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Petition To Fix Continuous Weapons


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I'm totally biased on this becaus multiple Forma in a Flux Rifle.

I only did it because Zero recoil is good for my brain.

I thought the Flux was a bit OP in the past. Won't this idea just resurface old problems?

Continuous weapons usually have a hard range limit. Don't know what that is on the flux, but on amprex and synapse it's 20m, which definitely hinders those weapons when compared to the other top tier weapons, even if there was no delay.

EDIT: 20 meters, I'm a derp

Edited by Zoracraft
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only one that really shows you dps properly is quanta, and thats due to slow ammo consumption, but yes, things like Amprex and Synapse need buffed


Amprex and Synapse are fine I guess : I am able to reach insane damage and proc chances with Amprex, especially with Volt. Same goes for Phage who has a big DPS and a low ammo consumption. The problem is mainly about Spectra, Gammacor/Synoid Gammacor, Flux Rifle and maybe Nukor IMO.

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Amprex and Synapse are good becaue their raw stats are strong enough to overcome the handicap that hampers continuous weapons.


If we had an automatic weapon with the same stats as the amprex/synapse, then the amprex/synapse would be blown out of the water.


As far as status chance goes, the Amprex gets hampered like most continous weapons because it only gets a few dice rolls at a set interval that is glacial in comparison to an automatic weapon.   The reason that it is common to see the amprex proc a status chance is because the arcing nature of the weapon usually gives you several dice roll attempts from that initial unbuffered tick and each individual dice roll has a good chance of success.  Because of this, you're usually guranteed a proc or two instantly when you fire into a crowed.  But for every enemy where you fail your proc roll, you have to wait awhile before you get another chance to proc.




I'm totally biased on this becaus multiple Forma in a Flux Rifle.

I only did it because Zero recoil is good for my brain.


I thought the Flux was a bit OP in the past. Won't this idea just resurface old problems?

No.  Those problems were damage 1.0 problems.  Back then, Flux rifle inflicted serrated blade damage, which ignored armor.   Enemy armor scaling was stupid back then.  You either used a weapon that ignored armor or you stayed home.


Flux rifle was one of the best armor ignoring primaries of the time.  It and the Acrid enjoyed a period where they were the kings of the primary weapon/secondary weapon worlds.

Edited by GeneralArmchair
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Maybe that's what DE should do.


Rotate nerfs and buff using secret formulas that makes good weapons bad then good again, in a seemingly random and arbitrary way that makes everyone rage, then rejoice as their particular weapon becomes awesome again, then cry again as it passes on to the next gun.


You know, I think I'm on to something here.

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Here's how continuous status effects should work:


1. Always 100% chance of status effect every 'x' seconds

2. Number of seconds decreases by % from status mods

3. Satus effect second timer resets every time trigger is re-pulled (in other words, if you click a bunch of times, you'll never pull off a status effect)

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Just popping in to mention that we were discussing this earlier this week. That doesn't come with any guarantee for changes or anything, but it is something that has recently been discussed.


"they changed them to remove the number stream."

This is correct and was brought up in the discussion.


To be continued.

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Just popping in to mention that we were discussing this earlier this week. That doesn't come with any guarantee for changes or anything, but it is something that has recently been discussed.


This is correct and was brought up in the discussion.


To be continued.

Leave Synoid alone D:

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Just popping in to mention that we were discussing this earlier this week. That doesn't come with any guarantee for changes or anything, but it is something that has recently been discussed.


This is correct and was brought up in the discussion.


To be continued.

Boy oh boy, finally I might use beam weapons again

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This is correct and was brought up in the discussion.

honestly, the 'fix' for Continuous Weapons sending 'too many packets' and causing Number spam was completely unwarranted.


take ANY other type of Weapon, stick a RoF Mod on it. you now have a crapload of numbers on the screen too. if Continuous Weapons were causing those issues (which i bet my left leg they weren't), that would also mean every other Weapon in the game was causing the same issues.

so no offense, but the reasoning we got for the change to Continuous Weapons was just a load of bulls... to dismiss the confusion.


all the changes to Continuous Weapons really ended up doing was making them less intuitive and reliable to use, and also actually nerfing them. (much less instances of Damage drastically lowered Status Chance as well as the 100ms Ticks and 333ms Ticks after the first Tick just dragged out Damage application to a time intensive process instead of applying Damage continuously).

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Yes, this! I was a big fan of the Ignis and Flux rifle before the way damage works changed – ultimately the change made them much less fun to use, and I've barely touched either of those weapon since. :< It's been on my mind a lot lately, since I got the Synoid Gammacor, and it's good to hear the devs have been talking about it – here's hoping for changes soon!


If the damage number spam is still a problem I'd suggest, if possible, having the damage occur on a per-tick basis, as the thread suggests, but have the numbers that pop up still operate on a per-second basis. I'm always looking at the enemy's healthbar, not the damage numbers.

Edited by TheJadrimian
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I did like the old way continuous weapons worked. That big change made it sound like it was just a cosmetic change to make the numbers easier to read or so that people had a better idea of what kind of damage, crit rate, etc. they were doing. This, as far as I knew, was never actually much of a problem to begin with, and didn't need solving (at least not for aforementioned reason). The fact that it wasn't just a change to the display, and actually had effects of gameplay and damage dealing is why I ultimately stopped using most continuous weapons.

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