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Warframe Story Pack Feedback Thread!


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This is probably a less desirable but I think more likely to be implemented solution to the early power issue. Let players use the random warframes and weapons form duviri in the rest of the game.

I think loadout lending is interesting. But maybe a bit too abuseable. The random gear from duviri raises the power floor substantially, but comes with a power ceiling that can't be overcome without getting and upgrading your own gear, and should reasonably carry you through the starchart. Forcing the randomness would also prevent players from developing bad habits around some excessively cheesy builds.

Some serious changes to how those things are modded would need to be made tho. Not that they don't need that already anyways.

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For context, I've started playing this summer, right now I'm building my Necramech and getting ready for The New War.

The story quests, in total, are about 10-15 hours of almost all killer no filler. They are not the issue. The real pain points are the grinds in between. Grinding out the amp so I could fight Umbra really made me love the game less, it's just so exhausting. Now that I'm on Deimos, even if the update itself is really cool and exciting, I'm just so cumulatively tired of the grind in between The Good Stuff, I can barely get myself to log on.

I'm not a marketing/sales guy, but I'm also not sure about asking new players to pay to skip the best content in the game. That's the content that gets them invested and turns them into hardcore players in the first place. I think the game is better off by asking devoted players to continue spending while finding way to convert more new players into regulars. I just don't believe this "oh I just wanna fiddle around with my friends, I don't really care about the game itself, but I'm still going to spend plat on skips" crowd exists. Warframe's competition is FFXIV, not Fortnite.

The ideal solution would be easing up on the grinds for non-mote amps, and adding an in-game roadmap that tells new players what they should do next, e.g. to ignore the open worlds and haul butt to Uranus, or that they need an amp to beat The Sacrifice.

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I'll have to give a big NO to this idea. I'll explain why. First of just a few general thoughts and then I'll go more into detail with a few points. There is never a reason why new players should be able to jump into the latest content directly, all of the other content is already new to them. I started shortly after Plains of Eidolon got added, a few showcase videos from the content aswell as hearing some good words from Doomsaw (a dev from the company Gazillion that made Marvel Heroes) regarding WF in general is what got me to start. Never did I feel a need to hit up PoE directly, since everything was brand shiny new anyways to me. Being able to jump into PoE directly would have likely overwhelmed me, since it did the moment I actually went there aswell since I was horribly undergeared. Also if Duviri didnt work well as a NPE starting path I have a hard time seeing how skipping the story and getting thrown into the deep end on day 1 will be any better for any new player. I'd assume it would be full blown system overload since they'd be faced with practially all systems at once with no knowledge about any of them besides what Vor's Parkour 101 shows them. Ok now onto some more concrete points.

1. It will look horribly bad. The moment you step into the game you are offered to skip practically the whole story. Why? Is the story that poor? Is the game poor? Do they try to make a quick buck on me before leaving? Among other potential ways this might make the game and you (DE) look. I know what you want to achieve and I understand that fully, but new players wont have the years of experience with the game and you guys as I and others do. I dont think there is anything malicious or greedy in what you want to achieve. But there are other ways which I will get into later or.

2. As I thouched in my general thoughts up top, this will result in players getting thrown in with facing all systems at once. That isnt really of any help to anyone, it might turn out to be overwhelming. What are all the things for? Archwing, Railjack, Mech, Frame, weapons, operator and so on. I cant even remember if we get a companion through the main quests either since it was just that long ago since I did them. Now with all those things rammed in their face at once, which of them should they bother with for the new flashy content that they skipped ahead to play?

3. How does skipping to the latest increase the chance a player stays? I'd think the opposite. Which is something that ties into point 1, since it makes it look scummy, because it seems like you wanna cash in on "guaranteed" revenue before people leave as opposed to if they just play from the start and leave before spending. Again I know this is probably not your intent, but that wont change how it looks. Offering someone a diaper filled with chocolate puddin' still looks like someone offering a diaper filled with poop.

4. Warframe is also not some linear MMO where players must catch up for things to be relevant. It's a optional co-op looter shooter with a sandbox approach where all content is relevant in, hence why we still use items that we obtained years and years and years ago in our most powerful builds. And the same reason why we still do content several years old on a daily basis. This would also be something that likely adds to the risk of overwhelming someone by allowing them to skip the story. What is SP? How do I unlock it? What are arbitrations and how do I unlock them? Relics huh? Fissures wha? What are sorties? Why do I die constantly in sorties when I was able to skip to them? There would simply be too many things that they'd be presented to that they sit there and want to play but are unable to, things likely as attractive as the latest most flashy content once they are done with that.

5. There are other solutions to this. If you think it is OK for someone to skip to the latest content I really dont see why content simply isnt designed for that. If it is OK to pay and break continuity by playing the story in a random order starting from the latest I dont see why this cannot just be a free option to begin with, without all the pre-req gates.

6. It would be better to just streamline everything old. If there is a requirement for say a necramech in quest D and E, then quest C (at the latest) should grant a basic one on completion that can be used for the sake of quests. Same should apply to everything else aswell that is a requirement to a quest. Then the fancy version of those items should be obtained from non-quest content through farming. In addition to that, skip all other forms of pre-req steps for the quests. Allow players to start the game by going through the story quests as its own self sustainable content without having to hit X MR or do Y junctions etc. Just add the needed type of rewards to each story quest so players can do them and progress seamlessly up to the latest release by just doing the story quests. It could be solved the same way as loaner weapons/frames in circuit, a max leveled item with pre-determined mods strong enough to get through the stories that are already on the easier side of things.

So in closing. While it might look like you'd provide help and a benefit to new players by allowing them to skip the story, it could just aswell turn out the opposite. And if it turns out the opposite the reputation of the game and the company could take a severe beating due to reviews and opinions tied to that. Because there is a huge risk that players that do pay for the skip will end up overwhelmed when they suddenly sit there with everything to do all at once, or wondering how they'll unlock all the modes etc. when "done" with the game they just skipped through. I mean, carries or as the hip and the young call it these days "taxi" services, often end up with players leaving, and I dont see how paying to skip the content would end up differently when Duviri as a starter resulted in overwhelming and disjointed system experiences for new players. With a skip you'd amplify that sense of being overwhelmed several times over. Same as with the "I used the dude with the pistol and horse there, but where is he now?" when people transitioned from Duviri to regular Warframe. Getting railjack, mechs, archwings etc. instantly would most likely end up in the same exact situation.

So I'd suggest holding back on this idea and instead restructure how the story questing works. Make it a self sustainable experience that can be done from start to finish the day someone starts the game.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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15 minutes ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

Ok again, say they skip the whole quest.

What's the rest of the game going to be like, if the rest of the game is waiting several hours, 72 OF THEM FOR SOMETHING AS BASIC AS ANOTHER CHARACTER, to do other things.

"Well we can just skip them"

So is that going to be Warframe's legacy now?

"Play Warframe and just pay to skip everything so that you play the new shiny thing."

Like again, they're going to skip to play a short in comparison quest and then the new players are going to be shot into the hell that is the rest of Warframe's grind.

Pay 500 plat to get to new content, and then the rest of the horrid content that they wanted to skip is not only still there. But is still worth the 500p that they  pay to skip, meaning that they paid to skip for nothing.

Besides, you know, one quest that is going to have mechanics that'll never show up again in the rest of the game.

Imagine having to pay to skip to Zariman, and then seeing that the new character and weapons are from the Zariman is still behind the grind that you paid to skip, but all of them still have the #*!%ing several hours of wait time, PLUS the four missions that you paid to play are only there and the rest of the game is nothing like that.

You are going under an assumption that people will be skipping entire series of quests or even all of the quests to make things easier for them. I don't see that happening. And I would expect (or at least hope they would have) big warnings before allowing skipping to say, "Hey, you're going to be missing this, this, and this if you skip this. Are you sure you want to do this?" If the player still wants it, that's on them at that point. Rebb has even stated that they are looking at small packs of a few quests to let people progress more if they want. I see no problem with this.

But the issue for me is that the whole notion of being against unlocking quests reeks of hypocrisy.

- Buy a warframe off the market to skip the grind: OK

- Buy a weapon off the market to skip the grind: OK

- Buy a Prime Access pack to reduce the relic-cracking grind: OK

- Buy a booster off the market to reduce the grind: OK

- Buy a booster off the market when there's a DE-given doubler weekend to further reduce the grind: OMG YES!

- Buy a quest off the market to skip the (often solo) grind: OMG HOW DARE YOU THIS WILL RUIN THE GAME EXPERIENCE FOR EVERYBODY! AND WHAT ABOUT THE STORY?!

Are you kidding me? 

Edited by WidescreenJohn
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2 minutes ago, WidescreenJohn said:

Are you kidding me? 

Tell me then, when you skip the grind do you also completely bypass all the game modes that go into Warframe as a result.

You buy a Warframe, presumably while you already play Warframe, you still have to play Warframe a d chances are you aren't paying THAT much compared to skipping several quests. You are STILL playing Warframe, by buying a new Warframe to do the rest of the grind that you signed dup for.

You buy the relic packs, you get the Prime parts. Cool, are you then going to use those relic packs to then play the normal Warframe grind? Presumably yes, even moreso since this is 'supporting' DE and chances are you are the grinding to make those Prime parts to max level.

You buy boosters to reduce the grind, but you admit that you are going through the grind. You know that this is part of the game now and you're making things lighter, but you re still paying to play the core game.

Boosters with DE weekends, even moreso. You're setting time to play the grind because you know.its a grind.

But a new player, that skips all the quest to play a new Quest where the gameplay might be entirely different. Are THEY going to like the core grind gameplay of Warframe? If they skipped the whole thing, chances are they aren't and they are going to leave the moment they do a slight fraction of the things we suffered through.

Tell me, if a new player was interested in Chains of Harrow because of the spooky atmosphere, paid several hundred plat to play it, and say they're satisfied, then they play the rest of the game that is NOTHING LIKE CHAINS OF HARROW, is that a good sustainable model? Is that a good way to represent Warframe, and is that going to be a good image?

I'll ask again, if a player skipped everything to play Chains of Harrow would they then like the rest of Warframe? Replace that with Whispers of the Wall, or hell New War, or #*!% it War Within.

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Reduce grinding between quests or remove them in some way, possibly not entirely.

Let people skip the current quest they are on if the story beats are not for them and they wish not to play through it.

Then allow them to watch a recap of the quest if they still want to know what happened.

We don't need to add a arbitrary paid skip just because there is a lot of content up to the newest shiny things, Especially considering the amount of money people
realistically spend in this game. We already have so much pay to skip in the game we do not need any more

We have pay to skip grind over the entire game, Saying its not about greed doesn't ring well when the entire game is filled to the brim with micro-transactions.
Even though we can skip them, Adding some new incentive for new players to skip massive parts of the game through money is just scummy, no matter what angle its from.

You want more new players to enjoy the newest things warframe has to offer, But adding an immediate pay option in between does not incentivize many players who are fresh out of the gate. It might even make some of them leave. Cause who wants money to be the first option to see right away and say "Hey that's a good thing". Especially since they will also see every single option you can already pay for within the game.  

Many new players wont know you can play the entire game for free through trading and grinding, They will think its the standard to skip through paying.

That can turn many away, Or incentivize many to just not play the game for what it is and instead pull out their wallets.

Anything but this. Or perhaps in some other way but by god its skeptical.


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I'm having a very hard time finding a good reason to jump straight to "book 5" without reading books 1-4 first. Why is there a need for new players to explicitly experience the most recent content when all content is new for a new player? Is it just so they can play with veterans?

Doesn't that lead into you, DE, considering game design that accommodates both new players and veterans at the same time and thus dumbing everything down because new players can get to where veterans are day 1 and allowed to succeed?

Edited by Jarriaga
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Also for every

"You bad because you want people to suffer that you did."

My response is just

"Well why doesn't DE change it so that getting there isn't suffering?"

The reason things are suffering is because the grind in between quests are a joke. Tell me, to my face, why I have to build a Necramech that takes THREE DAYS for a half hour section for New War?

Hell by extension, tell my why do I need to play a 2 hour unskippable quest where the gameplay is radically different from the rest of the game for Zariman?

Edited by (PSN)rexis12
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  • I thought we already have some kinda "skip the story" bundles in store? e.g. limbo, titania, railjack if we buy them at store, we skip the story, right?
    • If that's the case we just need to merge a few bundles and rename it
  • instead of calling it "skip the story", we can call it "expansion prep bundle" or something like that in a MMO setting.
  • instead of skipping story for those who bought the "skip", story/important missions are unlocked and players are required to play through them, how long does it take? 4 hrs max maybe? because I believe some story missions also contain some forms of tutorial
  • ofc we can lower the MR requirement for story mission to an unbelievable low level like MR 2 or something but is that what you guys want? 
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To enhance the gaming experience and cater to different player preferences, I propose a solution that allows players to engage in quest storylines as a "practice run" without receiving rewards until they have progressed to the appropriate storyline position.

By doing so, players can fully enjoy the new content with friends while maintaining the excitement of earning rewards at the right time.

This approach strikes a balance between providing a challenging gameplay experience and incentivising players to continue their journey in Warframe.

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I think what should be looked into about here isn't the just the product alone. What's scary is the attempt to make those purchases compelling at the expense of nerfing down something or making something difficult.

Eg. with the above "purchase revive", reviving a different player, or reviving yourself with Last Gasp is difficult and removing arcane revives in order to goad people into buying revives.

Or in case of nightwave rank boosters, points you get from activities are now halved. And so on.

If they're gonna add "pay to skip grind" for every aspect of the game, I just hope they don't stack everything against the player in hopes of paying for skips.

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You guys don't have 10 years of 'story" content though that warrants such a paid skip. Most of that 10 year content can be sidelined. Main quest line can be done rather easily and doesn't take that long. The main problems are New war and mastery rank progression, with honorary mention of its 24h lockout per failure. If we're talking about condensing the new player experience, those 2 are the main problems in need of fixing.

New war should get the ability to do it in chunks, or entirely skip it to get to the Narmer era and get the quest done later. Yes, it will kinda invalidate the quest, but it's better than invalidating entire storyline.

Mastery progression should lose the lockout on the test at the very least. Other than that, I don't know how it can be meaningfully sped up, but it really should. It's a bigger timesink than running story quests before New war.

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I have an idea, of alternate way for new player keep in pace with veterans, and play new content:

  1. We understand, that Warframe is f2p game, but it has sellable a support packs with content, so there is no controversy in creating another one, sellable on all stores for cash, or in platinum ingame.
  2. This sellable DLC must contain a new way to play the game - The Story (Campaign) mode.
  3. This will be a way to play the game in sequential quest line (like the New War quest) - from the Beginning to the end of Main Story line quest.
  4. All grind walls must be eliminatated (or reduced to minimum) in this mode.
  5. Veteran players will receive this Story Mode for free, if they completed main story line before - for revisiting storyline in compressed, compact way.
  6. For additional value for players, all story quests must be updated with more ingame engine based cutscenes like in the New War, the War within, and the Second Dream quests
  7. During story mode, new players will receive set of content items and mods for basic builds, that can help them to start endgame play.

This will eliminate risk to drop down the game right after the start - that most of players do now - as we see in Steam achievement statistics in free to play mode.

For "buy to complete the game" auditory - the Story mode DLC will grant their wish to complete the game and familiarize themselves with beautiful story and lore of Warframe. And for auditory, that will to play free - the game be as it was.

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30 minutes ago, Stafelund said:

I think what should be looked into about here isn't the just the product alone. What's scary is the attempt to make those purchases compelling at the expense of nerfing down something or making something difficult.

Eg. with the above "purchase revive", reviving a different player, or reviving yourself with Last Gasp is difficult and removing arcane revives in order to goad people into buying revives.

Or in case of nightwave rank boosters, points you get from activities are now halved. And so on.

If they're gonna add "pay to skip grind" for every aspect of the game, I just hope they don't stack everything against the player in hopes of paying for skips.

At this point it's just speculation and a bit of panic, we don't know exactly what DE might do with this system, and as you've said before there might be some good having a discussion may come out of it, so I'm not against waiting, and talking about it. However, I feel unless I add my voice to the many who do not want features like these to be added, and feel a similar "line" has been crossed they will implement this feature in some form or another. DE have made monetary decisions in the past that I do not like, such as adding a 120p Necramech Skin in the market, a 40p Proto Skin (in the Entrati syndicate), and a Prime Accessory skin all before adding another Necramech (which I think the Bruntstar skin was supposed to be). 

Edited by Darkrya
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1 hour ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

Tell me then, when you skip the grind do you also completely bypass all the game modes that go into Warframe as a result.

You argument is a total straw man. Skipping quests does NOT remove the obligation to unlock the planetary nodes or junctions, which is where the game modes truly exist. New players are *still* going to have to go through all of that if they want to play with veteran players. You can't simply skip through to Chains of Harrow, which requires The War Within quest. They still must play (or replay) the Mot Survival node in the Void, the end node of the Void branch accessible via Sedna. Once both conditions are met, the quest will become available from the Codex.

The War Within requires The Second Dream to be completed and the Sedna junction at Pluto to be unlocked. 

The Second Dream requires the Neptune junction to unlocked.

You can't just skip through the quests withouth performing actions in the Origin System to get to those checkpoints. So your argument about "the rest of Warframe" is pointless. New players will still have to play through the Origin system to access quests and could be skippable. So stop with the false equivalence.

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17 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Hi Tenno!

We mentioned on Devstream #174 that we are considering doing something for newer players that want to play the latest Quest in our next Update on Day 1: A Story-Skip Pack. You can see the conversation in all its rawness in the link! 

We are at a point with this idea that we wanted to bring it up on the Devstream to get a conversation started about what this pack could be / shouldn’t be, which brings us to this thread. 

Where we are right now:
- Whispers in the Walls has a prerequisite of The New War to access it for narrative  & story reasons.
- While we remove grind and barriers with every Update to make the story more streamlined (and will continue this), players interested in accessing this new content day 1 must first complete 10 years of Warframe before they can dive in. This is a barrier to many people that we’re trying to provide options around. 

Our goals:
- Allow players to use Platinum to buy a pack that unlocks & completes the replayable Quests required to access Whispers in the Walls -- either purchasing it themselves or receiving it as a gift from a friend so they can play together.
- Require Vor’s Prize to be complete so there’s a baseline of game understanding. 
- Provide value in this pack by giving gear that would be earned in the course of play so they are ‘ready’ for content at a given level range (i.e Include Endo & Mods in the pack). 
- Continue to improve the gameplay path to The New War, as seen in changes with Abyss of Dagath and in future updates (unrelated to Story Skip but important to the conversation overall). 

Why are we even exploring this?
- Warframe has a decade of content to explore - this is a strength AND a weakness. 
- We treat this as a strength because we are prioritizing story content & quests that comes ‘after’ The New War. 
-This is a weakness because it can be a time investment that turns people away. A core ‘you can use Platinum to save time’ element is preserved in this approach.

There are many opinions on this idea, and we want to be transparent with our community before we consider shipping any iteration of this system. Please use this thread for constructive feedback, so we can read and understand your concerns. 

Thank you!

You put a lot if emphasis on players playing with friends etc, i played the full story solo i know a fair few players who did the same, I understand the idea but it kind of feels like you’re sort of disregarding solo new players i played solo to learn. 

You made a huge error with the heirloom nonsense, it’s looking like you’re looking for more ways to implement plat purchases, instead of fully skipping quests why not kill the tedious pace killing grind inbetween the quests i feel like the chiefs are leading the game on to some really shaky ground.

Edited by (PSN)FrDiabloFr
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12 minutes ago, WidescreenJohn said:

You argument is a total straw man. Skipping quests does NOT remove the obligation to unlock the planetary nodes or junctions, which is where the game modes truly exist. New players are *still* going to have to go through all of that if they want to play with veteran players. You can't simply skip through to Chains of Harrow, which requires The War Within quest. They still must play (or replay) the Mot Survival node in the Void, the end node of the Void branch accessible via Sedna. Once both conditions are met, the quest will become available from the Codex.

The War Within requires The Second Dream to be completed and the Sedna junction at Pluto to be unlocked. 

The Second Dream requires the Neptune junction to unlocked.

You can't just skip through the quests withouth performing actions in the Origin System to get to those checkpoints. So your argument about "the rest of Warframe" is pointless. New players will still have to play through the Origin system to access quests and could be skippable. So stop with the false equivalence.

You said it doesn’t change the obligation to complete nodes and so on, where are you getting this info from? Also the poster is correct if they skip the entire story that would imply all requirements would be fulfilled to get the player to the point of the skip ie nodes and essential missions complete.

I don’t see how the poster gave “false equivalence” they gave their interpretation because Reb wasn’t amazingly clear with the implementations.

Edited by (PSN)FrDiabloFr
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11 minutes ago, WidescreenJohn said:

So stop with the false equivalence.

What are you TALKING about?!

17 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Whispers in the Walls has a prerequisite of The New War to access it for narrative  & story reasons

5 minutes ago, (PSN)FrDiabloFr said:


Allow players to use Platinum to buy a pack that unlocks & completes the replayable Quests required to access Whispers in the Walls -- either purchasing it themselves or receiving it as a gift from a friend

It says RIGHT THERE it will complete, and presumably skip through, New War and go past literally EVERYTHING just so that the new players can get the shiny goodies.

That's means, SKIPPING all of the stuff that's required to do all the quests, like the junction and all the grinds just to play some new game mode that's not even going to be like 1% of 1% of all of Warframe.

I'll ask again, if the game skipped you all the way to play Chains of Harrow, or hell Whispers of the Wall if you wanna be pedantic about it, then if they do would they want to even play the rest of the game that's not only nothing like Chains of Harrow or Whispers of the Wall? With the entirely different atmosphere and gameplay and hell Grind?!

Hell, Whispers of the wall big thing is that Wally shows up. You know OUR DOPPELGANGER, what's going to be the narrative beat of when some random #*!%ing kid shows up and the New Players are supposed to give a S#&$ about some random kid that they don't even know the existence of being a part of the story/narrative.

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2 minutes ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

What are you TALKING about?!

It says RIGHT THERE it will complete, and presumably skip through, New War and go past literally EVERYTHING just so that the new players can get the shiny goodies.

That's means, SKIPPING all of the stuff that's required to do all the quests, like the junction and all the grinds just to play some new game mode that's not even going to be like 1% of 1% of all of Warframe.

I'll ask again, if the game skipped you all the way to play Chains of Harrow, or hell Whispers of the Wall if you wanna be pedantic about it, then if they do would they want to even play the rest of the game that's not only nothing like Chains of Harrow or Whispers of the Wall? With the entirely different atmosphere and gameplay and hell Grind?!

Hell, Whispers of the wall big thing is that Wally shows up. You know OUR DOPPELGANGER, what's going to be the narrative beat of when some random #*!%ing kid shows up and the New Players are supposed to give a S#&$ about some random kid that they don't even know the existence of being a part of the story/narrative.

Bro i was agreeing with you, i was just trying to keep it as civil as possible with the other poster re read my comment.

Edited by (PSN)FrDiabloFr
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Hello, I find it hard to believe that people are seeing a short trailer and downloading warframe solely for that and quitting because they need to play different parts of the game first. Is this a perceived problem or one that’s actually getting reported by a large group of people. If it’s just a worry instead of an actual problem I think you guys should shift focus to keeping veterans busy instead of funnelling new players into the same situation as the vets where it’s just a social club and no content to actually work towards. 

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2 minutes ago, (PSN)MaistBitPollen said:

Hello, I find it hard to believe that people are seeing a short trailer and downloading warframe solely for that and quitting because they need to play different parts of the game first. Is this a perceived problem or one that’s actually getting reported by a large group of people. If it’s just a worry instead of an actual problem I think you guys should shift focus to keeping veterans busy instead of funnelling new players into the same situation as the vets where it’s just a social club and no content to actually work towards. 

I agree with a lot of your comment, but i think it has to be 50/50 vets need incentives and DE need new player retention, to get both is ni on impossible you do for one and annoy the other.

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15 minutes ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

Hell, Whispers of the wall big thing is that Wally shows up. You know OUR DOPPELGANGER, what's going to be the narrative beat of when some random #*!%ing kid shows up and the New Players are supposed to give a S#&$ about some random kid that they don't even know the existence of being a part of the story/narrative

This is actually such an important moment, because New Players when they see some kid is just going be like:



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