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Jade Shadows: Known Issues ×

I'm sorry, what?

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My reaction to the quest:

What The Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

Warframe lore/world overall was very weird from the start. Bio-punk horrors beyond our comprehension and all that.

But... This is next level weird and messed up.

Is this some sort of pregnancy fetish by one of the people in the writing department? Like, don't get me wrong, no kink-shaming here, nor trying to insult anyone either, but holy... Prengnant warframe? Warframe toddler? Jade keeping her belly even after the quest too? Is this really someone's pregnancy fetish self-insert or something? What next? BDSM warframe? Oh, wait, we already have that... Khora. Come to think of it, there's vore-themed too... Grendel. Not even sure what's gonna come next, if we've reached pregnancy theme in here...

The whole quest misses the mark in absolutely everything. Writing, pacing, tone, themes, literal LOGIC behind everything. All while telling us nothing about Stalker himself... Well, except his name from before and that he had a girlfriend. But the whole quest is about her, pregnancy and the warframe-child. Not about Stalker.

Is this some out-of-season April Fools joke? Is it DE once again "riding the meme hype train", like they did with KLEM back in the day? You know, someone asking about if warframes could get pregnant during a devstream... Did you seriously just take a meme and turned into a quest? Are you for real now? Or I just had some weird fever-dream and merely seeing things? Tell me it's the latter, please...


UPDATE: Some little extra food for thought on 2nd page of this same thread (just to avoid copy-pasting the same stuff into the main post)

Edited by _Kit_Kat_Cat_
Little update at the bottom
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4 minutes ago, Boghadir said:

I used to call Khora someones bdsm and cat mom roleplay.  Needless to say this is getting to Fallout Frontier levels of bad.

I thought we were joking when we said it was because Ballas was meeting fetish quotas. I guess it's just canon now.

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At this point they have nothing left to go on so they're just using memes as canon now.  I really need to be quiet when I say it gets worse before it gets worse because someone always takes it to heart.

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22 minutes ago, Boghadir said:

At this point they have nothing left to go on so they're just using memes as canon now.  I really need to be quiet when I say it gets worse before it gets worse because someone always takes it to heart.

Yeah. People gotta stop giving them weird ideas... as DE seem to be oh-so-keen on turning jokes and memes into reality and ACTUAL LORE.

Big OOF.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Boghadir said:

Fallout Frontier levels of bad.

I regret googling info on that. But yeah, I agree.

The only difference was that "Fallout Frontier" was an amateur mod, albeit big one. Still - wasn't something from the official development team/owner of the product. Not saying that Bethesda themselves these days is any better either with Fallout IP and quality of writing (Fallout 76, recent Skyline Valley update and questlines are just horrible writing too), but damn... Yet this stuff here? This is DE's own creation. Unless... they outsourced it to someone, without any prior proofreading/testing, just jumping into release right away?

Edited by _Kit_Kat_Cat_
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Whether people like the idea of a pregnant warframe or not (and the possible lore behind it) is another topic.

I think the actual "weird" and "messed up part" is players instantly going for the "fetish explanation", when the main thing about this quest (although extremely short) was the topic of Life and Death... And players response is: "Fetish?".

Damn, this community really leaves a lot to be desired sometimes.

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I mean... how do you expect themes about life and birth to be conveyed without actual birth? The theme of the quest was birth, and unless you can explain how to maintain pregnancy imagery without the pregnancy imagery, I think it'll be a bit tough to make it look like human motherhood.

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I truly regret reinstalling the game for this. I'd imagine someone just copy pasted their favorite deviantart OC-do-not-steal sonic fanfic from 20 years ago and just changed a few words.

Whoever supervised this or came up with the idea should be sacked. Also classic bait and switch as usual "you'll learn about stalker" my ass.

Edited by yeahnil
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13 hours ago, -CRONO- said:

Whether people like the idea of a pregnant warframe or not (and the possible lore behind it) is another topic.

I think the actual "weird" and "messed up part" is players instantly going for the "fetish explanation", when the main thing about this quest (although extremely short) was the topic of Life and Death... And players response is: "Fetish?".

Damn, this community really leaves a lot to be desired sometimes.

9 hours ago, juicybirds said:

I mean... how do you expect themes about life and birth to be conveyed without actual birth? The theme of the quest was birth, and unless you can explain how to maintain pregnancy imagery without the pregnancy imagery, I think it'll be a bit tough to make it look like human motherhood.

The question is not even about "what" it is or how to react to it...

...the question is WHY DO WE EVEN NEEED THIS in a game about space ninjas committing mass-murder for funzies?


One thing is exploration of various emotions and feelings in quests "on behalf" of the The Indifference simply being curious, reacting and being attracted to any emotions beyond - well - total indifference to anything.. That's why up until this point, quests with various "human themes" have been actually good. They explored emotions and feelings. And a lot of warframe lore surrounding the Void, The Man in the Wall, Murmur, etc... all of this has been well-made. Emotions and feelings were a part of it, but carefully, CLEVERLY implemented.

Simply put, with an analogy... Up until now, the quests have been of various quality, using anything from a medical scalpel (perfectly delivering, sharply and precisely, flawlessly) to serial killer's knife (still always sharp, but kinda rough around the edges at times due to not being a professional medical tool). Either way, it was still always WELL-MADE - maintained, sharpened, carefully thought out. Starting with Whispers in the wall, the writing went down to a butcher's axe, almost with a blunt edge, without any even remote care for being careful - just smashes you with absolutely unnecessary and unfitting things "in the face" and then rubbing it in even further. Yes, it still does the job (butcher's literal work is to cut meat), but there are always way more effective ways - they just don't seem to be paid enough to sharpen their now very dull axe already. Or said butcher does not even care about the quality of their cutting - they just "do the job, get paid, go home".

In fact, this decline in quality has began even before than Whispers in the wall though, but became simply impossible to ignore with how horrible it became during this quest in particular.

And now this... A FRIGGIN BIRTHING MINI-GAME is literally taking things way too far already. This feels like - if I continue the analogy of using items for cutting off something - trying to cut off someone's literal body part with a chainsaw, while they are still alive. It's loud, it's messy, it's "in your face", it's even more unnecessary. This has nothing to do with emotions or feelings, not with how blunt and rough it is delivered. It does not seem like "exploration of trauma" (which could be still pushed towards the same "exploration of emotions and feelings"), if it's given us so... RAW.

Which is exactly why it feels like someone's "fetish self-insert", rather than anything else. It's forced. It's unnecessary. It's unfitting for Warframe overall - EVEN with the whole "exploration of emotions and feelings". It's too blunt, too "in your face", too straightforward. Trauma and the rest of it can be explored way more carefully, subtlety, through slightly more obscure and deep analogies... Not "IN YOUR FACE" with a birthing mini-game. This is just rubbing in the wrong things in our faces. IT's not about emotions, feelings or anything of the like. It's rubbing in the face - "HERE, LOOK, this is what you asked for - you asked as a meme, whether Warframes can get pregnant or not - and we're answering your meme question, FEEL IT!" It's just not good.

Oh and, one more thing... Why does the "warning" before the quest only mentions the trauma of "motherhood"? Aren't we forgetting a "tiny" (HUGE!) bit of fact that... Stalker is now a single father, having to raise a kid all on his own? Aren't we forgetting that men have feelings too? Why doesn't the warning mentions the "trauma of fatherhood"? Why doesn't the warning mentions the "trauma of being a single parent"? In fact, why doesn't the warning mentions the "trauma of losing a loved one, after taking care of them for all eternity"? NO. It only mentions "trauma of motherhood". What sort of one-sided, overly-rough, "in your face" sort of writing this is? Or this suggests that men have no feelings, so they don't deserve a warning about theirs?


It's NOT good. It's tone-deaf, for a lack of a better word. It's literally just someone's preggo-fetish insert, disguised as an attempt at a quest. That's it.

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9 hours ago, Snowbluff said:

I thought we were joking when we said it was because Ballas was meeting fetish quotas. I guess it's just canon now.

I love Yareli but I've said since day one, "How did he explain this one to the council?"

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Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, Larrell said:

I love Yareli but I've said since day one, "How did he explain this one to the council?"

Something-something anime, something-something kawaii-desu, something-something oni-chan. And the rest of the stuff.

america guy GIF

Edited by _Kit_Kat_Cat_
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This may have got some chuckles around DE but this quest did nothing but cheapen DE's integrity and WF's lore.   They lied about what this quest was about.   They are ruining core WF lore.  WTF this had to do with Ordis I don't even know.   Why the hell is he involved in getting rid of Jade splooge??  


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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, (PSN)AbBaNdOn_ said:

This may have got some chuckles around DE but this quest did nothing but cheapen DE's integrity and WF's lore.   They lied about what this quest was about.   They are ruining core WF lore.  WTF this had to do with Ordis I don't even know.   Why the hell is he involved in getting rid of Jade splooge??  


Honestly? I think a "birthing mini-game" is kinda the point for me where I say "enough is enough". Along with that new braindead elevator game mode (BRUH, elevator, REALLY?). Sure, I'll take a look at TennoCon and I'll have a look/play through 1999 most likely, as that did look interesting enough. But I doubt I'll be playing Warframe until then/beyond that. After over 4500h... I think I've reached the point where I can't keep on going anymore. I want to, but... Not when the devs themselves don't take the whole thing seriously anymore and instead opt in for "memes and laughs".

Edited by _Kit_Kat_Cat_
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5 hours ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

Along with that new braindead elevator game mode (BRUH, elevator, REALLY?). Sure, I'll take a look at TennoCon and I'll have a look/play through 1999 most likely, as that did look interesting enough. But I doubt I'll be playing Warframe until then/beyond that. After over 4500h... I think I've reached the point where I can't keep on going anymore. I want to, but... Not when the devs themselves don't take the whole thing seriously anymore and instead opt in for "memes and laughs".

Yeah not a fan of the meme thing becoming game lore  but also wtf is wrong with the ascension game mode i find it to be quite fun if a little fast paced. Also you being tired after playing 4500 hours is like no duh

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9 minutes ago, Sylfielunael said:

Yeah not a fan of the meme thing becoming game lore  but also wtf is wrong with the ascension game mode i find it to be quite fun if a little fast paced. Also you being tired after playing 4500 hours is like no duh

4500h over the course of many years. I've been with this game for a very long time, almost from the very beginning (albeit with pauses)... And could keep on playing more, as I like both the gameplay, mechanics, as well as the world/lore of this game and its universe. But many recent additions and changes just make me feel like Warframe is actually now on a decline, after all the years of being a surprisingly good F2P game (especially compared to literally any and all other F2P games on the market).

I won't point fingers or put blame on anyone in particular here, but... This quest? The writing? It misses the mark SO HARD and on oh-so-many levels that it's not even funny. And honestly, for me it's kind of a last drop at this point, on top of many other things that piled up in the recent months-to-years. The quest and the elevator game-mode do not bring any confidence in a good future of Warframe.

Yes, I will reserve my "final" judgement until TennoCon and the release of 1999. And I'll play it, most likely. But the current update just... does not look good. DE should do better.

P.s. Ascension is... not good.

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18 hours ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

What next?

I could very well list off every kind of fetish the game hasn't touched upon or doesn't already do in some form.
... but I don't think the forums staff would take kindly to that. Much to my annoyance, since this IS a relevant issue.
Also, WHY IS THIS A RELEVANT ISSUE?! What timeline have I happened across where this genuinely became something I have to consider?!

19 hours ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

The whole quest misses the mark in absolutely everything. Writing, pacing, tone, themes, literal LOGIC behind everything.

The worst part is that due to such aggressive media illiteracy these days? People will try to extrapolate some kind of lore out of this glorified fanfic.
Like... news flash Warframe community: Sometimes the story is just bad. Period.

I spend literal months building campaigns of DnD, you kinda learn a thing or two about world-building.
I find story-driven games to be a LOT of fun when it's done well. A personal favorite is the Bravely Series and how it handles plot twists.
For context: Bravely Second and Bravely Default II specifically have really good meta-styled plot twists, done in a way that surprises both the player AND the characters in different ways.

But yes, we could spend hours upon hours dissecting everything this quest missed the mark on.
Not because of passion, but simply because of utterly obvious it would be.

18 hours ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

People gotta stop giving them weird ideas... as DE seem to be oh-so-keen on turning jokes and memes into reality and ACTUAL LORE.

You have no idea how many times I've had to tell people "You joke about it, but..." in this game.

I remember DE's old stance on the lack of collabs was that it would "ruin the identity of Warframe".
Yeah, because the literal PREGNANCY WARFRAME wasn't going to do that on it's own.

... Remember the old days when our choices in an event mattered?
Siding with Alad or Nef to choose a fate of the Corpus, Tethra's Doom blowing up Relays, etc?
Nowadays, we'll be lucky if literally any consequence happens. (Even if 75% of the playerbase just suddenly vanished.)


12 hours ago, juicybirds said:

I mean... how do you expect themes about life and birth to be conveyed without actual birth?

16 hours ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

I thought the quest was beautiful

16 hours ago, -CRONO- said:

I think the actual "weird" and "messed up part" is players instantly going for the "fetish explanation", when the main thing about this quest (although extremely short) was the topic of Life and Death... And players response is: "Fetish?".

How do you make the quest proper?
Actually writing some story instead of some loosely connected plot points strung together with an umbilical cord and some stale WD-40

  • "Why does Stalker hate the Tenno?"
    • If it was vague before the quest, it's confusing after.
    • "He was saved by a Warframe"... so why does he hate Tenno?
    • Was it something to do with the Orokin?
      • If the Orokin screwed him over, WHY THE TENNO?
      • If the Orokin were working to cure him, WHY ARE THEY BOTH WARFRAMES?!
  • "Why does he even need to meet the Tenno here?"
    • "Yeah, just go down to your nearest Infested Derelict and grab some weirdly colored sac. Apply directly to the forehead."
    • It was said like it we were repairing a loose set of brakes.
    • Even the Corpus knew what we were looking for... but not Hunhow?
      • Yeah, seems legit.
  • "What is the Corpus role in this story?"
    • I mean, besides obvious antagonistic force for the sake of something to shoot at.
    • You mean to tell me the faction that willingly lets the Ventkids exist in the state they're in would just... let this happen?
    • They're a MERCHANT CULT. They have been raised from birth to think "Oh, I could sell the kid for a profit" before anything else.
      • And don't give me that "Maybe not all of them" trope. Again, we're talking WARFRAMES. They know full-well the damage these cause.
      • If it were an Infested vaguely in the shape of a humanoid, you'd MAYBE prompt them to do tests on it at best.

People seem to fixate on the "awwww, he's a dad now" and somehow completely forget everything else in the game.
Like... even the way it was presented for him being a dad is confusing.

It's less "Wow, pregnancy bad" and more "The only explanation for this existing IS fetish, because clearly there wasn't thought put i


11 hours ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

They explored emotions and feelings. And a lot of warframe lore surrounding the Void, The Man in the Wall, Murmur, etc... all of this has been well-made. Emotions and feelings were a part of it, but carefully, CLEVERLY implemented.

Duviri Sub-Plots (not the quest itself) are a good example. They built entire characters designed to be a single emotion, but they're still far more fleshed if you're willing to look.

Bombastine, despite his loudness and endless need for more... often wants to share his joy.
When that ability to share was taken away by Thrax snatching away Luscinia and painting it as "She dumped him".
Luscinia also feels horrible about this. It's also the source of her sorrow, not being able to make amends and being forced to display such anguish.
Not only was it shared in terms of emotions, but also profession. He was the royal entertainer and that title was also "stolen".
Naturally, he feels he's owed for it by life itself. Can you blame him for feeling that? He's lost everything dear to him, so he turns to this.

Likewise, Lodun was supposed to be the king... and he certainly seems better suited for a job of proper management.
Thrax often neglects his subjects, building things for his own amusement often times. After all, Thrax is a child-- one with little idea of how consequence can affect him.
... but Lodun doesn't JUST want Thrax's power. He wants to nuture, he wants to see his subjects thrive. Even if he does seem rough around the edges, he still has some of a heart.
Even the most polite of martyrs will slowly become bitter as they are denied such however. Turning violent like a sudden flashfire.
Lodun may not always be pleasant, but he is right to some degree. Thrax is not doing his job and Lodun would've been far better suited... if he had the chance.
There is even dialogue of him saying that he IS trying to control his anger. Partly to avoid becoming an Orowyrm, but there IS an effort being made.

Mathila is a coward, unable to face hardships of life so she uses her joy as a shield to mask it.
Since she ignores problems, they only get worse. In a sense, you could call Mathila's motives an indirect reason as to what causes Lodun's anger.
Unlike the other ones? Her trauma and plights are just as true- she lost her husband long ago to catastrophic disasters in Duviri's codex entries.
... but she indulges too much on avoidance. To the point where she can't ignore it because others will FORCE her to acknowledge it.

Lastly, Sythel is a curious one. She is by no means innocent, but what she has seen has certainly made it so she can't trust anyone.
She has trouble opening up because each time she does? She immediately regrets it, how do you explain something eldritch to people who simply don't care?
If you can't explain the problem, how do you solve it? How can you solve it if you can't even explain why you're solving it?
She's understandably afraid, wouldn't you be the same way if you saw something inexplicable? Something eldritch AND threatening?
It's either that or Mathila's route. Masking the problem.

No matter how you look at it, Duviri Paradox's Sub-Plot is REALLY good. There's a lot of moving pieces that are clearly explained well.
... which frustrates that the quest of the same name didn't capitalize on this more.
If anything, these characters resonate with me BECAUSE they make sense as characters.
They're more than just a token and a title, they have goals and ambitions that make sense to their design AND environment.

You look at quests like this new one though and... yeah. There's nothing of that kinda thematics here.
Which just feels bad considering the context otherwise.

11 hours ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

And now this... A FRIGGIN BIRTHING MINI-GAME is literally taking things way too far already. This feels like - if I continue the analogy of using items for cutting off something - trying to cut off someone's literal body part with a chainsaw, while they are still alive. It's loud, it's messy, it's "in your face", it's even more unnecessary. This has nothing to do with emotions or feelings, not with how blunt and rough it is delivered. It does not seem like "exploration of trauma" (which could be still pushed towards the same "exploration of emotions and feelings"), if it's given us so... RAW.

And I'm still in disbelief that they did this.

Other games would do that and they'd be RELENTLESSLY mocked for it.
... but it's Warframe! The funny space ninja game! "Nobody caaaaares!"

Crude, messy and in-your-face is exactly the way I'd describe that minigame too.

11 hours ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

Aren't we forgetting that men have feelings too? Why doesn't the warning mentions the "trauma of fatherhood"? Why doesn't the warning mentions the "trauma of being a single parent"? In fact, why doesn't the warning mentions the "trauma of losing a loved one, after taking care of them for all eternity"? NO. It only mentions "trauma of motherhood". What sort of one-sided, overly-rough, "in your face" sort of writing this is? Or this suggests that men have no feelings, so they don't deserve a warning about theirs?

Which is doubly. For a quest that keeps having people repeat "But the beauty of life!" and other hollow sentiments with how they phrase it?
They sure do forget what emotions are like anymore, often referring to vague template from what it feels like. The idea of an emotion rather than what it is.
I've been taking time offline at times to think about these kinda things because- truth be told- we've kinda forgotten what it means to FEEL things anymore.

I may be abrasive, I may be rude, I may even be crude at times-- but I refuse to be apathetic to everything.
... so when something like this shows and spits on the very notion of all of these things? Naturally, I'm going to respond equally.

It's especially curious when people keep saying "Touch Grass", when was the last time they actually stopped to critically think?
Bonus points if they call you a "redditor" for daring to live beyond instincts and bile. As if that word holds any merit anymore, like everything.

7 hours ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

Along with that new braindead elevator game mode (BRUH, elevator, REALLY?).

As stupid as it sounds, there is a bit of gameplay I've found new here. Granted, it's strictly dedicated to the map itself-- not the objectives associated with it.
Warframe has almost always been mostly horizontal. Rarely does a player actually need to think about verticality unless it's to really far horizontally.
So the need to deal with enemies in a large vertical column adds a bit of curious depth to the usual formula.

Granted, could this mode be refined? No duh, literally everything in this game is pending some kind of fix.
Is it better than it sounds? Credit where it's due, it's at least innovative in that regard. I wouldn't mind seeing bigger tilesets for more parkour.
Jupiter was a good thing and nobody can tell me otherwise. It's not bad, controllers just suck at parkour and there's nothing DE can do about it. Only the players.

I mean, hell. I rarely get to flex my wall-jumping skills, so that was fun.


4 hours ago, vasRayya said:

feel free to stop playing then
meanwhile ill keep flying above everyone as jade raining death, pissing off people that hate loving families

You phrase that like you have the name "Dik McBadGuy" in a poorly written isekai novel.
All while sporting the look of the most punchable, ugly face one could illustrate on paper.
Followed commentary of yours says nothing but "Lmao, what are you going to do about it?"

If there were any divine justice in this world (which there isn't), you'd probably end up on a wall with a few bricks falling on your head.
Than again, I guess that holds true for a lot with the word "hubris" sewn to their personality.

But uhhh... hey, I guess it's easier to dismiss the issue than actually think about it. Right?


2 hours ago, Yulfan said:

Be ready because the toddler will become the zoomer frame, inflicting burn damages through social medias with his exalted smartphone :P

Apollo's Gift Of Prophecy Dodgeball | Know Your Meme

If you don't get it, look it up.
If you do get it, consider this a vague reminder.

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Posted (edited)

@Binket_ , don't bother. I've read your whole post (unlike the other person) and mostly agree with almost all of it (except maybe the elevator thing, but eh, to each their own). Still... None of our feedback matters anyway. None of this is being reviewed by DE. And the moment a new patch rolls out - the previous feedback gets archived in a way that you can't even access your own posts anymore. Just like the Deep Archimedea feedback section was just archived and no changes were applied to it, despite people asking for change. This whole feedback section is a figurative post-box, connected directly to a figurative paper-shredder. You drop something in it and it gets destroyed instantly. Nobody reads the stuff we write here.

And sometimes, reading some of the posts that REPLY to the feedback (such as @vasRayya's posts, for example)... I start truly believing in the "Dead Internet" theory. I refuse to believe there are people who are this narrow-minded as some of the people around here, saying all those things. Those just can't be real people, no, this can't be. No no no, those are some AI, bots, chat-GPT, whatever, that's for sure. Automated stuff that hooks onto keywords and creates some "counter culture" replies automatically. To create a sense of "different opinions" around here, just for DEvelopers to literally do nothing about things that are being asked. I refuse to believe these are real people. Unless they are, who could literally just be some paid interns, who sit on the forum all day and night, purposefully creating "counter culture" posts in every single feedback thread by hand instead.

You know, kinda like this:

Nothing To See Here GIF by Giphy QA

This is what these people do... if they are even real people in the first place. I refuse to believe that people think any of this is truly "okay". Yes, I'm talking both about the current stuff (the quest, the lore behind it, the writing, etc), as well as the Deep Archimedea's gear randomization nonsense and how it goes literally against the core gameplay loop of Warframe, which always was about finding and using the best tool for the job, NOT randomly chosen stuff - especially how it was poorly recieved in Durivi. But nope. None of our feedback matters. Nobody reads this stuff except these bots/hired people with fake "counter culture" opinions, keeping the illusion of "everything being fine, nothing to see here, this is just one random local weirdo who thinks that things aren't fine, move along, all is fine". When it's clearly NOT fine and lots of veterans share this opinion.

Edited by _Kit_Kat_Cat_
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5 hours ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

[Pretty much all of that, honestly.]

Couldn't agree more, even if it does feel... depressing, in a way.
But I'd rather that than apathy.

The weirdest part about that is anyone with the AUDACITY in 2024 to type more than a couple of sentences?
Automatically labelled "Redditor", "AI", "ChatGPT roleplayer", etc. by the same people who embody such titles the most.
Not that these names mean anything more, given the Internet.

I understand a lot of this feedback tends to get ignored.
... but it's people like that great display of Caveman Brilliance earlier that really make it harder to say anything worth a damn.
What's concerning for me is IF they do exist and these aren't just some.... enigmatic things? (I refuse to think of them as people, people LEARN. These don't.)
They probably also have some station of importance that they most likely got by some strange trick of fate, not earned.

Like Banks. Your money is quite literally in the hands of these morons.
Fast-food? They are the people who probably tamper with the food you paid for.

Let's not forget vehicle, because the only living proof there is of god's existence is the fact they haven't horrifically crashed yet.
Couldn't spend divine intervention somewhere more useful "Yahweh?"

"Everything will be fine" is a modern day omen. A messenger of doom, if you will.

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hace 1 hora, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ dijo:

I refuse to believe there are people who are this narrow-minded as some of the people around here, saying all those things

Sadly, i believe it xD And i laugh to not cry xDDD And thats why i lost any faith in democracy working like... ever. Are you telling me that those people will vote? Isn't that something to laugh at?

I recommend reading "Allegro ma non troppo", a short book by Carlo Cipolla that just talks about that type of persons and how they are just worse that regular evil people. Its funny, sad and brilliant, all at the same time.

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1 hour ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

@Binket_ , don't bother. I've read your whole post (unlike the other person) and mostly agree with almost all of it (except maybe the elevator thing, but eh, to each their own). Still... None of our feedback matters anyway. None of this is being reviewed by DE. And the moment a new patch rolls out - the previous feedback gets archived in a way that you can't even access your own posts anymore. Just like the Deep Archimedea feedback section was just archived and no changes were applied to it, despite people asking for change. This whole feedback section is a figurative post-box, connected directly to a figurative paper-shredder. You drop something in it and it gets destroyed instantly. Nobody reads the stuff we write here.

And sometimes, reading some of the posts that REPLY to the feedback (such as @vasRayya's posts, for example)... I start truly believing in the "Dead Internet" theory. I refuse to believe there are people who are this narrow-minded as some of the people around here, saying all those things. Those just can't be real people, no, this can't be. No no no, those are some AI, bots, chat-GPT, whatever, that's for sure. Automated stuff that hooks onto keywords and creates some "counter culture" replies automatically. To create a sense of "different opinions" around here, just for DEvelopers to literally do nothing about things that are being asked. I refuse to believe these are real people. Unless they are, who could literally just be some paid interns, who sit on the forum all day and night, purposefully creating "counter culture" posts in every single feedback thread by hand instead.

You know, kinda like this:

Nothing To See Here GIF by Giphy QA

This is what these people do... if they are even real people in the first place. I refuse to believe that people think any of this is truly "okay". Yes, I'm talking both about the current stuff (the quest, the lore behind it, the writing, etc), as well as the Deep Archimedea's gear randomization nonsense and how it goes literally against the core gameplay loop of Warframe, which always was about finding and using the best tool for the job, NOT randomly chosen stuff - especially how it was poorly recieved in Durivi. But nope. None of our feedback matters. Nobody reads this stuff except these bots/hired people with fake "counter culture" opinions, keeping the illusion of "everything being fine, nothing to see here, this is just one random local weirdo who thinks that things aren't fine, move along, all is fine". When it's clearly NOT fine and lots of veterans share this opinion.

This comment is really interesting. It couldn't be that there are people who disagree with you could it? Are you so perfect that the only "people" who could disagree with you are bots made with the sole purpose to disagree with people=?

People dislike what is foreign to them, things that take them out of their comfort zone. But that's what truly is awesome about Warframe and DE, they aren't afraid to try things that might not be 100% Warframe. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Instead of forcing Warframe to stay the same and never push the boundaries a bit, you are trying to  cement the inevitable decline of the game. 

Your voices are still important, and yes they do listen.

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Also mechanically the pregnancy has nothing to do with jades kit! 


(Maybe the second aura slot) 




The design for jade seems split on one hand you have an Angel themed frame using Angel themed abilities like healing and condemning and flying and gazing down casting divine vengeance. And then you have the quest where she just lays around screams gives birth and then dies... And then we build her and she is now eternally pregnant and also totally fine? 


Is it just me or does anyone else think that Jade is just (the Angel frame) with pregnancy tacked on? If you wanted to make a mother frame I'm all for it but the kit should reflect the design and lore at least!


In this case it just seems like we had an ability kit and a theme and this new lore story and someone thought how about we just smash those two things together. It just gives off this weird feeling like something is just off.

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Just a reminder folks, people are free to dislike content or themes in the game, and they're just as free to provide feedback on it (provided doing so doesn't violate forum rules, i.e. dev bashing, hate speech, etc). Just because they don't like what you do or vice versa isn't an excuse to descend into ad-hominem and derailing comments.

If what you want to say doesn't stay on topic, your post may be removed; if off-topic and derailing behavior continue, warning points may be issued.

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