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December 19Th: Community Hot Topics!


Community Hot Topics  

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On the subject of Nullifiers:


I voted "could use some tweaking". To be honest, they've definitely been better than their first implementation but they still leave snipers out in the cold and the last I've read, Corrupted Nullifiers are still bugged (that coulda been fixed with the most recent hotfix, though. I haven't read anything either way).


So we obviously need to apply the same fix to Corrupted Nullifiers and we need to make Snipers (and bows) able to pop the bubble with a single hit if it is modded reasonably enough for enemies of that level.


Given the ridiculously low ammo supply on Bows/Sniper Rifles, we really can't be affording to waste 2-3 shots per nullifier JUST to get his shield down before you can then try to kill him.


On the subject of the D Slot: Remove it entirely and change Cold and other D mods to -- instead. There's really no need to have a slot just for cold mods and there's no real need to shoehorn players into using D slot mods. Anything you could think of for a weapon that might go for D slot would probably make just as much sense as a -- instead. D slots being for Defensive mods on Warframes, Sentinels, etc are fine. Weapons, however, do not have Defensive mods and thus should not have D slots.


The fix is incredibly easy too -- run a script that converts all D polarities to -- polarities on weapons and weapons that players have forma'd and make all mods that formerly used Ds to use -- instead. Absolutely nobody would be hurt by this change.


Lastly about Survival.....


Can we please please please please reduce Survival and Defense down to 3 minutes / 3 waves?


I hate having to wait 20 minutes to get to Rotation C when the first 15 minutes are oftentimes boring as all crap (especially when it is Tier1 or Tier2 Void). That's why I hate Survival and Defense; the missions just plain take too long to complete. The longer you spend in there, the greater danger you have of something like a disconnect, crash, host migration, or other some such nonsense screwing the whole mission up. And to top it all off, there's an even greater disappointment when you (yet again!!) fail to get the thing you were after for the 30th time of spending 20 minutes in each mission. It only makes the Void Drop Tables all the more hated when each attempt takes so stinking long. I wouldn't feel half as strongly against the Void Drop Tables if I didn't have to waste 20+ minutes per attempt (it'd be 12 instead with my suggestion, MUCH more reasonable).


Obviously we'd ramp the enemies up faster to compensate (but not TOO fast!!) and tweak air/air drops so that a 15 Minute Survival would be about the same as a 20-minute one (I want 5 Rotations to be about as hard as 4 Rotations right now because I feel that it ramps up too sharply at 4 as it currently is) is now.

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I am shocked people are afraid of the nullifiers. They are so easy its laughable.  They make Heavy Gunners in corrupted missions look like Titans from Warhammer 40k. The Nullifiers are fine the way they are. Easy to kill, and not a nuisance at all. It is literally just another ice eximus, but less worse.


Conclave limit on the stratos missions are just fine to me. They level the playing field, and is not so difficult. Its as fun as the most fun event ever in this game... Gate Crashers(I still think this is a superior event than that awful one that introduced Excavation). Challenge through weakening the player intentionally, or through us having to lower our gear limits is awesome.


Combos are abit out of hand. I hate it when I am stuck in a combo, and can't just block to stop the combo. If I could do that so much dying could be avoided, and it would make melee MORE viable than it is now.


The syndicate bonuses is what makes syndicate weapons worth while. Although I do think the syndicate bonuses should be slightly different from each, and maybe have more syndicate weapons with unique effects from the syndicate weapons on the same faction. Just to make them alittle special.

Edited by Arlayn
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On top of these things can we get collapsible weapons? Archwing has collapsible weapons. Will they be coming to Warframe anytime? All weapons look so silly just floating on saryns back. I'm sure she's not the only one

Also I think that the ability mods that are purchased from syndicates aren't powerful enough to replace other mods. They either need to be mutations of abilities that you can select from when you level up that ability, or add ability mutation slot(s). I would prefer that when you level up, you can select a mutation of the ability that levels up, if you have purchased it. If you haven't, it follows the regular level up progression.

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To me is pretty much indifferent about most of those topics, but I think I can say something about the D polarities.


Ok, I'm not like one of those guys who likes to get everysingle weapon in the game, I just prefer to get some of which I might like, but either way what do I have seen so far, at least in some videos and everything else, is that it seems that noone like the D polarity in their weapons, especially if it's on the first slot, I noticed that at least with some weapons like the Boltor. I don't blame the players who don't like the D polarities, to me is just indifferent about what kind of polarity a weapon has, what sometimes I don't like is when a weapon doesn't have any polarity. No polarities = less energy to spend.

But I sill understand the trouble about the D polarities, most players, even myself, mostly tend to prefer the V and Dash polarities mostly because of some mods requiring about 11 to 20 points of energy at max rank when isntaling them in the weapon (or to an Archwing depending on the situation). As everyone knows, maching the mod with a certain polarity to a slot which the polarity is the same reduces the amount to energy by half, in fact sometimes the players may want to deal as much damage as possible being the reason why they prefer the V polarities. Personally I like weapons that have V polarities, but I also like the D polarity mostly because I like the slowdown effect of the Ice powers (even though I don't use weapons with the D that much). But either way, the importante thing here when it comes to modding a weapon is to find a way to spend less energy as possible so that it can deal ridiculous damage or at least having some space for other mods with a dash polarity or whatever.

To me it's just fine what polarity a weapon has, I can still change it or just add another polarity with some Forma, but one thing that could be useful would be the ability to swap the polarities without having to spend a Forma on the weapon, I dunno. I'm just a guy who plays games just for fun when I'm bored and don't have anything else to do.


Merry Christmas, Tenno.

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In my opinion the warframe passives should have a couple of passives in the form of a minor passive that usually conditionally useful and a major passive that is big enough to almost be a power that activates under certain conditions  (ex. Ember minor passive: immunity to burn effects; major passive(Pheonix Rebirth): on death ember has a 5% chance to revive with a small explosion of fire)

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I like the nullifiers, but I almost feel like it should be an aura a la eximus instead of a literal shield bubble. That way they're still priority targets, and your powers still don't effect them (or any enemy affected by the aura), but strategically removing them is viable and more prioritized than turning them into a bullet sponge.

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the nullifier shield is provided by an energy backpack or something and it uses energy if we shoot it
so everytime it stops an ability it is supposed to use energy for that therefore it should get smaler with each blocked ability

and i dont rly see the point in blocking bullets dont we have ice eximus for that ?

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Waves/Spawn Rates

I would much, much prefer faster waves of enemies. It's no fun in Survival if there are only a few enemies spawning a minute, but a clusterstuck of enemies is just as awful too (athough AoE damage makes this problem less pressing than the first issue).


I also would love to see faster waves in Defense, it would make it progress a lot quicker.



I actually like these guys, now that they aren't buggy as crap. They are a decent challenge that can be avoided or apporoached in multiple ways. My only beef is that they are too common.

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What is your opinion on the Nullifiers?


The idea itself is not bad. The problem lies in the way Warframe spawns enemies. If you're unlucky, the game will spawn a formation of Nullifier+Corrupted Gunners on a survival mission that will cause you not only to die, but also to fail the mission. If you're lucky, the game will spawn a single Nullifier along with a couple more weak units that you could easily ignore.


Neither of those scenarios present a challenge. The first one is simply punitive and the second one is barely relevant. Without rules to restrict spawns and to take into account how many players are playing a specific mission, it won't matter if you nerf the Nullifers or leave them as they are. What the Nullifiers need are better organized spawns that don't rely entirely on luck (the same can be said for other enemies as well).

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D polarities are bad right now because on most weapons there's only a handful of highly specialized mods for D. Warframes don't have this problem since everyone will want some sort of durability mod, plus there's others like overextended and the like. But on weapons, the D polarity is basically a wasted polarity since basically the only worthwhile mods with that polarity are cold mods, which aren't hugely useful vs infested and are only marginally useful vs grineer.


Melee, the only good D mod is lifestrike. But the melee ice mod is garbage


Archwing is a little better about this though.


Nullifiers: I like the idea and think they're not horrible, but they need some tweaks. As it stands, their shields are too powerful to single shot weapons like snipers and their durability (both shield and health) scales up too much. I don't necessarily mind the powerful shields, if their health durability was extremely low at all waves/times in survival such that you could hit and run with melee, slide-attacking through the bubble and the horde of enemies inside it to take down the nullifier, then coptering away.

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About nullifiers:


The eximus nullifiers need a eximus bubble, because they aren't easy to identify under that bubble. That surprise moment almost always kills me, when i discover its a stronger enemy (eximus) that was waiting inside the kinder surprise egg.

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Passives can be a great thing, but they HAVE to be related to the frames and their themes/gameplay style. Nyx Prime (Yeah, AGAIN), though in her case the stat isn't "passive" (kinda is though), is a Prime example (see what I did there?^^) of BAD design choice in that regard, and of what should NOT be done.


The D polarity is mostly useless unfortunately. It can even be a handicap more than anything else.


As for enemies in Survivals, the problem lies more in the droprate of oxygen tanks than the number of enemies IMHO.


Nullifiers are supposed to stop POWERS. Not bullets. Their bubbles also further enlarge the gap between automatic and semi-auto/lever action weapons, which should be enough to prove their bad design. They could be unaffected by shooting at them, not shrinking, BUT definitely not stop projectiles. That's not what they're supposed to do anyway. To me they really just feel like a failed attempt at preventing "4 spamming". Don't forget that removing options from the players' hands is never a good way to approach gameplay, it's only restrictive, frustrating and most importantly, boring.

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Warframe Passives:


Warframes already have passives: Sprint Speed, Shields, Health, Armor, Stamina, Power, Polarity Slots, roll speed, reduced gravity or lift.  I don't want this to get complicated.  As it stands now, I would give all the warframes 2.0 sprint speed and extreme anti-clunkyness because that is what I like.  And somebody else would give all the Warframes something else because that is what they like.  Players only want the variety, choices, options that they want.  They want a little bundle of joy.  But nobody wants the same bundle of joy.  The only thing expanding passive are going to do is make the game more complicated and give people more to fight over and be dissatisfied with.  I prefer Warframe's elegant, stripped down, design over RPG complications.  In all RPGs, the developer inevitably figures out what everybody wants, which amounts to less choice, variety, options.  Then the nerfers forum riot, complaining that everybody is using Rhino, Nova, Soma, Hek, Acrid, Galatine, Brakk, everything DE has NERFED.............  Then the developer nerfs the crap out of what everybody is using and causes all sorts of worthless trouble.  I don't want anything that primes the nerf pump.  Give everybody a sandbox and what they want for their sandbox so I can have my fun in peace.


I could see some thematic flavor passives like corresponding damage type resistances for damage type Warframes like Ember, Volt, Saryn, etc.  That stuff doesn't matter to me because I play glass canons vs. glass canons.  So, if it's irrelevant and lame to begin with, it doesn't change anything for me in this one aspect.  If it's significant in this one aspect it doesn't interfere with me either because I just fight a higher level enemy that makes the increased defense irrelevant as long as I can still obliterate them en masse anyway.  Also, those Warframes, with the exception of Volt Speed, tend to be slow so I don't play them anyway. 


But, I suspect the worst.  I suspect S#&$ sandwiches.  I suspect my favorite features mixed in with my most hated features because of nonsense like "balance".  Satisfaction should never be "balanced", only maximized, and that is not the way of the RPG, or nerfers, or "balance".  Balance = Meh, at best.  I don't want Meh.  I want awesome, as I define it.  That is what everybody wants, their own awesome, not "balance".  Balance is what people say to hide the fact that the changes they want, at someone else's expense, are just an imposition of their opinion on everybody else.  The word sounds so impartial when it is anything but impartial.  Balance is a lie. 


I can't vote no to passives because the game already has them, but, I can't vote yes to passives because I don't want more trouble.  A year of nerfs implies change is a Trojan Nerf Horse to me.  I'll have to vote no under the circumstance even though that vote is a little mind bending for me. 


In reality, my vote should be "Yes, but only if I get what I want." 


Syndicate Explosions:


I can live with it as it is.  It's fun to try to get it to go off at the right time.  I already have powers I can control.  This is an added dimension. 


Also, the problem only occurs under circumstances that I don't care for anyway.  The problem for me is not the lack of control.  The problem for me is not having enough enemies to both prime and use it against.  The problem for me is the spawn rates, which is an old problem, not the Syndicate explosions.  Even if I could control the explosion, it would be lame in most if not all non-endless or non-horde type missions.  I would blow up like 5 enemy with it through out the entire mission?  Meh.  Keep it, I'll just gun them down.


Also, this lack of things to blow up is worse when people spread out so the ability as it stands encourages better coop, rather than worse.  Allowing players to control the explosion would enable more Rambo-ing.  Then again, people already Rambo.  So, that aspect is a wash.


On the other hand, it wouldn't be the end of the world if I had the option to control it or leave it on auto pilot.  I don't lose anything and if controlling it sucks, I don't care because I don't lose anything.  I might discover some fun ways to control it.  But, if controlling it becomes a Trojan Nerf horse, then I don't want it.  If a change is a Trojan Nerf Horse then I don't want it.


I do not think Syndicate explosions are too powerful and it would not bother me if they were even more powerful still.  Just replace whatever dies, in a hurry.


Combo Cancelling:


I don't use combos except whatever happens when I bash E, regardless of what's in my Tenno hands.  They're too slow or mysterious.  I'll vote yes on this because more control of movement sounds good to me.  Sword alone is too slow, clunky, and not horde friendly, or I should say it is horde friendly, the wrong kind of friendly.  This may sound like a contradiction from my opinion on Syndicate Explosions.  But, I do not see it that way.  Warframes already has abilities that I can control.  Syndicate Explosions are an extra, that I just don't want to see nerfed.


Combo cancelling could make combos more attractive to me, when I can see what I'm doing with them.  As it stands now.  I hit keys and I have no idea if my timing is right or wrong.  There is no indication that I could be even remotely close to setting off a combo let alone which combo. 


You see, I'm not always a pessimist.  I'm hoping this will be good.  Oh, wait, could this be a Trojan Nerf Horse?  I'm not so certain of a yes vote on this anymore.  Oh, whatever.  It's no loss to me.  I never use the stuff anyway.  I'll say yes for the combo players so they'll have something to play with, and be less likely to come after my stuff. 


Tactical Alerts


The question assumes a one size fits all mentality, this option at the expense of that option, and, no less, about something impermanent and optional and experimental.


A more interesting question to me would be, "Should some Tactical alerts have upward scaling conclave instead of downward scaling conclave?"  To which, I would say yes.  I think DE should run a lot more tactical alerts of all sorts for collecting, provoking, focusing feedback and data and for fun.  It doesn't have to be complicated.  There ought to be mission, enemy, etc. templates that DE staff can use to quickly put together a tactical alert so they can explore whatever they need to explore with as little obstacle as possible whenever they want.


The conclave scaling direction might be a fruitful way to understand nerfers and buffers so that appropriate content can be made for either faction. 


The idea that you can stitch both those opposing factions together in one mission is not realistic, unless it involves much more complex missions than we have seen to date in Warframe, where each play style has it's clearly defined and separate role and the team is enabled to coordinate.  Good luck getting Beavis and Butthead to play that mission.


But, this view is not expressed within the set of poll answers.


Faster/More Enemy Waves:


Faster/More please!  I want more even in extermination, let alone endless missions.  Enemy spawning has been lame for a long time.  Even with the recent attention to enemy spawning, the problem persists.  Some locations seem better than others and I have not found a pattern.  So, missions are a source of options paralysis to me. 


Incidentally, I wish we had a World Mission State Filter so we can assemble our own slice of World Mission State, a column in the World Mission State under our own control, listing locations of interest and their status that satisfy choice criteria.  Sorry for that but the idea just struck and I'm racing against my memory as it evaporates.



[EDIT:  I'm not being entirely consistent here.  I want more/faster, but, others may not.  I think DE should somehow provide both choices.]


The D Polarity:


Currently, a D polarity is better than no polarity.  It's useful in half the composite damage types.  Two of which are useful against one faction each, namely Viral and Magnetic.  Blast and cold are not a total waste either.  And, DE can always put useful mods in the D polarity set.  D polarity is not the dominant polarity.  It's not a fly in the ointment of all the best, worst, or average weapons.


I'm indifferent about the D polarity.  I think this a splinter, at worst, compared to a larger issue which I have attempted to deal with in this thread.  The larger issue is mastery fodder.


What is a waste is crappy mods and mastery fodder.  No matter how useful mastery itself is, weapons could be more than fodder.




Nullifiers are not inherently a problem.  The game engine gives the developers total control.  The player wins by the grace of the developers.  The Problem is what is done with Nulifiers.  I have not encountered any problems with them at all.  They spice things up, and I'm a press 4 glass canon coptor freak.  But, my experience since update 15 has been largely CerberusFrame, not T4S 60 min.  My advice is to avoid one size fits all and be easy on the newbies.  For them, a Nullifier is a boss.  Use them judiciously.  Aw Hek, go ahead and flood a location or alert with them for S#&$s and giggles.  But don't Nullifer All The Things.  It'll get boring fast.




Since I brought up nerfs, I may as well spell out their importance.  I am a life long Rocksmith 2014 whale(steam log in same as Warframe login).  I have spent $387USD on it and will definitely spend more.  I have owned it for less time than I have been playing Warframe.  Spent less time playing it.than Warframe.  Have mastered fewer songs than I have bought.  I have more weapons slots in Warframe, and have potatoed more guns in Warframe than I have bought songs in Rocksmith 2014.  Yet, I spent in Rocksmith 2014 a little over double than what I have spent in Warframe.


The day Nova Prime access came out I bought Jimi Hendrix $30 12 song pack.  No questions asked.  When I was having fun with Archwing before the recent nerfs, I thought to my self, "This is good, It'll probably get nerfed."  And it did get nerfed.  All the money I spent on Warframe was spent before the year of nerfs commenced, before I bought Rocksmith 2014.  I never have to worry about a year of nerfs in Rocksmith 2014.  Rocksmith 2014 is unnerfable.  Ubisoft could make all the songs out of tune but that ain't going to happen.


If DE were developing Rocksmith 2014, all the songs would be out of tune because people would be rioting on the forums that everybody is playing this song or that but not the rioters favorite songs.  I don't see why a game such as Warframe is so inherently different from a game like Rocksmith 2014 that it has to be so out of tune all the time.


I have been playing shooters and RPGs since I was a kid and have no intentions of stopping.  I started playing music games recently and have no intentions of stopping.  But, I will be cautious with my spending and only spend on products I can rely on.

Edited by ThePresident777
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In your opinion, should Warframes have passive bonuses? 

     Yes, they should have appropriate passive bonuses, but nothing game-breaking.  Things like 10-25% innate damage            resistance to fire for Ember, or cold for Frost seem like obvious choices.


Do you think the radial explosions from syndicate standing are too powerful?

     They're too powerful at the lower levels.  They really should scale with level and/or weapon conclave score.


Do you think the syndicate explosion should be player controlled in some way?

     No.  If they're too powerful now, giving players control over them will make them even more powerful.  If they were weakened, it might be worth considering.


How frequently do you wish you could cancel a combo?

     Almost never.  I can't think of any off-hand that are long to the point that I felt trapped in an animation.


How do you feel about the conclave restrictions on Tactical Alerts?

     Perfect.  Don't mess with them, they're a lot of fun and the challenge they put forth is great.  This was one of DE's best ideas.


In your opinion, do enemies spawn fast enough in Survival missions?

     I think the problem is inconsistency--in some places, the spawn rate is steady...whereas in others, it's a trickle.  From what I understand, this has to do with the spawning mechanic and the so-called "monster boxes" stopping once LoS is established.  In the Gas City Tileset, MOAs sometimes spawn from the ground right in front of you (out of grates on the ground)--I think this is a good model, and you should consider bringing it to the Void and other places (Phobos and Europa, most notably). 


Do you think the “D” slot on weapons is useful?

     I've never kept it on any weapon that I intended to use regularly.


What is your opinion on the Nullifiers?

     Keep them as they are, and don't cave to any more whiners.  They're a great challenge, and help to break up the "press 4 to win" monotony.  Trust your instincts--you did good by adding these guys, and the reason people don't like them is that they (the players) have to try harder now.

Edited by fadeinlight
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In your opinion, should Warframes have passive bonuses?


Yes, BUT not inherently. Add more auras and more/different skill augment mods like that from Zephyr. =)


Do you think the radial explosions from syndicate standing are too powerful?/Do you think the syndicate explosion should be player controlled in some way?


If the explosion is controllable only than reconsider looking at the effectiveness. Right now the unaccountability of the explosion is what balance it out in someway.


How frequently do you wish you could cancel a combo?


Often. The combat feels not fluid and clunky without the ability of animation canceling. =)


How do you feel about the conclave restrictions on Tactical Alerts?


After some time you figure out your "strongest" load-out than it´s a cake walk. Make it easy for newbies but make it hard for veterans. Dunno how but conclave rating doesn´t work =)


In your opinion, do enemies spawn fast enough in Survival missions?


No opinion.


Do you think the “D” slot on weapons is useful?


It would be would i see more meaningful D mods.


What is your opinion on the Nullifiers?


Only Problem are layered Nullifiers in close quarter combat mixed with many enemies. But i think community should give it some time. I think the problem will go away with time when people adapt.

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One major issue I have some across during the releases of Warframe Augments are the augments of Excalibur. Granted they seem like augments for those players that want to be "sword alone" as an Excalibur but so far the Augments leave much to be desired for that especially with the way melee 2.0 is at higher end and in practicality.


I've made a thread to suggestions and discussions on how Excalibur Passives should be designed to give Excalibur the "Sword Warframe" role more meaning to him as well as giving Excalibur passives that would fit well with that role and his Augment's capabilities: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/368679-excalibur-changes-to-slash-dash-and-passives-based-on-augments/

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The Problem with Nullifiers in my opinion is that the shield goes down at a fixed rate, so even if you use a rapid fire gun to take the shield down, it won't go down faster than it's fixed time.

Number Example:

shield range 10m, maximum decrease rate 2m/s -> t=5s

even if you overkill the shield it will ALWAYS go down within 5s, no less than that. This poses a problem when enemies are being protected by the shield since they can shoot you before you can shoot them due to the delay with which the shield goes down.

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Inherent bonuses on Warframes

Yes please. This would provide another way to buff "trash-tier" frames into something that's actually useful. What would be even better is if frames could choose perhaps 2 inherent bonuses out of 5-6 choices, similar to Diablo 3 (except that has around 20 options for every class and you pick 4)


Radial explosions from Syndicate upgrades

Currently, they're broken in the same way that Warframe damage abilities are. One-hit KO against lower-level enemies, ineffective against higher-level enemies except if they cause a useful status effect.

IMO they need to scale with defense/interception/survival etc wave/timer.

The radial explosion bonuses need to be rebalanced so they are all equally useful. Right now, Steel Meridian and Arbiters of Hexis have the worst radial explosions. Here's an explanation of the radial explosion types and how good or bad they are - from worst to best.

Arbiters of Hexis: Undisputedly the worst bonus. Gas damage is arguably weaker than Blast damage and has no stun. Extra base stamina is no more useful than extra armor. Nothing redeeming about it besides the self healing.

Steel Meridian: Blast damage is weak and armor bonus is even more of a joke. The only redeeming things about it are the guaranteed stun and the self healing.

Cephalon Suda: Magnetic damage is OK and the energy bonus can be useful. Gains even more energy because it has a base energy buff and an energy bonus.

New Loka: Think Cephalon Suda with a superior damage type and health/healing instead of energy. Depending on your build, health may or may not be more useful than energy.

Perrin Sequence: Tied with Red Veil for best radial effect. Base Shields is always useful except if the entire enemy team is toxin and slash damage. Radiation damage = Chaos.

Red Veil: Tied with Perrin Sequence for best radial effect. Movement speed. No other faction gets this bonus. Oh, and extra energy. Decent damage type too.


Does the syndicate radial effect need to be controllable?

Yes. It can be quite annoying on Corpus spaceship maps where it shatters windows and causes lockdowns.


How frequently do you wish you could cancel a combo?

I rarely use Melee 2.0, so I have little or no opinion on this.


Conclave restrictions on Tactical Alerts?

They should be raised slightly.


In your opinion, do enemies spawn fast enough in Survival missions?

For the most part, no. I have problems with too few enemy spawns on every type of solo survival except Void survival and even in the Void it's perhaps 50% good spawns (depending on tileset).

Several simple solutions:

-Spawn rate "difficulty slider" option.

-Option to set off additional alarms in Survival missions that temporarily increase spawns in the area.

-Scale life support decay with number of players, because spawns are also scaled with number of players.

-A built-in "anti-starvation" spawning rule where enemies will start spawning in large amounts if you haven't encountered enough of them in the last half minute.


Do you think the “D” slot on weapons is useful?

No (excluding Archwing weapons). There are way too few upgrades with that polarity and even then most of them are weak. The only uses for the "D" polarity I can think of are Cryo Rounds/Chilling Grasp and Tainted Shell.

Either add more useful upgrades with this polarity (preferred solution) or just remove it.

Furthermore: a "D" polarity in the first upgrade slot is insult on top of injury, because cold damage combinations tend to be weak. If you haven't forma'd a weapon yet, this means that if you aren't going to use cold damage, you are effectively short one slot except if you want to put an upgrade with the wrong polarity in there.


What is your opinion on the Nullifiers?

Nullifiers are just plain badly designed and should be completely reworked or removed. As far as "units that shield other units" are concerned, Frost Eximus shields and shield ospreys already do that in a much more balanced way.

There is no reason to arbitrarily cancel abilities. "Caster" frames and damage abilities are already weak as they are.

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those nullifiers...serious hate for them after a t4 survival run and one wandering into the room with 3 bombards with'em. some serious joke that it could 1 shot us on its own but was armed with 3 rocket launching bullet sponges wasn't even funny. i've personally tried to get away from the whole boltor prime being the best but those guys really reinforce the idea of boltor p/soma (prime) being the best all rounders. quanta still holds true vs them though so that's nice i guess. 


thoughts on how to fix/improve them? remove the bullet blocking factor, make them similar to techs when it comes to shield/health and change their weapon to a standard dera or something that won't punch your ticket in 1 shot at moderate levels (maybe even a glorified prodman)...everything will one shot after a while but at least give people a chance.

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I have to wonder how accurate the combo poll is, because Ive rarely seen tenno even use combos while playing lol. Theyre usually coptering into mobs or flailing around wildly with some OP weapon, using an invincible warframe, so of course they have no need to cancel combos.

Still, would be great if we could cancel them somehow, for the few who actually use the system.

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My poll votes cover most things, but two things I wanted to specifically mention regarding Nullifiers:


1) Their shields need to be either Shield or Proto Shield based (so that elements matter), they need to be able to take critical hits, and the damage actually needs to matter. As it stands, snipers/shotguns/launchers etc. still have too much of a hard time against them. We don't need to give people another reason to bring Soma/Boltor Prime.

2) The fact that they carry Lankas makes Sniper Crewmen obsolete. Give them a different Corpus gun that no enemy type wields yet, like a Tetra or a Cestra. Either of those guns will make it difficult to stay close to them, but keep them from being too powerful at long range, and allow the Sniper to keep his niche.

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