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What cosmetic features (that don't currently exist) do you want the most in Warframe?


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I've made a similar thread in the past but this time I want a primary focus on stuff that doesn't alter gameplay too much.

Specifically cosmetic stuff, so anything to do with visuals, appearance, etc.


1. Ability to customize each Warframe ability seperately and not have it tied to the Warframe skin

a) One of my biggest pet peeves currently is that Warframe abilities apperance are often tied to the skin you are using. In my experience, this is the most annoying with Octavia P and Tennogen.  using a Tennogen skin on Octavia even with Prime parts toggled on still uses the Default. There's also Rhino with several different Iron Skin variants and Nekros P who I dislike the P version of Shadows due to confusing them for real enemies.

b) Instead of Warframe ability colors being dictated by Energy on the Warframe itself, I'd like to change the energy colors of each Warframe ability seperately. My reason for this is some Warframe abilities are incredibly bright and flashy, while others are more muted. Sometimes a Warframe ability is so bright that I put Black energy colors just so it's less obstructive. And while yes, I am running on max GPU/CPU (I forgot the name) particles a bit of adjustment for each ability would be nice.


2. Decoupling Arrow skins from their bows.

a) Pretty simple request, I'd like to use for example, Default Paris arrows on another bow, or Bow Skin arrows on other bows. We only have around 5-6 arrow skins in Warframe so this would give a lot more options.


3. Subsume Weapons to Helminth to use them as weapon skins

a) Kinda similar to the previous. I'd like to use weapons as skins for other weapons (where it makes sense)

b) Also default skins on Prime/Vandal/etc weapons should be a given. Just like Prime Warframes using default skins.


4. Make "Albums" for Octavia

a) This might be cheating a little since it serves a gameplay purpose, but. Both for Chat Linking e.g. [Album] and for switching Songs mid-mission I'd like some sort of Album system to catagorize Octavia's songs into. I like Octavia as the music frame but I can't run endless with her because the same tunes get to me after a while. I know I can just mute my own Mandachord volume but at that point I feel like I'd be better playing another frame entirely.

p.s. more Instruments/Slots for Octavia when?


Bonus request

5. Adjust the positioning of Armor pieces similar to weapon holster positioning

a) If the Stalker Acolytes can use a chest piece as a crotch piece, why can't I?

Edited by Zahnny
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More customisation and modification around Warframe aesthetics or skins. Like I wish we could make use of the Auxiliary feature more, or some sort of attachments removal/toggle. Mesa Prime? I think is perfect, yet a lot of people would really like to remove the chaps, which I totally understand. I feel the same way about Trinity's shell/bee thing. Some people feel that way about Nezha's Halo Ring, Mag Deluxe apron thing often clips too, there are a whole lot of examples people have with certain Warframes bits being too much, for various reasons. Even if I don't personally agree with all of them, the ability/option... would be nice. 

You pretty much covered all my other wishes/points. Ember Prime has a cool energy mohawk, yet I can barely see it because I don't want to blind team mates with her abilities, so I make them dark. Conflict between fashion and being considerate. Ditto Prime weapons and default models. 

I'll try think of more. Above is my main one. 

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My number one cosmetic request that is 100% doable: Dual Wielded Skins!

We only have one right now and it is behind a bundle with a deluxe skin I don't want. We've had so many candidates with how many dual wielded (prime) secondaries yet we still get none other than that one with Mesa. I was really hoping Gauss Deluxe would come out with an Akarius skin to meet this but alas it didn't because everyone is too busy running around with the Acceltra and not its brother.

This should be 100% doable given how many secondary cosmetics we have. Maybe even a pistol and a glaive skin combo can also be a future request.


Articulas donating to dojos and reduced deco cost. Right now you are limited to 20 max in orbiter due to its steep 100 capacity cost meaning I can't show off how many PT runs I did with the PT articula meanwhile people can show off with hundreds of prodman posters or floofs they have in their orbiter. And you can't donate any extra orb mothers to the dojo for decorating.


Arch-melee skins. . . for reasons not related to cosmetics but would still be cool if implement with the appropriate content to boot. But hey I'll take some archgun/archwing skins as well.


Hard to call this one, but addressing the steep plat costs of recent character cosmetics. Lotus flavors, Kaithe, RJ skins just to name off the top of my head. We have an archwing skin in Baro's rotation and considering the similarities between archwing and Kaithe would serve that Kaithe would also be a candidate for a Baro ware skin if it wasn't for the factor there are already loads of exorbitantly priced Kaithe skins it would detract from. I think something like this can set a precedent regarding how cosmetics are obtained.

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All festive cosmetics being permanent, and a settings option so players who don't like them can hide them.

Peculiar mods being converted to Ephemera, and weapon Ephemera.

More things being attachments, like the flowers on Khora Urushu's chest or the spikes on her shoulders and legs. We have this already in a few places but it's not common or widespread.

Ability VFX as a cosmetic slot so you can equip the normal, Prime, deluxe (like Nova Asuri's arms), etc. ability VFX.

Pet skins like Hyekka being able to equip armor, and a toggle for pet armor helmets.

Venari being able to equip pet armor, and her Ephemera slot being un-broken (it's been broken for years).

A MOA Retrograde skin that's just a MOA, like the Charger skin and wild Kubrow/Kavats.

Being able to wear reclaimed Warframe helmets on your shoulder after defeating a Lich/Sister.

Skins applying evenly to all weapons in that category, like how the Quellor can't equip Rifle skins even though it's a rifle, and dual pistols able to equip single pistol skins.

Stuff off this list:


I could probably go on forever.

Edited by PublikDomain
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2 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

Isn't that kind of the same?

No, because I can use only 1 ephemeria, right? So If I want to use 1 peculiar & 1 ephemeria IN YOUR suggestion I couldn't do it. With Peculiar being "mods in different section" OR Options it would be possible (to equip current ephemeria & Peculiar stuff).

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15 minutes ago, quxier said:

No, because I can use only 1 ephemeria, right? So If I want to use 1 peculiar & 1 ephemeria IN YOUR suggestion I couldn't do it. With Peculiar being "mods in different section" OR Options it would be possible (to equip current ephemeria & Peculiar stuff).

The current Peculiar mods are all visual/audio effects triggered by weapons, so I was thinking it'd make more sense for them to just be weapon cosmetics - which is the "weapon Ephemera" part. So you could have your whatever ephemera on your frame, while also making your Braton shoot flowers and your Skana have applause, etc. Mix-n-match. A new weapon cosmetic slot is basically the same as a new option or a dedicated mod slot.

This also reminds me, it'd be cool to have dual Ephemera. One for body, one for step. I know a lot of people ask for that one.

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11 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

The current Peculiar mods are all visual/audio effects triggered by weapons, so I was thinking it'd make more sense for them to just be weapon cosmetics - which is the "weapon Ephemera" part. So you could have your whatever ephemera on your frame, while also making your Braton shoot flowers and your Skana have applause, etc. Mix-n-match. A new weapon cosmetic slot is basically the same as a new option or a dedicated mod slot.

What if I want Braton to have flowers & applause?

11 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

This also reminds me, it'd be cool to have dual Ephemera. One for body, one for step. I know a lot of people ask for that one.

I would like for upper & lower body. Like you can have wings & tail.

Or at least being able to move it in 3D.

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48 minutes ago, quxier said:

I would like for upper & lower body. Like you can have wings & tail.

Or at least being able to move it in 3D.

Personally I'd love to have the Nightwave Spore ephemera but using just the underglow effect and none of the other parts of the ephemera.

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The ability to customize different colors/skins for equinox's aspects. 

I have a great equinox solar fashion which ironically doesn't fit the bulkiness of the prime's day form. The helmet I run (divisa skin) also doesn't match day form as much either so it would be nice if I could run separate fashion for both forms to make her look better.

2 hours ago, quxier said:


I would like for upper & lower body. Like you can have wings & tail.


Bad example because syandana and deluxe skins make that possible but I get your point.

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I would want ephemeras to be categorized and then allow us to equip one ephemera per category. Lemme explain:

There are currenlty 3 types of ephemeras:
- attachment: that would be wings, archon shards, etc. (ephemera that adds physical item on the warframe)
- ephemeral effect: anything from vengeful ephemeras to smoke, blood, fog of war, etc. (ephemera that add animated effect)
- residue effect: frozen step, fae path, eidolon (ephemera that leaves a residue when you walk)

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47 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

Can you do that now? I wasn't aware those stacked. Well, maybe Peculiar mods are just left unchanged and unused. 🤷‍♀️

Unless they changed it you cannot. However some of us want it (me included).

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5 hours ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

Replace dodge animations between frames. I would pay a handsome amount to put Proteas flip on everyone.

You're actually the first person I've seen say that. Everyone else always asks to remove it from Protea.

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