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Hammer Shot Versus Rifle Aptitude



Someone please explain this logic to me.



At max rank, Hammer Shot and Rifle Aptitude both have a nine point Power Drain. However, Hammer Shot has a +60% Critical Damage, and a +40% Status Chance, whereas Rifle Aptitude only has a +15% Status Chance.


This balance. /sarcasm.

Edited by Zachles
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Hammershot is rare, nightmare and has the lower (together with blaze) drop chance.


But yeah, those mods (uncommon status chance only) need a boost.


I made a proposition but didn't had many steam.


I have no idea of how easy this could be, but change the benefit to be additive instead of a percentage of the actual percentage would make them viable.


As an example, let's take the Braton Prime, which proc chance (10%) isn't bad but isn't great either.


Now with Hammershot, Malignant Force and High Voltage in, the status chance is 26%. But is costing you 23 points (no polarities taken in account) and three slots.


Applying the change to make the percentage of Rifle aptitude additive would give you a 25% costing only 9 points and one slot.


This change would give you a reason to use these mods with weapons with a very low status chance, but with the ones with a higher chance you'll want to use the three already mentioned, as you'll have a better benefit from those.

Edited by xlraistlx
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Hammershot is rare, nightmare and has the lower (together with blaze) drop chance.


But yeah, those mods (uncommon status chance only) need a boost.


I made a proposition but didn't had many steam.


i went into great detail on a posting just like that in the thread i linked above.

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They have known about these various useless mods. The problem is dedicating any amount of time to them it seems.

Specially when confronted with unleashing more and more 100%+ proc chance weapons. And how it randomly chooses which damage type to proc.


I can see it being another rank 10. Common, but exceptionally grindy to make useful.

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Rifle Amplitude, Shotgun Savvy, Sure Shot and Melee Prowess. These Mods before Damage 2.0 used to add Chance to Stun on weapon wich was a status all weapons had and was not displayed weapon`s Statistics in the Arsenal.


A few updates before Damage 2.0, DE started implementing dual status mods such as Stunning Speed (Pistol) and the status chance started to raise to 60%.


I have no idea why DE hasnt buffed these mods along with the rest but i hope it goes up to 90% when buffed.

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Personally I think Rifle Aptitude should provide a fixed amount of status to a weapon, not just a % of the current status chance.  This would make it useful on a variety of weapons and be used to boost the status % chance from event mods.  In theory it could boost a 10% status weapon up to 22.5%, which would then be affected by mods like Hammer Shot and Malignant Force.


EDIT:  In truth a hard cap for status chance is required.  This would make weapons like Tysis necessary without having the Marelok replace it.  Perhaps a +100% of base value cap, so if a weapon has a 20% status chance it has a hard cap of 40%.  This would not affect multishot as each projectile has its own status chance so weapons would need to be balanced according to the number of projectiles.

Edited by (PS4)Hiero_Glyph
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All status, resistance, utility mods need a balanced buff because then nobody will use them and they just stole a lot of space from drop table. They also need to make a different mod system or skill tree with every mod has own slot. Or they just need to give extra 2 mod slot to use utility mods also. 

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Whenever they decide to release the Cicero mods + Heat/Code Status mods, they might want to either remove those stand-alone status mods or just turn them into corrupted mods......corrupted status mod sounds pretty nice actually....or change them to amplify slash/impact/punc 

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Personally I think Rifle Aptitude should provide a fixed amount of status to a weapon, not just a % of the current status chance.  This would make it useful on a variety of weapons and be used to boost the status % chance from event mods.  In theory it could boost a 10% status weapon up to 22.5%, which would then be affected by mods like Hammer Shot and Malignant Force.


I really like this idea, make the mods a flat addition rather than multiplicative. Would allow you to build for procs on non-proc weapons. However it would make 'high proc' weapons currently in game broken at 100% proc weapons :S. Capping it seems unfair to those weapons tho.

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The status mods used to be "Stun Chance" before Damage 2.0, and the values were fairly balanced then, as they were a raw addition of stun chance and not working off of a low base value. When it changed over they just swapped Stun for Status and left the values as is, planning to go back and change them to be more balanced with the new system... 8 months later and, well, you get the idea.


EDIT: Derp, someone already said this. :x

Edited by ShAd0wF1AmE
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I really like this idea, make the mods a flat addition rather than multiplicative. Would allow you to build for procs on non-proc weapons. However it would make 'high proc' weapons currently in game broken at 100% proc weapons :S. Capping it seems unfair to those weapons tho.


There no longer is a 100% crit cap.

edited to add: maybe they need to do the same for status

Edited by Keiiken
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The only reason I mention a status chance cap is because with the event mods, if we ever do get a full set of 4, we will have a significant increase in status chance making weapons like Tysis lose their niche.  I mean the Marelok almost makes the Tysis obsolete already.

Edited by (PS4)Hiero_Glyph
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The only reason I mention a status chance cap is because with the event mods, if we ever do get a full set of 4, we will have a significant increase in status chance making weapons like Tysis lose their niche.  I mean the Marelok almost makes the Tysis obsolete already.


Ah but the I/P/S procs would make up the difference. ETC Tysis can get 100% Corrosive proc, but no matter how much +status we add to marelok we'd never get more than 50%, because the other 50% of the time it would proc I/P/S.


But that's just that specific example. I can certainly see some other status weapons suffering, like Grinlok which can get to what, 96% right now?

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