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Void Drop Tables' Rotation C Was Stealth Nerfed, Please Raise Awareness Of This Issue


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Is the info came from DE like prime drop location? No? There are also more Archwing mod that I get from mission reward that he conveniently left out to justify his so called equal chance


You are aware of the fact that DE has tried to keep this information from players since they had encrypted drop tables (we used to have full information) right?  The only time you're getting drops, as mission rewards not pickups, that weren't listed is in round 1/2/3 (5/6/7 etc...) in interception modes.  Seems to me you've been burned by the terrible weighted rng that DE uses for everything and that should be the target of your anger not people trying to spread the truth about what they're doing.

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Since apparently everyone likes just making stuff up regarding Archwing here's what we know:


Uranus - Interception (7 possible drops):

  • Every 4th round you have an equal chance at getting: T4 Def/Surv, Fluctus Stock, Centaur Blade and each of the 3 Elytron parts.

Jupiter/Neptune - Sabotage (8 possible drops):

  • Rathbone Handle, Glacial Edge, Galvanized Blade, Tempered Blade and Centaur Aegis all have the same chance to drop (~15.49%)
  • Rathbone Head, Decurion Barrel, and Fluctus Barrel all have the same chance to drop (~7.52%)

Earth - Interception (6 possible drops):

  • Corvas Barrel/Stock, and Onorix Handle have the same chance to drop (~25.81%)
  • Corvas Receiver, Fluctus Limbs, and Onorix Blade all have the same chance to drop (~7.52%)
Venus/Mars - Exterminate (7 possible drops):
  • Automatic Trigger, Polar Magazine, Morphic Transformer and Velocitus Barrel all have the same chance to drop (~19.36%)
  • Velocitus Receiver/Stock, and Decurion Receiver all have the same chance to drop (~7.52%)
This is basically the same setup as any void mission would be (possible drops -T4 Cap: 6, T4D C: 8, T4E: 7, T4I C: 8, T4M: 6, T4Sab: 9, T4Surv: 8) and it has the same problems for the same reasons: the weighted drop rates.  All of the "uncommon" drops seem to have ~22.56% chance to show up and the "common" drops ~77.44% chance to show up.  This is how all "uncommon" versus "common" currently appears in the game (which is why gl getting those "uncommon" vault mods since there are 17 mods stuck in that 22.56% drop rate) no matter where it is (void/archwing/derelict/regular mission).
The problems with loot are made exponentially worse when weighted drop rates are in effect whereas when it's all equal it isn't quite as bad. Personally I would make endless C rotations everything in the common pool and put forma/keys/cores/mods in the uncommon pool, but that's just me.  An argument can of course be made for removing the fodder entirely, but if that were to happen I'm confident we would not see an end to weighted drops and in fact they may be implemented for everything (for example: is seeing your 10th velocitus barrel really better than seeing random mods and barrel mix?).
This is why my general opinion on the matter is that we should see the end of universal weighted drops or pull all fodder in the uncommon pool rather than common.


If things would be as you say no one would complain. There is simple reason why we have encrypted drop chances.



Mag Prime part fiasco where drop chance was 1.something %. So, drop chance are not equal for everything.

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Are void tables broken in general? It seems that certain keys are just dropping a single thing, instead of a spread of items. Like, 99% Mag Prime chassis on T3E. Usually you'd get something else, not necessarily what you want, but at least something different. 

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The Mag p spam and Bo p ornament recently should be enough proof of broken loot tables! 40 T4s 40 minutes survivals and still not a single loki p helmet but plenty of mag p and bo ornament garbage!

Looks like I have your luck, got quite a few of those helmets, actually gave a few to Baro Ki'Teer and still have three leftover. Chance is 7% I believe.


I love how DE keep on ignoring this thread.

They can't do that forever, at least as long as this thread remains on first page of GD.

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Rotation C is overcrowded and it is very bad. Also does rotation A has so little drop since there are always rotations in the same order: AABC...

This gives everyone creeps to see that next prime acces only is paced on rotation C. It sppeks to everyone: HEY IF YOU WANT TO HAVE THIS STUFF BUY PRIME ACCES; WE'LL PLACE THIS STUFF ON ROTATIONC SO ONLY 0,01% OF PLAYERS CAN GET THIS. Srls, endgame does not mean a grindfest. It means hard missions with good reward in the end, not waiting till 80th minute to see forma bp.

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I love how DE keep on ignoring this thread.


Oh I'm sure they're not ignoring this thread.

There is at least someone reading through it prepared to step in when things get out of hand.


Radio Silence can mean a couple of things

Either things are just as they should be and while it's new we should buy it or face ridiculously low drop rates (which will creep up as soon as something new appears)

Or things are not as they should be and they're already working on it.


Just don't go blaming the wrong people.


But yeah what I would love to see is loot tables that change during endless missions.

Like certain items are rare in the first 20 minutes / waves  but are much more likely after an hour.

Getting a Forma Blueprint for fighting enemies lvl 100+ is a lil bit like a slap in your face.

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Oh I'm sure they're not ignoring this thread.

There is at least someone reading through it prepared to step in when things get out of hand.

Last Devstream, Steve made a remark about revamping Void's reward table. I don't have the exact quote, but it's about dropping a Neutron bomb in the Void and essentially possibly putting prime parts elsewhere. I think we'll get more info on this in U16, or maybe when the next Prime comes out.

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Last Devstream, Steve made a remark about revamping Void's reward table. I don't have the exact quote, but it's about dropping a Neutron bomb in the Void and essentially possibly putting prime parts elsewhere. I think we'll get more info on this in U16, or maybe when the next Prime comes out.

He was quite vague though, and Devstream is basically public discussion among the devs.

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Last Devstream, Steve made a remark about revamping Void's reward table. I don't have the exact quote, but it's about dropping a Neutron bomb in the Void and essentially possibly putting prime parts elsewhere. I think we'll get more info on this in U16, or maybe when the next Prime comes out.

Wouldn't a neutron bomb just depopulate the void? Interception and defence would be significantly easier, but survival missions would become completely impossible.

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As long as enough (frustrated) people buying the prime parts instead of quitting the game, there is no reason for DE to change anything. Maybe I'am too frustrated, but the grind was getting more worst over the last year and i think that was intended by DE. The game need more skill based gameplay and far less rng.

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Last Devstream, Steve made a remark about revamping Void's reward table. I don't have the exact quote, but it's about dropping a Neutron bomb in the Void and essentially possibly putting prime parts elsewhere. I think we'll get more info on this in U16, or maybe when the next Prime comes out.

He most likely brought that up partially due to this thread

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Well i've pretty much quit this game over this issue, I'm probably not the only one.


When a company purposedly tries to hide the fact that they are trying to "convince" players to buy stuff rather than play for it, thats when I am done with said company. 


Im all for them trying to make a profit but the way they are going about it is not fair to me, and in this case they get none of my money (whereas ive probably spent $150-200 on Dota 2 items alone). 



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T4 survival... 45mins


15 Fusion cores...fine

2 Rhino Prime chassis...fine

2 Forma blueprints at 20mins & 40mins...no thanks. 

I agree, it's only the forma and cores at rotation C that push the line with me in the void(Forma also is in WAY too many tables, and I mean WAY too many). Also, the terribad rotation C outside the void (See: Natural talent) isn't very promising either

Edited by cyrus106
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I agree, it's only the forma and cores at rotation C that push the line with me in the void(Forma also is in WAY too many tables, and I mean WAY too many). Also, the terribad rotation C outside the void (See: Natural talent) isn't very promising either


If DE took forma or of rotation C, I'm pretty sure that they would get more revenue from market sales?


I think OP needs to post a link to this thread in feedback forums?

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