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Will We Ever Get A Friendly Grineer?


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It would be hard to imagine a clone thinking differently BUT if the tenno were to take a freshly cloned one they could make him friendly before the grineer would brainwash him with fake pictures of tenno punching kittens and hitting puppies

(yes that's why they dun like us)

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Never heard of Clem before until now and it's pretty funny.


But in a more serious about this, I think a friendly grineer is entirely possible. It just needs a good story or reason.


Maybe a platoon of grineer marines exploring a derelict ship and were overwhelmed by the infested, and the one survivor sealing himself in a room for days until a group of tenno exploring the ship finds him. In which he decides to stay connected with the tenno after his rescue.


Perhaps a member of the grineer research team that grew a huge fascination of the Tenno after working in trying to decipher how Orokin technology and warframes works, and changes sides because of his curiosity, and fascination.


Then there could be a grineer that has become very bitter in the empire because of the politics in it. Kind of like how Ruk was not happy with Hek's decision to keep the Grustrag three around after what they did.


So I would like to see a friendly grineer, but it would just need to be implemented well that it would fit the lore in warframe.

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We still our have guns and so long as we do we will assure our freedom, btw we don't live on top of a massive volcano.

You're right. We live on top of a Supervolcano located underneath Yellowstone. Much worse...

Edited by Dominus_Tenno
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One day you will turn a wrong corner in a Grineer Galleon and enter the mess hall. There you will find an aged grineer grandmother, holding a tray of cookies.


"Oh dearie me, you look famished. Have a cookie."


*Fang Primes to the neck*

Good cookies. I'll be sure to share some with Darvo.

Edited by -SLX-J3tAc3
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