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Would You Have Started Warframe Old Vs. New.


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Hmm. A very difficult question.


The gameplay, in my opinion, would be solid enough for me to get interested, and DE's attitude was a refreshing thing when I first joined so that would remain as well but what really allowed me to get absorbed into Warframe was time.

I had time. I had oodles of it. I was carrying it in buckets and tossing it out the window and that's what a game like Warframe needs. You really do have to dedicate time to playing, farming, getting things etc etc and at the moment, I really don't have much to spare anymore, very much so for the better, but that's also a detriment to Warframe.


I would not be able to dedicate nearly as much time getting started, especially with the vast expansions that have taken place with all the new Warframe, weapons, game modes, archwing etc and being restricted in my choices. I had a really fun time with Loki as a starter and quickly getting Trinity, but had I chosen Excaliber, Volt or Mag, I could easily see myself not enjoying it as they don't fit my playstyle. I can see this game being a mountain to new players, especially if they have the "I need to max everything available" mentality that I have.


Another huge factor for Warframe is that I'm dedicated to my clan. 99% of my time in Warframe is spent helping clan members in one way or another, so not having that would be a detriment to going back to a solo experience, which I stuck with for a very long time.


Having said all that, the core of it remains. I enjoy the gameplay, and I'm fond of DE's attitude. I would get involved with this game again, if given the chance. I would be at it for a very long time to get anywhere, but I would still enjoy it enough to be involved.

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I started in June 2013,played until Oct/Nov 2013,got burned out and sick of Region being filled with immature hate.

Came back a month ago,it WAS like a brand new game....Region is still 4Chan on the short bus....some of the grind is even more ridiculous...but here I am. So yes,I was new when Warframe started and I was pretty much new when I came back...

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Any how Wf on the earlier state of the game makes more fun, there is just a clear mission lvling stuff & try to discover new things from planets to planest. Hell on U8 where the void is in troduce ive even focus to complete the star chart & collecting all Frames for later on. & there start an epic adventure.


Now a day ive give a try the game with a complete new acc &  just feel with your ship & the quest missions What connected with it just pure boring + to much grind + its takes forever to level things up & the broken mods even dont help to new player, becauce its just misleading the gameplay. Then u saw what things are availble on the wikia & just get mods with 30% of it useness its sucks alot. Now newer player eg. M1 M2 having coordinate to jupiter doing nothing then rush lv or just beeing useless &  feed of the enmies & hoping to complete the mission.

Often is WTF iam doing here statement on the missions. In conclusion there is a ton of things that are given or thowing on new players that they cant have a use for it. the Major of the newest players are interesdting to have new thing with fastest possible result.


Now go back to the old starchart, every mission is clear define, complete Mercury to go to Venus. After Venus is Mars after Mars you can go earth & Jupiter ... this actually is a very good guide of your adventure. Of cource Rng on mod drop is not that fair but the lv scaling is very balanced. Some Frames & resourses are locked on some higher planet. This is the real reason to motivate ppl to playing more Warframe to having more things & archive more things or joining a clan have asistance on the game on higher difficult. Inconclution Thre is allway some thing hidden or to find on next planets or mission that you can find out or discover & it does to of fun to have a awesome archive ment like having Rhino after ton of runs & even focus to unlock Unranus to having Ash & finding out what crasy powers he might could have.

Edited by 1N33DM0N3Y
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I only started playing when Mesa was released. I picked it up as I was looking for a f2p but multiplayer as well. Read some reviews and they were mainly positive but one thing they had in common was grind aspect. I knew what I was going into because I've played others games that required lots of hours for certain items exp etc. i.e Borderlands, Runescape etc


From that point on and now, I have no regrets. I love this game. Told few of my friends about it and they liked it as well but they don't have that background of doing a certain thing over and over. Overall. I enjoy Warframe.

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Probably not...the old warframe just felt...better.


Starting from aesthetics, from the dark environment, with moody lights, and actual dynamic light effects rather than how nowadays you sit in the sun on Phobos but your frame is dark as in the shadows or night time on earth but your frame glows randomly as if there's a high beam on it...and also the brutality of the kills, as in, you deal a killing blow with your cutting melee weapon, you chop the enemy in half 100% guaranteed instead of them just fainting as if they had a stroke, or dealing the killing blow with a Bo sends the enemy flying...boy oh boy was melee fun to use back then. I mean just look at this, enough proof of what the game used to be like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEMyjmZ_G8A#t=82 .


Nowadays the game just turned into a happy kill fest where you run a pink rhino, spray a whole room with bullets, stomp the ground to the point where you wonder "how does this ship still fly?" and it oddly still fits the game...you can find fun in the game now also, but unless you have so many tools at your disposal like a veteran playing since alpha test has, it just wouldn't feel as fun.

I died of nostalgia when I heard that charge attack sounds. OMFG I MISS IT.

Also, the stances would throw off new players. Impossible to obtain stances for the beginner weapon... right.


The New UI vs Old UI. Legacy UI!

I honestly prefer the Old, because, Do you know how much times you have to press Esc to jump from your arsenal to the Navigation screen, and back to your arsenal, and onto your foundry? Way too much. Double to triple the amounts than the old one. My hand is hovering above the Esc button all the dang time now. The Old UI runs like Windows, where you have everything in front of you-We have alt+tab, but we didn't have to use alt+tab to get from there to here. The New UI runs like Windows 8 I had to alt+tab way too much to get from A to B. So much clunkiness.


I think the grindwall is a bit higher now, than before, but because of my early attendance, it isn't a big deal anymore. Corrupt mods, Nightmare mods, Rare Mods in general... sigh.

But, No I don't think I would have joined Warframe-or atleast stick with them for a long time if I joined now.


Found some old Screen shots of Nostalgia lane. Just look at the top right corner :D





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The initial things that grabbed me haven't changed much (visual appeal & its free) since I started, so I would say definitely.

But I should note I might not have stayed with it because I am one of those people who enjoy being around early on in a games evolution (when in beta or constant development of course) and I dropped in to warframe at a good point in its history to do just that.

Edited by DJ_Redwire
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Difficult question, I like all the core mechanics, they haven't changed for me, but the focus on Prime Access now would have made me think twice, I very much prefered it when farming a prime frame was the only way to get it.


Though I'll admit, I used Prime Access to get Nyx Prime.

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I first started around U10 IIRC but only played an hour or 2 because the game felt like it lacked depth and I really hated the UI. After a friend got me back into the game just after U14, I fell in love with the liset and the new parralax UI. The game to me felt alot more fleshed out rather than the basic barely functional version I'd played a few months prior

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I love how 'salt' is slowly replacing 'toxic' as the next-coolest buzzword.


Welcome to the wonderful world of slang. It changes quite literally by the hour.


Though, I do believe "salt" and "toxic" refer to different things. Or at least, I understand them to.

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Again, you are not looking at it from a new persons point of view, you are adding in your own opinion that has been formed through a lengthy amount of time already playing through it.

A new person would never think like that, they'd see it first hand and then form their opinions from that point, as opposed to the rest of us who have stayed for a much longer time.


So let's take that first person (new) approach, then.  (Being a new player in the current WF)


I'd do what Archist would do the moment I laid eyes on things like Prime Access.  But let's give this game a chance and actually try it out, only to find out there's hundreds of weapons out there; some of which are wonky as hell when tried out, then realize that in order to "rank up" which is this games variance on leveling, well..., not to mention noticing the immediate lack of inventory slots.


The current UI would also be a big turn off for me compared to the old star chart, which was magical.  (A bit of bias here, but honestly, the picture comparisons are all over the place and it doesn't take a genius to realize the new is adding more steps than required vs the old, also feels more immersive with the old).


And don't just say "oh it's your biased perspective that lead to that!", no, you should know that studies have shown that the average players experience (new or old) is usually a good example of a decent chunk of what the majority is also feeling.  This is why I also despise RNG in "online multiplayer" games; makes me feel like a coal digger, digging for diamonds, unless I pay to have that shiny now, until the next coal mine opens up for that even newer shiny diamond.


Honestly, in this type of market, Erebus, you'd be surprised how easy it is for people to just skip over a game the moment they even notice a hint of bullS#&$, because we've all been through it before on some level, and know how bad it can get (it very rarely turns around).


So unless you're talking about a person who is completely brand new to mmo-esque type of games in general, then yes, I believe they would play...for how long depends on when they reach burn out, or realize just how meaningless the grind is in the end, and that it gets extended each and every update.

Edited by AcewingX
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I don't think I would get into it. The art style is beautiful, and the mechanics are solid, but then so is any other F2P game out there. I'd try it out for a while, yet smack into the grind wall, and then find out that Oxium only comes from one source and Argon degrades. I'd see all the things that need Argon and Oxium to craft, and then look at the price of non-cosmetic stuff, and experience the waiting times for the foundry.

Then I'd remember my self respect and leave before I actually bit into a crap twinkie. Because that what Warframe is, it's a beautiful, superficially appealing game with a mysterious lore and on the surface it seems just what I want in a luxury product. But then, I turn it over and I notice that the injection sights are brown, not white, and that at the core isn't fluffy, delicious creamy goodness, but greedy bullsh*t and I'd put it down. Now, I know that some people would tell me to ignore the crap inside, to ignore the business and monetization decisions and psychological warfare tactics employed against me; to just give in because it's easier... but then I'd be eating sh*t without knowing it.

I'm over a year into Warframe now; I got in at Update 6, and I can honestly say that Warframe has changed and not for the better. Decision after decision has been made against my self-interest, and my enthusiasm for the game has waned as these decisions began piling up. The only reason I play anymore is because a friend of mine plays, and we have some awesome war stories together, but if I wasn't already invested in Warframe I wouldn't play with him.

Crap twinkie...

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Once you grow up, you can never go back, no matter how badly you try.

DE has busted their &#! to give us a new alternative to get that back in Archwing, and I am floored by the negative responses to it.

Enjoy where you are in the journey with DE's current version of the game and appreciate how you may have helped it to expand :).

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I'd still like it, and still play it.  I think I'd get into it as much now as then.


The combat is still good, and the weapon choices now are over the top.  Enemies still fall in chunks on the floor and the kill count is still in the hundreds every match.  The core gameplay is very much still there.


That doesn't mean I don't miss some of the old stuff.  The old star chart UI was leagues ahead of the Liset.  Not even comparable, it's like we moved from an Iphone or Android to a fancy new WIndows phone and are expected to like it because it has more colors.  Everything from fiddling around with your character to color it, to being just a click away from every screen you need, to a more visually appealing chart itself.  It really was better.  Sometimes less is more.

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The only thing that irritates me about the Liset is how character customization now will often be blinded when using white, simply because of how bright it becomes in the Liset's interior, things like ''the old star chart was easier and faster'' was something that only took me a short time to get used to on the Liset, though I agree the walking for 2 seconds is kind of pointless.

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I'd still jump on, and I agree on the old star chart, felt way better to see planets, moons & such, instead of just the Plane with window options to represent mission spots, streamlined yes, but spreadsheets ALWAYS look like spreadsheets unless you print them on paper depicting some deliciously pornographic material, and even then, no ones gonna pay attention to the information.

Better off feeling like your actually IN a solar system, with planets, moons and asteroids big enough to host corpus R&D labs, or Grineer training camps.

Anyway that gripe aside I started at the end of arcane helmets life and still find this to sate my want for a game as close to Phantasy Star online as I can get without having to deal with the cartooney, goofy, over the top cutesey, garbage tacked on to appeal to what the Japanese audiences which the games are consistently targeted towards, can't fault Sega for that, but it doesn't mean I like it,

real time combat, I dodge a rocket, I dodge the damn thing, no bs chance to hit or stand there whittling an enemies life bar down stabbing each others ankles until my numbers triumph over the enemies numbers, no I flip, jump and wall run, and jam an electric staff into the ground, stun my foe and annihilate them at my leisure, take cover and let loose with a Freakin lightning gun, or whip out the Nukor for the most satisfying death explosion sound as a grineer just POPS from being baked in that armor.

a host of weapons each a little unique, be it stats or style, not being shoehorned into a single class for "character" creation or having my weapon selections hamper for the sake of balancing classes out.

The ability to create a unique and colorful or even thematic looking cybernetic death machine, I would have to say, ALL of that matches perfectly with what I've wanted in an MMO in terms of gameplay.

the community is the same as any really, some a$$holes, some good people, but the BIGGEST reason I like this game and would still play, besides the gameplay ALONE being enough, no 6 hour runs through some banal volcano to kill the big evil bad guy because he's all evil and stuff, and HOPE to get some minor trinkets so you can go to "the next level" which becomes a 7 hour grind with 30 other people, to do the same goddamn thing for the same goddamn reasons.

I can drop in a mission for 5 minutes or said 6 hours, if I CHOOSE to in unlimited missions, and I can downgrade to experience a new frame or weapon OF CHOICE ( yeah I pictured that Music video with Christopher Walken flying around too, no shame there ) and know that I'm not hampering the team because of it as I have 2 weapons that with my skill can carry me through missions.

Lastly, SKILL! here its real, its fast, you have to think and utilize spatial reasoning, line of sight, and target priority, all with little or no time to think it over, your there, in the moment striking down your foe, not just whittling a life bar, and every fight can change quickly, Stalker or G3 show up! time to get vicious! Nullifiers are showing up in hordes, get tactical!

I've played a lot of the other MMOs in warframes category of action mmo I guess it would be? and have to say warframe has been a godsend, new or old, on a basic level, it appeals to my wants and needs, and there's no sign that's gonna change anytime soon.

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As someone who joined around U7, I say I wouldn't have joined the current Warframe.

Even if I did, I would've played an hour or two and left.


When I joined, the game had atmosphere. I wouldn't go as far as horror genre atmosphere but there were tension and slightly foreboding.

The very electrical (cant find a better word) nature of PA system and guttural voices of Grineer really sold it for me.

There were sense of tactic as you would enter a room, take note of enemies and room layout and pick out enemies one at a time while taking cover behind supports and railings. 

Having teammates (the fact that everyone, even more "veteran" players were pretty much on same level as me helped again with atmosphere) lessened the tension but it was no less fun.


Fast forward almost 2 years, the game lost all kinds of tension. The only difficulty comes from either endurance tests like endless missions or purposely handicapping myself to certain set of mods or weapons. The enemies lost the weight the old enemies had. Now, I enter a room and barely even register there are enemies.

Also, I think that new player experience would be somewhat more discouraging than before. At least in the past, having noobs joining the game meant game being slightly easier and mission going slightly better, for the most part. Even noobs could contribute decently. Now, there is a gigantic gap in power&knowledge between noobs and veterans to the point having noobs joining often leads to veterans raging.


If I were a starry eyed noob just joining Warframe now, I might have been lured in by the unique art style but would be put off by veterans rushing my missions, noob discrimination and general lack of intensity the old game offered

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