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Coming Soon: Devstream #39!


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Hello devs & Lotus, here comes my usual list of questions!!! :


I ) Do you have some insight for the new tileset? You know,the underwater grineer one. We've just had concepts for now, but we're waiting like mad infested for some 3D ingame stuff!


I.I ) Do you have some footage of Swimming gameplay for us? :)


  I.II ) What is your progress towards dr Regor? Or J3-Golem? Do you also have early work of Nef & Derf,Kela,Raptor or Ambulas? Any other revamped boss on board?


II ) With the inclusion of aerial attacks, do you have any other ideas for new moves mechanics? Roll attacks (to make the enemy trip), grabbing onto ledges(already mentioned before), moving,grab attacks...? In short, is a Movements 2.0 or a Parkour 2.0 a thing?


  II.I ) Talking about 2.0s... When is Stealth 2.0 coming? The "quiet" side of your community is dying to play some viable infiltration gameplay! Aside from the agility & parkour, sneaking around is the definition of a (space) ninja in the popular belief. What will you do to improve that aspect of being a tenno?


  II.II ) Have you also thought of a procedural approach to wallrunning with different angles,instead of the current one that only allow us to go to 90° or 180° ?


III ) Do you have some data for Mio, the 3rd melee contest winner? It's about time now... :) (and do you have something to show about his owner?... ;) ;) )


IV ) Do you have other new tilesets to show?


V ) Have you also worked on other "Enemies of the tenno" fan submissions than the Juggernaut? I'm thinking about the Manic Grineer, the riot moa but also other non winner concepts aswell.


  V.I ) Is any update for the enemy AI to be expected? Other moves than taking cover, improved tactics for advanced enemies (right now an Elite lancer & a lancer is near the same), interaction between different enemies,no more enemies getting stuck when they patrol or running in circles...


  V.I.I ) Can ranged enemies get a proper close combat equipment to defend themselves? Lancers only hit us with a weak elbow, but special ops in reality are supposed to wear a knife or something for close approaches. That could also replace the magic wand they get when radial disarmed.


  V.II ) Do other corrupted and elite enemies have a chance to come in? Why can't scorpions,soldiers or even bombards be corrupted and why is the lancer the only unit to get an enhanced version?


  V.III ) Will grineer sawmen ever come back? Their stressful noise was very climatic!(if that was the reason they were removed, why not just make the sound play when they are attacking only?)


  V.IV ) Where is the grineer armored kubrow (and his tamer or something)? We already saw a moving 3d model of it months ago, and they're still not ingame. :/


VI ) Will we see other skins for frames like Proto-excal in the future? It'd be a good opportunity to bring to life appreciated concepts like female Ash, Blaze, or male Zephyr.


VII ) Right now, terminals only serve 3 purposes : to switch alarms off (which is something we asked a lot), to unlock doors or to move background elements(a few,sadly). Will we ever see other forms of environment interaction? Shutting off lights to stay hidden (Very useful for Mirage!) or make tileset elements fall on people?


VIII ) Are other pets also planned(other than kubs)? A bird (like the vulture concept)?A feline one( a sort of lion or panther would be awesome!)? A zanuka? An infested little monster(not as ugly as an infested charger)?


  VIII.I ) The difference between kubrows & sentinels is thin. Hek, pets cost a lot more resources than flying devices(and that's logical). Can we just have the ability to give them simple orders?! Every pet owner taught his/her animal useful tasks to follow. It would really change the way we see them & give more options in the battlefield.


  VIII.II ) Will you rework their AI a little?


  VIII.III ) Shade is the sentinel for stealth. The only problem is : in stealth gameplay,we spend most of our time crouched... Can't it just hover by our side and in the same height? Getting spotted by enemies when you are hidden behind a container but not your sentinel is a bit frustrating.


IX ) When is Krokros revamp planned? He's just the "press-3" guy, instead of the Grim Reaper tenno.


  IX.I ) A really interesting addition to Nekros powers would be to be able to give orders/waypoints to his shadows (to defend accurate locations)!Is it possible?


  IX.II ) Zephyr & Mirage have passive abilities (Zephyr is floatier, Mirage rolls faster). Is it possible to get this extended to other frames aswell? Elemental frames having a little resistance to their own element, rhino staggering enemies when collinding, and so on...?


  IX.III ) Why doesn't rolling onto an enemy or sliding to their legs make them fall/stagger them?...


X ) Steve once talked about adding difficulty scales for missions,and that really got our interest. Is a difficulty slider option/ability to choose any node as a nightmare one a possibility in the future?


  X.I ) Will you scale the difficulty 'for certain gamemodes) based on matchmaking one day? A high level solo defense alone is painful.


XI ) Will we see other comedic features being added ingame, like the candy cane from christmas? :) (thinking about grate prime,pink shorts & the hockey mask)


XII ) Do you have other sigils to show us, or other informations about it?


XIII ) Were you serious when you made concepts for a rock frame & a cat/feral frame?If yes : I got a really interesting concept from our community to remind you :


https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/85313-concept-artwork-feral-wf-cat-wf/ (a tenno who runs on all four!!Everyone,Lotus included, loved this one...)


XIV ) When we watched the xbox one trailer, we saw an Orthos charge attack. Are they coming back? (with some changes to prevent spamming)


  XIV.I ) I also remember seeing a new intro to missions (when Loki & Vauban climb a ledge). Are new cutscenes like this coming? If it is the case,when? (don't replace the old ones please!)

Thank you for taking the time to read this list, my birthday was earlier this week so if a bunch of these are answered to, I can go to my cryopod in peace!


XV ) What is your progress regarding cloth physics?


XVI ) Gore,since damage 2.0, is really downgraded. Hit detection seems a bit odd, and enemies aspect got no bullet impact or slash on their bodies. Is a Gore 2.0 on the way?


XVII ) Are emotes coming with the hubs? Any animations or wip to show? Warframe needs to feel more alive.


6FlysPL.gif(a brofist would also be amazing!)


XVIII ) The sentients...Are they coming anytime soon?


XIX ) Are we really getting miniguns,with their own grip? Any animation set for us to see? (sorry gorgon,you're cool but it's not the same)



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Any frames besides Excalibur being looked at for a rework?


Nekros is used in cells solely because of Desecrate. Will a summoner role be made viable in the future?


Besides that, Mag is not so often seen in cells. Her Shield Polarize scales well into higher levels, but her other abilities seem lacking.


And again, not many Ember players are seen these days. Saryn is better off, but again, not too many players using her.


In short: will lesser used frames be buffed so that they would be used more for higher level content?

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Hi there!

i got a question about Void Tower drop tables, specifically T1.

Would it be possible to remove tower keys as rewards from T1 Capture, Exterminate and Mobile Defense missions?

But keep them in Defense and Survival.


I ran about 50 T1 Capture keys with a friend of mine and all we got was T2 Capture, T1 Defense and Boar prime receivers.

I'd say about 75% of the 50 rewards were keys.

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1. Will we be getting in-game chicken quests?

2. Will there be real-life tenno brand chicken products for us to buy now?

3. Will we ever get to meet any of the sumpo peeps? That would help a lot.

4. How is the share voting thing structured? Many people are very afraid that sumpo can single-handedly make all decisions now.


5. So, Valkyr's name?

6. Will Valkyr get a special, custom archwing, or special bonuses to archwinging?


7. How reliable are archwings? Ie. are they like guns and swords(ABSOLUTELY INDESTRUCTIBLE!) or like Kubrows(needs constant maintenance, cash input, and repairs after particularly vicious battles)?


8. Will we get to support the sandskates in proxy wars? PLEASE? PLEASE?(if you can add sad-puppy eyes whilst asking, that would be great)

9. I have a thread about sandskates if they want to know "how would that even work?": https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/178892-glorioussandskateempire/ please note that I wrote the word "clothing" before "armor" existed in-game, and that "armor" would be the correct term for it now.

10. Also, they suggested sandskate pets. Those, too, could be a perk of supporting the sandskates in proxy wars.

11. Group question: Which sandskates are cuter, the classic yellow, or the OP:shifting sands red-and-black mottled variety?


12. What factions, besides sandskates, will be available in proxy wars?


13. Have they reconsidered cruelly taking away our ability mods before giving us a new way to effectively underclock?


14. Archwing pvp?

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Sounds like a good stream. I'll make sure to tune in. I so want that death adder. I've seen almost every devstream since U5 or 6 and haven't won anything, but RNGeesus seems to have a personal vendetta against me.


Couple questions for the stream:


1. Since loosing atmosphere on a ship makes us take damage, how will the archwing allow us to function in space? It seems like a simple back attachment. I suppose it comes with an oxygen supply and a shield booster?

And what about the weapons we store on our backs, not to mention the syandanas? How will they be displaced to allow for a back attached rocketpack?

And finally, what about our companions? Sentinels hardly keep up a coptering speed, will they attempt to keep up with jet-fighter-tenno? And what about Kubrows. I really don't want to see a bunch of kubrows just floating in space.


2.  Prime Access packs have been a hot topic recently, even specifically mentioned in the last hot topic thread. Will they be changing in the future to be more flexible and affordable, and if so, how? I really want the new prime accessories, but I really don't want the boosters. Not only do they raise the price, but I wouldn't want them to activate, as that would make the game progress in an abnormal way. I'd actually prefer to experience the gameplay as intended, and not have 3 months of boosters. 


3. The drop tables are starting to get over crowded again. The introduction of T4s and interception missions helped for a while, but that was only a temporary solution, as you keep adding new prime gear. Whats in the works to alleviate this ever-growing problem? Will we be seeing quest related primes, new mission types, or a system to trade unwanted prime gear for gear you actually want? 


4. And lastly, many people are concerned about this recent merger and how much outside influence you will be facing when it comes to game development. I too am concerned, but I am holding out hope. My more pressing concern, is how you plan on spending all the money you just acquired from the sale? How will you be allocating these new funds? Will you be getting a larger team? Will updates and events be more frequent? Will plat, prime packs, and merch become more affordable? 


Looking forward to another fun, and informative, devstream! 

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Will the be more of Darvo's deals in the future?


Or, to be more precise, will there be more Npc interaction in the future?

Those little texts/ lore that came along with the deals lately were really nice to read. It adds some depth to the game and it really can't be that hard to do - compareable to other things.

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Do you guys ever think we could add something like diablo-esque legendaries such as unique effects added to the weapons themselves(ex. artifact causes bullets to create Very Small radius of ice spikes around floor at impact point) maybe as a new slot to equip in existing weapons?


Could weapons that have akimbo variants ever have the functionality to mix and match with other akimbo enabled weapons(ex. equip a lex and a lato or a heat sword and a fang.) ?

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Is there any chance that later on in the game you could wield two different melee weapons together? Like an axe and a dagger? Maybe if you didn't bring any guns, you could just bring multiple melee weapons?


Will Archwing also include landing on ships, fighting inside, and then going back outside again? 

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Will you ever introduce anything (like an orokin reactor or catalyst) that would give you more mod slots (not points)? 


Can we has a Lotus backstory quest? :D  Like save the Lotus or something? 


If you have the Stalker, is there an Anti-Lotus that helps him? Because  it is kind of strange that the Lotus can't detect him and warn the player. 


New Warframes please? Love this game!!! :) 


Have you ever thought of being able to maybe fuse different warframes together...combine their powers to create a super warframe? Or has Alad V thought of/done that yet? 

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My questions are:


Can we get some kind of loose ETA on Archwing?  We've had the teaser trailer for I think at least over a month now, two major events, and the tactical alert.  At this point I feel like we're running out of things to do to pass the time.


Any idea if we'll see additions to stances with only one extra combo besides the basic one?


At this moment, Login Rewards contain a number of redundant items (Banshee and Vauban Blueprints, Glaive Blueprint, etc).  It was mentioned before that Login Rewards were going to be examined at some point, any idea what sort of changes?  And when we might see those changes?


Will there be any weapons/items that use Cryotic.  Right now we only have the Glaxion, but will we see a secondary, or even a cold-based melee weapon?  Perhaps consumable items, or a new Sentinel?

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Is there any plans on increasing the dodging ability of existing & future enemies? Dodging ability is defined by me as anything that extends the optimal aiming period from ".04 seconds" to something longer for optimal results?



giving chargers momentum and .1 part damage multiplier on frontal parts, plus applicable bits of the Kubrow's AI


changing the 2x headshot modifier to your weapons critical damage multiplier somehow would make those who want extra damage for their skill at modding and playing at the cost of the time it takes to line up the shot


Giving melee grineer and corpus rolls to dodge our attacks and close the distance


giving regular infantry the ability to lie down to make them harder to shoot all at once.

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Are there any long term plans to give the regular nodes on planets more replay value, other than doing alerts? E.g. adding cut scenes after the missions to create a 'story mode' with the 'play regular mission' option for those that don't want to see the cut scenes?

Or maybe create mini bosses who are specific to each planet, and can appear at any time like void Vor?

Apologies if any of this has been covered elsewhere, keep up the great work DE! :D

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Are there any plans to build any kind of web interface or mobile apps that allow you to view your inventory, foundry, incubator, etc... while not in game?


I'm not always at my gaming box to do these things.  It would be nice to get alerts when something has finished building or even be able to craft something while not having to be logged into the game itself.

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This is great can't wait for archwing! I do have a question though, for the Archwing's, will there be certain Archwing's that work better when combined with a certain Archwing therefore providing an extra boost, almost like it was made to work in synergy with it? I think that would be a cool feature to add, Thanks

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Will "merged missions" become a thing with Archwing? As in, will we complete an assault on a Fomorian and then pursue the fleeing Grineer to the planet below on foot?

Will we ever see more weather effects, mission modifiers, or Day/Night cycles for existing tilesets? A long time ago when the Phobos set was being teased, there was some talk about sandstorms and other dynamic weather conditions, akin to the ice or fire events on some missions. Could this be expanded upon for actual gameplay changes, or simply for aesthetic purposes in the future?

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Several Questions. Pick any.


-Will the issues with scaling be addressed? Damage gains are linear until they hit ingame caps while armor scales geometrically with no diminishing returns. Are you happy with the way that this is despite the fact that it causes many frames and their abilities to fall off?


-Will frames first abilities and those which are entirely damage based get a second pass as they tend to be useless with time?


-Have you considered adding innate scaling in damage calculations. Without it damage based warframes become lacking and damage abilities again, become useless even within the expected level range.



-Are you satisfied with the way that scaling is right now? What is the range you intend to have all frames be viable in? I heard it was 1-30ish but a good deal of content falls out of that, and in that range there are still frames and frame powers that do not remain competitive or in other cases just bulldoze by comparison.

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I almost forgot: 


There are a huge load of mods that nobody uses, the "cool stuff but not worth a warframe/weapon mod slot" kind. Do you plan to do anything about it?


Also, I reaaaally tried hard with channeling builds. They just cannot compete against regular builds. The air dash stuff you showed last time looked cool, but is there anything more? This has already been said elsewhere, but most of the melee combos are, to say the least, not very practical in the franctic heat of a good battle. What's your plan to make it as good as it could, if you have any?


Then, as Vor and Alad V went through some... alteration, will you remove them as regular bosses on Mercury and Jupiter like you did with Vay Hek on Earth? Seeing them there brings some... Discontinuity. We can believe Vor can masquerade himself as his old self, but Alad V?


And at last, when do you intend to reveal more on the Stalker and the Lotus? They clearly work together ^_^

Yeah, I know, that's sounds like crazy talk, conspiracy and stuff, but read this and make up your mind.

We, the Tenno, put the Empire we were supposed to save to an end after having won for him a lost war against impossible odds. The Stalker knows this, and so should the Lotus.

They both know we are capable of falling into murderous madness again and need to be kept in check. 

The Lotus works for a balance; that means neither the Grineer nor the Corpus shall take power over the other, but that implies... neither do we.

The Stalker must know by now that he does not kill us when he is victorious against us. He is, at best, slowing us down a little; like when we chain kill grineer and corpus bosses. We are merely capturing their attention, and diverting their resources to stay alive and standing. So why does he keep doing this? 

My guess is he is keeping us in check, giving us one that is not Corpus nor Grineer nor Infested to rally against and to fear. He is there to keep us occupied, distracted. Because if we're not, ambitious leaders might rise from our ranks, and become conquerors who would claim the solar system as ours. That would destroy the Lotus's Balance, and I guess she'll have none of it.

Hence an assassin send to keep us away from such ideas. On a leash.  


At least, it sounds logical to me lore-wise, but hey! You Never know what DE has in store for us, so De, when will you reveal more about those two?


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Will Sentinels finally target arc traps and doors to help the Tenno? Maybe even our Kubrows?


When will Ash's Bladestorm bugs be fixed? Like dropping to a floor below after the animation or getting stuck in the Bladestorm phase, rendering the players useless. Can happen even as host, so I don't think it's just lag.





How will Archwing missions be implemented? Are they random, or will there be visible markers showing which mission nodes may run Archwing so players will be prepared, may it be in equipment or time in completing it.


Will the transition (just an example) from Sabotage to an Archwing mission require a loading screen? Host migration can already be a problem for some players, and it may just add to the frustration as connections can get wonky sometimes.


Do we get to keep the credits and items (mods and resources) we got from running the Sabotage mission, even if we fail the Archwing one? Or do we get nothing at all?


Will we need to buy new color packs if we want to customize the colors of our Archwing? And maybe even for the Liset customization that will come in the future.


Cheers. :)

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