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Update 15.2.0


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why make radial javlin line of sight like the radial blind didn't already sucked @$$ with this mechanics why do it again just because people farmed viver? you could just have changed the damn viver map and the damn game mode mechanics instead of nerfing warframes for no @(*()$ reason 
EDIT: DE you failed even with nerfing viver and warframes people found another way to farm high rep
          just change your crappy syndicate reward system serieusly bounding it to exp people will always find a loophole
          and shame on you for nerfing warframes instead SHAME ON YOU

these warframe nerfs make less sense than this gif 

Edited by N7-CommanderShepard
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Some people are gloating over "Viver butthurt" or "inability to adapt." That's not the most disturbing aspect of this update.


What's disturbing is that, given the option to tweak Syndicate grinding or to change a single map on the chart, they implemented nerfs to four Warframes, including one that had been buffed in the past month. Given less disruptive options that would address the problem more directly, they picked more disruptive options that dance around the issue.


I don't think any of us will deny that the map was being abused, but this is an extremely roundabout way to counter that.

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Line of sight in another bad way.


Shield polarize=useless.

Radial javelin=useless.

Energy Vampire=Useless and now so is Trinity. I've never sold a Warframe (except to replace it with its Prime version), but it's time to sell Trinity.

Because a map wide instaheal is totally useless, and a balanced change to one abillity is reason to sell a warframe. Well done, you have successfully broken the over-react-o meter.

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Instead of changing stupid syndicate and viver you guys straight up made Mag P a useless frame. One of only few frames whose ability scales with enemies. Same with Excalibur, 1st you guys nerfed his radial blind and "temporarily" buffed Javelin so that people don't complain about his Radial Blind changes only to completely nerf him a month later 

Edited by osuman
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Well I guess now it's time to not touch Excal, Mag, or Trinity anymore. RIP Awesome frames, you will be missed.


DE, instead of nerfing the Warframes that make the Viver farm work so well, and thus end up punishing those who don't farm Viver, why not just change Viver from Interception to something that isn't as farmable. The Trinity nerf pretty much means she's useless, Excal might as well just not exist anymore, and Mag loses a lot of her utility. 

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I applaud the changes made to the frames. Mindless spam versus tactical use of skills is something that needs to be revisited for ALL of the frames. My main frame is Excalibur Prime, apart from the clunky animation on Super Jump there is nothing else that can be done for him at present that wont turn into an exploit fest by rep exploiters. Its a shame, but its reality


Thank you for the interception changes. Better to play the nodes correctly as intended versus the exploit fest we had going on


To all of the rep exploiters who caused this... you might have put some plat in your pocket. Great. But now look at the REAL price that EVERYONE has to pay for you to be "rich". Im quite sure that I heard Steve say on the Devstream that this Syndicate system wasnt intended to be abused. It was about us choosing a side (or sides) because of lore/curiosity/wanting a break from The Lotus/whatever. Not to game the system for profit. This... is why we cant have nice things

Edited by Kartumterek
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AHhh... I hate to jump the bandwagon, but i do agree with the general consensus here..

nerfing 4 frames and making trinity essentially useless wasn't the greatest idea..

Fair enough on limbo, that stuff was insane. Radial javelin, not so much, that was also a bit.. eh..


Sorry DE, I'm with the community on this one, I think this was a bit of a mistake.

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once awake i guessing is for new players because a molten impact and heat sword isnt vary good + they just had a heat sword alert this week and i maxed it and sold it already :/


can you plz make a quest for us higher lvl players because unless you need to get the heat sword for mastery rank or your luck is so bad you need a molten impact these rewords are useless for any one higher then mastery rank 2

Edited by B3N_x_G
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Because a map wide instaheal is totally useless, and a balanced change to one abillity is reason to sell a warframe. Well done, you have successfully broken the over-react-o meter.

^ wait til you get the LoS stick beaten into that mapwide heal and see what happens then....this is only the beginning of the LoS beat stick

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Some people are gloating over "Viver butthurt" or "inability to adapt." That's not the most disturbing aspect of this update.


What's disturbing is that, given the option to tweak Syndicate grinding or to change a single map on the chart, they implemented nerfs to four Warframes, including one that had been buffed in the past month. Given less disruptive options that would address the problem more directly, they picked more disruptive options that dance around the issue.


I don't think any of us will deny that the map was being abused, but this is an extremely roundabout way to counter that.

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So now Ember gets to have some company in the "Unwanted and Unloved" Clubhouse now that DE threw Excal and Mag in there?  Awesome.  My poor Ember was getting lonely in there by herself.


Everyone in the clubhouse, Braton Primes and AkLatos for everyone!

Edited by Malikon
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Warframe Changes:


  • Enemies targeted by Nyx’s Mind Control no longer take friendly damage until the duration of the ability ends, at which point all accumulated damage to the target is applied at once.


Excellent!   :)

Edited by Awazx
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And massive uncalled for nerfs all around due to an extreme overreaction to people actually having fun in a game.


At least they fixed the Eris tileset checkered wall issue.


Got to be honest here, it seems like DE is committed to making excessive grind the core focus of Warframe and not fun gameplay. The chief criticism I hear form people I try to recruit into this game is that it has excessive grind and they don't enjoy it as a result. I've tried to defend warframe by saying all online games have grind but more and more I feel my counter-argument lacks merit.

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  • Trinity’s Energy Vampire now only benefits teammates who can see or can be seen by the targeted victim (victims remember who they have seen for a short duration).
   Will I get yelled out more or less because of this? I hate being attacked just because EV when all I ever wanted to do in WF is heal! I hear that Trinity has been nerfed to dust compared to her old self, a lot of the changes I can stand by, since she is basically the priest, however, if its going to make her an unwanted role more than she already is, not including EV, then what's the point? Why do what you love, when it's supporting other people, but no one wants your help? There is no reason, is there?
I'm ok if it makes EV less powerful in comparison, but EV is the only reason anyone seeks out Trinity, and without that, she's going to be left to die... *sigh* It's hard being the healer, a lot harder than most people think...
Please make Trinity a more useful Warframe when it comes to healing, that way we're not replaced with those team healing packs... That's the reason I started Trinity in the first place, it's why she's my main. It's the first thing I asked when I joined about two weeks ago. "Which Warframe is the healer?"... If I ask that in the future, I want everyone to say "Trinity", not "We don't speak of that Warframe" 
Edited by (PS4)IIIDevoidIII
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  • Excalibur’s Radial Javelin and Mag’s Shield Polarize will now check for line of sight when targeting enemies.
  • Trinity’s Energy Vampire now only benefits teammates who can see or can be seen by the targeted victim (victims remember who they have seen for a short duration).



really guys? nerf 3 warframes because of Viver? there has never been a reason to nerf those abilities. what you should have done is just make the map larger. or decrease the spawn rate, which everyone knows is just outright insane!


why should players have their warframe abilities nerfed because of a flaw in level design?


that's is like building all homes out of fire wood. using news paper drenched in gasoline as wallpaper and making it illegal across the country to carry lighters.



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Well I guess now it's time to not touch Excal, Mag, or Trinity anymore. RIP Awesome frames, you will be missed.


DE, instead of nerfing the Warframes that make the Viver farm work so well, and thus end up punishing those who don't farm Viver, why not just change Viver from Interception to something that isn't as farmable. The Trinity nerf pretty much means she's useless, Excal might as well just not exist anymore, and Mag loses a lot of her utility. 

^ i do not agree with the nerf


but changing viver isnt enough, it would require a change to all interceptions...this method of farming reputation only came about due to the ridiculous grind wall that syndicates created

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  • Excalibur’s Radial Javelin and Mag’s Shield Polarize will now check for line of sight when targeting enemies.
  • Trinity’s Energy Vampire now only benefits teammates who can see or can be seen by the targeted victim (victims remember who they have seen for a short duration).
  • Banish / Rift Walk will no longer stack energy regeneration when used on targets in a Cataclysm bubble.



You should call this last Updates, NERFDATES ._.'

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