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Leeching and AFk

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This game has lots of leechers and afk-er. Especialy on syndicate mission, Deimos and Plains of eidolon.

They ruin public games. In open world one can quit but not in syndicate mission. They steal host's game.

Pls do something.

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I've noticed that when I forget to put on solo and go into an open world zone with no mission selected,  the people out there start up a bounty. Well I don't feel obligated to assist with that bounty since I entered without one selected.

Edited by (XBOX)Timidobserver
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You can report players for grief behavior, but I would just move on. You can quite easily build your arsenal to solo missions anyways and ignore players. If they truly are AFK farming or excessively leeching, they'll be caught up to.

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20 minutes ago, Voltage said:

You can report players for grief behavior

Reporting through report system will do nothing. If you want to report, just make a ticket with evidence.

Also solo/invite only exist for a reason. If you choose to run public you have to take into account that not everyone will have the same goal. Some players eg. may prioritise getting high amount of kills (or attempt and fail to have high amount of kills) over doing the mission fastest and most efficient possible. Some will ofc freeload/afk, some other will do something else that doesnt contribute to group at all. And some will just try to be as distruptive as possible (I refuse to call this behaviour trolling, because it is not).

Edited by Zakkhar
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27 minutes ago, ...N.y.x... said:

This game has lots of leechers and afk-er. Especialy on syndicate mission, Deimos and Plains of eidolon.

They ruin public games. In open world one can quit but not in syndicate mission. They steal host's game.

Pls do something.

Submit a support ticket with evidence and atleast some identification of who it was and who was in the squad so they can pinpoint the game and check themselves.

Plains of eidolon AFK gameplay is often tied with AYA farms btw, still not ok and there is even a decent portion of the community that can tell you 1st hand what is it like to be afk in those scenarios, especially with the forced 2 week timeout from the game.

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I haven't really noticed them in my pub games, though if I do you can bet I'll be bringing the hoards with me to their location. :devil:


Also just report them, after you've had your fun with them, :devil:but to be honest it doesn't bother me to any extent unless they start griefing like the brats they are.


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A while back I was playing with a new player, my wife and we were in Discord as she's in the other room. She needed to clear a defense mission in Steel Path. We left it open and a LR 4 joined us. I'm LR 3 and she's MR 11. 

This experienced random who joined us found an area on the map and literally just sat there and did nothing thinking wouldn't notice. As Wave 1 ended I told her to abort and I would then leave causing him to finish the other 4 waves himself or abort and try to leech off someone else. 

Sadly. There are players like this who absolutely know better but don't care. Once I confirm what they're doing as a pattern and not simply AFK for a moment or two, I immediately ignore them and move on.

In open worlds I consider that some people have a harder time than others with certain objectives like caches in Plains or Orb Vallis missions. 

I begin from a place of benefit of the doubt but some things are so obvious that there is no other conclusion but that they don't care to participate at all...to not even try to be helpful. That's where I draw the line. 

My best advice to act and build as if you'll have to carry someone in a public lobby. That doesn't mean aggressively nuke everything in sight leaving nothing for anyone else to do, but to consider that others may not be ready or experienced enough in certain modes, they may get lost in a tileset or may not be built for higher level content yet. 

If it's something like spy vaults, always run them solo or with someone you trust. 

As for leeches screen shots are helpful if you decide to submit a ticket but be sure that this is the best course of action. I would call someone out in chat and see their response before I decided to do the latter.  Primarily because there are valid reasons that someone might go afk in a mission for a minute or it may be deliberately leeching. Often players who leech are a bit shameless to begin with as opposed to responding with a legitimate reason. Give them enough rope to hang themselves if they act as much. 


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Usually it doesn't bother me and I just do my thing, but a lot more of this is going on lately and I take my time to not steal all the kills. My guess is, it's people with phones who join if they are in a bus, a class or wherever and just want to leech. They were all MR 20ish, but I've seen LR 4s do this as well. Most of the time when I see it happen enough times in a row, I just finish my bounties solo. I never bother saying anything unless I can't extract cause they are asleep somewhere. DE please add a leave option for everyone's favorite mode, exterminate.

That said, about 75% of the time, people will not do this and I meet a lot a great tennos in pubs. 


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13 hours ago, Rawbeard said:

how though? 

For one I’ll have to wait 2 minutes or so just to open a stinkin friendship door.

For another, I could’ve gotten a useful teammate rather than that… person… yes I’ll leave it at person. 
Another thing is they divide the spawns of enemies. I’ll see less enemies just because they’re spawning near that piece of-(oh my getting annoyed here)


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leechers gonna leech, it's just an unfortunate fact of online gaming.

DE has no plans to implement a kick system (due to it's potential for being abused) or any other measures, so we all have to either deal with it or stick to premade/solo.


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well the biggest problem for me on open areas is the scaleing of objective with the number of people in the group it would be no problem for me to play public and do them if i only would need to do a basic part the scaleing i dont like so what do it do on deimons and fortuna i dont play public
for the plains it is completly not relevant and i could play public
so if i can deal with the task solo in a group and others just would add help it would be fine but if i need to do more and others are not helping it gets to be a problem for me

and for syndicate missions it is for me the same thing if i want to get everything i want i play solo because i learned in the past more people like to finish the mission than people collecting the medallions in them.

and if i play in privat groups i know that the people i play with have the same goal as i have so we do the same stuff and everything works out


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vor 29 Minuten schrieb Nybris:

well the biggest problem for me on open areas is the scaleing of objective with the number of people in the group it would be no problem for me to play public and do them if i only would need to do a basic part the scaleing i dont like so what do it do on deimons and fortuna i dont play public
for the plains it is completly not relevant and i could play public
so if i can deal with the task solo in a group and others just would add help it would be fine but if i need to do more and others are not helping it gets to be a problem for me

and for syndicate missions it is for me the same thing if i want to get everything i want i play solo because i learned in the past more people like to finish the mission than people collecting the medallions in them.

and if i play in privat groups i know that the people i play with have the same goal as i have so we do the same stuff and everything works out


Yes. and that's what it's all about!
Almost all of the content can be played solo in a group.
and there is anarchy in public. For certain rules there is LFG Chat. That's why in the end I only play duviri solo. because it's much easier and I can get the most resources there. and can also take enough breaks.

And I can't remember when I had any problems in the public group... other than bugs and host migration errors, there haven't been any there for many years.

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21 hours ago, Zakkhar said:

Reporting through report system will do nothing.

What evidence do you have to support this claim?  It seems silly that there would be an in-game system for reporting that simply dumps your reports into a furnace.

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3 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

leechers gonna leech, it's just an unfortunate fact of online gaming.

DE has no plans to implement a kick system (due to it's potential for being abused) or any other measures, so we all have to either deal with it or stick to premade/solo.

Yup, and we can take one look at Helldivers 2 for what happens when such a zero consequence kick system is available, imagine if people could force a host migration on people at any moment in WF for sick laughs -shudders-.

Honestly I've not run into many full on leech players in Warframe though, if anything I've run into more people wiping the floor with enemies so hard that the other 3 players are lucky to kill a stray mob every now and then.

In short, it sucks when it happens, but imo the alternative is more rife for abuse.

Edited by Aldain
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1 hour ago, UnstarPrime said:

What evidence do you have to support this claim?  It seems silly that there would be an in-game system for reporting that simply dumps your reports into a furnace.

It is not silly - it's placebo effect for people who are too lazy do make a proper complaint.  Significance of in-game report is slim to none compared to the ticket with hard evidence. Any action depends on the amount of reports on that player and if nobody else reports them most likely nothing happens. With screenshot/video evidence you are giving the support all the juice, they do not need to search the logs or anything. 

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1 hour ago, Zakkhar said:

It is not silly - it's placebo effect for people who are too lazy do make a proper complaint.  Significance of in-game report is slim to none compared to the ticket with hard evidence. Any action depends on the amount of reports on that player and if nobody else reports them most likely nothing happens. With screenshot/video evidence you are giving the support all the juice, they do not need to search the logs or anything. 

With respect, you haven't provided any evidence.

And with regards to providing support with screenshots, etc, I agree that's probably helpful, but any support team worth its salt is still going to check the logs to ensure that the evidence hasn't been fabricated.  I've worked in support and you don't just blindly trust whatever information a user gives you.

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17 hours ago, Aruquae said:

For one I’ll have to wait 2 minutes or so just to open a stinkin friendship door.

if 3 people are afk why not just restart the mission?


17 hours ago, Aruquae said:

I could’ve gotten a useful teammate

sir, this is Warframe, why would that matter or affect the outcome of most missions? seriously, most public missions are slower in a team by virtue of being able to clear entire rooms without a blink and having to wait at extraction even if everyone was trying to keep up. and if you are in a mission where it actually mattered and you are not pre-made? that's on you. you wanted to be carried and ran into people that were even worse than you. stop complaining. 

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5 hours ago, Rawbeard said:

if 3 people are afk why not just restart the mission?

Sometimes it isn’t a full squad. There are times when I accidentally load into a public mission and then only one dude shows up to just afk.

Not to mention I would never purposefully put anyone in a host migration 

Edit: for some reason spell check changed “host” to “shot,” which was quite fitting ngl

5 hours ago, Rawbeard said:

sir, this is Warframe, why would that matter or affect the outcome of most missions? seriously, most public missions are slower in a team by virtue of being able to clear entire rooms without a blink and having to wait at extraction even if everyone was trying to keep up. and if you are in a mission where it actually mattered and you are not pre-made? that's on you. you wanted to be carried and ran into people that were even worse than you. stop complaining. 

Me? Carried? Aight you’re just building your assumptions on a stereotype. Usually I’m the one carrying if anything. 
Besides, a “useful,” teammate could be anyone who can help speed up the mission instead of making it drag. It doesn’t have to be a good or bad teammate, just someone who’s there. 
For example, defense. ANYONE can help speed it up just by killing some enemies. Interception is also another mission where a team can help speed up everything, instead of me just regulating all four. Sure it’s doable, but it takes more time, and I don’t want to be regulating all of them when there’s one teammate just existing. 

When engaging/creating an argument, put your bias aside and talk to me with actual information. Your last two sentences didn’t contribute anything. 

Edited by Aruquae
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On 2024-03-13 at 6:42 AM, Aruquae said:

For one I’ll have to wait 2 minutes or so just to open a stinkin friendship door

This. DE, this is the .ost annoying thing, when some JA loads i to your mission 2 sec before you open the door then they backtrack to search for resources ignoring the door for 2-5 minutes doing who knows what?! Make the door console switch to a security console to hack after 30 seconds so one doesn't have to be STUCK there!

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I usually don't bother unless they are actively getting in my way somehow ( like hiding in a corner and attracting all the aggro or delaying the mission )

I personally hate AFK leech behaviour , I hate it a lot more that DE keeps making it easier to do so with their own mechanics and then is surprised when players use it due to the grind that exists.


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