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Unpopular opinion DE should make archon shards buyable from market and quests pay to skip

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But actually, no



Because I don't like just saying no, i'll just point out archon shards are already buyable. This is why you need to be specific with your wording!


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they are buyable but i said from market, but i will be even more specific and say for plat!

11 minutes ago, MutoManiac said:

Before others come here and say all kinds of nasty things to you, can  I ask what do you like about the game?

i like playing missions with OP warframes, what do you like about it?

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4 minutes ago, Lorax_962 said:

they are buyable but i said from market, but i will be even more specific and say for plat!

i like playing missions with OP warframes, what do you like about it?

I like that also and play WF because the movement is way better than any other game I’ve played. For quests I don’t enjoy, I just do them as quickly as possible and get back to the parts I like. I think DE was going to put in a way to pay and skip quests which I thought was fine, but everyone went ape sh!t for some reason.

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51 minutes ago, Lorax_962 said:


Nah.  DE uses quests to introduce new mechanics as well as lore, skipping those would leave players trying to use things with no instructions or tutorial.  Putting the lore & tutorial into a quest is a two birds, one stone situation.

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I feel the appropriate middle ground is to make them unbuyable until someone has completed their first Archon Hunt/Netracell/Deep Archimedea. And if that's still too lenient make it after you've acquired five total Shards. The same thing could even be applied to making them tradable as an alternative to a market option.

As for pay to skip quests it was already a topic that DE planned to implement but decided not to last second. Which is strange as you can more or less pay 2 skip the quests already it's just that you have to pay for a few dozen things then speedrun the quests instead of just having it all as one button. There's not really any reason not to have the option directly especially with every major and most side quests being replayable. Plus WF already regularly gets the types of players who dump a few hundred $ on the game within the first day then stop playing after a week, why not give them more major purchases to throw away?

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1 hour ago, Aruquae said:

because I don't like just saying no, i'll just point out archon shards are already buyable. This is why you need to be specific with your wording!

If it wasn't obvious from the OP's tittle they meant:

- trade from other players with any quantity, tau and normal, 6 kinds

- or at least buy from the market with any quantiy, without time gate.. .etc

47 minutes ago, SABRETOOTH1971 said:

I want to skip playing the game to play the game. Never understood that way of thinking.

Have you ever played game where some level(s) where horrible (to you)? More complex games have many things that are with just different. Even my favorite games had that "ugh, let me skip" moments.

17 minutes ago, RLanzinger said:

Archon shards buyable from market == Pay 2 WIN, so NOPE

All frames, weapons, companions, endo/credits (to upgrade) etc is nothing. I get 50-75 strength? NOOOOO. IT'S PAY 2 WIN.

It's very bad joke. You should be ashamed... unless that's what you meant.

1 hour ago, Lorax_962 said:

archon shards should be buyable

Yes. Similar to Incarnosn or Tenet meles. I would honestly do this:

- Can equip 1 shard in all frames. So you would need at most 5 copies of each color to slot all 5 shards of same color.

- Maybe lock stats. So you would have e.g. 1x "Primary stats shard", 1x "melee crit damage". So you would need 5x 'primary stats shard' to slot 5 slots. Same for 'mele crit damage'.

- No more time gate.

- Create more shards (stats).


But, OP, it won't happen. Before joined shards. we had basically 2 ways to get shards PER WEEK. Ridiculous? Yeah, but that's how they intended us to play. I posted about weak buffs, time gates etc BUT NOTHING CHANGED.

With the introduction of joined shards it was ok to get more shards because you will use 2.

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1 hour ago, SABRETOOTH1971 said:

I want to skip playing the game to play the game. Never understood that way of thinking.

well wellwell look whos here to share their profound wisdom. if you never understood the concept of saving time andavoiding tedious tasks to enjoy the actual gameplay then perhaps the intricacies of convenience are lost on you. but hey we all have our own pace right? if you enjoy grinding through long, monotonous quests, good for you, not everyone shares your enthusiasm for wasting hours on end. And hey, if you dont like the idea of skipping quests, guess what? you dont have to...


1 hour ago, MagPrime said:

Nah.  DE uses quests to introduce new mechanics as well as lore, skipping those would leave players trying to use things with no instructions or tutorial.  Putting the lore & tutorial into a quest is a two birds, one stone situation.

some people already know how to left click to shoot a new weapon and dont need a 3 hour tutorial for it. 🤷‍♀️


55 minutes ago, RLanzinger said:

To @Lorax_962,

Archon shards buyable from market == Pay 2 WIN, so NOPE

Quests pay to skip == Already discuted, Welcomed if not gift-able*

* : 'cause toxic gift

ah yes the purist, if you enjoy the mind numbing repitition of spending hours on quests just to unlock basic game features more power to you. but lets not pretend that offering buyable archon shards in the market is the same as pay to win. its called choice, something you seem to struggle with. and hey if you dont like it you can always stick to your good ol' grind. 

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45 minutes ago, Lorax_962 said:

ah yes the purist, if you enjoy the mind numbing repitition of spending hours on quests just to unlock basic game features more power to you. but lets not pretend that offering buyable archon shards in the market is the same as pay to win. its called choice, something you seem to struggle with. and hey if you dont like it you can always stick to your good ol' grind

I mean if you consider the game itself a grind too boring to play and would rather pay your way through it to avoid playing it,

Maybe you should find another game? There are plenty of games where the main gameplay loop is the microtransaction checkout screen.

Edited by Kaiga
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Archon shard for Plat via the Market, absolutely not, their meant to be a Endgame reward, not only does buying them from the market devalue them and make it actual pay to win since they grant stat boosts you otherwise cannot get. particularly from the new Shards.

but make em tradable among players, would be fine, it wont change the value of them since the only ones that exist are those already in players possessions, and it gives anouther place to make some plat if you have shards you dont want or use, or youre friends are getting some bad luck, you can trade with anouther person.

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All I am saying is that if more people played Conclave more often, eventually they would enjoy it. Warframes shouldn't have butts, because they serve no actual function. Some of the butts are also too big, Wisp, Nezha and Styanax Deluxe, Atlas, Mesa and Protea Prime are especially guilty. Flat cardboard blocks in their place would be more interesting and lore accurate. Octavia's music with her kit should be even louder and no one should be able to toggle it off, because we all work hard on creating her sound, and so everyone should be forced to listen to it. 

Yareli's K-Drive should be her subsume... so all Warframes can have the option to be a K-Drive Warframe. Heirloom skins should be more expensive, because they should be a sign of prestige, so when poor people look at you in game, they can tell you are successful and hard working. All missions should be under 5 minutes, otherwise they get boring. They should introduce a new third Premium Currency Regal Platinum, and introduce new cool stuff that can only be brought with it, so people who have Platinum and Regal Aya don't get complacent. All the colour palettes should be deleted, and all Warframes should be only grey. Ordis should be constantly talking in your Orbiter, and get progressively louder. Then if you try to mute him, he should threaten to delete your gear and then actually start deleting it. You shouldn't be able to grind for new Prime Warframes, in the first year of release. Only buy with real money. 

Then finally, Warframe should try to be more like Destiny 2... no, no Overwatch 2. Battle passes, plus get rid of all the solo content, and PVE, only PVP from no on. 

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2 hours ago, Lorax_962 said:

some people already know how to left click to shoot a new weapon and dont need a 3 hour tutorial for it. 🤷‍♀️

Ah, you're new, that explains it.  Keep doing your main story line quests, you'll be introduced to more than "left click to shoot" as well as multiple sources for shards.

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54 minutes ago, Madinogi said:

but make em tradable among players, would be fine, it wont change the value of them since the only ones that exist are those already in players possessions, and it gives anouther place to make some plat if you have shards you dont want or use, or youre friends are getting some bad luck, you can trade with anouther person.

I disagree. That's no different to just buying them from the market. It's just a different source. 

If players want powerful endgame items, they should actually participate in the content and earn it themselves. That's why the Kuva/Tenet weapons, a good bulk of the Incarnon weapons and Archon Shards can't be purchased by cash/platinum.

Edited by Ace-Bounty-Hunter
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While Warframe is already a P2W game by technicality, allowing purchasable shards and such just errodes the main point of playing endgame. We are finally seeing modes added that make use of years of powercreep, and it should feel good whether you paid or played for that power that there is a place to use it with proper rewards.

If you like Warframe's powercreep nature but love buying your way through the game, there are other games out there where spending becomes a competition and almost PvP experience.

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1 hour ago, Waeleto said:

AND buyable umbra forma, there is no reason for those to be SO scarce, DE gets plat and i get to finish my builds that's a win/win situation for everyone

I currently have so many that I really don't see too much point in using, espeically with Precision Intensify becoming a mod. They feel really scarce at first, but there's only a handful of Warframes that benefit from Umbra Forma. I know this doesn't exactly solve your problem, but hopefully it lessens the annoyance for you if you know you don't need too many.

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39 minutes ago, Voltage said:

I currently have so many that I really don't see too much point in using, espeically with Precision Intensify becoming a mod. They feel really scarce at first, but there's only a handful of Warframes that benefit from Umbra Forma. I know this doesn't exactly solve your problem, but hopefully it lessens the annoyance for you if you know you don't need too many.

I need so many because i always go to the health tanking setup rather than shieldgating and triple umbra makes those a lot more comfortable 

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11 hours ago, Lorax_962 said:

if you never understood the concept of saving time andavoiding tedious tasks to enjoy the actual gameplay then perhaps the intricacies of convenience are lost on you

I have two huge issues with this

First off, "timesavers" is a buzzword used by Electronic Arts and Ubisoft to justify making their games f**king terrible so they can fill them with micro transactions and season passes so they seem slightly less terrible. Warframe does dabble in some scaled-down versions of these practices, because it's a truly free-to-play game; DE doesn't want to flood their game with EA-styled "timesavers", it would be unhealthy

Secondly, moving away from the economics discussion, I play Warframe specifically to waste my own time. I don't need convenient timesavers, that would kind of defeat the point

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