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The upcoming Grimoire weapon doesn't look like it belongs in Warframe... Yet


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If you look at hints in the lore the grimoire isnt out of place as a weapon in the game. It isnt made for Warframes, it is made to be wielded by the Orokin and made by one at that. It isnt until the sentients decided to screw things up for the Orokin that the Warframes were made and the whole "gun and blade" became a thing again, all in order to allow the sentients as little to adapt to as possible. Prior to that most weaponry within the Orokin empire was of massively crazy power, they also took the shape of very basic but fancy things, like the grimoire in question and things such as Ballas' staff.

8 hours ago, (PSN)haphazardlynamed said:

Not in a Technical Testbed sense, but as a gauge of player interest in such content.


And a book that will simply be a pistol at the end will allow them to gauge what exactly? If this was a Drifter item for Duviri I could see it somewhat, but when it will just be another fast paced weapon for the frames I just cant see the connection.

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On 2023-09-06 at 7:52 PM, budderchew said:

normally yeah I'd agree, but the book doesn't have any of that void angel'esque metal stuff that we would expect it to have to show it has been changed or powered by the void.

That would probably be because it's not a Zariman relic, it's an Entrati relic. Two completely different aesthetics, my dude.

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