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PSA: Heirloom Collection Platinum Changes & Lessons


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4 minutes ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

It's going to be fine.

Every single time I've been told "It's gonna be fine!"
Two things have happened:

  1. Someone or something gets hit a large amount of pain from some outside source.
    USUALLY the thing in question they're remarking upon.
  2. The speaker knows full well it's not going to be fine. They say it anyway to mock the former.

Which one is it this time? Let's find out.

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They are right tho, people shouldnt be worried. Payday 3 releases in just under a week. Can get both payday 3 and 6 months of season pass for the same price as this pack. Sure would like to know who thought it was a good idea to release a $100 pack the same time as starfield, armored core, payday 3 and other games people have waited ages for that release cheaper than their skin pack. 

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14 minutes ago, LuckyCharm said:

They are right tho, people shouldnt be worried. Payday 3 releases in just under a week. Can get both payday 3 and 6 months of season pass for the same price as this pack. Sure would like to know who thought it was a good idea to release a $100 pack the same time as starfield, armored core, payday 3 and other games people have waited ages for that release cheaper than their skin pack. 

I mean, not everyone is going to get those games. Maybe they'd rather have the skins and Plat than Payday 3?

Or maybe they'll wait a little bit and get the skins closer to Chrismas?

1 hour ago, Stafelund said:

I really wish you would elaborate on why people shouldn't be worried. It's doesn't make any sense.

Cause it's just a couple of skins. Nothing that changes gameplay. There was a skin in another game that was cool but it was a little expensive for me to justify it. I didn't throw a fit, I just didn't buy it.

1 hour ago, Binket_ said:

Which one is it this time? Let's find out.


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25 minutes ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

Cause it's just a couple of skins.

And before that it was just a couple of weapon skins.

And it was just a couple of weapons.

And it was just a couple of plat.

And it was just a couple of weeks.

It's always "just" something.

"It's just something I don't care about".

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5 minutes ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

Well I'm sure at this rate in 15 years it'll be terrible.

No, it's more like, 6 years ago people were skeptical, and now it's eye-rolling that we are at this point and people still think "this doesn't affect me right now, so it can't be that bad for the game". Supporter bundles used to be Platinum only. Prime Vault used to be an upfront cost with no overspending, and the noggles were free if you bought the packs with the Warframe(s) when Christmas rolled around. We're coming full circle with comparisons to the Founders package that has had a stigma that DE is very well aware of (since it's on their Forums FAQ) for 10 years.

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5 hours ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

Cause it's just a couple of skins. Nothing that changes gameplay. There was a skin in another game that was cool but it was a little expensive for me to justify it. I didn't throw a fit, I just didn't buy it.

You didn't even pay attention to the thing you were commenting on. "It was fun while it lasted" Wasn't even in relation to the skins. It was about warframe becoming a mobile game. Which isn't some metaphorical comparison it's just actually a thing that the devs are doing. And it will negatively impact the game. There's just no reality in which mobile warframe exists and the game does not get worse as a direct consequence of that. In fact, to any one of the many people that believe void dash was ruined to accommodate future mobile users... it's already happening.

The Heirloom pack is just a pretty solid indicator of future corruption. That's going to be accelerated by the mobile market's overabundance of boot-licking yes-men that are willing to put up with or outright defend the scummiest most blatantly evil business practices that exist in the gaming market.

Edited by PollexMessier
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29 minutes ago, PollexMessier said:

And it will negatively impact the game

Well considering it's not even out yet I can't believe that you know for a fact that that is the case.

30 minutes ago, PollexMessier said:

In fact, to any one of the many people that believe void dash was ruined to accommodate future mobile users... it's already happening.

Well I believe they are just being paranoid. Only reason people hated void sling is cause they were super used to void dash and just needed time to adjust.

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2 hours ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

Well I believe they are just being paranoid. Only reason people hated void sling is cause they were super used to void dash and just needed time to adjust.

It's been over a year and I still think void sling is a complete downgrade compared to void dash. It's slower, clunkier, covers less distance, and has less skill expression. DE still pushed it despite the overwhelmingly negative feedback, and people are still salty about it to this day. There was no reason to arbitrarily replace void dash, which has been perfectly fine and functionable for over five years, with void sling other than making it more accessible to the mobile audience.

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2 hours ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

Well considering it's not even out yet I can't believe that you know for a fact that that is the case.

Well I believe they are just being paranoid. Only reason people hated void sling is cause they were super used to void dash and just needed time to adjust.

Tbh i still actively hate void sling. Its nowhere near as fluid as dash was. Id rather even use nezhas hula hoop teleport than use the void sling. Its going to be fun when mobile players come in and need to do  three finger gymnastics to bullet jump everywhere in a controlled direction etc tho. Maybe we'll finally be able to set a dedicated button for it

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9 hours ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

Well considering it's not even out yet I can't believe that you know for a fact that that is the case.

This is such a stupid argument. It makes sense on a surface level. But It's been proven time and time again that our concerns about stuff like this are far from unfounded. Almost every time someone says "wait till it comes out" it comes out just as if not worse than the person they were saying it to was concerned about. People called DE out on exactly what the heirloom pack would be, when all we had was an image of the skins and a price tag, and were expressing their concerns weeks in advance. We've gotten good at sussing out DE on their BS.

DE's been pushing the players' boundries of what's acceptable nearly every single major update of the game since as long as I've been playing. The mobile market has no boundaries to push. Once they have access to it they'll be able to get away with damn near anything, as long as it's legal, and still maintain a massive playerbase and be rolling in money. They're not the same DE that got rid of the pet color slot machine because someone spent too much money on it, got rid of reviving with platinum, and expanded parkour because players were abusing a mele mechanic to move faster. They don't do that stuff anymore. What makes you think they won't throw away the already tattered remains of their moral facade to rake in cash from the desensitized mobile market?

Is there a chance they don't? Sure. An absolutely tiny one. And I'll be damn happy if that's the case. But the way the game's been going doesn't inspire that sort of confidence.

Edited by PollexMessier
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On 2023-09-12 at 4:11 PM, PollexMessier said:

Oh yeah. All of this. If crossplay for mobile is a thing it'll basically instantly kill public matchmaking. It should have cross save. But getting matched with someone on mobile should just not be possible.

I really don't want it to do well ether. The last thing warframe needs is to get flooded with the single worst gaming demographic. If DE barely listened to their community before... They won't even wanna look at what the community has to say when over half of it becomes spoiled 10 year olds over night.

The sad part is, It will do well. Cus warframe will be the single best game to ever exist on mobile since infinity blade. It's only direct competition is mihoyo games titles (Genshin impact, Honkai star rail, ext.)

It's.... not going to be good for the health of the game. Just the developer's pockets.

TBH I don't mind matchmaking with mobile as long as they can differentiate between mobile users using a controller and ones who aren't. 

Like if they're using a controller then there's no reason why they shouldn't be in the public pool since they won't be at any mechanical disadvantages compared to touch screen controls. 

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3 hours ago, Lion said:

TBH I don't mind matchmaking with mobile as long as they can differentiate between mobile users using a controller and ones who aren't. 

Like if they're using a controller then there's no reason why they shouldn't be in the public pool since they won't be at any mechanical disadvantages compared to touch screen controls. 

While I get where you're coming from with this.

Another issue is connectivity. A lot of people are complaining about the connectivity of just console players. I dunno about you but my phone is barely able to stay connected to the wifi for 5 straight minutes when it's in the same room as the router. Imagine getting connected to a mobile host every other match. And then there's the almost guarantee that mobile hosts will have hilariously reduced spawns which... is supposedly an issue with console? I think that might be a myth but if it's not that's real stupid cus I use controller on PC and I have no issues with "too many enemies" spawning. But on mobile I'd be shocked if the devs don't reduce enemy spawns by a lot.

There's going to be some problems unless the they specifically disallow PC and console users to join a mobile hosted game. Which is just a bit too specific of an exception for me to think DE would implement it.

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4 hours ago, PollexMessier said:

This is such a stupid argument. It makes sense on a surface level. But It's been proven time and time again that our concerns about stuff like this are far from unfounded. Almost every time someone says "wait till it comes out" it comes out just as if not worse than the person they were saying it to was concerned about. People called DE out on exactly what the heirloom pack would be, when all we had was an image of the skins and a price tag, and were expressing their concerns weeks in advance. We've gotten good at sussing out DE on their BS.

DE's been pushing the players' boundries of what's acceptable nearly every single major update of the game since as long as I've been playing. The mobile market has no boundaries to push. Once they have access to it they'll be able to get away with damn near anything, as long as it's legal, and still maintain a massive playerbase and be rolling in money. They're not the same DE that got rid of the pet color slot machine because someone spent too much money on it, got rid of reviving with platinum, and expanded parkour because players were abusing a mele mechanic to move faster. They don't do that stuff anymore. What makes you think they won't throw away the already tattered remains of their moral facade to rake in cash from the desensitized mobile market?

I have to agree with this

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16 hours ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

Cause it's just a couple of skins. Nothing that changes gameplay. There was a skin in another game that was cool but it was a little expensive for me to justify it. I didn't throw a fit, I just didn't buy it.

You're missing the point. FOMO is FOMO. Even then if it's just skin, they're using the feel of "prestige" by adding some accolade and marketing it as a limited edition skin that was made by the original artists. It's a sleazy practice at worst. Why take a chance?

Edited by Stafelund
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1 hour ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

You have to learn to control yourself.

While i can agree telling one to control themselves can help.

its also helpful, hell more so, to tell company higher ups to stop trying to tug on peoples brains with S#&$ty tactics.

IMO, FOMO here is the small icing on the cake, its not the worst i've ever seen. My big issue is the filler S#&$ to "justify" the price tag, as i've said earlier in this long thread.

Edited by TheVirtualShadow
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4 hours ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

It's only Fomo if you make it Fomo. 

Besides, companies have used the "Don't miss out before its gone!" strategy for decades. 

You have to learn to control yourself.

Doesn't change the practice that the practice is 100% FOMO and is exploitative. It varies per person and not all person can excude a good self-control. And bottom line, it's exploitative and a practice that nobody wants in the game. And people who are against the practice, mostly fear that this would be frequent from here on out. For Warframe, there's literally no excuse for it to do this practice and in general it's just a scummy practice at worst. No reason to limit out access from an item.

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11 minutes ago, Stafelund said:

Doesn't change the practice that the practice is 100% FOMO and is exploitative. It varies per person and not all person can excude a good self-control. And bottom line, it's exploitative and a practice that nobody wants in the game. And people who are against the practice, mostly fear that this would be frequent from here on out. For Warframe, there's literally no excuse for it to do this practice and in general it's just a scummy practice at worst. No reason to limit out access from an item.

But it doesn't seem to affect Shodian so it must not be real. 🤔

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