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The Prime Parts Trading Discussion Megathread


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Personally i like that BP new trade system. Always storing BP or parts repeated in each Void run, i do not know what to do with them, and now i can get some plat or mods.

This is just my personal opinion, i not speak for anyone other than myself.

You can speak for me if you wish... gives everyone something to collect, and sell. Plat for all! weee!

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The way i see it the trading system was a bit goofed mostly because it's hardly trading it's a another plat market.Trading should be like 1 player got 1 thing but needed another and another player also got 1 thing but needed the other and each player could trade that 1 part each needed for the part the other had like said if someone had a dakra prime blade but needed a fang prime blade and someone was in the opposite situation they could trade bam people are happy they still do missions to get the stuff.While this sometimes happens its usually a rare occasion least from what i've seen people only want plat.


This is not trading.This is people selling everything for plat for the months its been out I've been able to trade 2 times every other time people are like "you're not buying with plat ? stop wasting my time"


It's cheap now it's just wellllp time to get my credit card and buy allllll the prime parts/mods i need yep.It may not affect a lot of people but it gives me a dirty feeling when playing knowing that DE just didn't really seem to care.Yes the grindings a pain but instead of problem solving its another bandaid i use to buy plat every update i thought was worth another 10 bucks but i haven't given them a dime in almost 2 months just because it seems like they keep puting patches on the problems instead of fixing them and this just furthers my view on this.I want people to be able to get the primes with reasonable play time not buy it right off the bat then i know the game actually takes time and skill not a bank account.


This is just the way i see it when i thought they were adding trading i never considered them adding plat into it cause I thought they would know better.Now it may be a good way to get plat but that shouldn't be that way it just makes the game feel like every other free to play now.It really does remind me of going into a new rpg (i know warframe isn't that much of an rpg) and seeing the people spam the SELLING RARE THING 19MIL GOLD PM ME.We have a trading channel which helps but it still gives me that feeling of "wow thats cheap not sure if i wanna give them more money" feeling.


My suggestion make it mod for mod and prime parts for prime parts for trading.This again is just the way i see it and i see how some may disagree.


This is the way i see it prime parts for trade sounds great, prime parts in basically a huge market place not so great.


But hey opinions right ?

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The way i see it the trading system was a bit goofed mostly because it's hardly trading it's a another plat market.Trading should be like 1 player got 1 thing but needed another and another player also got 1 thing but needed the other and each player could trade that 1 part each needed for the part the other had like said if someone had a dakra prime blade but needed a fang prime blade and someone was in the opposite situation they could trade bam people are happy they still do missions to get the stuff.While this sometimes happens its usually a rare occasion least from what i've seen people only want plat.


This is not trading.This is people selling everything for plat for the months its been out I've been able to trade 2 times every other time people are like "you're not buying with plat ? stop wasting my time"


It's cheap now it's just wellllp time to get my credit card and buy allllll the prime parts/mods i need yep.It may not affect a lot of people but it gives me a dirty feeling when playing knowing that DE just didn't really seem to care.Yes the grindings a pain but instead of problem solving its another bandaid i use to buy plat every update i thought was worth another 10 bucks but i haven't given them a dime in almost 2 months just because it seems like they keep puting patches on the problems instead of fixing them and this just furthers my view on this.I want people to be able to get the primes with reasonable play time not buy it right off the bat then i know the game actually takes time and skill not a bank account.


This is just the way i see it when i thought they were adding trading i never considered them adding plat into it cause I thought they would know better.Now it may be a good way to get plat but that shouldn't be that way it just makes the game feel like every other free to play now.It really does remind me of going into a new rpg (i know warframe isn't that much of an rpg) and seeing the people spam the SELLING RARE THING 19MIL GOLD PM ME.We have a trading channel which helps but it still gives me that feeling of "wow thats cheap not sure if i wanna give them more money" feeling. 


My suggestion make it mod for mod and prime parts for prime parts for trading.This again is just the way i see it and i see how some may disagree.


This is the way i see it prime parts for trade sounds great, prime parts in basically a huge market place not so great.


But hey opinions right ?

I feel like this is the best suggestion, even though I don't really agree with Prime Trading. 

If Prime Trading is to stay, then DE should at least do what this poster says. 

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The way i see it the trading system was a bit goofed mostly because it's hardly trading it's a another plat market.Trading should be like 1 player got 1 thing but needed another and another player also got 1 thing but needed the other and each player could trade that 1 part each needed for the part the other had like said if someone had a dakra prime blade but needed a fang prime blade and someone was in the opposite situation they could trade bam people are happy they still do missions to get the stuff.While this sometimes happens its usually a rare occasion least from what i've seen people only want plat.


This is not trading.This is people selling everything for plat for the months its been out I've been able to trade 2 times every other time people are like "you're not buying with plat ? stop wasting my time"


It's cheap now it's just wellllp time to get my credit card and buy allllll the prime parts/mods i need yep.It may not affect a lot of people but it gives me a dirty feeling when playing knowing that DE just didn't really seem to care.Yes the grindings a pain but instead of problem solving its another bandaid i use to buy plat every update i thought was worth another 10 bucks but i haven't given them a dime in almost 2 months just because it seems like they keep puting patches on the problems instead of fixing them and this just furthers my view on this.I want people to be able to get the primes with reasonable play time not buy it right off the bat then i know the game actually takes time and skill not a bank account.


This is just the way i see it when i thought they were adding trading i never considered them adding plat into it cause I thought they would know better.Now it may be a good way to get plat but that shouldn't be that way it just makes the game feel like every other free to play now.It really does remind me of going into a new rpg (i know warframe isn't that much of an rpg) and seeing the people spam the SELLING RARE THING 19MIL GOLD PM ME.We have a trading channel which helps but it still gives me that feeling of "wow thats cheap not sure if i wanna give them more money" feeling.


My suggestion make it mod for mod and prime parts for prime parts for trading.This again is just the way i see it and i see how some may disagree.


This is the way i see it prime parts for trade sounds great, prime parts in basically a huge market place not so great.


But hey opinions right ?

I have to wholeheartidly agree with this, adding plat into trading (paying) for primes and mods has ruined the only thing that keeps a large amount of people around. it makes it sooo damn easy to get these things now and people will have absolutly no reason to go into the void much less get there (aside from plat farming i guess).



this effectivly acts as an accelerant and with warframe in its current state with no ligitimate form of endgame to work towards (used to be void however apparently not anymore all i need is plat to effectively "win" the game now) it could be the nail in the coffin until they release some new form of engame/lore/story/gameplay that cannot be purchased with F#$%^&$ plat.


With part for part trading instead of buying, you would actually have to have gone there and at least experienced it one/five times to get what you want. It effectively cuts down grind alone well enough.


I used to think effort was a thing. Apparently not anymore. enjoy your future diablo 3 auction house.

Edited by xXZEROCSXx
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It still does not answer my question tho: why does it matter to me if someone else buys everything OR gets everything through trading ? I can still play and get everything by grinding for free, are you telling me it only matters if you kill more or if your gear is cooler than the other guy ? Because that is not what co-op is about.

No one can answer that question but you.


I was upset with the Prime Trading because I believed it meant fewer players looking to run Void missions but, today proved me wrong.  Ran several Void missions and never had an issue getting enough players to join me. 


I'm still grinding to get my Prime Frost and Ember, as well as several weapons though.  Just because Prime Trading is there doesn't mean I have to use it to amass wealth, I can use it to trade with clan mates and friends that have poor luck in the Void.   


My suggestions were to have Prime Trading be;

Part for part

Plat tax

Prime Trading used up two trade allotments

Edited by Noamuth
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credit tax on void items. 

mastery gate prime items (not terribly so, but rank 2's running around with full prime sets causes quite a bit of  o.O imo)

or experience gate it -


Have it to where you have to level the previous frame to 30 before you could build/use the prime version aswell.

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As far as I see - the prime trade is huge and smelly spit in the face to those who got all this stuff by sweat and tears and loads of time playing and grinding.


What's comming next? All exclusive weapons will be released for anyone paying Pt?


This goes nowhere.I'm done.

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Imho the timing is off.


They should've released this option along with some more endgame content. I don't mind the trading iself, but why now? At least they released the new weapons for clan tech.. as much as people hate that, it's something you can work towards.


It's a mess really. Thrown into the game with no finesse or balancing. What about the reduced prestige of Prime gear.. people like to feel like they have worked for their shiny, when you see that guy with the shiny Prime you go.. yeah that guy had to grind some to get that. That has been kinda broken with the trading system.. maybe up the mastery requirements? Sigh..


Now what really &!$$es me off is those legendary cores. The way that was handled was fing stupid. So you destroy mod progression by giving everyone (who was at the right time at the right place, which makes it even worse) two free max mods. And then you also break the item progression with prime trading.


It's like DE is preparing for an endgame that isn't here yet. Well, why not deliver the endgame before you break the current one then.

Edited by LocoWithGun
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While i like the idea of this i believe it needs more limitations, the ability for anyone to simply buy primes via trading with plat is a no from me. Personally i would have made primes only tradable for other primes, either primes as a whole or possibly even within that specific item.


Tradable as a whole:

Trade Paris Prime String for Ember Prime Chassis


Tradable within specific item:

Trade Paris Prime String for Paris Prime Upper Limb


This still helps cut away some of the grind and RNG nonsense of the void while still only making primes accessible to those with the capable skill to run the void. You can ofcourse still argue that some items can be obtained at a lower level than others and so balance may be required in that regard but it seems like a much healthier solution for the game to me. Furthermore there is the issue of differing values of items, some may be worth next to nothing due to being easy to obtain while others not so much so perhaps platinum could be offered alongside it in such cases as long as the game can recognize a prime for prime trade existing.


This just seems like an all around better solution for me, we still benefit from being able to trade for the prime parts RNG refuses to give us and get rid of the parts we dont need but it does so without the possibility of prime simply becoming buyable so only those with the ability to farm can do so. Even if somebody has limited time to play they can still play gradually, trade off the spare parts for what they need and obtain the item. Plat is ofcourse easier for such people but i feel this is a good compromise between the two.

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People!!! Stop mistaking endless grinding as skill/hardwork! It's not... It's stupid and you only have yourselves to blame for accepting a horrible rng system. I have no pity for those that don't have lives. Maybe they could up the mastery requirements for prime weapons.... Would that make you happy?

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I like this because it has been incredibly painful for me to get my first Primes. took 4 months after their initial release to get my first one and the luck, well has gotten slightly better but not much and still I struggle. That being said I agree that they might as well be in the Market.

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People!!! Stop mistaking endless grinding as skill/hardwork! It's not... It's stupid and you only have yourselves to blame for accepting a horrible rng system.


You're right, we shouldn't have to put up with a horrible RNG system. I completely agree. Therefore, I'm not going to put up with it anymore and buy and trade whatever I please, and others should do the same. Problem?

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Frost prime used to mean something.

The same goes with mag, ember, etc.

You had to farm harder missions, sometimes for weeks before you had the parts.  You couldn't even buy them with plat.

It was a sign of accomplishment.

Now that I can trade parts, these things mean nothing.


Can someone change my opinion?  

Just my two cents,


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It was easier to introduce this than an actual token system. Also, the fact the drop tables are heavilly weighted means that most people will be looking for the same bits, so trading is finite and the problem will roll around again soon.


Assuming the playerbase keeps explanding that is. In summary, it's a band aid fix at best, although I'm sure the idea of people buying plat to buy what they need didn't sound bad to Sheldon either.

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Although to be fair to the people that RNG has decided to crucify with splinters and titanium laser pointers, this was a blessing. I traded prime parts for other prime parts (Orthos blade for Fang blade, etc.) and now, after like moths on top of months, I finally have them in my collection. I do agree that now anyone who wants it can have it easy. It was a grat idea, broken by lazy people who can't farm. I know DEM FEELZ!

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it was a good idea, People asked for it a lot.

and yet often, Greed can kill a good idea.


But seeing as this will not and has not effected me, or how I play.

I don't give a damn if Player A got a Prime from trading. 

Nor Will it mean a damn thing if Player B Got Primes from Blazing Void after void.

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