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Does Anyone Even Use Stance Combos, Or Do You Just Spam E When Large Waves Arrive?


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Just Attacks from PSO2 work far better than Warframe's combos do, are easier to execute, and they're the same "click a button to do thing", and they're actually worth it because ranged combat doesn't completely outshine melee in all respects.


Also, Mag > Kubrow.


And no, I don't use the combos, everything either dies too fast for them to be any use, or they don't die at all.

Edited by Voidcrash
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I do.

I don't have too much difficulty executing pause combos, and a faster melee weapon means you don't have to pause for as long with those combos.

Using my berserker build Zorens, i've been able to execute the pause combo on Swirling tiger just by mashing E.

Hold combos, however...

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Generally Melee isn't even worth using because ranged weaponry still puts them to shame. Everything Melee can do the guns can do either as fast or faster with very little risk.


If I do use Melee I generally spam E for singular guys and I do combo's for groups, but maybe that is just because of the type of melee's I use.


Guns cant heal you.

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It goes on a case-by-case basis for me. My primary melee weapon is Glaive Prime, and Gleaming Talon has some wonderful, easily executed combos. Of course, most of the time it's unequipped and I simply throw it, but I pretty much go full melee 2.0 against Infested. It absolutely cleaves through the hordes, and getting surrounded becomes beautiful.

Edited by (PS4)eximago
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What? Each combo of each stances literally does something different and if you read the wiki then you can see "The best way to activate combos"

I think his point was that many combos are just a different animation on your damage.  There are some where that's good, some where it's just for show.

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No one uses them when things get serious. I don't really care what the "sword only" veterans claim or say.


When 800 ancients are surrounding you or approaching to do so, you aren't gonna get the timing perfect for these worthless combos without missing a beat.


Stance mods are for experimentation on enemies that you will kill in one to two hits, and to see how they look, and lastly, those mod points you gain from them.


I don't really care what anyone says about the end game stances and how amazing they are and how everyone loves the combos for them and uses them forever, when it's crunch time, you are going to spam E.



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No one uses them when things get serious. I don't really care what the "sword only" veterans claim or say.


When 800 ancients are surrounding you or approaching to do so, you aren't gonna get the timing perfect for these worthless combos without missing a beat.


Stance mods are for experimentation on enemies that you will kill in one to two hits, and to see how they look, and lastly, those mod points you gain from them.


I don't really care what anyone says about the end game stances and how amazing they are and how everyone loves the combos for them and uses them forever, when it's crunch time, you are going to spam E.




Some stances have combos that are "hold block and spam E" or "hold forward and spam E". Those are useful.

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No one uses them when things get serious. I don't really care what the "sword only" veterans claim or say.


When 800 ancients are surrounding you or approaching to do so, you aren't gonna get the timing perfect for these worthless combos without missing a beat.


Stance mods are for experimentation on enemies that you will kill in one to two hits, and to see how they look, and lastly, those mod points you gain from them.


I don't really care what anyone says about the end game stances and how amazing they are and how everyone loves the combos for them and uses them forever, when it's crunch time, you are going to spam E.



I use Breathless Lunge from Tranquil Cleave with Fury and Berserker mod to quickly proc finishers on level 60+ enemies to do about 20k damage on them. It's crazy pro veteran. 


*puts on sunglasses, flips hat backwards, moonwalks out of the room* 

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I use them but it requires making key macros. It's a shame all the stances are not set up to where the 4 special attacks are assigned to 5, 6, 7, 8. All of  them share the same way to do the other 4 like air, wall, slide, aim at downed enemy.


Even if they just made them all share the same  4 activations it would simplify things. The only modifier should be the stance.


Of course someone is bound to say but we are playing on a console and are running out of buttons(Not MY Problem) I want the PC game to be the best it can be and not be held back by consoles the way most games are now days.

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I don't quite like how combos are implemented, they slow down gameplay while offering very little

They'd be a lot better if it were like Street Fighter or something where you just pull off a quick sequence of buttons and they activate like a short and sweet attack, not a 5 attack long combo that's basically never useful.

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I use Breathless Lunge from Tranquil Cleave with Fury and Berserker mod to quickly proc finishers on level 60+ enemies to do about 20k damage on them. It's crazy pro veteran.


Still nothing compared to the top-notch guns bursting out 40k damage and not requiring to stand in the middle of a crowd of Disruptors/Toxic Ancients. If I see someone doing that in a serious game I'd let them die when they get downed by trying to pull it off with melee...


I mean melee is quite fun to some extend but if someone is jeopardizing the mission for such shenanigans it stops being funny. I haven't seen anybody seriously trying to fend off twenty level 60 ancients from a pod or something by using melee-only. Or at least not with ending in a revive. May depend on the Warframe though but most of the Warframes aren't supposed to facetank everything.




darthdart is at some point right about what he wrote. If sh*t is getting serious melee-mode is unreliable because it's an overdesigned mess that went through way too many back-to-the-drawing-board-iterations and doesn't really know what it's trying to be and also that's too complex for split second decision-making the game requires more often than not because of the overall pacing. So being stuck in an overly long combo-chain/path and animation-tree is making things pretty stiff in that regard - which I just plain hate because it feels pretty unresponsive. It's just like taking away my keyboard/mouse, not being able to react/adapt to what's actually happening until the pre-defined animation is over.


Just the amount of people stating they bound the combos to a macro is already showing that some people feel that the system is too complex for manual usage, while many others backtracked to using Quick-Melee because they lack the ability to have macros.


Also the gains are diminishing on higher enemy levels anyways because it takes too long to kill something for the multiplier to stack up fast enough or channeling to be worth the time/energy you have to focus on that one friggin enemy while 10 others try to rip your guts out at the same time. Most enemies just remain unimpressed by it and your Warframe ends up being grounded anyways.




Somehow if they would have stuck to stuff like Wallattacks or Slide attacks that are the mere combination of 2 or 3 keyboard-buttons just work out so much better and are much easier to achieve because they work for all weapons and with each stance. They should have expanded from that and introduced more keyboard-related combos like that rather than timed-stuff with multiple branches and forks that don't pay off in most situations anyways because either the enemy is dead on the first 1-2 hits or the enemy is just laughing at it no matter the effort.


Just don't know which enemy level they designed Melee 2.0 around... because either stuff is dead with one hit or it just doesn't die. How's the actual chance that one is able to pull off a whole combo-path and the enemy dying at exactly that last hit? (And you still being alive of course and the other enemies not killing the pod).

Edited by MeduSalem
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Depends on the stance. Some stance combos really are just boring alternatives to spamming E, but then you get some like Swirling Tiger, where the pause combo actually hits way harder and faster so you absotively posilutely want to do it every time.

Or, y'know, Cleaving Whirlwind...


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