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Mission fail under stats


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OK, as most of you veteran guys are aware, there is an annoying bug in the game where if you kill a specter on any junction, most of the time, it will result in a mission failure notice on the screen. However, you can still progress and get the credits.

The question is, under our stats in the profile section, does this raise the number in the "missions failed" states? Or would there be no change in the number despite getting a mission failed notice after completing the junction?


Anyone noticed any difference in the stats? Thanks.

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17 minutes ago, CosoMalvadoNG said:

Lol do you mind having a high number of failed missions? 


Yes I mind. That is why I am asking. Planning to start afresh with a stellar record. However if this bug contributes to the mission failure stats, I would not start though. That is why I am asking.

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I would just come to terms with ignoring that stat considering how long the game's been around with bugs that lead to failures or the fact you can join into a mission and it fails. Similarly, aborting is often very efficient depending on what you're doing (another "negative" mission stat).

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Stellar record?! This is Warframe, it's not like you're going to have to try and get on an elite team for your ladder grind so you can make it to worlds someday or even have a raid group check out your parses so you can get a spot in the group..

Warframe is literally sort of known as the game where you shoot your feet to win against enemies that have the AI of a potato. I mean, if this is your personal goal for some reason then go for it but this is sort of a casual game, nobody else is going to mind it.

(My mission quit rate is 16% and my stats look like garbage lol)

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4 hours ago, Bluedragon66 said:

Yes I mind. That is why I am asking. Planning to start afresh with a stellar record. However if this bug contributes to the mission failure stats, I would not start though. That is why I am asking.

For the sake of your own mental health, I would genuinely caution you from going down this path.  This is a kind of needless perfectionism that has no potential to lead you towards joy and has large potential to lead you towards frustration.

I guarantee you will be much happier if you find a way to simply accept or ignore the number of failures in the stats menu.

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So, you're not fine with racking up Mission Failed but you're okay with racking up Mission Quit? How is either of the two any real difference? You didn't succeed at the mission. The game actually tracks your Quit percentage compared to your Completed Percentage but not your Lose Percentage as Success or Failure is still the mission completed. 

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Its generally accepted in the Warframe Community, that if you have zero mission failures, you are hacking and cheating and don't wash your hands after using the bathroom. People will think lesser of you and your lack of hygiene. 

Alternatively, having a few mission failures on your profile, will make people nod and understand, as this is Warframe, glitches and bugs happen. Even the best, most prepared, skilled, considerate, and meticulous players will have mission failures. Yes, numbers can be important, and to some of us, its something that can get stuck in our minds, whether we want them to or not, but yeah, like the other replies mention, its... try not to worry about it. Just play the game as best you can, and have fun. Its a meaningless number/statistic. 

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OK thanks for the replies guys. I guess I will be wasting my time by starting all over again. 

However, in my current account, I made a mistake of buying a single smoke colour template and now I can't buy the "What Stalker" bundle. And I only do not have the hate blueprint from Stalker. As I have completed the 2nd dream, to get the blueprint now is going to be very tedious as I can't even use platinum to buy the weapon.

Secondly, in my current account, I failed to scan a kuria in the tutorial mission....way before knowing the existence of them. So that is going to be another painful way of getting the correct rare tileset in Ceres for the kuria to spawn when one is about to extract.

Considering the above 2 sticking points, should I start all over again? As I am aware, DE has no plans at the moment to sell the Stalker weapons individually. Moreover, they made a slight mistake in not offering a bundle purchase when one wants to buy a single smoke colored template. Newbies who are not aware that this template is included in the Stalker bundle would have no idea on how difficult it us to farm hate and despair.

Anyone has any ideas?

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11 minutes ago, (PSN)jaggerwanderer said:

Funny how I get a "Missio Fail" screen every time I complete a mission. Also happens when right after a mission ended I go to Arsenal and get the Mission Fail screen.

Glad see I'm not alone on that one. Fix your broken A$$ shiot DE.

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In regards to your new questions.

Kuria are pretty easy to find, if thats your goal. There are threads with recommendations on missions to get the right tilesets, pictures, Youtube videos, the ability Golden Instinct, and the ship Air Support Orokin Eye. All makes finding them a lot easier. I can't verify or confirm this, but I did hear speculation/rumours that harder missions, and types like Sortie, Incursions, Syndicate missions etc have higher chance of having the "rarer" tiles, and we have more of those now than ever too. 

Basically I wouldn't worry about missing one. 

For the other question though, about bundles and Stalker weapons etc I have no knowledge on that sorry. 

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What's the matter, there are so many reasons in this game to abort mid-missions, be it for the sake of efficiency, to avoid awful teammates, to skip mind numbing parts of the game, etc.

A handfull of falsely failed missions due to such a bug would quickly be a drop in the ocean, unless you decide to punish yourself with the worst parts of the game for the sake of a stat that nobody cares about whatsoever.

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13 hours ago, Bluedragon66 said:

However, in my current account, I made a mistake of buying a single smoke colour template and now I can't buy the "What Stalker" bundle. And I only do not have the hate blueprint from Stalker. As I have completed the 2nd dream, to get the blueprint now is going to be very tedious as I can't even use platinum to buy the weapon.

If all you're missing is Hate, then my question would be why you want that item?

  • If it's because you want an effective weapon, there are many alternatives that are better, such as Reaper Prime, which is not only statistically superior but also easier to obtain.
  • If it's for Mastery/completion, then I'd recommend not worrying about it; just by playing the game you will inevitably fight hundreds of Stalkers/Shadow Stalkers, meaning that eventually the blueprint will just fall into your lap.  The majority of people will end up with several Hate blueprints well before they have collected every other item in the game.

Alternatively, you could also contact Support, because it seems like a pretty obvious bug that owning the Smoke Color Palette (which many players own, since it was given away as a free reward at one point) prevents you from buying a bundle including it.  If you want to pay DE for something and are unable to, it's highly possible they'll work with you to make that happen.

But regardless, I don't think you should start over again.

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14 hours ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

If all you're missing is Hate, then my question would be why you want that item?

  • If it's because you want an effective weapon, there are many alternatives that are better, such as Reaper Prime, which is not only statistically superior but also easier to obtain.
  • If it's for Mastery/completion, then I'd recommend not worrying about it; just by playing the game you will inevitably fight hundreds of Stalkers/Shadow Stalkers, meaning that eventually the blueprint will just fall into your lap.  The majority of people will end up with several Hate blueprints well before they have collected every other item in the game.

Alternatively, you could also contact Support, because it seems like a pretty obvious bug that owning the Smoke Color Palette (which many players own, since it was given away as a free reward at one point) prevents you from buying a bundle including it.  If you want to pay DE for something and are unable to, it's highly possible they'll work with you to make that happen.

But regardless, I don't think you should start over again.


OK, thanks for the advise. The main reason I want the weapon hate is because of mastery points. Another minor reason is for completion sake.

And another quick question. Is it possible for Stalker to spawn on Invasion missions? I am aware that Stalker will not spawn on syndicate missions but what about invasion missions?

Moreover I heard "horror" stories of players having 1000 and more hours in thee game and still not getting the "Hate" blueprint to drop. There are others as well who blew 20 to 30 Stalker beacons and the blueprint have yet to drop for them!

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4 hours ago, Bluedragon66 said:

And another quick question. Is it possible for Stalker to spawn on Invasion missions? I am aware that Stalker will not spawn on syndicate missions but what about invasion missions?

Moreover I heard "horror" stories of players having 1000 and more hours in thee game and still not getting the "Hate" blueprint to drop. There are others as well who blew 20 to 30 Stalker beacons and the blueprint have yet to drop for them!


Players will be marked by killing certain bosses during Assassination missions and being given a Death Mark. Then the Stalker can spawn in almost any player-accessible mission. The exceptions which prohibit his appearance are:

  • Syndicate and Assassination standard missions
  • Archwing, Free Roam and Arena special game mode missions
    • Also includes Quest and Mastery Test solo-exclusive missions
  • Non-combat hub "missions" (Relays, Dojos)
  • Any mission that has already been determined as "chosen" for the spawn of another Assassin (Grustrag Three or Zanuka Hunter) or is forced to, due to use of their respective beacons
  • Sortie missions.
  • Any mission that has already elapsed his spawn time window of around 5 minutes

Gustrag-Three and Zanuka spawn on Invasions. If they show up, you aren't getting Stalker. If they do not, he still has a chance to show up so long as it's under 5mins from mission start. 


You can trade for the Hate. If you hit 1000 HRs with no Hate dropped (it's possible, the droprate for Hate is only 3% and Stalker himself has a 2% ~ 3% chance of even spawning in a mission) you could always trade someone for it. 

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Warframe gives a lot of false "Mission failed" screens. Some examples: returning from dojo to orbiter after a railjack mission; after failing to connect to a mission; someone in the squad starts new one while you're on a loading screen. As fas as I concerned, none of those actually contribute to "mission failed" stat in profile.

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On 2022-11-19 at 1:27 PM, (PSN)Unstar said:

For the sake of your own mental health, I would genuinely caution you from going down this path.  This is a kind of needless perfectionism that has no potential to lead you towards joy and has large potential to lead you towards frustration.

I guarantee you will be much happier if you find a way to simply accept or ignore the number of failures in the stats menu.

100% agree with this.

As the game can have issues that will 100% be out of your control.

For example:

- On Deimos there is still a bug where the Juggernaut will not dig up roots. (What can you do then?)

- During some missions the Drone/Console randomly explodes for no reason. Instant failure.

- Heaven forbid you play an MM game and the team fails the mission or you spawn in right as they fail.

- During an Arbitration a Host Migration happens and while the loading the enemies kill your team. (Happened to me all the time. Made me label Arbitrations as solo mode only in my head.) 

- Get a Connection Error freezing all enemies. Just for it to correct itself and now in 1 second you get hit with everything those enemies were throwing at you while they were supposedly frozen. (I call this the: Za Warudo Bug)

Issues happen. Going for a perfect record in a game like this is like trying to go Deathless in a CoD, GTA, or BF game. It ain't going to happen.

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1 hour ago, (PSN)FunyFlyBoy said:

Gustrag-Three and Zanuka spawn on Invasions. If they show up, you aren't getting Stalker. If they do not, he still has a chance to show up so long as it's under 5mins from mission start. 


You can trade for the Hate. If you hit 1000 HRs with no Hate dropped (it's possible, the droprate for Hate is only 3% and Stalker himself has a 2% ~ 3% chance of even spawning in a mission) you could always trade someone for it. 


But the wiki says you can't trade for "Hate"? Or am I mistaken here?

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