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Origin System, Whats That?!


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 It is possible that the problem with the Pluto super-rail is related to a part that the Corpus are unable to imitate, thus repairs are at a standstill while they research options. Just a thought.


 And rails take plastids because they're high in calories.


The "Super-Rail" as you dub it was designed to take you beyond the solar system perhaps to another system, we don't know. However we do know the sentients don't seem to be lingering around the solar system right now and their is no sign of them.  It would be a safe bet to assume they come from/currently are situated outside the solar system.


We also know that the Orokin were losing the war and probably retreating at a point. Seeing as solar rails work both ways it was probably a stalling action by them sabotage the rail not just structurally but perhaps use void energy to disrupt the pathway the solar rial runs on. 


The goal was probably to keep the sentients out of the solar system or at least to stop them finding it, i.e. they were "burning the bridges" so they could not be reached in the origin system. 


So this rail is either really complicated or super damaged in ways the others were not (the intra-system ones probably just got damaged from lack of maintenance after the working died out).

Edited by MDRLOz
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The "Super-Rail" as you dub it was designed to take you beyond the solar system perhaps to another system, we don't know. However we do know the sentients don't seem to be lingering around the solar system right now and their is no sign of them.  It would be a safe bet to assume they come from/currently are situated outside the solar system.


We also know that the Orokin were losing the war and probably retreating at a point. Seeing as solar rails work both ways it was probably a stalling action by them sabotage the rail not just structurally but perhaps use void energy to disrupt the pathway the solar rial runs on. 


The goal was probably to keep the sentients out of the solar system or at least to stop them finding it, i.e. they were "burning the bridges" so they could not be reached in the origin system. 


 Unfortunately a lot of these lore scraps are probably outdated into uselessness. Hard to tell how much DE will replace. The older the lore scrap the more likely that it no longer cuts it.

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The Corpus have an Earth year or two to build that rail. Given the time taken to build our Solar Rails, the Corpus should have already finished their Solar Rail by now (accounting for extra time taken to stabilise/fix mistakes). 


"Build"? they were trying to fix a broken rail and the idea that it "should just be fixed" after a year is ridiculous. Like the idea that a car mechanic should be able to repair a crashed 747 in X amount of time, it simply might not be possible, maybe it relies on parts that can never make, etc etc. The Solar Rail system is an Orokin invention not a Corpus one, mostly they've simply been maintaining the existing system. Just because the Tenno have access to better construction facilities doesn't mean we understand the Rails any more that the Corpus.


Also it's not like anyone has been able to replicate the core components of Orokin tech yet, people are still scavenging for their energy cells.


Also Plastids are a source of nanites, useful for life-support and nano-scale maintainance

Edited by SilentMobius
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"Build"? they were fixing a broken Rail and the idea that it "should just be fixed" after a year is ridiculous. Like the idea that a car mechanic should be able to repair a crashed 747 in X amount of time, it simply might not be possible, maybe it relies on parts that can never make, etc etc.


Also it's not like anyone has been able to replicate the core components of Orokin tech yet, people are still scavenging for their energy cells.


Also Plastids are a source of nanites, useful for life-support and nano-scale maintainance

Ok, maybe the word 'Build' was chosen poorly, but with the Corpus endlessly scavenging for and researching about Orokin technology, some parts of the Solar Rail should have been fixed already (at least the structural parts). 

Edited by Renegade343
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The Corpus have an Earth year or two to build that rail. Given the time taken to build our Solar Rails, the Corpus should have already finished their Solar Rail by now (accounting for extra time taken to stabilise/fix mistakes). 


Did you guys watch Stargate Universe (at least the start when it was watchable)?! The amount of power required and the complexity of the calcullations for a successfull connection was proportional to the distance of the connection. I see Solar Rails similar Stargates.

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 Unfortunately a lot of these lore scraps are probably outdated into uselessness. Hard to tell how much DE will replace. The older the lore scrap the more likely that it no longer cuts it.

I dont know the actual only "old" piece of lore in all this is the Pluto solar rail being the rail that leads out of the solar system. 


Orokin losing war/getting desperate - Excalibur prime codex entry

Solar rail leading to another star - Mag prime codex entry 

Outside the solar system - A recent Dev stream 

Another faction from outside of the solar system - A recent Dev stream 


Pluto being the location of the external solar rail is probably the oldest bit being Plutos description which has been forever: 

The shattered Outer Terminus of the Solar Rail Network is located here. The Corpus work to rebuild it.
Also outer terminus just means the outer end of the railway. For all we know the corpus are just working on fixing the coffee and gift shops for the tourists. 
Edited by MDRLOz
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 I'm sure there is some complicated reason for it being busted so badly. 


 Considering it is a rail leading to another system instead of a rail that helps get to locations within the current system I'd suppose it is a safe bet it is much more complex.

The answer's quite simple - it's full of Tenno vandals that run around priming and stomping all the components when they do that mission. It's hard to repair delicate electronics when your spanner MOAs keep exploding.

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Also outer terminus just means the outer end of the railway. For all we know the corpus are just working on fixing the coffee and gift shops for the tourists. 



I want this to be canon.

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Sounds like EA digital distribution software.


Then the Grineer is EA and the Corpus is Valve?



EDIT: And speaking of which, what has Plastids got to do with building a Solar Rail for us?


Comfy Seats

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It's the Origin system of a conflict that has shaped the galaxy.  What began as a conflict over the transfer of conciousness from flesh to machine has devastated a million worlds...

Oh wait a minute that's Total Annihilation I'm thinking of.

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About the mag prime codex entry everyone seem to be ignoring is that they mentioned the "void era", a time when they much more advanced tech but the sentience just consumed it. So maybe before the solar rails the Orokin used the void to travel between systems. Enter the solar rails. If i remember right way back when they introduced the void they said they where folding space when they entered the void, shortening the distance traveled through space and allowing for planetary/stellar travel. That tech rendered unusable the rails are a much lower tech way of traveling the vast distances between planets. Which would explain what the Corpus are looking for in the void, a means of fast travel and the lost tech they need to fix Outer Terminus and regain access to the rest of the old empire, to which they thing they are the true successors. 

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Didn't Alad V sent ships into the void?


If solar rails function like void keys by using the same technique (bending time and space), the Corpus should be able to have the rails already fixed.

Maybe they dropped the effort on this, for "more important" stuff and Tenno stealing all materials.


Maybe they just lack materials only the Grineer own.

Edited by Sypheal
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Didn't Alad V sent ships into the void?


If solar rails function like void keys by using the same technique (bending time and space), the Corpus should be able to have the rails already fixed.

Maybe they dropped the effort on this, for "more important" stuff and Tenno stealing all materials.


Maybe they just lack materials only the Grineer own.

Don't the G3 come from out of system?
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I may have misread it, but when they introduced them didn't Lotus say something about them being detected in system.  Which is either me misreading it, it being badly phrased, or an indication that there is an out of system they come from. 


"System" often refers to the cluster of missions surrounding a planet. For example, Tolstoj (Captain Vor's boss node) is in the Mercury system.

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Plot Twist, Orokin Put the origin system inside a normal space bubble within the void to escape oblivion. Going into void space is going into what is now currently normal space. We are fighting within a snowglobe and when all resources dry out, the bubble will collapse as with everything before it and DE will move on to another game.

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Omg.. that idea is amazing... *It's extremely effective* *A critical hit!* *PinkStarSR11 fainted*


Edit: Sorry, I couldn't contain myself lol

well there is the other solar system mentioned in Mag Prime's profile something about a purple sun.

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Should be a similar, if not entirely the same, design, is it? Given that the Corpus are rather efficient in work, I would have thought they would have fixed and/or rebuilt the Rail already. 


And do you know the answer to why we need Plastids for building a Solar Rail?

the difference between interplanetary and interstellar distances make it very likely that interstellar solar rails function on vastly different principles then the ones we have now.
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"System" often refers to the cluster of missions surrounding a planet. For example, Tolstoj (Captain Vor's boss node) is in the Mercury system.


Or could they be actually two use of the same words (with totally different meaning and scale).


Planetoid/Sub-planetary system - the regions and satellites of a planetoid. What we see as nodes when we clicked on a planetoid will be this.


Planetary/Star system - the system of planetoids other "space stuff" around a star(1 or more). The Solar System falls under this category (our star is Sol).



the difference between interplanetary and interstellar distances make it very likely that interstellar solar rails function on vastly different principles then the ones we have now.


The term "solar" in the solar rail may imply that it only applies (or serves) our system. Unless the interstellar ones are named solar just because it originates from there?

Edited by smithf
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