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PSA: Heirloom Collection Platinum Changes & Lessons


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17 minutes ago, Lion said:

I still find it weird to talk about the "precedent" like the worst has already happened. Like, if a pack came out that had an actual gameplay tied item... I would be livid and understand the hate. But if it stays skin packs only, well.... not ideal but definitely not the end of the world either.

And the only reason we don't have the exclusive gameplay items you would be "livid" about anymore is because the community didn't put up with it and ignored the people making excuses for it. "It's only a Braton and a Lato". "It's only the Ignis Wraith". "It's only the Athodai".

31 minutes ago, Lion said:

but it's also something literally every other company does

And other games sell premium-only gameplay items. Does that mean DE should as well?

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2 hours ago, LuckyCharm said:

On those points, jackal was much better before the rework, the new one is legitimately harder and more damaging than most of the later game bosses now and youre expected to beat it with Excalibur, mag or volt, and using a bow or braton? Doesn't really seem fair when you have trash like the sergeant still there and still not reworked after removing nef anyo about 8 years ago for a reworked fight that never came. And phorid still being a thing, as well as krill and the hyena pack that are much easier. Ridiculous.

Not true. It's simple to kill it. The mechanics are the real obstacle. The game gives you everything to deal enough damage. It's a competency check, not DPS check.
Also no, star chart bosses don't need a rework. Most of them have some kind of light mechanic and it's not worth it to change them, unless DE have a good reason for it. (Like they had with Jackal.) The only problematic bosses on starchart are Lephantis (looks awful), Vay Hek (plays awful), Ambulas (is awful). All the other are totally fine and good.


1 hour ago, Lion said:

I still find it weird to talk about the "precedent" like the worst has already happened. Like, if a pack came out that had an actual gameplay tied item... I would be livid and understand the hate. But if it stays skin packs only, well.... not ideal but definitely not the end of the world either.

Of course, but the thing is that when there are only "small" incremental changes and you say "Ah, it's just a small misstep", unless people show their discontentment with it, next time it can be worse. I've been angry about DE locking decorations behind large bundle purchases for years and most people didn't agree with me, so we got the Citrine bundle which contains a decoration that is interactable and contains a dialogue, which is quite significant. And people still didn't react enough. So now we have this.

Edited by Cerikus
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2 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

And the only reason we don't have the exclusive gameplay items you would be "livid" about anymore is because the community didn't put up with it and ignored the people making excuses for it. "It's only a Braton and a Lato". "It's only the Ignis Wraith". "It's only the Athodai".

And other games sell premium-only gameplay items. Does that mean DE should as well?

And these were worthy battles that I am glad were won. I am not sure this is in the same league deserving the same level of outrage.


1 hour ago, Cerikus said:

Citrine bundle which contains a decoration that is interactable and contains a dialogue, which is quite significant. And people still didn't react enough. So now we have this.

Did not know that, see this to me is something that should've probably got more attention tbh

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1 hour ago, Lion said:

Did not know that, see this to me is something that should've probably got more attention tbh

I agree, but not many people even know that there is something like a bonus decoration for buying the whole pack. Even less people will ever buy it when you can farm most of the pack. And even less people will care, because it's "just a decoration" and because it's "just a piece of dialogue". Heirloom packs are big and shiny and everyone knows about them.

44 minutes ago, LoopStricken said:

So should DE.

Yes. Is that somehow mutually exclusive?

I think DE should do better. I think we, the players, should do better.
The way we voice our opinions matter. If we come accross as ignorant, arogant and rude, all the feedback will get brushed off.
But voice your opinion in a civil way, with no cheap shots, no bashing and no shaming and people will want to listen to what you have to say.

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3 hours ago, Lion said:

Did not know that, see this to me is something that should've probably got more attention tbh

How about the first time they sold Luna Renewal packs which were advertised to include a Rifle Riven but when opened it turned into a Kitgun riven. The solution was its a bug and they swept it under the rug. Hopefully they don't try to sweep this under the rug too... There's still hope!

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1 hour ago, Cerikus said:


I think DE should do better. I think we, the players, should do better.

1st part (im just going to say this hear because I can't find the other post you made) starfeald is extremely fun iv been playing it since it came out and iv had a lot of fun the 100 dollars version  comes with the season pass which is used for the 4 dlcs they have planed (shaterd space and the other 3 are a secret right now as they're saying in interviews) and some physical stuff as well..... While the herloom pack on the other hand only comes with 2 skins and some cosmetics with filler platinum and regal aya for 90 dollars now if they removed the platinum and regal aya and made it 30 dollars that would be extremely more enticing 

2nd part i do agree with the statement above de needs to be better and players need to be better  but when players are disrespected there not going to try to be better there just going to get angrier so once de starts respecting the players then the player will most likely try to be better

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

1st part (im just going to say this hear because I can't find the other post you made) starfeald is extremely fun iv been playing it since it came out and iv had a lot of fun the 100 dollars version  comes with the season pass which is used for the 4 dlcs they have planed (shaterd space and the other 3 are a secret right now as they're saying in interviews) and some physical stuff as well..... While the herloom pack on the other hand only comes with 2 skins and some cosmetics with filler platinum and regal aya for 90 dollars now if they removed the platinum and regal aya and made it 30 dollars that would be extremely more enticing 

2nd part i do agree with the statement above de needs to be better and players need to be better  but when players are disrespected there not going to try to be better there just going to get angrier so once de starts respecting the players then the player will most likely try to be better

I am very happy that you enjoy Starfield, please continue, but I know I wouldn't. I've spend thousands of hours playing Bethesda games and my opinion is that Bethesda has learned nothing and is stuck in the past. If you compare Starfield to what other dev studios can do (Baldur's gate, Dead space, God of War, Elder Ring, etc.) you realize the game is empty. It's an uninspired regurgitated product made in a decrepit 25 year old engine. It plays like Oblivion with guns and that's not a compliment. I am not saying it's a bad game, but it's the definition of mediocrity. Bethesda used to revolutionize games, but Starfield is a step back.

I'd rather buy the Heirloom pack, but I won't, because I will finally buy Baldur's gate. :)

To your 2nd part. Sure, of course, but if we want our criticism to be heard, we must remember that DE are still people. People have difficulties accepting criticism. It's a human nature. If you give critique in a rude way and you insult the person, they will just shut down and ignore you, even if you are 100% right. What we have to do is to be civil and contructive. Reacting impulsively with anger and spite is NEVER going to get your point across.

Edited by Cerikus
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13 minutes ago, Cerikus said:


I'd rather buy the Heirloom pack, but I won't, because I will finally buy Baldur's gate. :)

To your 2nd part. Sure, of course, but if we want our criticism to be heard, we must remember that DE are still people. People have difficulties accepting criticism. It's a human nature. If you give critique in a rude way and you insult the person, they will just shut down and ignore you, even if you are 100% right. What we have to do is to be civil and contructive. Reacting impulsively with anger and spite is NEVER going to get your point across.

1st part oh your going to love Baldur's gate 3 if you are a dnd fan and like dnd style games its an extremely good game 

2nd part i can see your point but not everyone may see your point because anger can blind people to civility amplified by how de had been acting lately


Edited by (XBOX)toughdragon17
Accidentally hit send before I finished my text
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26 minutes ago, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

1st part oh your going to love Baldur's gate 3 if you are a dnd fan and like dnd style games its an extremely good game 

Yeah, I am dnd fan. I play it irl from time to time. I am very excited to get into Baldur's gate 3 asap.

27 minutes ago, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

2nd part i can see your point but not everyone may see your point because anger can blind people to civility amplified by how de had been acting lately

True, of course. That's why we have to collectively keep each other civil, because if we just let our emotions run free, our arguments will be easier to disregard.

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2 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

Battles that were won only because the community didn't accept the same kinds of excuses you're giving now.

I'm not giving any excuses I'm just stating my piece. Limited time cosmetics don't bother me. Limited time gameplay items do. 


Both of these are similar but make no mistake one of these is not like the other. 

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hace 14 horas, LuckyCharm dijo:

On those points, jackal was much better before the rework, the new one is legitimately harder and more damaging than most of the later game bosses now and youre expected to beat it with Excalibur, mag or volt, and using a bow or braton? Doesn't really seem fair when you have trash like the sergeant still there and still not reworked after removing nef anyo about 8 years ago for a reworked fight that never came. And phorid still being a thing, as well as krill and the hyena pack that are much easier. Ridiculous.

Just go and farm and that its. 

Do people forget or do they have voluntary memory loss? I ask you, does it DE force you to go with a rank10 Excalibur without mods to fight some boss? no. People are just desperate to rushing all the content without following the middle processes (which 90% is farming). 

It is not enough for them that we veterans give them guides to 100% of the content of the game and still complain about meaningless things.

Plus it's definitely not difficult. It is a matter of understanding how the boss phases work.
My mr4 account test with a boltor with 4 mods only one maxed.

Returning to the main topic. As I already said, 1000 people not buying the pack is not going to make any difference as long as the Chinese and people with a poor monetary education continue buying it, DE obviously is not going to change anything. If happen it would be good? It would definitely be good, but it's not going to happen. 

Tencent decided the prices and I doubt that Tencent will decide to change anything for the good of the occidental players when they literally removed all the packages besides the most expensive one on the Chinese server so that the Chinese only buy the most expensive one.


PS: I'm not trying to argue with anyone but the most realistic thing is to understand that it's over.

Edited by CosoMalvadoNG
misspellings, Add text
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3 hours ago, CosoMalvadoNG said:

Returning to the main topic. As I already said, 1000 people not buying the pack is not going to make any difference as long as the Chinese and people with a poor monetary education continue buying it, DE obviously is not going to change anything.

Maybe at this point, we should just let them people take over WF

I mean, no need for players like us right?

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11 hours ago, Lion said:

I'm not giving any excuses I'm just stating my piece. Limited time cosmetics don't bother me. Limited time gameplay items do. 


Both of these are similar but make no mistake one of these is not like the other. 

Your "piece" being "it's not worthy unless it affects me".

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On 2023-09-10 at 11:13 AM, Cerikus said:

you should've worded it differently to not come across so arogant

I'm tired. Mostly of DE just ignoring these problems, but more that it keeps happening.
Being nice about it slowly becomes less and less of an option the longer this goes on.

The fact that I took a break and came back more angry should be a good enough indicator of such.

On 2023-09-10 at 11:13 AM, Cerikus said:

so the metrics must show that most people enjoy and play it weekly

Though, it often comes into question HOW they're viewing the metrics as a result.
Obviously players will play it weekly when it's part of the weekly grind.

Players keep coming to Palladino for Rivens.
It doesn't mean it's inherently enjoyable to load up Iron Wake for that ONE use.

On 2023-09-10 at 11:13 AM, Cerikus said:

Comparison to Blizzard or EA is just a cheap shot. You can and should do better.
The amount of filth DE would have to do to reach at least 10% of Blizzard's or EA's power is immense.

True, I should compare them to SEGA when it comes to a little known game of "Phantasy Star Online 2".

PSO2's downfall started with...

  • Hollow promises that left people unsure of what's the come.
    • Yes, announce your "rebranding update" to come in due time WHILE you just released the Global Servers after keeping them JP-only for 7 years.
    • I'm sure that will go over well.
  • Poor handling of the content we DID have.
    • You like the bosses? No? That's all your getting.
  • FOMO'ing the hell out of everything, paid or not.
    • 80% of the game was just farming for "Star Gems" so you MIGHT be able to afford the exclusive stuff found for legit only a week before it goes away forever.
    • I do mean FOREVER too, the game was not forgiving on such. If there was a cosmetic in there, it was gone FOR GOOD.
    • You could buy Star Gems, but the conversion rate was HORRIBLE compared to the standard paid currency.
    • You could earn them, but it was rarely enough. You'd have to get top ranking in all the weekly competition, max out ALL the achievements and still come up short for every single week.
  • Rushing every part of the """schedule""" to meet updates, failing to address core issues when the "delayed update" isn't up to standards.
    • People are still complaining about basic gameplay functions in it.
    • Fun fact, it took them OVER A YEAR to introduce a system that automatically sells the massive amounts of newbie gear that gets inserted into their inventory.
    • ... and it's paid. You have to PAY to use this system.
  • Incredibly tone-deaf usage of their "rebranding" update to only double-down on the issues everyone was concerned about.
    • It's just the beloved base game, but stripped of anything that made it charming.
    • They attached the old game to the new one like a tumor. So that they're "interconnected".
    • ... but really? It's just one big loophole to keep player cosmetics from collabs.
  • Creating a community that's more like VRChat than an MMO.
    • If you're spending the cash for all the psudeo-mandatory upgrades to have fun? You're trying to convince other players to buy you stuff.
    • Seriously, I look into their current update for a MOMENT and it's ERP all the way down.
    • Half the reason I dropped the game.
    • Oh, and their staff to handle the community is GARBAGE. They're less people and more scripts, since I can't think of a single time they displayed emotion that wasn't "Product good! Are you enjoying product? Please enjoy product! We will make more product soon."
    • Whales were just as bad too. They put anything skimpy in the rolls and it IMMEDIATELY becomes the focal point of the entire game.

I feel like DE has...

  • Hollow promises.
  • Poor handling.
  • Rushing schedules. (*COUGH RAILJACK COUGH*)

That's 3 out of 6.
Halfway there.

They're pushing their luck on the FOMO and the Community is getting really aggravating to deal with.
That's almost 5 out of 6.

All they need left is a Gacha every month and viola! They're automatically 0% useful!
I mean, why stop at FOMO with the Heirloom Bundles? If the whales will pay for that, why not tax them harder with RNG even more?

"Oh, but we're not Gacha-sellers. We just think adding a little surprise to your purchases is a cool concept!"
Yeah, it sure isn't Gacha. It's lootboxes! The thinly-veiled sibling tactic.


But yeah, toooootally unthinkable.

On 2023-09-10 at 1:23 PM, LuckyCharm said:

On those points, jackal was much better before the rework, the new one is legitimately harder and more damaging than most of the later game bosses now and youre expected to beat it with Excalibur, mag or volt, and using a bow or braton? Doesn't really seem fair when you have trash like the sergeant still there and still not reworked after removing nef anyo about 8 years ago for a reworked fight that never came. And phorid still being a thing, as well as krill and the hyena pack that are much easier. Ridiculous.

Also another reason why I think Jackal is stupid.

As a newbie who fought it BEFORE the rework? It was equally a buggy mess.
A coin toss to if you successfully managed to undo each leg.
No real way of clarity on if you're actually doing damage to it.
As much of a slog with half of the other bosses too.

It's mildly impressive after it's rework to anybody who knows parkour.
... but we also know parkour, which means we kinda just place ourselves at the top of the map when it decides to waste our time further.
Hell, there's even a small ledge where you don't even need to wall latch. It ain't hard to reach either.
Thus newbies are kinda just there scrambling to figure out to dodge the giant kill wall.

On 2023-09-10 at 1:23 PM, LuckyCharm said:

Tell you what though  id be much more likely to throw money at a game that fixxed content and made a cohesive and good story that i enjoyed than one just making me grind for no real reason other than fomo or powercreep. I cant even recommend people this game with the messy state and overwhelmingly front loaded content the game has. The price of the supporter packs is way too high for a game this old with bugs and glitches aplenty that only gets updated about twice a year for new "content"

Same here.

Give me a mainline update or two that just fixes a lot of the broken stuff.
Same flair as the main updates, say "Hey, we're going to comb through ALL THE CONTENT WE HAVE and slowly improve on all of it!"
10th anniversary would've been an amazing time to announce this too, telling players that "they can play the game now and see it evolve before their eyes".

Instead we got...

  • The "Omen of Greed" debuff in the form of a bundle. 
  • Book update and Titans, ft. "a human that isn't deformed for once".
  • The inevitable Dark Sector collab.
  • Hydroid Rework. (Which I feel like is some kinda voodoo given DE's history with him.)
  • Pet rework, which I almost GURANTEE is going to absolutely forget Sentinels exist for the upteenth time.
    Forcing me to "bond" with my cat that runs on RNG and revival juice isn't content DE. It's just annoying.
  • Honestly? I kinda forgot the rest because it wasn't memorable enough to care.

Beyond the two reworks? They're a neat "food for thought" concept and nothing more.

DE failed on Railjack, failed on Kuva Liches, GREATLY failed on the Melee rework.
Deadlock Protocol was a overworked update for one solitary issue. (Breakable windows)
Heart of Deimos is just another open world with all the same problems.
New War is a joke, but that was obvious the moment the Paracesis requirement was shafted in favor of the NECRAMECH that was used for a short jog.
Angels of the Zariman is neat, but kinda exists as a "testing the waters" schtick.
Veilbreaker would've been cool if all that time spent on Kahl was put to making Archons interesting. (I say that because Kahl is still using his 3-mission loop.)
Duviri spent far too long trying to look pretty instead of playing pretty. Wanna use Drifter for combat? "No, Undercroft. NOW." they demand.

I have no doubt in mind that these new updates will follow a similar trend.
Have a few things of interest and than ultimately get shelved in favor of the new fixation.

It's kinda hard to get hyped for Duviri when the knowledge of the experience lasting no more than a week unless artificially inflated with time gates.
It's kinda hard to get hyped for Warframe 1999 when I can expect this pattern to stay the same.

Pack on the Heirloom Bundle? Things only get more bleak.
At least with Duviri, there was the idea that it MIGHT get better.
Now all I feel is robbed.

On 2023-09-10 at 2:35 PM, PollexMessier said:

But the rest of the fight gave 0 issue. It mostly just looks hard.

While I'm not going to disagree, I'm going to remind you that most players- fresh install or not- are generally comparable to a lobotomized pigeon in terms of problem solving.
"Barely enough to bash their head against something until it decides to work out of pity for the moron."

... pre-rework or post-rework, both really feel out of place when the next bunch of REQUIRED bosses are:

  • Lech Kril.
  • Sergeant.
  • Lech Kril, ft. Vor for the third time.
  • Alad V + Zanuka
  • Raptor Ospreys.
  • Tyl Regor.
  • Hyena Pack.
  • Corrupted Vor, only by technicality since DE seems to pretend he is one.
    (Thus bringing the Vor encounters up to 4, not including Duviri.)
  • Memorable story """bosses""" like:
    • Chorma, but scannable. (Is this even a fight?)
    • A Necramech 1v1, which you can't lose.
    • Stalker, but in your Orbiter.
    • The Elder Queen, I guess.
    • The Archons without their vitamins.
    • Do we even count Ballas at the end of the New War? Feels more like an interactable monologue than a fight.

That is to say you won't even GET a decent boss until around Jupiter at the soonest.
Even in those cases where they are somewhat DECENTLY threatening, it rarely stacks up to how much of a difficulty spike Jackal is.

Also, Lech Kril has only been mentioned in the past god knows how many years by a generic voice line from Tyl Regor... mentioning how Lech Kril is sleeping on the job.
They couldn't even get Lech Kril to be relevant on a node that is even on the same planet he is occupying, let alone any part of the game.

If they can't even do THAT much, how do they expect me to be hyped for a new update?

23 hours ago, Cerikus said:

The only problematic bosses on starchart are Lephantis (looks awful), Vay Hek (plays awful), Ambulas (is awful). All the other are totally fine and good.

Honestly, while I share your annoyance with those three?

You can't tell me you actually fought the Hyena Pack.
I know nobody can because by the time we hit Neptune?
These things get melted before they even have a chance to be relevant.
They're not even a boss, it's a glorified Capture mission with how short it can be.

Lech Kril is the biggest example of "this is a boss?" without it being instantly killed.
Takes forever for him to freeze himself, actively attacking him is sometimes a DETRIMENT even.
You have to stay in Melee range to bait him into progressing the fight.
Not that you'll want to be at a distance anyway, his Gorgon is far more threatening.
He hits SO SLOW that I can regenerate my shields with just one recharge mod before he does his next swing.
Once he burns up? It's instant death.

Lephantis and Ambulas also share the problem of "Wait for [X] to happen so the fight can progress."
Vay Hek is just annoying because "tiny hurtbox that can only be hit from a certain angle won't stop moving wildly" put on a boss that does nothing but mildly tickle you.

A lot of bosses in Warframe are just boring, bad is a whole other can of worms.
... but I'm playing a video game to have fun. If I wanted to be bored, I can do that on my own just fine.

All I gotta do is just go back to sleep.

23 hours ago, Cerikus said:

Citrine bundle which contains a decoration that is interactable and contains a dialogue, which is quite significant. And people still didn't react enough.

I was quite annoyed by it as well, mainly because like... you're locking what is effectively lore behind... a bundle. Of items. That I don't care for.
... but sadly, I had more pressing concerns.

Mainly Tyana Pass STILL being a relatively boring farm for me.
That and Credit/Endo STILL diluting the drop tables there.

At this point, I think DE would rather nerf Profit Taker/Index giving Credits in bulk rather than remove the inane amount of garbage dropping from missions.
Kinda fits their whole "never take the obvious route" schtick even when it's REALLY the best possible option.

17 hours ago, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

starfeald is extremely fun

To be blunt? It has what Bethesda does best down to a perfect fit.
It sure can be fun, but holy damn it looks broken as hell.

17 hours ago, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

de needs to be better and players need to be better

DE needs to pick up the slack and actually make a god damn tutorial instead of roadblocking players until they load the Wiki.
Or worse, region chat and it's siblings.

Players need to be better because I could tell you the EXACT Overframe build that someone is using or is aiming for 9 times out of 10.
Bonus points if it's Revenant, Xaku, Wukong, Khora, Vauban or Octavia. Those people don't need a build, they need a doctor.

It's just idiot-soup all around.
... but players will rarely get better if the system doesn't ask them to.

DE has the reigns to make the game better, they have the tools to do so.
Personally? I'd make the tutorial myself if they gave me the means to do so.

Give me a few weeks to take a brief look at the code, reverse engineer some basic tools they use to make stuff in missions...
Find a map they're not using, preferably the "datascape maps" they use in MR tests.
Slap some basic gameplay mechanics in there to learn, add a few platforms, the odd textbox or two and VIOLA.
EZ-PZ Tutorial. Accessible right from the Codex.

As for interface tutorials like modding or the Foundry? That's even easier, that's literally JUST textboxes.
I could do that with MSPaint, wouldn't be as pretty sure-- but it goes to show the point.
Hell, half the text is already there in the form of an isolated "info" button. Just move that to somewhere more accessible.

The game is ungodly easy, it's just that players are uninformed without the guidance of others.
I mean, hell. It recently took someone wishing for DE to say the EXACT value of Gotva's passive before we could get a solid number on it.
Before that, it was assumed to be 5%. It's apparently 15% as confirmed by by [DE]Momaw.

(Screenshot as I found this out via someone mentioning it on Discord.)


Like... man, sure would be nice to have this kinda info more often huh?

16 hours ago, Cerikus said:

we must remember that DE are still people.

I mean, you can say that... but every time something like this happens, I can't help but feel like a human would say "Hmmm... maybe we shouldn't."
Even if they do, it doesn't matter. One person's voice is irrelevant in the proximity of "EL CORPO, DOMINATOR OF THE ECONOMY."

... or to quote some comical dialogue exchange for my own amusement?
and because it's relevant, I guess.

"... with help from the Americans, rebuilding hasn't been too difficult."
"Tell me, how are the Americans doing since... the incident."
"Well, there was a bit of a stir when that since corporations are people, they could technically run for president.
... but president 'Walt Disney Pepsi Comcast' has done wonders for the economy!
... being that it is now the economy."

Now that I think about, I can probably put that on 2025 Bingo.
More likely than Armageddon unfortunately.

12 hours ago, CosoMalvadoNG said:

As I already said, 1000 people not buying the pack is not going to make any difference as long as the Chinese and people with a poor monetary education continue buying it

I'll be real here, I couldn't stand economics in my High School.
I still think it should've been taught, but my brain just didn't like the idea of being a cynical billionaire.
I can be cynical just fine without the money.

Even in THAT case though, I can still see this being a shoddy deal.
It gives me a headche that SOME people see this as normal to begin with.
Let alone as many as we see now.

11 hours ago, wodanclay said:

At this point I am just going to wait until the last week and see if it goes on sale or not, and decide then.

Smartest way of going about it, I'd say.
I mean, we all know it's gonna go on sale.
Why buy this "very special" cosmetic at full price anyway?

If it goes as far as 70% off or more (looking more at 80% though), I'd consider getting it JUST to mock those who bought it early.

Y'know, a sort of smug statement towards those who bought for the ego like:
"Hey, remember all that hot garbage y'all were spewing? How these were fair priced because they were """"special"""" and how it's earned because of the price behind it?
Yeah, well money well spent huh?"


But really though, I kinda expect 2024 to throw actual Gacha our way.
If not? Worse.

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1 hour ago, Binket_ said:


What's ironic is I feel a game like Honkai Star Rail respects the playerbase and your time investment more than warframe does, warframe could really use autobattle for the amount of monotonous grinding you have to do 😂 It really already feels like Warframe is a AAA game that has been made extra grindy to sell microtransactions but had the mtx removed and never rebalanced. Especially cause the 90 dollar price tag on these new skins is basically the same amount of money you'd spend in Genshin/HSR to get the guaranteed roll for the latest banner character, so in essence Warframe is already there, only it's arguably worse because characters in the previously mentioned gachas actually have reruns and you can save for them through playing.

The fact that DE and Warframe of all games pulled a stunt you'd only see in most generic shameless gachas or a western mtx riddled AAA game is really what gives me whiplash, framing this blatant whale bait as some ~celebration to the community~ is what truly pisses me off. If it really was a celebration to the people who had supported the game for these 10 years you should be able to at least get all the cosmetics through platinum, even if it was a lot of plat, because then the people who had actually supported and played the game previously would be able to get it without shelling out an extra 90 bucks.

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19 minutes ago, Karonuva said:

warframe could really use autobattle for the amount of monotonous grinding you have to do

As someone who DETESTS the idea of an autobattler? (Seriously, at the point of needing an auto-battler? It just sounds like there's a genuine issue in the game itself.)

I'd rather just the grind be less obnoxious than outright trimmed.
The way I see it, if you're playing the game for the hell of it?
It's no longer grind. It's just playing the game in it's purest form.

22 minutes ago, Karonuva said:

Especially cause the 90 dollar price tag on these new skins is basically the same amount of money you'd spend in Genshin/HSR to get the guaranteed roll for the latest banner character

The price tag is only one aspect of Gacha.
It's also the RNG element. One person could spend 5$, another can spend 200$.
It's the same item, same stats, same everything. One person just needs to arbitrarily spend more because... dice roll.

Than most companies combine THAT with a "limited time running" and you got a perfect storm of people attempting to throw money so "X" will happen.

Yeah, we're already 2/3 the way there to Gacha. The biggest sin of gaming without a doubt.

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1 hour ago, Karonuva said:

What's ironic is I feel a game like Honkai Star Rail respects the playerbase and your time investment more than warframe does, warframe could really use autobattle for the amount of monotonous grinding you have to do 😂 It really already feels like Warframe is a AAA game that has been made extra grindy to sell microtransactions but had the mtx removed and never rebalanced. Especially cause the 90 dollar price tag on these new skins is basically the same amount of money you'd spend in Genshin/HSR to get the guaranteed roll for the latest banner character, 

no its not. In genshin and star rail its like $300-400 for a guaranteed banner character WITHOUT A 5* WEAPON and WITHOUT DUPLICATE UPGRADES ONLY OBTAINABLE BY MORE PULLS. 

The only way you're getting a $90 banner character is either incredible luck or having grinded already and skipped several other banners. Which is a level of grind with added spending that does not respect you as a player or your time. 

Plus having systems like skipping one of your days from the monthly gem pass if you don't log in rather than just pushing it back, shows they do not respect you. They will literally take your money and for all they care you could not be able to play the game and lose the entire monthly purchase. 


I wholeheartedly think Warframe does not need an auto battler and that genshin/star rail are genuinely terrible examples to use as to how to manage a game because their business model is genuinely disgusting. 

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22 hours ago, Lion said:

I'm not giving any excuses I'm just stating my piece. Limited time cosmetics don't bother me. Limited time gameplay items do. 


Both of these are similar but make no mistake one of these is not like the other. 

If this is correct

Then Warframe is just another free to play

If Warframe isn't unique in its own way

Then why would i, or in most cases others, want to play this over the rest

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