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Coming Soon: Devstream #27


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We've noticed a few "hints" regarding the melee stances - specifically, things like the Dark Dagger having a stance polarity that is not applicable to any of the existing dagger stance mods. Is this a clue that there will be releases of more melee stances in the future?


dark daggers are strange, their default melee style is actually incredibly powerful.....

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1) Is there any information or update about the Strict NAT? With the soon upcoming stations will Strict NAT players be treated to ghost towns or is there hope? Not to mention having difficulties get a full team going. 


2) When will the Treasury terminal in the dojo be able to accept resources and not just credits? 


3) Emotes!? 

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Damage 2.0 is still needlessly complex in areas. We have 4 types of flesh, 2 types of Robotics (one of which applies to only two enemies) and 2 types of armor for Ancient Infested (which affect 6 uncommon enemies in total). Blast damage is only positive against two niche enemy types, and weak to common Grineer. Oberon’s a “paladin”, but Radiation is awful against the game’s “undead” analog. If damage tables are constantly being rewritten, when can we expect to see damage retuned again?


Rhino Prime has increased speed over his unprimed counterpart. Can we expect to see similar improvements on other Primes?


When can we expect to see the first implementation of universal ability mods? What can we expect as examples?


Cloth physics for Volt, Frost and Trinity were briefly shown off in the Sword Alone trailer video. Any progress on that?


Since Update 12, all of the Tenno Reinforcements (every non-Prime weapon except Dex Furis, in fact) have been Clan Tech with platinum pricetags. Why the sudden changes? Should we expect this of all future Reinforcements? What about accusations of increasing grinds for these weapons to incentivize profit, or being unfair to solo players?

Edited by Archwizard
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I'm curious if the Dark Sector conflicts will have their own tilesets. It's been asked before but just wanted to say that I'm wondering as well. On the topic of Dark Sectors, why did you guys lock so many of the channeling mods behind a time wall essentially, cause you knew that as soon as someone threw down a Solar Rail it'd be conflicted not a few minutes after. Yeah, the twenty four hour time in between conflicts IS okay but at the same time, not everyone is around that much.

Few question about stances, will there be unique parry finishers per stance? Because as it stands no matter what stance you're using, the finisher is exactly the same as the other stance. And it's been asked before, but, are you planning on adding in more stances in the future? And one BIG question I'd REALLY like to know about.


What's with the naming of some of the stance mods? I can understand most of them, but BOTH Hands/Feet and just Fist stances are named Sparring, why not name Hands/Feet Sparring and Fist, Fist? The same goes with the heavy weapons, I'm pretty sure the stance mods are named Axes, YET, they are used on the Galatine and should maybe be named Heavy. Most of the others are fine but I do have some qualms with those particular ones. It's a tad confusing unless you have a guide or check the wiki.

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A. Is there going to be a more reliable way to combat grinding like mod crafting? So far, transmute hasn't been very good at doing this job with low reliability and poor payout (four rare and 36,000 credit turned into one common mod is discouraging).

B. Will stance mods for all weapon grip be expanded into all rarity? The problem with one-handed sword and Nikana is because stance mods are restricted in rare rarity and locking potential of the system behind a heavy RNG despite the fact that Skana is a beginner's weapon.

C. Will there be proper balance change to make damage power more comfortable to use compared to guns and melee? Right now there are kind of pointless to equip in higher level.

D. Any plan to use Conversion blueprint to convert low-tier weapon into higher tier to expand lategame loadout?

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With Frost's Snow Globe health-building change, will other skills like Decoy and Molt get similar mechanics so that they too are more viable when enemies ramp up?


Will the chat interface get a revamp? Right now, it's a list of thousands of players with oddly written names that are hard to type. Could we get a system like in Guild Wars (first one) where each player's name is a hyperlink that opens a chat tab with them? For recruiting, will there be more of a list of group leaders that players can browse and join?


When will Key Groups stop being torn apart upon mission completion? Will we finally be able to use keys from any screen (as it is, sometimes returning to the solar menu does not reenable the Key menu button)?


Why are color changes a consistent issue between client and host? It seems like every weapon/warframe/ability/effect does not sync color across all players until a hotfix is released.


Will there be remade bosses that don't rely on invincibility mechanics in the future? Lephantis, Vor, Hek, Ruk, and Kril force the pace of the battle and, sometimes, completely halt it when they bug out or RNG decides the mission should take longer. Additionally, I don't find them all that fun. The character designs are awesome, but the encounters feel...wrong.


Regarding trading, will there be a listing of items on sale that players can set up so they don't have to be online to complete the sale? I normally don't get to play until almost everyone is offline, so trading is rather hit or miss. Forum threads and trading chat generally flies by, so getting seen, let alone contacted, can be difficult.

Edited by Rand0mNumbers
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Recent additions to the game have increased grind and reliance on the always uncertain RNG significantly. Do you have any plans on changing this, or is this the direction you wanted the game to go?


What are your plans for the mods that are barely used? I'd love to use things like Magazine Warp or Handspring, but the return just isn't worth it when considering what I have to give up in order to place those mods.


Will there be any new game mechanics tied to the Mastery Rank system? Many people grind it out for that maxed out Mastery, but thus far, there isn't anything tied to being Mastery Rank 15 or 16, or higher.

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After every big update the maxed ranks return, level the new weapons and leave until the next big U'xyz'(there is no point in grinding dark sectors, we don't need more XP or resources and playing missions became repetitive after the first 'xyz' updates. The only thing right now that adds something more is 'forma' and a pvp system- conclave that barely no one uses (no incentive).

->Plain and simple: What is the plan for endgame? Are lenses (or the focus system) / hub areas enough to keep players in the game between updates?

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1. With U13 also came some changes to the movement system that had the side effect of the 'zorencopter' exploit to become even more widespread throughout the melee arsenal. Seeing as this bug invalidates any experience players might have learned traversing the tiles quickly through parkour, makes frames balanced around a slow sprint speed imbalanced, and encourages the culture of rushing through content even further, I have to wonder why coptering hasn't been removed yet.


2. In a similar vain to the issue of coptering, the Rhino Vanguard helmet stat combination allows the prime version of one of the most the most tanky and durable frames to outrun everybody but Loki without sacrificing any significant power. Even with stats being phased out, the straight up unfair advantage this particular stat combination offers to Rhino and Rhino Prime makes the inherent disadvatadge their frames were designed around - a slow speed - a non-issue. Please rethink your decision of leaving helmet stats in the game, allow all frames to equip every helmet stat combination the player has unlocked or consider balancing Rhino's unfair speed advantadge with a change to Iron skin that disables any personal speed modifications(rush/vanguard) as long as it is active.

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How about Power 2.0? Currently 80% powers are lacking or a complete garbage on one hand and Ulty spam on the other. Or present Slashdash→4→Repeat system satisfies you?


On that note - how about mod 2.5? Again, currently we have one-two builds for every warframe and, basically, ONE build for every gun.

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Q- Is there any plans on reworking damage skills like slash dash or Shuriken so that they can be more applicable at higher levels?


Q- Since endless defense/survival enemy levels increase to infinity, in designing weapons/warframes, do you think about their performance across all levels or high levels? If so approximately what is this level range?

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So here's a few questions I hope will get looked at:


1) Could the T1 reward tables get looked at again? Because getting mostly rewarded with keys that I have no use for is not fun at all and in the end feels like a wasted key.

Alternatively, will you make the T1 drops available in other tiers? Perhaps making a T4?


2) Will Ceres/ Earth/ Phobos/ Void/ Derelict see some further optimisation in the near future? Because as it stands some people run a risk of losing everything in survival and defense missions by going past wave 25 and 30 minutes.


3) Would you consider going back to look at some of the stances, because some of them are just awesome in theory but terrible in practice with the long pauses for superflous flips and counter-intuitive combos that endager the user.

For further thoughts on this please have a look at this thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/212182-melee-20-and-stances-what-it-should-have-been/


Bonus Question: Any chance that you guys would like to give us all a hint on the next prime frame? (If it even is a frame that's going to be the next prime!? Dethcube prime / Shade prime / Kubroh prime?)


Edit: Removed the fourth question to move it to a more appropriate feedback post.

Edited by Kamikiri
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1. How soon can we except art/visual update on some of the melee weapons like Dark Sword/Dagger, Dual Heat Swords, Heat Dagger/Sword, Ceramic Dagger, Pangolin Sword and Cronus (grineer or grineer/orokin theme for Cronus since it's Vor's weapon?).

2. Will visuals of some Prime Warframes be improved (Mag and Excalibur Primes having really blown out colors)? Will visuals of some Warframes be improved (Valkyr's main color for example)?

3. Some of newer color palettes (since Daybreak) have specific colors that are not depicting how it will look on warframes and weapons (some colors appear brighter or darker in picker than what we get on models). Can this be adressed?

4. Improved visuals on very first sentinel accessories? Improved visuals on Shade an Wyrm?

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are there any plans to make changes to the Deadeye "aura" to make it useful for snipers like myself?

Suggestion if you care to listen:

- 1 of the following

Either A. Make Rifle Amp work differently on all mains - example: 40% dmg to Semi auto/automatic rifles-- 50% bonus dmg on headshots for sniper rifles/

-60% damage fall off for shotguns/ 40% faster charge/knock arrow for bows maybe crit dmg bonus?

Or B. Split all of the above into separate aura mods (with deadeye affecting bows and sniper rifles).

Also, don't allow rifle amp to work on Sniper rifles-- change it to "assault rifles" only etc...

The first choice would allow for more powerful squads

The second choice would dilute aura mods even more- while making useless guns "useful"

Either way-- it needs addressed in my opinion and Deadeye definitely needs fixed.. Plz! :)

Thanks guys- look forward to the stream!

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Okay, since I'm sure I won't get to watch the stream this time either (I rarely have the luck to do so) I will take this opportunity.




- Do you still intend to go back to Frost and take a look at his powers, including but not solely Snow globe? Being a "frost" themed frame one would expect freezing abilities not the usual "fire-away" nuke types.

- Do you intend to do some form of redesign work to some of the other frames, like Nekros (being only a scavanger frame right now, with no other effective abilities... the ultimate is still a weak/limited Chaos/Nyx overall), etc?


Dark sectors/rail system


A quite nice amount of ideas and questions rose with the new competitive pve mechanic, and maybe even more agitation over the fact that most players have better time if nobody is competing for the rails.

- Do you intend to take in some ideas or you already have a distinct plan which you intend to unfold in the future?

- Did you find some interesting ideas around the forums? Like this topic here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/213524-advanced-alliance-invasion-mode-dark-sectors/#entry2556822 (yes, that's my post).


Combo system


The combo/melee system shows the premise of "what could be" in the future.

- Is this the precise direction you wish to tread towards or just the scaffolding for something deeper/bigger?

- No offense but do you plan to change the current "button press" registration mechanic as it's mostly problematic?

- Again no offense but do you plan to change the "combos" to something a bit more complicated than EEEEE ? Like left+melee or right+melee causes a horizontal slash to the respective direction, forward+melee produces a thrust, maybe (re)introducing some form of heavy attack (like by holding melee as before)?


A bit of more details on what I mean here:


Stance mods/combos


Description is one thing, the combo-system itself fell quite short of the promise it might hold.

First of all, a combo of "EEE holdE E" isn't a combo. That's... well, I know the game is out for PS4 too but please, don't look down on controller bearing people, it has more buttons than one. Hell, this vid came to my mind when looking at the combo lists:


We don't need incredible depth, this is not a mortal kombat (not that it has sooo deep and hard controls), but a E, Left+E, Jump, E seems much more like a combo meant for players who actually have a brain and possibly more than one finger on each hand.


Of course more combos than the current repertoir would be nice, right now we have a combo of slide-spin (as before), an overhead strike (press attack while in air, as before), a finisher on a downed enemy (as before) and a combo of consecutive strikes. That's... well. With all this waiting and hype... The animations look nice, that I admit and welcome with open arms. We actually lost the ability to do heavy attacks (charge) thus it's actually more shallow than before. Yes, more viable due to channeling but the actualy veriety is lower.


I know some might have noticed that I always bring this game up when Melee comes into picture, but ONI (2001, Bungie, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oni_%28video_game%29) had it all right. It was easy to control (even without any true aiming help), without low-kick,high-kick,medium-kick and a dozen other special buttons. It operated from roughly the same amount of keys as Warframe (actually less), and it was still capable of providing combos and different moves. The Jedi Knight series, mostly the Jedi Academy title had nice ideas too. Like pressing the forward when attacking with sword produced frontal/vertical attacks, while pressing one of the side buttons produced a horizontal slash. Small things like this create an immersion, a true feeling of control.


Also, the way the button-presses are registered can cause a bit of trouble and annoyance, especially in the heat of battle. If you press the melee key more than once, the character remembers it and after the attack proceeds to do another since you pressed the button more than once. This is bothersome, since if you want a system where you can do combos with ease, the character must never do "phantom" strikes because you pressed the button twice - it can easily break a combo, especially since the current combos frequently have "hold" or "pause" in them, and one extra hit causes it to miss and do not do the combo.

So it should work like this:

- You press the key, animation starts.

- Even if you press the key a hundred times during animation, it won't make the character do another melee strike after the current one.

- If you release the initial melee key-press that induced the current melee strike and then press it again, the game will check at the end of the strike if you are still holding it. If you do hold it, it will register as key-press and a new strike will start.

Thus you can stop when you want, simply press the button and hold it one more time at least till the animation finishes to do another melee strike. You need for a "hold E" in the combo? Simply keep pressing it. If the combo is there, the animation will show that your "holding" is registered.

Also it would be nice if you could always hold attacks for a larger hit. That was nice before. I wouldn't make it a different damage stat like before, simply double the normal amount or give it more crit chance. Whatever.



Void/drop tables/rates


- Do you intend to implement bigger changes in the current drop system, like finding alternative ways to distribute rewards instead of showing everything into the droptables which in turn causes the already well known dilution / do you already have something planned?

- Void (and possibly other) vault rooms/challenge rooms could provide such ways, like the current "parkour" rooms providing an artifact similar to the derelict void vaults, which you have to escort outside and that would give "something" as reward? Maybe containers or rooms locked with ciphers that you can only try to solve once (per player) or it shuts and cannot be accessed?

Here comes my usual topic with the details:

https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/79196-concepts-of-mine-consumables-merchant-gambler-and-void-cause-i-like-that/#entry863293 (mostly relevant is the first chapter).




- Do you intend to fix/change the current move of "vault" (when you hurl yourself over rails/small objects, edges etc.)? Currently it's (way) more pain than help. Honestly it's just a cosmetic thing since you rarely need to drop down an edge fast and overall you are better off jumping and then sliding in the air as that holds potential speed and combat advantages (sliding midair is already an attack actually). I'm not saying you must or have to or whatnot take it out, just that make it more controlled. I don't like the idea of always doing this move when jumping near an edge, let us decide. Simply make this move only trigger, when the character is not running. You want to drop below? Fine, let go of Shift! You want to do parkour (as you will try to 97.3% of the time obviously)? Gain speed and jump to your heart's content!


Reaction (mostly melee)


When we hit an enemy, many weapons make them stagger now. That's an incredibly welcome change but at the same time I frequently see myself slashin' at an opponent like crazy and they just keep shooting. My blade slides through their model without any resistance or reaction from them, after enough slashes they die.

- Do you plan to change the way melee animations are played, like playing a "stop" or "blade-stuck" animation when we hit the last enemy that weapon can actually hit (like 1-handers being only able to hit 1 enemy yet it looks like you hit everyone etc.)?

- Do you plan to make enemies react more when hit, like trying to protect themselves or just plain being pushed roughly at the point their bodies were struck (or maybe a tad sliding backwards from the force of the hit)?

Edited by K_Shiro
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Question to everyone on the couch!


With the release of Dark Sector and Solar Rails, the veteran community within Warframe had high hopes that we would see engaging content that is a challenge and is rewarding; needless to say, we are very disappointed. 


The question is:


Do you plan to make content geared for people who have put 800, 1000, 1200 hours into Warframe? Did you ever consider raids or boss encounters that require groups? What do you see as "end game" for Warframe?

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