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Dirt On The Boots


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(It took me about three hours and ~2-4 cups of mate to overcome my shyness and actually post something meaningful on the forums for the first time.) 


So, I was wondering from time to time - why our frames look always the same? Don't they run through grineer mines guns blazing and infested hives, full of squishy-mushy gut material? And really, they don't look mint new when they come out of the foundry to begin with. So here's my idea that I would love to see in the game at some point.


The more missions you play (and more you parkour/roll/take damage), the dirtier and more bruised your warframe becomes. It's so rarely used in games, but (in my opinion) it just gives so much character to whatever it's applied to.




I... put them in the wrong order. But for some reason I just like it more this way. Now to technical part of this dirty thing.


        Stage 1. Warframe is fresh and new (or cleaned). This is slightly cleaned version of Excalibur, because he has some spots there and there by default (and because he's a poster boy, of course). Cleaning function is grayed out.

        Stage 2. This is how your frame would look after about day or so of restless slaughter. Cleaning function can be used.

        Stage 3. The image is a bit extreme, but this is how your frame would look (or close to it) after about two full days of ruthless carnage. Blood, guts, rust on metallic parts, chips on shoulders and scratches all over the chest. Cleaning, of course, can be used. 


First idea under cut was scrapped. Better alternatives were suggested.

((The worse your frame looks the higher the prices will go but not higher then 5,000. It's just a small visual addition, not full on game changing revolutionary feature of the century, and ability to be clean should remain cheap and easily accessible.

Initial idea was to separate bruised state and dirty into two separate categories, where dirt/blood you would passively collect during the missions and bullet holes and scratches would appear only if you take significant portions of damage during the mission or just die. This idea was scrapped, because of how much damage we take on a regular basis on your average mission, which would guarantee you at least one big scratch after you return to the ship. Which would be not ideal from the economical perspective.)) - Idea is scrapped. It wasn't really popular.

Here's Laundry 2.0. Dirt accumulates during the mission. The longer the mission the dirtier you become. Additionally, the more you run, roll, parkour and take hits - the faster you gain dirt.

Upon entering your liset you can either automatically clean your frame for free after the mission, or just disable this function and run around like a cybernetic neanderthal. Option to automatically clean the frame could be enabled back on in the Arsenal.


This feature also could be toggleable in the options (like Legacy color palettes), so tenno who just don't care about it would be equally happy as those who like to look after their frames. 

If this idea was already suggested - I'm sorry. I couldn't find any. 

If this idea is completely horrible, does not deserve any place in human history and I should be hanged in the pool of boiling acid monsters - any explanation is welcome. 

Edited by Vulbjorn
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I believe the idea is brilliant minus the whole "dry cleaning" thing.  But dynamic dirt in mission could be pretty dang atmospheric, even if it slowly faded over time or something.


edit:  a rather interesting lore tie in is how we are "cleansers" in all technicality...so it makes sense that we keep our frames pristine.  Doesn't mean this isn't cool, though.

Edited by thelastpwnr99
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As a separate skin maby, but nobody should be forced to have a dirty warframe because they are saving up credits.

"This feature also could be toggleable in the options (like Legacy color palettes), so tenno who just don't care about it would be equally happy as those who like to look after their frames. "

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would be really cool to roll in the mud with your kubrow.

Having your warframe appearance change durning a mission would look awesome.


However I don't like the idea of paying to clean your warframe.

After the mission you can automaticly clean yourself or so feels much better.

I don't even think Ordis will let a dirty warframe enter his ship.

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I think this would be better-suited as a cosmetic feature within single missions. The longer the mission, the more beat-up your frame will look. Additionally, dirt should accumulate faster on actual planets, and entering water on said planets should wash it off.

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this reminds me of Dead Space 2


This is very good, and the paying some cred to clean don't disturb, but that's only because I can get largely enough. Lower level will want this but won't want to pay so toggable or not ... I just think your warframe will get showered each time it gets into the liset.


But it really need specific dirt visuals for each planet ans tileset (except for the blood è_é)


(I feel you about being shy to make a thread, took me a bit before posting my own lol. but no one ever posted a replay on mine x) )

Edited by Feuershark
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I love this


As some of the others have suggested, I think it would be awesome to get progressively dirtier during a single mission and then automatically get cleaned once it's over. No cost. Additionally, an option to toggle it off for pansies people who are afraid of getting their hands dirty don't like grime.

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