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Ember: Surviving Canadian Winters


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More stamina? AWESOME.

More armor? Still mostly useless, but BETTER. (Can we get an armor buff for the rest of the 15-armor frames too?)

More movespeed? HALLELUJAH.


The Fire Blast change sounds good, but the most unsatisfying thing about the skill is that it's entirely useless if enemies get inside the ring (ie: does no damage inside). Additionally, as you guys may or may not know, enemies tend to avoid Fire Blast's ring at all cost, making it even less impactful after the initial cast explosion. Please take these things into consideration for this mini rework. Oh, and Fire Blast currently creates a decent FPS drop while the ring persists (with PhysX enabled), so maybe look into optimizations as well?


The World on Fire change sounds okay too, but the duration plus energy drain per second sounds a bit wonky, especially if it's still the same as the current duration (which is pretty short). I know Prism does the same thing, but it's far more effective at killing (Radiation damage), so WoF needs either a straight damage buff, secondary effect (actual explosions [blast procs] or walking leaves a trail of fire that deals damage?), or faster targeting as well as the ability to hit many targets at once (maybe even an aura of some sort).

Edited by Ailith
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As an Ember Main, I agree with this completly, however do consider buffing World On Fire's damage to 800 and give it 50% proc chance, this would help Ember, in my experience, become more energy efficient as an Ember player wouldn't need to spam abilities so hard (because even with max efficiency I find myself running out of energy a lot).

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Nekros was never suppose to be a Grim Reaper though, rather a Necromancer theme.

Necromancy/Grim reaper/Nekros/Death/Azrael...


..You get what I mean man...


Someone who plays around with death to his advantage(more than just desecrating bodies),not someone who dies a lot.

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As it appears that mobility is also a thing that is desired for Ember, may I suggest adding a teleport component to one of her powers? Warping to aimpoint and immediately casting a power - a centered-on-self AOE like Accelerant or Fire Blast - on arrival.


She is a caster, after all.

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So, Ember. Ember is one of our oldest Warframes and her abilities and stats are often a 'hot' discussion item. Her model, powers, stats have received changes in the past, and we find ourselves back again taking a look at what we can tweak.


Here are some coming changes to Ember that you'll be able to try out soon, we're hoping to have these shipped in a week or two on PC:

While I think these are some really great changes, there are still some pressing issues that could easily be solved.

Ember's new Armor stats are nice, and I think they are very fitting. Looking at Ember, her armor's material feels more toned and hide-like, rather than squishy. But, this won't be enough to keep Ember alive in higher tiers of play where enemies will be taking less damage from her skills, when she'll need to be right in the enemies' faces to keep her damage going.


I propose the following changes:


● FIREBALL: Change Fireball to be a lobbed projectile, that travels in a quick arc. This will allow the ability to be used much more instinctively, rather than hoping it hits the target. Now, this will cause an issue for players who wish to use the ability at range, so to remedy this: Allow Fireball to also hit targets in the same way as Smite and Soul Punch

This way, the ability can be used much more easily in close quarters, while also be able to hit enemies at range, or hit pesky enemies such as Ospreys.


●  FIRE BLAST: As Fire Blast is currently, it lacks the crowd control or utility a 75 Energy AOE field should have. But, it has yet to be seen if Fire Blast's new mechanics will add the crowd control that it needs, so I won't be able to comment on that for now.

What I do suggest, is that Fire Blast's Ability Augment Mod be reworked, or atleast give her a new one. I'd personally like it if Fire Blast had an Augment which allowed it to be cast from a distance, similarly to Limbo's Cataclysm. Although, it would only be castable on flat surfaces.


● WORLD ON FIRE: I'm loving the changes to this ability. I can't wait to be able to run around for a much more reasonable amount of time, lighting everything aflame. But, as this ability isn't instantaneous, and isn't meant to have the ability to CC a whole room, it requires you to be around enemies for extended periods of time in higher level combat.

My suggestion to alleviate this is: Add a weaker version of Overheat's damage reduction to World on Fire. At about 30%, (at max Mod Level), it wouldn't be too overbearing, and would give Ember some room to breathe against tougher enemies that don't immediately die to her flames.

EDIT: >Oh, I just noticed the World on Fire changes has the ability still have a limited duration!  

We should axe that.

If it's going to be togglable, it should be able to be kept up for a longer time. The current duration of 10s is poultry, and forces you to add several Duration Mods to get any respectable use out of it, and those Duration Mods aren't all that beneficial to the rest of your abilities, seeing as their Durations are already solid.<

Well, that was my two cents about Warframes' very own hot-headed flamestress. Thanks for taking another look at Ember. I'm sure whatever you guys ship out, it'll be awesome. Keep it up, DE.

Edited by Flackenstien
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Nicely done, Scott! Nicely done.



While I think these are some really great changes, there are still some pressing issues that could easily be solved.

Ember's new Armor stats are nice, and I think they are very fitting. Looking at Ember, her armor's material feels more toned and hide-like, rather than squishy. But, this won't be enough to keep Ember alive in higher tiers of play where enemies will be taking less damage from her skills, when she'll need to be right in the enemies' faces to keep her damage going.


I propose the following changes:


● FIREBALL: Change Fireball to be a lobbed projectile, that travels in a quick arc. This will allow the ability to be used much more instinctively, rather than hoping it hits the target. Now, this will cause an issue for players who wish to use the ability at range, so to remedy this: Allow Fireball to also hit targets in the same way as Smite and Soul Punch

This way, the ability can be used much more easily in close quarters, while also be able to hit enemies at range, or hit pesky enemies such as Ospreys.


●  FIRE BLAST: As Fire Blast is currently, it lacks the crowd control or utility a 75 Energy AOE field should have. But, it has yet to be seen if Fire Blast's new mechanics will add the crowd control that it needs, so I won't be able to comment on that for now.

What I do suggest, is that Fire Blast's Ability Augment Mod be reworked, or atleast give her a new one. I'd personally like it if Fire Blast had an Augment which allowed it to be cast from a distance, similarly to Limbo's Cataclysm. Although, it would only be castable on flat surfaces.


● WORLD ON FIRE: I'm loving the changes to this ability. I can't wait to be able to run around for a much more reasonable amount of time, lighting everything aflame. But, as this ability isn't instantaneous, and isn't meant to have the ability to CC a whole room, it requires you to be around enemies for extended periods of time in higher level combat.

My suggestion to alleviate this is: Add a weaker version of Overheat's damage reduction to World on Fire. At about 30%, (at max Mod Level), it wouldn't be too overbearing, and would give Ember some room to breathe against tougher enemies that don't immediately die to her flames.

Well, that was my two cents about Warframes' very own hot-headed flamestress. Thanks for taking another look at Ember. I'm sure whatever you guys ship out, it'll be awesome. Keep it up, DE.

Throw this in there to make a sure winner!

Edited by -SLX-J3tAc3
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-          World On Fire is now a toggle ability with a 50 Energy cost on cast. It will drain energy over time as well as consider your power duration (affected by mods).


How is having an ability that is affected by all 4 modifiers a good thing? Could you please go into detail what the current plan is with World on Fire and it's planned statistics?


I would also ask that if the only changes planned are that it will be Togglable and that Duration somehow affects a upkeep ability, could you possibly increase the range of World on Fire from 15m to 20m?

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Ability Changes:

-          Fire Blast has had a mechanic added. In addition to placing a ring of fire on casting location, it -will now also generate a growing wall of fire (like the Arson Eximus ability).


Ahhhh... excellent. Thank you Scott, now the augment makes some sense.


Statistic Changes:

-          Base Stamina increased to 150.

-          Base armour increased to 100 (125 for Ember Prime)

-          Movement Speed increase.


Dayum son, that stat budget!

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Necromancy/Grim reaper/Nekros/Death/Azrael...


..You get what I mean man...


Someone who plays around with death to his advantage(more than just desecrating bodies),not someone who dies a lot.

Please submit your ideas for nekros as a new, different frame.

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Please submit your ideas for nekros as a new, different frame.

What? I don't get what you mean, I'm just asking if they could give Soul punch,terrify & SotD more utility so this guy won't be used for survival only.

It doesn't require a full rework!

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I like these changes! However...


-          World On Fire is now a toggle ability with a 50 Energy cost on cast. It will drain energy over time as well as consider your power duration (affected by mods).


How will this work if we cast when our available energy is exactly 50 energy? Would it just mean that the animation plays and then immediately stops with no damage being done/ works for a brief moment then ends? Clarification would be nice, but for now the changes are nice.

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Ember is my most played frame. The moment I saw her I fell in love, and I legit quit playing for a little bit when you got rid of Overheat.

Ember Prime happened and I freaked out. I've been playing some more frames lately but Ember is always my go to frame, even with her terrible stats. My friends actually don't get mad at me when I get downed because they KNOW my stats suck.




Thank you DE, you made my day. <3

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Ability Changes:

-          Fire Blast has had a mechanic added. In addition to placing a ring of fire on casting location, it -will now also generate a growing wall of fire (like the Arson Eximus ability).



Finally realized. They had the right solution before your eyes.

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