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PC Dante Unbound: Hotfix 35.5.4


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-Please do something about the slow cast speed. I have 3 tau shards with cast speed and the frame doesnt do all the inputs. For example, I press 2, 2, 4 in quick succession. The frame physically casts 2, 2 and then stops. Just sits there getting shot. Please implement a mechanic where all the inputs are chained.

-Add a timer next to the book on the left side of the frame.

-Add an owl icon somewhere with a timer on it. Up in the corner there are 2 rows of buffs even when I am playing solo.

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46 minutes ago, Gaxxian said:

Dont give them any thanks, they dont deserve. They are just saving face while ignoring the community at the same time that they are showing how little they would need to make those fixes if they truly cared.

46 minutes ago, Sarulas said:

Well, this is disappointing, but not surprising. I'll spell it out:

Doubling Down--Fixing a broken mechanic that shouldn't have been present in the first place.

Listening to community feedback--actually reverting the LoS changes entirely.

I'm sad you made the less trustworthy choice. You introduced an unnessesary problem, and then made a better version of what is still the problem. I hope nobody on the team is surprised when people are still upset.

45 minutes ago, DeadxxSmile said:

"We are listening to your feedback..." if you were you'd revert swapping it to LoS. It was stupid and unfounded and didn't fix the issue that was being discussed. And after you stated in the initial hotfix you weren't touching damage, then proceeded to touch damage. 

I really friggin hate corporate speak. 

All of this honesty ^


Psi's Dante Balance Changes

After much review and feedback consideration, we recognized that it’s not the damage Dante can deal that needs to be addressed or his accumulation of Overguard. It's how he affects his allies and how disruptive he is to his squad.

To that end, we have decided to do a full revert on Dante's Balance changes and have made new changes based on your Feedback!, we're truly sorry that our adjustments nerfed him into the ground. However, finding balance isn’t found simply in the nerfs, but also in the buffs! So we have also given a little bit of love to all his kit!

  • Increased Wordwarden’s weapon damage on warded allies from 30% to 50%. (Unchanged) 
    • The Wordwarden felt a bit lacklustre in comparison to the rest of Dante’s abilities, so we gave it a boost to encourage players to experiment and engage with it more. 
  • Final Verse’s “Tragedy” no longer has Line of Sight.
    • This felt like the most reasonable change to Tragedy since Line of Sight is broken and Dante was impacted by it. 
  • Final Verse’s “Triumph” no longer gives Overguard to his squad. (Note: Dante's Pets can still be given Overguard) 
    • For a bit of compensation, we increased Triumph’s base Overguard Regeneration per second from 50 to 100 at Max Rank for Dante Only (can still be modified with Ability Strength). This is to ensure he is no longer disruptive to his squad that relies on mod setups (Exp: Rage) to function.
  • Light Verse can no longer gives Overguard to his squad!
  • Added Overguard note on his Final Verse’s “Triumph” description to make it clear that his Light Verse and Triumph can't affect his squad
  • Final Verse’s “Pageflight” still now applies increased Status Effect Damage to enemies hit by its Paragrimms. 
    • For the sake of transparency, We believe its removal strikes were unjust and not ideal for a better balance and synergy with Status Damage inflicted by Tragedy.


If players -really- want his Overguard to affect allies for a situation that calls for it then allow Rage mods (and other versions) to work with Overguard or add a function that allies Allies to Opt-in-out of his Overguard with either an Augment or otherwise.




P.S: Since Overguard no longer affects his allies, the only compensation I can think of FOR his allies is that the HP healed based on max health is boosted quite a bit, so he can still remain has somewhat of a support class by healing his teammates.


Just do what I listed here, it's that simple


Edit: Keep in mind that the main issue is OG itself, not Dante, so the suggested changes are only for Dante

Edited by Circle_of_Psi
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Love this whole sentiment of community wants LoS removed thus must get it , if DE want LoS  then that is what will happen , ifg anything its just in line with Expedite Suffering , people acting like he still cant nuke level 600 and above enemies like nothing or still compete at level cap  , crowd mentality at its finest

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14 minutes ago, Alt3rcode said:

As for the overguard, just remove the nerf 100%, please, its useless on Steelpath if its value is low.

use triumph and kill consistently with a cast of light between momentary luls/movement for i-frames. murmur couldn't touch me in a solo netracell earlier as long as I kept the over-regen regenerating via a kill every other second and even then some shields with augur kept it up if I really wanted to finish a melee combo or something. Makes you more active, and the regen was literally doubled from it's original to promote more activity rather than frontloaded overguard inverse nukes.


Edited by Darkmega18
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3 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

They didn't even revert the overgaurd just added a single-digit

Revert ALL the Nerfs, don't bandaid it. 

Yes it's true, the whole issues with dante can be fixed with the simple change of reverting EVERYTHING done to him and removing his ability to give overguard to allies

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The overguard amount is still extremely small and somehow still not changed to address the teammate issue (specifically hunter adren/rage and vex armor), and the LoS changes are nice but very hypocritically applied to Dante (many have said it but Gauss, Saryn, Equinox, etc. are all free from this  dumb restriction yet Dante has to deal with it as a "slight tweak"). It really feels like the hundreds of posts have fallen on deaf ears and I plead that we are listened to in a civil manner, please just revert the nerfs and reduce overguard for allies (or make it work with vex armor and rage).

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Awesome, Dark Verse is worse now. 

Was not LoS checking before, now it is...

Specifying: Before 5.4, Dark Verse was hitting through walls, now it is NOT...

Allow me to preface the above two statements: DARK VERSE WAS NOT LINE-OF-SIGHT CHECKING BEFORE THIS HOTFIX, AND NOW IT IS...

Nezha also lost all hope in being relevant with an augment nerf. Piece of advice: 
- If you are going to release something then nerf it, don't release it unless YOU YOURSELVES TEST IT FOR THINGS LIKE THIS

Same can be said in regards to Dante, which I can heavily assume you've had weeks if not longer with him longer than us to test for these things. 

If you truly wanted to release a frame with the right specifications... TEST. THIS. CRAP. FIRST. 

Almost Like There Should Be A Test Server For Things Like This, Hmm... 

I digress. Thank you for the hotfix for Deep Archemedia, but Dante is in a sad state. I'll still use him on occasion, but no where near as much as my normal frames. 

Overall take you need to consider: 
- Remove it for Dark Verse and Tragedy. 
- Remove it, for the love of all that is this frame. 
- You made a grimoire / magic caster-esce frame, let the man DO HIS SCHTICK...

Imagine if Saryn's Spores were LoS checking and could not go through rooms, imagine if her Miasma LoS'd and did not go through rooms, imagine if Frost's Avalanche LoS'd and did not hit enemies in other rooms or behind cover, imagine if TOO MANY FRAMES HAD LOS AND MADE THEM WORSE...

All we ask is to remove LoS from these two... How hard is it to pull back from your AOE-Like Nerf for once?!

Do it DE, you won't: 

Edit: If I a not forced to use Dante now for certain activities (Duviri, Arbi Choice, or Deep Archemedia), I will 100% never use him again. 

Everyone, just build for his book, viral it up, and watch everything die, as his 3 and tragedy are beyond saving now. 

DE has proven to us that AoE is still on their hard-nerfing list and never want to deal with it. 

Edited by Halo
Sad realization
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"After much review and feedback consideration, we recognized that it’s not the damage Dante can deal that needs to be addressed or his accumulation of Overguard. It's how he affects his allies and how disruptive he is to his squad. "


Love how this sentence doesn't apply at all to anything you have done to Dante... time to boot up another game.

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Nuh uh bro, Dante BAD IOS still not reverted. No way I am going to press 3 buttons to prepare nuke just to watch how enemy behind group of enemies stays alive and starts shooting me lol

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Thanks for the update, as always.

6 minutes ago, Ace-Bounty-Hunter said:

So rather than admitting you're wrong you instead decide to dig in your heels and ignore the multitude of threads telling you to revert these unnecessary changes. That takes a real inflated ego to think that you know better than the thousands of players that you have swindled with this blatant bait and switch tactic. Talk about shameless anti-consumerism.

Go ahead and bury your heads in the sand hoping that this all blows over in a few weeks. But don't expect anyone to get excited about Jade or any of your future Warframes that you have planned if you're going to screw over your players like this. Any good will you have built up over the last few updates have now completely evaporated after this pathetic stunt!

And don't even think about trying to band-aid fix Dante with an augment later. You already pulled that stunt with Styanax and Gyre and we're sick and tired of it! Stop trying to fix things that are not broken!

I am seriously begging this community to learn the difference between "we value your feedback" and "we will implement exactly what you want." Please.

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15 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:


  • Fixed the Loadout options resetting daily instead of weekly (at usual reset time) as intended. 
    • All conditions for Deep Archimedia are on a weekly reset, so the Loadout Modifiers follow this standard. 

So now instead of being able to have a chance at getting all points if you don't happen to have the gear provided on weekly reset you have to rush farming it out in less than a week in order to get enough points for all rewards.


Great change no notes.

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There’s over 100 pages mostly consisting on players asking DE to REVERT the Tragedy LoS changes, listen to your community for once, we don’t want the LoS on Tragedy full stop.

Can't agree more with you fellas

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5 minutes ago, Gaxxian said:

They are just saving face while ignoring the community at the same time that they are showing how little they would need to make those fixes if they truly cared.

What the community wants doesn't always align with the health of the game. To say they don't care is a little extreme... if they didn't care we wouldn't have gotten this tuning hotfix so quickly.

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I want to point out again that I appreciate the commitment and the dedication you give to your playerbase. Many of us know that you're trying to have the best decisions even if we don't approve it. 
However, it was clearly stated that his dps would be almost untouched. A LoS check is nowhere near "untouched". Dante was absolutely fine without this dps wise and there was strictly no reason to nerf him for that. 
Players are complaining everywhere about him sharing his overguard. Reverting the LoS check and nerfing his Overguard share would be the best trade. He will be fine and many will just be much happier.


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  • Fixed the Loadout options resetting daily instead of weekly (at usual reset time) as intended. 
    • All conditions for Deep Archimedia are on a weekly reset, so the Loadout Modifiers follow this standard. 

Please have this be a daily reset. If you get awful choices for your frame or weapons, you are essentially screwed for doing Deep Arcimedia for the entire week until reset. With a weekly reset, players will log on, see that what they rolled for the week is bad and then log off.

With a daily reset, players are incentivized to log in more often to check their options. Eventually, they will roll a frame or weapon that they like and is strong and will play the gamemode. The only reason I was able to unlite the Elite Arcimedia today was due to my loadout options rerolling to a frame and weapons that I actually had and liked to play. 

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19 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Dante Changes & Fixes 

Tragedy Line of Sight (LoS) Changes & Fixes: 
As a result of yesterday’s Hotfix and the understandable feedback we’re receiving, we wanted to address the clearly broken state of Dante’s Tragedy LoS checks. It was not implemented to our standards, and that is on us. We know that this has been an unpopular change, which was greatly aggravated by the fact that a) it launched in a defective state and b) that LoS checks in general suffer from broad inconsistencies. 

Our first step is improving how LoS checks work with Tragedy to fix the inconsistencies and ineffectiveness. We’ll use our learnings from this incident to review other cases of LoS check issues for a future update.  

  • Improved Tragedy’s Line of Sight checks per enemy to be much more forgiving and reliable to fix the many cases players reported of not being able to hit enemies at all. Now, it considers not only the enemies that Dante sees but also those visible on screen/via the camera—so any part of them, big or small, is considered visible/eligible to pass the LoS check.  
    • To break that down a bit deeper: 
      •  Enemies positioned directly behind or in front of Dante 
        • We have made it so that enemies within 5 meters of Dante are automatically considered visible; no LoS checks are required. 
      • Enemies barely in cover or who had just run to cover
      • Enemies positioned at a different height to Dante where they are still partially in view 
    • Enemies that are not caught by the "Is the enemy on screen?" check (behind or to the sides of you) use an improved target detection where we now check for line of sight to the target's head, torso, and feet. Previously we only checked for their torso. This will improve the reliability of hitting enemies even when they are not directly on the screen.
  • Fixed Tragedy not hitting/affecting ragdolled enemies that are in LoS.
    • This was a particularly brutal bug considering the number of abilities, weapons, and other effects that can cause enemies to be ragdolled. This issue also contributed to the many scenarios in which Tragedy did not apply at all. 

With the changes above, this is where Tragedy’s LoS should have been originally. As mentioned above, we are also taking what we’ve learned from Dante and will be making general improvements to LoS checks as a whole in a future update. We provided details on how we plan to do that in the post we made today, but in short we will be making LoS checks across the board far more reliable than they are currently. 

Light Verse and Triumph Overguard Increases: 
The second pillar of feedback we want to address is our changes to Dante’s Overguard capabilities. We went too deep with the initial decrease and are, therefore, bumping up the Overguard gain from Light Verse and Triumph to a middle ground between their pre- and post-balance states.   

  • Increased the Overguard gained from Light Verse from 250 to 350 at Max Rank.
  • Increased the Overguard gained from Triumph from 2000 to 3000 at Max Rank.

We knew we could tackle LoS improvements and Overguard bumps today without hesitation. However, this is just the tip of the feedback iceberg, and we know there’s more that’s been shared beyond what we can accomplish today regarding both LoS, Overguard, and more. So we’ll continue to digest and evaluate feedback, and we encourage you to keep sharing in the dedicated Dante Feedback subforum.

We value your input and how it helps us iterate and improve together. Thank you, Tenno.

Deep Archimedea Fixes: 

  • Fixed Clients being unable to interact with Void Angels to revive fallen Host for the second time in a mission due to the context action missing. 
  • Fixed the Loadout options resetting daily instead of weekly (at usual reset time) as intended. 
    • All conditions for Deep Archimedia are on a weekly reset, so the Loadout Modifiers follow this standard. 
  • Fixed the message to defeat the Void Angels to revive downed players lingering on screen for Clients. 
  • Fixed [PH] tag appearing in the additional Search Pulses tooltip in the Netracell screen. 
  • Fixed a script error that could occur between missions. 
  • Fixed a crash caused by recovering from being knocked down in Deep Archimedea. 
    • This was also causing an issue where your Warframe would seemingly “trip” all over the place before crashing. 


  • Fixed a crash caused by the “Complete an Exterminate mission in 6 minutes” Cavia Bounty challenge. 
  • Fixed the Void Angel in the Angels of the Zariman Quest, as well as those in Void Armageddon missions, not having an objective marker.
  • Fixed the lighting in the interior of the Orbiter (not on Drifter Camp) changing from bright to dark as you move around when the Dynamic Lighting or Sun Shadows settings are  disabled. 
  • Fixes towards some surface artifacting occurring in the Drifter Camp.
  • Fixed Secondary ammo pickups in the Simulacrum not charging the Grimoire’s alt-fire. 
  • Fixed the splash sound FX from throwing Amphors at Crucibles being heard throughout the level. 
  • Fixed given Grimoire to friendly NPC (i.e. Rescue Target, etc.) causing Secondary ammo pickups to stick to the player. 
  • Fixed Blueprints that have crafting costs that exceed a player’s owned Credits appearing at the top of the Foundry list when sorted by “State”. 
  • Fixed glowing blue orbs appearing on the Conduits in the Armatus Disruption mission. 
  • Fixed broken lighting throughout the Grineer Sealabs Assasination (Titania) tileset. 
  • Fixed [PH] tag appearing in the TennoGuide when instructed to visit Onkko after completing The War Within Quest. 
  • Fixed some hitching when loading into Venus missions. 
  • Fixed a crash caused by weapon hit direction. 
  • Fixed crashes caused by Keyglyphs being reassigned to players after Host migration. 
  • Fixed a script error in Isolation Vault Bounties. 

For list of known issues for Dante Unbound, visit our dedicated thread: 


I'm still INCREADIBLY apprehensive about buying any Warframe on release with Plat AND seriously still question my desire to buy the Protea Prime Pack when it releases.

This whole entire thing was a debacle that has me questioning if i should continue to financially support the game.

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hace 1 minuto, Circle_of_Psi dijo:

Final Verse’s “Triumph” no longer gives Overguard to his squad.

People should learn that THIS IS NOT THE PROBLEM. Its NOT about Dante giving OG, but about OG itself!!! They need to find a way to make it work with those few frames that benefit from not having OG.

This would be another disgusting nerf and would remove the support from a "support" frame. Do you remember that he is support?

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still completely ignoring your community that pays all of your bills blows my mind we didn't ask for a LOS on dante he isn't that strong to begin with... saryn octavia nova and many others are way stronger and able to be earned way way earlier in the game let dante be a frame built around SP like he was on release idk maybe because you pretty much have to be that far to even unlock the farm for him genuinely disappointed in the dev team at this point will defiantly not be recommending anyone spend a penny on anything new you release in the future seeing as your misleading people taking their money and immediately making knee jerk reactions because 2 people complained before you nerfed him into the ground well not look you have probably 100 pages of forum complaints begging you to return him to release state and still believe you made the right decision and try to band aid it instead of JUST LISTENING TO US FOR ONCE is mind blowing sorry but huge L imo major trust with this new team is already broken. in the words of all the dads out there at this point im not mad just disappointed that you cant see the error in your ways...

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Thank you, but i still can´t understand the Nezha and CC Nerfs on Eximus. 

It sometimes feels like you want players to be upset, no hard feelings!
Next time, either just start cutting nerfs in half because most times that is what most people find acceptable, or ship them pre-nerfed and buff them afterwards.

That just saves you a lot of mental energy, and the community. 

Please just remove that Range nerf on Nezha. I don´t play him but 50% Range??? That much was obvious from the start.
remove that multiplier first and then see how it goes.

People Always love to see buffs, the worst they can say on a weak release is "it´s too weak". 

(please do something about Status and CC, Immunities are such a pain, atleast give us a slow instead of nothing)

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