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Ember: Surviving Canadian Winters


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-          World On Fire is now a toggle ability with a 50 Energy cost on cast. It will drain energy over time as well as consider your power duration (affected by mods).

-          World on Fire has had its casting time reduced.


As usual... this is all subject to change, this is just a quick look at what the plans are.

Duration needs to be removed completely. That, or to upgrade the number of enemies his per tick.

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All changes sound good and would be very much appreciated, but without addressing the flat damage of Ember's powers, she'll never be as viable in higher levels and she'll always be extremely niche- for low to mid Infested levels.

At least her 3 should have CC now...

Edited by Nero9937
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While I find this good.. I am realising that all these toggle ults makes Continuity a bit useless.

Well if it's anything like how Prism works, duration will set a maximum activation time.  After that you need to pay the turn-on cost again, which is 50 energy here, not 15 energy like other abilities that are pure-toggle (if you know what I mean, I don't know a better phrase for it).

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while i like what i see, base on Embers' Codex Entry, it sounds like she should have above average Health.


as the Codex Entry implies someone that survived immolation.




and while we're at it, Ember heavily relies on the Fire Status Effect. yet Enemies can ignore the panic on this Effect quite often, just ignoring that they're on fire.

since Ember relies on Fire Status so much, i feel it's imperative that we make the Effect a lot more reliable.




in additon, World on Fire's Explosions leave something to be desired. something along the lines of a 3m Explosion Range, 100% Fire Status (or a quite high Chance atleast) to all Enemies caught in the Explosion.

can either be Damage applied to the targeted Enemy, or a Fire based Explosion on the targeted Enemy so that World on Fire can handle the larger number of Enemies we have at a time more practically.


also allowing World on Fire to Synergize with Abilities that can cluster Enemies together. Ability Synergy is desperately needed, since Warframe is supposed to be a Co-Op game.

Edited by taiiat
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Necromancy/Grim reaper/Nekros/Death/Azrael...


..You get what I mean man...


Someone who plays around with death to his advantage(more than just desecrating bodies),not someone who dies a lot.


I respectfully disagree with making those distinctions interchangeable(a necromancer isn't a Grim Reaper by a long shot in any setting). And Nekros does a fairly good job at fulfilling the necromancer theme, even if his abilities aren't all as useful as his desecrate(due to mod and air farm). Which is more a technical/stat thing then anything else.


I honestly think his 3 should have never been able to be used for air and mod drops to begin with*rather a rework for stat benefits, perhaps in conjunction with his other abilities perhaps?*, but I'm sure most people will yell at me for even suggesting anything that could effect the status quo in a negative way. But eh.


This is Embers topic, so lets stay on point for that ;)

Edited by Lynxh
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Why are people complaing about this ember buff? Duration affected ult channeling would be a good thing because fireblast and acclerent are based off of duration on there use as well. As someone who still manages to use ember end game i can tell you this is a stright buff on ember and you need to stop complaining please. my build is power strength with duration caping out at 22 duration and 800 damage roughly with a 100 use cost. with enough energy for spam abiltiy of my ult and acclerent end game is hard but do able.

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I respectfully disagree with making those distinctions interchangeable(a necromancer isn't a Grim Reaper by a long shot in any setting). And Nekros does a fairly good job at fulfilling the necromancer theme, even if his abilities aren't all as useful as his desecrate(due to mod and air farm). Which is more a technical/stat thing then anything else.


I honestly think his 3 should have never been able to be used for air and mod drops to begin with*rather a rework for stat benefits, perhaps in conjunction with his other abilities perhaps?*, but I'm sure most people will yell at me for even suggesting anything that could effect the status quo in a negative way. But eh.


This is Embers topic, so lets stay on point for that ;)

I...I meant Nekros has a theme based on Death. That's all...If I referred to the Grim Reaper,it's to imply  how powerful & frightening he should be! You get it now? :/


Uh-oh : you want to modify desecrate...I wish you luck about this. The day the devs change desecrate, 60% of Nekros players will enter rage-mode...

(I'm not in these 60% : I try to use the 3 other ones the most)


You're right though : this discussion must go somewhere else. :)

Edited by unknow99
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Why are people complaing about this ember buff? Duration affected ult channeling would be a good thing because fireblast and acclerent are based off of duration on there use as well. As someone who still manages to use ember end game i can tell you this is a stright buff on ember and you need to stop complaining please. my build is power strength with duration caping out at 22 duration and 800 damage roughly with a 100 use cost. with enough energy for spam abiltiy of my ult and acclerent end game is hard but do able.


No it would not be a good thing . Not at all . 


Judging by what you're saying you neglect power efficiency on a spammy warframe aaanndd ... well it sucks tbh xD


It sucks because you need to be able to spam accelerant all day to affect all enemies with it  otherwise all your abilities are straight garbage .


One other thing , you can't stun again a target that is affected by  accelerant debuff , wich mean , a shorter duration might be good as well (to a cap i guess )



Ember scales and need everything , and because she does need too much of everything you can't use  very well corrupted mods , wich mean you have to sacrifice something that DOES MATTER A LOT in order to boost 3 others . 


The very good warframes are the ones that scales mostly on 2 things ,  good/okay ones on  3 things and bad ones on 4 things


As you may have understood ember scales(once again she does need those 4 stats WAY TOO MUCH in order to be effective !!!) on 4 things and it's absolutely horrible to mod her .  


Untill DE gives us some room on one stat to be able to neglect it ( at least a little) she wont be good , and will stay in the same tier .


Basically : 


Make WoF not scale on duration


OR Lower her mana cost by 1/2 


OR Give her way more range (22-25m instead of 15)



Pick one of those buffs and it would allow us  to neglect at least one stat to be effective. We have only 8 mod slots , not ten billions .


Everything they changed seems fine at first glance but the duration thing on WoF is ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE since it hit the core problem ember has.

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Toggle ability means when you activate it the power keeps running until you 'activate' it again to stop it, or run out of energy. As for the armor buff, I think that's due to the power creep issues, were lower armor is an issue. Hell frost can easily break 300 armor and it feels like that does nothing.

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New player here. What does "toggle ability" means?

Toggle ability means when you activate it the power keeps running until you 'activate' it again to stop it, or run out of energy. 


In this case, since it's still affected by Duration, this change simply means that you can stop it early to save energy (and that increasing its Duration actually increases its effective energy cost).


Personally, I don't see the toggle as actually adding anything to her kit or fixing any issue with the power. It's still heavily RNG with low explosion radii, an invisible radius of effect around Ember and only one explosion per second. The actual addition of it comes off as a miscommunication, wherein players were likely requesting a way to cut down on stats to build for and, as with the initial request for Oberon's Renewal, increase its uptime per-cast - nothing to do with energy efficiency, which is all this might address.


How about, instead of increasing the maximum uptime of World on Fire, Duration reduces the wait time between explosions?

Edited by Archwizard
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Personally, I don't see the toggle as actually adding anything to her kit or fixing any issue with the power. It's still heavily RNG with low explosion radii, an invisible radius of effect and only one explosion per second. 

Uh, it explodes 3-4 times per second.  The toggle, assuming it works the way I think it does (duration mods making it cheaper) is sorely needed.  What Ember really needs now, however, is for the Accelerant bug to be fixed.  The armor change is irrelevant (hey Aza they buffed your build a little) and the Eximus flame wave thing is just cheese for unskilled players; they might as well make it a radial nuke and let people press3towin so that Ember can be "good" in the eyes of the crack-smoking forum community.  

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Uh, it explodes 3-4 times per second.


Hmm. Never observed that, but I suppose a combination of misreading the wiki and my sense of time being distorted in-game (where 20 seconds feels like whole minutes) will do that to me. Carry on.


The toggle, assuming it works the way I think it does (duration mods making it cheaper) is sorely needed. 


Doesn't work that way for other toggles, no reason to believe it does so here.

For Prism and Renewal, Duration simply increases the amount of time it's allowed to remain active before you have to recast it.


the Eximus flame wave thing is just cheese for unskilled players; they might as well make it a radial nuke and let people press3towin so that Ember can be "good" in the eyes of the crack-smoking forum community.  


Honestly, if it does knockback, I'll just be glad that it does anything more efficiently than her 1 or 4.

Edited by Archwizard
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