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What Are Your Top Three Biggest Wishes For Warframe?


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1. More void / derelict missions


2. Proto-Excalibur and Ash Prime


3. Nova's MPrime to be redused to 1/3(range) in def missions (let's face it - a Nova being able to Prime everything with a single spell is just lame...)

Edited by TMHowler
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1. A damn storyline in this game, could literally tie in old events into planets and feel like we are accomplishing something.


2. less magnetic parkour, along with the ability to actually use cover.


3. smarter AI rather then 5 times the armor and hp as you fight through higher level content.

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1. the polish update


2. real distinction between frames other than powers and some real need for actual working togeather.


3. all players to actually think about the health and wellbeing of the game over their own agenda.

Maybe a more realistic goal; less grind and some real purpose (maybe story based) aside from the gear hamster wheel.

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My three wishes all revolve around me actually being able to play solo comfortably...


1. Better stealth system


2. More balanced difficulty (health, damage, etc.)


3. Little bit less clan focus.

^ This.


1. Arc Traps to return to hellfire from which they were forged.


2. Energy Drain Doors to return to the hellfire from which they were forged.


3. Shock Eximuses to return to the hellfire from which they were forged.

^DEM arc traps...


1) Removal of all PVP  / be limited to clan dojo only with no further work on it.


2) Better AI, one than work in a team as a proper squad etc.


3) Frosts proper re-work to make him actually usable

I don't like PvP. But complete removal might be a bit too much^^'. Definitely NOT use it in missions though. Like the new mission type shown in devstream 29... Awesome concept, not so awesome inclusion of PvP in it... Especially in Warframe's current state : "to one shot or to be one shot". Yay.


There's someone that made a VERY good thread about making "dumb but challenging/fun enemies" somewhere in the forums... Too lazy to link sorry^^'.


I don't know what to think of Frost to be honest. He's supposed to be a " defensive tank", but he's just a slow, not that good DPS frame with low energy. But my problem comes more from the fact that DPS frames do not scale well (understatement)  with enemy level...

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im not giving 3.


We all understand that the BIGGEST part of warframe is its GAMEPLAY


so how the game should be played what matters and needs to be improved




- missions, its pont A to B. add more surprise and twists 

- player movements / boss mob AI

- bigger mobs, harder bosses.

- newbie - normal - experienced - veteran  level of gameplay difficulty depending on tier

- mastery uses, because its useless as hell. add free cosmetic each level or new awesome non-tradeable mods.

- weapon trails and weapon flash graphics enhancements. (ADD PHYSX EFFECTS ON WEAPON TRAILS) 


- weapon and frame balancing

- more customizations to frames and customization to guns appearance.



Edited by Ritchel
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1 - I'd like to see DE incentivize exploratory gameplay, ie more void obstacle/parkour/vaults, more "secret" rooms, more worthwhile loot inside them as well


2 - related to #1, non-linear map/tile RNG generator, multiple paths that are not just deadends, but also more deadends that have mini-bosses/objectives at them


3 - more fluid animations/parkour/melee across the board, melee gave us "the sword alone" yet we cannot aim melee attacks up or down to deal with flyers/turrets/cameras/etc, give us mid-air melee attacks and make the ground slam a HOLD melee while in air input, look at games like Metal Gear Rising and/or Ninja Gaiden, Warframe DEv team obvious took inspiration from these things, yet our inputs/animations ingame are clunky and not fluid =[

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1) Disband Tenno Design Council. (why the heck do these players have special rights in voting the game' design?!)

2) Have DE properly explain the next on-coming patch or updates and not random cliff-hangers. (random hyper is bad)

3) Forum 2.0. Improve the forum already!! (suggestion/ideas posted on forum get flush away from spams, Suggestion Poll system.)


Enuff said.

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1: A mission on the Sun that only unlocks when you complete the rest of the solar system and is like the ultimate test.

3: Other solar systems .

New idea. a hidden mission in the sun which unlock after completing the whole map gives incentive to players to complete them!

The other solar system/map will be just another Grinding or a bigger way to make Public joining even harder.

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1) storyline / lore

2) Less grind for fusion cores and parts.

3) a marriage of mods 1.0 and 2.0. I don't mind only having 10 slots on each frame and getting rid of the tree but every mod I pick up being the same as another mod I already have sucks. I had more fun grinding for actually useful and differnt mods in closed beta then I do now grinding for fusion fodder. Mod stackig was great gave more varied builds on frames. Weapons were a problem I'll admit but nowadays it's the frames that are all a like.

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1) Disband Tenno Design Council. (why the heck do these players have special rights in voting the game' design?!)

Okay. NO.

We paid a large amount of money to the game to support them, that's why we get these so called "special rights".

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Okay. NO.

We paid a large amount of money to the game to support them, that's why we get these so called "special rights".

So you'r saying, as long you put in a large sum of money on this game, you are entitled to these special rights which cant be obtained anymore? and those players whom put in less or no money on this game are nothing?


So in overall conclusion.  we non-cashier should F off on certain stuff?

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Dual wield SWORDS lime sword swords and not that stupid dagger thing in the main hand

Bosses don't have invincible shields and one tiny weak spot feom which they can be damaged. And tou can actually hurt them with melee. I want ro be able to climb lephantis like in dragons dogma and stab it in the faces

Easier to use melee comb o s with a heavy melee attack and no morw of this eeepausee crap

Yeah I like melee

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1. Better, fluid parkour.


2. A tileset set on a large train crossing a great expanse.  I'll be damned if the boss isn't something that destroys each tile in the tile set one by one.  How's that for a boss fight mechanic?  Yes, this is a throw back to Lost Planet 2's train missions.


3. "Vehicle" enemies, kind of like mini bosses.  I can live without Tenno having things like hoverbikes (except maybe to board a large train...)


You know, three wishes ain't nearly enough...

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I'll join my comrades here


_Story through high end game, raid (10 to 20 people) bosses, less parkour  full of silly legion mobs and almost none interaction. Give us a reason to grinn more than a simple items collection and a reason to be in a clan beside researches (with raids for example). I don't see why gearing up at the moment since there isn't any challenge or high end game


_A city to meet other tennos (I mean every other tenno, not simple clan members in dojo) for more immersion and an auction house inside the city to eeeaaase the trades and looking for group window.....


_A cover to help fighting against much less mobs but tougher ones (mobs can hide, why can't we?) instead of rushing by extreme boredom. This will also really improve the choice of weapons, tactics and cooperations.


I really love the game, the concept and stuff, but after so muchf endless grind.....we really need something new...

Edited by elocius
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1. Rare mod/bp's rewarded by difficult missions/series of missions rather than drop %. Tired of grinding 5+ hours as an experienced player, and hearing about some noob getting it their first run.


2. Some sort of better trade system. Trade Chat is a joke most nights


3. a website where we can log on and view our mods/weapons/frames. Trade forums and clan websites would greatly improve from this.

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1. Story Campaign - I want a reason to play other than getting more guns.


2. Stealth Overhaul - Stealth done right is every bit as satisfying as a shoot-em-up. Make it functional, make it rewarding.


3. Movement Overhaul - The parkour was an afterthought, we know this. Break it back down to basics and build it up again, and for crying out loud remove stamina from sprinting.


Bonus - Bring back additive energy color, please pretty please.

Edited by Cursor
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