the map in a single run anyway? because if one thing that requires scouring not cumulative might as well $%Y& all and make none of them....


Nothing is cumulative, and they added a mid mission point of no return. So yes you need to scour the map, i did the mission 3 times, believe it or not. It was the remove veils from enemies challenge that got me, i was able to finish all other objectives on the first run, I cleaned the map on the first 2 runs and never got more than 4 veiled enemies, even found both somachord frags on the first run.

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)Tucker D Dawg said:

Does this mean you hvae to fully scour the map in a single run anyway? because if one thing that requires scouring not cumulative might as well $%Y& all and make none of them....


You need all 4 passcodes or the cache won't open.

Seems the accumulative mechanic DE promised still been placed within the breaker missions.

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