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I would throw money at a non-humanoid Warframe alarmingly quickly.

(XBOX)Architect Prime

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1 hour ago, CosoMalvadoNG said:

I will ask your next question.

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Why not?
Do you want me to answer you why not when you can't answer me why? funny isn't it?


Well, thought it was obvious.... Neural circuitry may be flexible enough to control non-humanoid forms.

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9 hours ago, (PSN)PanserKunst said:

Same response to a similar thread about a year ago:

This is never going to happen:

All warframes probably have a base skeleton with add-on joints for special case situations, but the base is humanoid. The previous post I could not find unfortunately. but I recall a Spider warframe was proposed. Consider how many if not all games assets would have to be re-worked. Animations were meant to be interchangeable from one frame to another. How would a spider animation work on Nidus? It wouldn't.

  • You'd have to re-run cloth simulations on every syndana. 
  • Transform, scale and rotate every Attachment armor piece.
  • Insure every weapon would not horrendously clip when holstered.
  • Revisit every emphemera
  • Months of testing and bug fixing collision issues that would almost certainly arise.
  • This would be hundreds if not thousands of working hours.

This thread is preposterous.

And yet, none of that is an issue as shown by the fact that she already goes down on all fours while you're standing idle. Try again.

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16 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

And yet, none of that is an issue as shown by the fact that she already goes down on all fours while you're standing idle. Try again.

She can't use weapons, still uses regular animations for everything else, the all fours is only when idle much easier to do than what you're suggesting

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11 hours ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

There are a handful of frames with uniques skeletons and animations. Also game devs often spend more time deliberating about their next move than actual production. They are skilled pros that can set up a skeleton and animations without too much trouble - assuming massive code isn't involved. Rigging is regarded as the worst thing ever, and yet they've done plenty of it without dire cause. 

Besides, DE's made of grown ups who can handle some feedback. It's one of the things we like about them. 

'Specific source'. I need a source beyond 'trust me bro'.

All the frames are able to use the same animations and are even conspicuously the same height give or take a few inches for the helmet.  They even referenced the Drifter being able to use armour and syandanas because they use the Warframe animation skeleton, singular.

53 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

And yet, none of that is an issue as shown by the fact that she already goes down on all fours while you're standing idle. Try again.

One animation where a character crouches =/= an entirely seperate set of animations and altered proportions for easier, readable, and good-looking quadrupedal animations which also needs to have the character hold a gun and use melee weapons.

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16 hours ago, (PSN)PanserKunst said:

All warframes probably have a base skeleton

Incorrect. Some of them have custom skeletons. 

16 hours ago, (PSN)PanserKunst said:

You'd have to re-run cloth simulations on every syndana. 

You wouldn't. I mean if you want to do it the longest way possible, then yes. But really only a few and forward the tweaks. OR you could just not allow them on that frame wirst case scenario. 

16 hours ago, (PSN)PanserKunst said:

Transform, scale and rotate every Attachment armor piece.

They already do this to many frames. 

16 hours ago, (PSN)PanserKunst said:

Insure every weapon would not horrendously clip when holstered.

Another very simple and easy adjustment. Another one where they could easily lock the frame in ""hide holstered weapons" mode. 

16 hours ago, (PSN)PanserKunst said:

Months of testing and bug fixing collision issues that would almost certainly arise.

Should take less than a week unless they do some crazy redesign. 

16 hours ago, (PSN)PanserKunst said:

This would be hundreds if not thousands of working hours.

If things are a mess under the hood: yes. If DE is organized: no. 

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5 hours ago, Loza03 said:

All the frames are able to use the same animations and are even conspicuously the same height give or take a few inches for the helmet. 

Depending on the engine, character scale be done in different ways in the skeletal pipe-line. It seems that scale is done on a per-basis, rather than being universal for all the skeletons. It could also be that they duplicate the standard skeleton, it's hard to say. Long story short, skeletons are not as big a deal as people think. Well, assuming that DE is organized. 

5 hours ago, Loza03 said:

'Specific source'. I need a source beyond 'trust me bro'.

Hundreds of 1 hour devstreams, prime times, thousand of tweets and obscure social media posts, a handful of tennocons, a wiki, another handful of interviews, and more over an entire decade. I'm afraid that a "source" might be hard to find, like a needle in a hay stack. 



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20 minutes ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

Incorrect. Some of them have custom skeletons.

  • Agreed. I would say a lot of them do, but what you have to understand is that the base skeleton has to be preserved and normally this is done by adding joints at the ends of already existing ones so joint orientations and transforms (x,y,z) are not affected.  Creating one-off skeletons increases load times. Ever wonder why you deploy to Cetus and everyone else looks like a blank Excaliber while they load in?

You wouldn't. I mean if you want to do it the longest way possible, then yes. But really only a few and forward the tweaks. OR you could just not allow them on that frame wirst case scenario. 

  • Syndanas already vary in cloth solving quality to a large degree, and most of these are simply hanging off the shoulders. Not allowing a cosmetic for a particular warframe would incite holy war from the player base.

They already do this to many frames.

  • All of them. 

Another very simple and easy adjustment. Another one where they could easily lock the frame in ""hide holstered weapons" mode. 

  • Removing Cosmetic options from the player is a non-starter.

Should take less than a week unless they do some crazy redesign.

  • Like making a non-humanoid warframe?

If things are a mess under the hood: yes. If DE is organized: no.

  • How much direct game development experience do you have?



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Centaur frame would be curious.

But, the most likely scenario, it's still going to be only a combat form that you somehow switch on during missions but can't use in safe locations. Otherwise it raises too many issues with interaction. It is possible. It can be done, all you got to do is one tiny little easy thing: convince DE it's going to be popular and used for more than one frame.

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

Hundreds of 1 hour devstreams, prime times, thousand of tweets and obscure social media posts, a handful of tennocons, a wiki, another handful of interviews, and more over an entire decade. I'm afraid that a "source" might be hard to find, like a needle in a hay stack. 


You're right.

Unfortunately, given how vital it is, it feels a little bit like misinformation spreading. Surely, though, given that each Warframe past the first couple have dev histories on specific Devstreams, surely it's not information that's impossible to find, right? Burden of proof and all - you make the claim, it should be something you can realistically back up.

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5 hours ago, Loza03 said:

You're right.

Unfortunately, given how vital it is, it feels a little bit like misinformation spreading. Surely, though, given that each Warframe past the first couple have dev histories on specific Devstreams, surely it's not information that's impossible to find, right? Burden of proof and all - you make the claim, it should be something you can realistically back up.

It's not worth the effort, so just take it with a grain of salt. It's not important enough to go through all that effort, so feel free to remain on the fence about it. Best wishes. 

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