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I'm not trying to be mean, but...


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The gaming experience is near-perfect, I agree....which is why you can reinvite people you were previously in a group with by using the "recent teammate" feature in the communication menu. 

If you were legitimately not able to complete the mission due to 1 person, you can disband and reinv everyone in less than 2 min.

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Sure, I’d like to see the chaos unfold.

People’ll be faced with putting up with someone or kicking them, and we all know what happens when you dangle any sort of carrot in front of someone’s face, seeing as we are creatures of pure instinct and zero restraint

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5 hours ago, Asura227 said:

Please give us a vote to kick option with a requirement to explain the reason for the kick.

explanations still don't mean jack. I can easily kick or be kicked for something that didn't even happen, there's no way to enforce it, so you're just asking for a box to be ticked, which doesn't make the system any more useful.

while it is regrettable that you had a bad experience, if it was the person's first time, you can't expect them to keep up with you and know what to do. if they're new they probably don't know where squad chat is either, so couldn't respond until they figured out how to use it, at which point they've had to endure whatever abuse you've given them back (and they're probably wondering "why is this person mad at me?")

as I always say, this is the risk you take when you go public. 



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11 hours ago, Asura227 said:

Warframe NEEDS an option to vote to kick players. Warframe is a near perfect gaming experience in my honest opinion.  However there is one point that sticks in my craw. Sometimes when doing missions you'll get that one player who doesn't know what they're doing.  That's not even the bad part. The bad part is when 3 players desperately try to communicate to that 4th player what they are doing wrong and try to correct it. That 4th player seems absolutely oblivious and just keeps on doing what they're doing. In this particular instance that 4th player then tried to act butt hurt at the end of the mission, saying it was their first time. That's ALL the more reason why that player should have been paying attention to the team chat.

Ultimately, it costs in time. In this situation, the only options you have are to suffer through in frustration, like we did. Fail the mission and restart. Or quit the mission and restart. Please give us a vote to kick option with a requirement to explain the reason for the kick.




Please don't be butthurt because your pub squad didn't go to plan, it doesn't deserve a kick function it will lead to MASSIVE ABUSE, I've seen it before in other games.

What mission was it, some context would be helpful, please.

Did you try the @blahblah approach in chat or go get in their face and make them stop by shooting them in the face, yes it does work, SeMz4.gif I have done it once, they'll then stop to see what your problem is, and then you can talk to them and explain how to do something if they didn't already know fully.


Though I've never really had a problem apart from that one time getting players to notice me in chat, then I'm able to guide them on how the mission works.

I find players seem to like the help, had two MR8s in the squad with me the other night I'm LR4 and going through a laser door I forgot to roll and laughed about it in chat as the other two did the same, so I informed them if you roll into the lasers you'll go through without being slapped down to the floor they were grateful for the knowledge.

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I agree with OP but OP presents terrible arguments.

Kicking can also mean you're just "host migrated" to your own session, doesn't have to mean to be placed back to the orbiter and lose all progress. I understand being host migrated carry the stigma that host migration also can result in disconnection and you losing your progress/rewards, for that I argue that the host migrations we currently experience is caused often by connectivity reasons, so the system have to scramble for the last known packet to remake a session and that can often fail, I don't know the specific reason why, but it is a technical debt that DE haven't really catch on to. So now when you are kicked, the system can actually get a snapshot of a point in the mission, its progress, and its rewards instead of a panic button, give you a 10 second timer or something before you eventually is host migrated to a session of your own if you are kicked, so you can still progress the mission or extract with all the acquired rewards so far if you so wish.


Another way to implement kick function, this is a rather divisive means however, is to let people opt into either a public session that have vote kick enabled or vote kick not enabled. But this truly means that people that opt into either options are consenting to whatever repercussion that can happen during that session.

Personally speaking, I want vote kicking primarily not to kick bad/newbie/inefficient players, but to kick players with leech like behaviour, or afk-botting. Kinda too often happening in asia region where I play, you can see someone that just use repeated input or movement to just not trigger the afk system, or have all 0's in the game stats that represent an active player actually participating.

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12 hours ago, Asura227 said:

Warframe NEEDS an option to vote to kick players. Warframe is a near perfect gaming experience in my honest opinion.  However there is one point that sticks in my craw. Sometimes when doing missions you'll get that one player who doesn't know what they're doing.  That's not even the bad part. The bad part is when 3 players desperately try to communicate to that 4th player what they are doing wrong and try to correct it. That 4th player seems absolutely oblivious and just keeps on doing what they're doing. In this particular instance that 4th player then tried to act butt hurt at the end of the mission, saying it was their first time. That's ALL the more reason why that player should have been paying attention to the team chat.

Ultimately, it costs in time. In this situation, the only options you have are to suffer through in frustration, like we did. Fail the mission and restart. Or quit the mission and restart. Please give us a vote to kick option with a requirement to explain the reason for the kick.

Not only no but hell no, and a couple things. 

1) this idea has come up many times and every single time it comes up the general consensus is hell no because 

2) it would create more grief than it would solve. 

We dont need toxic sweaty tryhards trying to  kick people out of games over every little thing.


If one or more players are making a match unpleasant enough just freaking leave and find a new one. 

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Option to Kick? No. 

Try to remember what it was like being overwhelmed in a mission trying to keep up and not seeing squad chat until much later. Try to remember that you didn't come into this game knowing what to do. Remember if there was anyone who ever helped you and try to be that person. Even and especially to low level players and randoms. 

I try always to be respectful, most people become defensive extremely quickly based on their perceived tone of the message. 

Now. When people absolutely refuse to be a team player you have options. 

Option 1 - Decline to Revive

Example: We had a limbo trolling in SP Circuit last night. I thought about leaving as host and reinviting the other person. But...i thought maybe this is a decent Limbo player. First and second stage he proved to be trolling. He even admitted to just doing it for the lulz. Throwing up a bubble and not killing anything. Being a complete carry and on purpose. He went down and we didn't res him. He eventually left and we went on advancing until we were done. 

In an Arbitration we had a guy we invited through recruit chat and he stayed in operator for 45 mins. The first couple of times I didn't notice and so I revived him  him until I saw he wasn't trying and my teammate called him out for doing exactly 17 kills in 30 mins. He responded that basically he didn't care and he was purposely not using his Warframe. He went down again and we declined to res him. He left as we continued for another hour. 

Option 2 - Leave and Reinvite or Go Solo. 

Simple, leave and regroup with your squad or go solo and play the mission they way you'd like. 

Option 3 - Complete the Mission and Ignore Offending Player.

Self explanatory. Finish your speed ran 2 minute exterminate and ignore the greifer. 


The thing is I and the group I play with always try to give people the benefit of the doubt and/or help and carry new or inexperienced players (who try) in various ways. 

Give your fellow Tenno the benefit of the doubt but likewise be respectful. It goes a lot further than raging on someone who as others have said may never play the game again because someone or a group was toxic. 

Just be decent. You don't know who you're talking to or what is going on in their life. Just be decent if nothing else. 

But if you encounter a troll/griefer you have options. Exercise those because they are effective.

There is no need for a kick option as it would most definitely lead to abuse. 


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I'm all for allowing people to vote kick but only if the host is set to Invite Only. This means you would have the kick option in premade squads in case you invited someone griefing you or similar, but this option should never be available for Public setting because it would be abused. You can't expect people to do what you want in public.

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6 hours ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

I'm all for allowing people to vote kick but only if the host is set to Invite Only. This means you would have the kick option in premade squads in case you invited someone griefing you or similar, but this option should never be available for Public setting because it would be abused. You can't expect people to do what you want in public.

Cant get more sensible than that. 👍

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I can see why this would be useful but it's not a road I want DE to go down. It would be a Pandora's box you would never be able to close and few people would be satisfied with the outcome. For our European players here, think VAR in football

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