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Petition for auction market in the game


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I want to change the market into a more reliable and feedback-positive system as the auction market built into the game.
Good example WOW auction.

Explanation of what WOW auction is:
You place an item to auction on a specific time period (costing you credits in case of wf),
The item is deleted from your inventory and saved on the server (let's imagine DE magically got servers),
If the item is bought, then and ONLY then, you will receive platinum into your balance,
If the item is timed out or you click to get it back you receive the item back only losing credits that you spent on placing the item. (Credits are also lost in case of the item being bought, its a spend resource in case of wf)

+ easier exchange of items with players as they no longer require face-to-face meetings (Place the item for 12h, 24h, 48h and let it sit there).
+ safer for new players as they will be able to see the items and price range straight away and not be scammed in chat.
+ more stable prices for items as to change the value you will actually need the item and amount  to drastically shift the price (unlike with the current website where you can just place air for a lower price)
+ more efficient trades in terms of amount (instead of day limit trade have a rank limit of items posted)

- an easier spread of black platinum (however with the change or without the rate and amount of it won't change much, so it is more of a neutral than negative)

- people who made WFM would lose the site as with the change their service would no longer be required

For anyone who is scared of prices going wild, for an enormous amount of items appearing from nowhere,
I want you all to just answer me this last thing...
I just placed a lot of prime mods on WFM for 3x cheaper price (Did i have them? No, Was I going to sell them? No, DId I just took time from people that didn't get an item? Yes, Did i steal a buyer from a dude above me? Yes)
And it all happened with simple air manipulation, if I kept it longer, if I made a price not 3x but maybe 5-15 plat cheaper every day i shifted the price while not even being a whale but with PURE AIR.
So for all current market defenders, please tell me how this is better than auction?

I am open to any suggestions about this idea😃

Edited by --iNTRoVeRT--
some people may have understood concept of auction wrongly
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A very cool idea that has been discussed for years and is always forgotten. I don’t understand why the developers don’t want to push the auction theme, although many people want it. I hope we get some information, because the last time they talked about him was in 2015 in my memory...

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Its been asked for countless times, even i have made a topic years ago asking for an In-game auction house to make trades faster/safer but its something DE will never make, especially with the issues of Black Platinum as DE doesnt want any responsibility over player's trades even tho schit happens in their game.

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2 hours ago, 8000john said:

A very cool idea that has been discussed for years and is always forgotten. I don’t understand why the developers don’t want to push the auction theme, although many people want it. I hope we get some information, because the last time they talked about him was in 2015 in my memory...

likely because platinum is a currency with "real value", if they facilitate an actual in-game auctionhouse where you can spend what is effectively real money they may be beholden to regulations they'd rather not deal with (although some of those regulations also apply to their normal storefront). 


that's only a slightly-educated guess though. 

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37 minutes ago, SDGDen said:

likely because platinum is a currency with "real value", if they facilitate an actual in-game auctionhouse where you can spend what is effectively real money they may be beholden to regulations they'd rather not deal with (although some of those regulations also apply to their normal storefront). 


that's only a slightly-educated guess though. 

Yeah if Platinum wasn't tradeable I'd be 100% down for an auction house.

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Hot take, but the current trading system is better because it affords an approachable opportunity for profiteering. Easy to learn and hard to master.

Sure, current trading is more time consuming, but it also rewards more opportunistic players more than an auction house would. At the end of the day, there's only so much you can buy with Platinum as well. When I started playing Warframe, the way trading worked appealed to me specifically because it became a real skill to do well in, and it rewards those who do get proficient at it. An auction house takes away of this, and boils things down to essentially spreadsheeting trades.

I've been out of trading for a very long time now, purely because I've lost passion in Riven trading, and that's the only thing I can realistically spend Platinum on. However, I do know that if I was ever in need of Platinum, I have the tools and skills to accumulate it relatively easy. Part of that is the fact I don't need filters to read trade chat, and I can siphon out the good trades while it moves at the speed it does. I've also memorized most Riven Mod prefixes and suffixes for attributes.

I am not totally against adding an auction house or anything, but given it likely won't happen, the current system does have its perks. Whether you want to use those to your advantage is up to you.

Edited by Voltage
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Chat is the only continuous and stable connection between game and player so the trading system must be fully manageable with chat commands. Command Examples:


/PlayerID > TradeWall.

 Show PlayerID trades interests.


/PlayerID > OffersWall.

Show offers on PlayerID trade interests.


/PlayerID > ItemID > Amount > Offer > ItemID > Amount.

Bid a item for another item listed on PlayerID's TradeWall. ItemID represents any exchangeable item including platinum.


/PlayerID > ItemID > Amount > ConfirmTrade.

Executes trade exactly as described in PlayerID > TradeWall.


/ItemID > Amount > Trade > ItemID > Amount.

Puts an item up tradeable on TradeWall. Itens on TradeWall its not visible on inventory.


/TradeWall > TurnOff > ItemID

/TradeWall > TurnOn > ItemID

/TradeWall > Remove > ItemID

Edited by Famecans
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18 hours ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

Its been asked for countless times, even i have made a topic years ago asking for an In-game auction house to make trades faster/safer but its something DE will never make, especially with the issues of Black Platinum as DE doesnt want any responsibility over player's trades even tho schit happens in their game.

this is y i want to address this topic again so people start talking bout it again. and the problem with black plat wont change with auction or with current state unless DE starts to do something with it.


18 hours ago, Famecans said:

The market is the most difficult boss in the game, it prevents many players from achieving power and progressing in the game.

not really, like yes u buy mods, u buy weapons and frames but u still need to know wat to build, how to build, have forma, resources and lvl it up anyway. having easier access to it won't change a bit in power dynamics.


16 hours ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

No thank you.

y not?


16 hours ago, SDGDen said:

likely because platinum is a currency with "real value", if they facilitate an actual in-game auctionhouse where you can spend what is effectively real money they may be beholden to regulations they'd rather not deal with (although some of those regulations also apply to their normal storefront). 


that's only a slightly-educated guess though. 

gold in WOW had a transfer rate for real money. it is true they may have problems, but if they r not stupid they will figure the way out of it with ease (legit just copy wow)


15 hours ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

Yeah if Platinum wasn't tradeable I'd be 100% down for an auction house.

gold in wow is tradable, and they don't have a problem with it


13 hours ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

Would love this but DE will not put the effort in to facilitate this.

this it y i made this post so people start thinking and talking bout it again


12 hours ago, Hobie-wan said:

If only the forums had a search function.

wat u mean?


9 hours ago, Voltage said:

Hot take, but the current trading system is better because it affords an approachable opportunity for profiteering. Easy to learn and hard to master.

Sure, current trading is more time consuming, but it also rewards more opportunistic players more than an auction house would. At the end of the day, there's only so much you can buy with Platinum as well. When I started playing Warframe, the way trading worked appealed to me specifically because it became a real skill to do well in, and it rewards those who do get proficient at it. An auction house takes away of this, and boils things down to essentially spreadsheeting trades.

I've been out of trading for a very long time now, purely because I've lost passion in Riven trading, and that's the only thing I can realistically spend Platinum on. However, I do know that if I was ever in need of Platinum, I have the tools and skills to accumulate it relatively easy. Part of that is the fact I don't need filters to read trade chat, and I can siphon out the good trades while it moves at the speed it does. I've also memorized most Riven Mod prefixes and suffixes for attributes.

I am not totally against adding an auction house or anything, but given it likely won't happen, the current system does have its perks. Whether you want to use those to your advantage is up to you.

i see ur point but i do have to say at the end of the day wat u do with chat or wfm is the same spread sheet but in ur head
+ auction is the same chat with less scam or easier access to the price range that u talk about
+ its also a hard skill and rewarding skill to learn how to master auction. so if u know how to it will reward u same or even more


6 hours ago, Famecans said:

Chat is the only continuous and stable connection between game and player so the trading system must be fully manageable with chat commands. Command Examples:






i dont really understand what this is about. can u explain this please)

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Auction houses can be a nightmare to manage and often have bots and no lifers watching the panel 24/7 to immediately undercut anything you post and players with large sums are able to manipulate markets - unless they’re controlled in a way like Black Desert. I actually kind of prefer the current “old school” system of just shouting for trades. The chat filter facilitates this pretty well too.

Youd also probably see the entire market collapse with 99% of items trading for 1 plat because of increased market availability.

Edited by (PSN)FirmBizkit
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2 hours ago, (PSN)FirmBizkit said:

Auction houses can be a nightmare to manage and often have bots and no lifers watching the panel 24/7 to immediately undercut anything you post and players with large sums are able to manipulate markets - unless they’re controlled in a way like Black Desert. I actually kind of prefer the current “old school” system of just shouting for trades. The chat filter facilitates this pretty well too.

Youd also probably see the entire market collapse with 99% of items trading for 1 plat because of increased market availability.

what is the difference that u see in those no-lifers undercutting u in your current state using wfm? exactly the same thing.
additionally, those exact monopolists would actually exaggerate the price in higher value rather than lower so idk y u think it would drop to 1plat.
cause of the exact reason u told, they would straight away buy out anyone who tries to undercut them and just post it at a higher price. 

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3 hours ago, --iNTRoVeRT-- said:

what is the difference that u see in those no-lifers undercutting u in your current state using wfm? exactly the same thing.
additionally, those exact monopolists would actually exaggerate the price in higher value rather than lower so idk y u think it would drop to 1plat.
cause of the exact reason u told, they would straight away buy out anyone who tries to undercut them and just post it at a higher price. 

Thats my problem with it. You'll see both buy up the smaller platinum pieces and try to sell it for an extremely high amount. So no, this game doesn't need that.

Or make Platinum untradeable. 

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So, there's a real and present reason why DE don't do this, and that's because of two simple factors; Account to Account verification, and the issue of Code Injection.

DE had, in the past, a huge problem with code injection, where players used brief interrupts in server connection to inject artificial drops of loot or successful trade verifications on trades that didn't happen, or on trades that now suddenly included items that weren't originally there.

What they did to ensure that this was not going to happen was make all trading an instanced affair that could be monitored and verified by forcing the players to load into an area which could then check over their inventory, and keep logs of each item that's present in the trade both before and after. This had the side benefit of allowing them to enforce trades that are directly items for items, or items for platinum (although they had to put a disclaimer on there about platinum for services, that's not something they can enforce).

A market, where the player has the option of being offline, makes this verification process that DE want to use impossible. 

Are there other ways to verify that? Sure. But that's not the way that DE has set up their net-code. And they have been on record multiple times stating they want their trades to be 'face to face' or 'in person' between players.

So this is another of those topics where the horse isn't just dead, the horse has been beaten to dust, blown away, and you're trying to beat the ground where it was years ago. It won't work, try another idea that actually stands a chance of working that would improve the actual face-to-face trading that we have.

I re-iterate: DE are absolutely fine with ideas that improve the style of trading they have and want to have. So any ideas that can improve that are absolutely welcome and going to get considered. Ideas that introduce a marketplace are... just not.

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1 hour ago, Waeleto said:

I really want this to happen, i'm so tired of spending an hour+ daily just sitting in dojo trading and not actually playing the game

If you have to wait an hour than a few things could be happening. 

No one is looking for what you're trading.

Or the price that you are asking for is either too low or too high depending if you're buying or selling. 

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2 hours ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

Thats my problem with it. You'll see both buy up the smaller platinum pieces and try to sell it for an extremely high amount. So no, this game doesn't need that.

Or make Platinum untradeable. 

how would this make plat untradable? and u know there can be 2 options for this? right? the buy and sell values. like they exist now. so ur logic still doesn't really make sense. so please expand on it. cause i wanna understand it.


26 minutes ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

DE had, in the past, a huge problem with code injection, where players used brief interrupts in server connection to inject artificial drops of loot or successful trade verifications on trades that didn't happen, or on trades that now suddenly included items that weren't originally there.

thats the problem cause they r lazy f's who dont wanna buy servers.


26 minutes ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

So, there's a real and present reason why DE don't do this, and that's because of two simple factors; Account to Account verification, and the issue of Code Injection.

DE had, in the past, a huge problem with code injection, where players used brief interrupts in server connection to inject artificial drops of loot or successful trade verifications on trades that didn't happen, or on trades that now suddenly included items that weren't originally there.

What they did to ensure that this was not going to happen was make all trading an instanced affair that could be monitored and verified by forcing the players to load into an area which could then check over their inventory, and keep logs of each item that's present in the trade both before and after. This had the side benefit of allowing them to enforce trades that are directly items for items, or items for platinum (although they had to put a disclaimer on there about platinum for services, that's not something they can enforce).

A market, where the player has the option of being offline, makes this verification process that DE want to use impossible. 

Are there other ways to verify that? Sure. But that's not the way that DE has set up their net-code. And they have been on record multiple times stating they want their trades to be 'face to face' or 'in person' between players.

So this is another of those topics where the horse isn't just dead, the horse has been beaten to dust, blown away, and you're trying to beat the ground where it was years ago. It won't work, try another idea that actually stands a chance of working that would improve the actual face-to-face trading that we have.

I re-iterate: DE are absolutely fine with ideas that improve the style of trading they have and want to have. So any ideas that can improve that are absolutely welcome and going to get considered. Ideas that introduce a marketplace are... just not.

basically, the whole reason and problem is that they are too lazy to buy servers and stop using people as hosts.

16 minutes ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

If you have to wait an hour than a few things could be happening. 

No one is looking for what you're trading.

Or the price that you are asking for is either too low or too high depending if you're buying or selling. 

and how the auction or the current state would be different in ur example?
it's just forced in the current state for a person to be available for trade
whereas in auction u just need to post it with no need to be even online for it

Edited by --iNTRoVeRT--
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17 minutes ago, --iNTRoVeRT-- said:

how would this make plat untradable?

No no. If they go auction house route they need to make platinum no longer able to trade. (Spolier Alert: they won't)

Example, 15 people put up Arcane Energize varying from 20p to 75p. I make a bot that buys them all and then I resell them for 250p each. No one can do anything about it cause now I have a script that buys them all. I'm the only one selling that. I do that for all arcanes now. See how that would suck?

19 minutes ago, --iNTRoVeRT-- said:

thats the problem cause they r lazy f's


20 minutes ago, --iNTRoVeRT-- said:

the whole reason and problem is that they are too lazy

That opinion is gonna get you far. 

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1 minute ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

Example, 15 people put up Arcane Energize varying from 20p to 75p. I make a bot that buys them all and then I resell them for 250p each. No one can do anything about it cause now I have a script that buys them all. I'm the only one selling that. I do that for all arcanes now. See how that would suck?

good example, bad idea. yes, that would work in theory. however u forget the demand and supply. 
till people and i mean at least 40% won't post the items then yes it would work. however, after that, u (specifically) won't be able to manage the buyout for reposting as u won't have enough plat as not enough people will buy ur bought-out items

4 minutes ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

That opinion is gonna get you far. 

how am i wrong though? that they are lazy of buying servers? and how is this, ok `opinion`, won't get me far?

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36 minutes ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

If you have to wait an hour than a few things could be happening. 

No one is looking for what you're trading.

Or the price that you are asking for is either too low or too high depending if you're buying or selling. 

or people on warframe market keep reducing the price by 1-2p to sell faster which is annoying af

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56 minutes ago, Waeleto said:

or people on warframe market keep reducing the price by 1-2p to sell faster which is annoying af

completely agree with u here, this is another good reason why an auction would help drastically than the current method.

after u place the item it's done, there are no further actions required and then it has a higher chance to be bought because the person just will need to click on it rather than text u, wait for u, invite u and only then trade. 

this will either completely eliminate the fact of u being cut as it would be just bought faster off of ur hands or just place ur item on top again after the cutters are gone in faster 2x motion than in wfm.

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On 2023-11-06 at 5:50 PM, --iNTRoVeRT-- said:

I want to change the market into a more reliable and feedback-positive system as the auction market built into the game.
Good example WOW auction.

+ easier exchange of items with players as they no longer require face-to-face meetings (Place the item for 12h, 24h, 48h and let it sit there).
+ safer for new players as they will be able to see the items and price range straight away and not be scammed in chat.
+ more stable prices for items as to change the value you will actually need the item and amount  to drastically shift the price (unlike with the current website where you can just place air for a lower price)
+ more efficient trades in terms of amount (instead of day limit trade have a rank limit of items posted)

- an easier spread of black platinum (however with the change or without the rate and amount of it won't change much, so it is more of a neutral than negative)

- people who made WFM would lose the site as with the change their service would no longer be required

I am open to any suggestions about this idea😃

An auction house system would be great for players, but it could potentially be bad for the developer's revenue as the avg item price would likely drop with an auction house system, so we haven't gotten it despite the various petitions and requests, even after a decade.

That being said, back in Apr 2023 there were talks of Warframe China looking to implement some sort of trade house system. At a stage it looked more like a website along the lines of warframe.market, but I wasn't following the development and have no idea what ended up happening there. A quick Google search didn't give me any more info, but I didn't spend more than a minute on there, so you may find more.


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