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Why is The Old Ways worth more than Sidearm?


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Ignoring the fact it's a reference to Dark Sector, the balancing of Nightwave challenges has always been a mixed bag.

Some Dailies can be done in under a minute while others can take more effort.

Not saying that the Challenges should be hardcore or anything but it's weird that you get such a extreme spectrum.

Such as;

Complete any Mission vs While Piloting a Hijacked Crewship Destroy 3 Fighters

I know it's not difficult but it's a lot more tedious and tends to take you out of your comfort zone for very little value. Destroying Fighters with a Hijacked Crewship feels more like it should be a Weekly challenge.

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1 hour ago, motorfirebox said:

Sidearm is worth 1k and allows you to take only a secondary. The Old Ways is worth 4.5k and allows you to take a pistol and a glaive—way less challenging.

It helps to think about it not only from the perspective of a long-time player, but also from the perspective of a new player.  The Old Ways requires that you own both a pistol and a glaive, while Sidearm only requires that you own any secondary.  This makes Sidearm much less restrictive and more accessible than The Old Ways.

Even as a long-time player, to do The Old Ways I wasn't allowed to use my secondary of choice.  To me, that was an inconvenience I didn't have to deal with when doing Sidearm.  I'm sure it's different strokes for different folks, though.

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2 hours ago, Zahnny said:

Some Dailies can be done in under a minute while others can take more effort.

Like the one that requires you to clear a lich or sister node?  Individually, not hard, but has the knock on effect that you need to either have or acquire a lich or sister, and then you're saddled with eliminating them afterwards.


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3 hours ago, motorfirebox said:

Sidearm is worth 1k and allows you to take only a secondary. The Old Ways is worth 4.5k and allows you to take a pistol and a glaive—way less challenging.

The Old Way is extremely challenging.  Glaives are really bad for E-hammering, and using a single pistol instead of akimbo feels like being stomped in the junk.  And the worst part: we're absolutely prohibited from burning everything to the ground with Ignis.    This challenge is so challenging it's practically unethical.

Edited by Tiltskillet
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13 hours ago, (PSN)Lollybomb said:

Like the one that requires you to clear a lich or sister node?  Individually, not hard, but has the knock on effect that you need to either have or acquire a lich or sister, and then you're saddled with eliminating them afterwards.

This. I hate this challenge, especially as someone who's finished every weapon and Ephemera.

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2 minutes ago, Voltage said:

Not the clearing of a personal lich node. Unless they've broken or changed something.

Well, one of the lich/sister challenges doesn't require a personal one. Will still say though, even if you've got every weapon/ephemera, converting one can always net you a good amount of plat, if you're into selling them. Though, hopefully DE might add in some game mechanic that would allow us to deploy liches/sisters on missions or something similar.

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On 2023-07-18 at 8:29 AM, Voltage said:

This. I hate this challenge, especially as someone who's finished every weapon and Ephemera.

Thus I  have never considered or completed this task in NW. As I had all the weapons at that point anyway. Helping another chap in recruiting is a good bypass though. 

Edited by Mieo_Mio
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On 2023-07-19 at 11:40 AM, (XBOX)Rez090 said:

Well, one of the lich/sister challenges doesn't require a personal one. Will still say though, even if you've got every weapon/ephemera, converting one can always net you a good amount of plat, if you're into selling them. Though, hopefully DE might add in some game mechanic that would allow us to deploy liches/sisters on missions or something similar.

I've personally Vanquished/Converted/Traded over 152 Nemesis between Kuva Liches and Sisters of Parvos. Doing an hour of a system I have long since completed for 1,000 Nightwave rep is annoying. The same goes for the applying Forma challenge or feeding Helminth. The challenges in of themselves are not impossible or that bad, but they are added in a short-sighted manner where someone who's completed that system will be gaining nothing or burning resources to finish the challenge. The chance at some very decent Platinum isn't compelling, especially when I can make more than that with 45 minutes to one hour of trading. 

I know most players will just ignore the challenges they don't want to do, but it's still important to discuss that these challenges aren't added in a good manner. I'll do them all anyways, even if I don't like them, because I like to have maximum Nightwave reputation at the end of every season.

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