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Chroma, The New Dragon Frame (Teased In Devstream 45, 46, Tennolive) Anticipation Megathread


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That's fine, but again, the point is that he does not resemble or feel like a dragon, which is what the community wanted.

i'm done arguing about the looks (my opion is it look like a dragon) but we have no idea how it feels to play him or how his powers effect the theme.


and if i missunderstood what you meant by this post i'm sorry

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i'm done arguing about the looks (my opion is it look like a dragon) but we have no idea how it feels to play him or how his powers effect the theme.


and if i missunderstood what you meant by this post i'm sorry

If you twist it just right, close one eye, then the other it kinda looks dragon like :p


But either way, it looks far more like some sort of infested type frame than any sort of popular depiction of a dragon (in general, eastern, western, more popular opinion of what a dragon looks like), or dragon-like frame.

Edited by BulletsforTeeth
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i'm done arguing about the looks (my opion is it look like a dragon) but we have no idea how it feels to play him or how his powers effect the theme.


and if i missunderstood what you meant by this post i'm sorry


It's only about the looks, not about gameplay. What people consider to be a dragon is defined by history, the classical dragons, either western or eastern. Smaug from LotR is a western dragon, while Shenron from DBZ is an eastern dragon. It needs to be a general design based on what we perceive as a dragon, not an original design that invents a new kind of dragon. And the reason why it "must" be that is because we wanted a dragon warframe - one that has the looks and feel of a classical dragon.

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I think he looks fine, I'm happy they didn't go for the typical dragon look.


Afterall...Wasn't everyone complaining at how Limbo didn't look unique?

Not that Limbo doesn't look unique, but that Limbo looks tacky/over the top. 


But the dragon frame is all that and just plain ugly. 

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Pics shown in this topic: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/413226-for-those-who-missed-it-chroma-unveiled/


To me, the frame looks like an organic beast thing grown over some sort of armor, and kinda resembles a werewolf or jackal or seahorse and I'm loving it.


The base idea was "dragon" but that doesn't mean it has to be some generic anthropomorphic plate armor "dragon" that people were expecting.


Whoever design this frame, don't listen to all those people hating on the design, you've got a +1 from me.

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I apologise for that, i wasn't meant for it to be taken as an offense. I should have worded it a little differently. Like you im tired of seeing "fanboys" trying to find anything positive in whatever DE releases and then justifying it with some bizzare reasons and how "haters gonna hate/ignore the negatron primes".


I've never had such a dissapointment in DE before, that's all.

Sorry again if my response felt personal.

No worries. All of this has made for some really interesting discussion anyways :P. I'm excited to see how the reception for this frame will play out, because the abilities seem like they will be quite interesting and given the current model, I'm curious as to how DE thinks that they can handle its complete design, long, fire-breathing snout and all.

Most of my interest comes from my career aspirations (which lie in game development), so there could be some lessons to learn here.

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I should also point out that Chroma has 4 eyes and the back of his head looks like the fringe of a Xenomorph from Alien.


Loki's helmet looks like the horns of a Balrog from LotR and screams dragon much more. THAT would have been an acceptable head, even without a snout.

Edited by Sunfax
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Please point out an insect that looks like mag or in any way relates to mag

Because I seriously wanna see that

I don't know what insect mag is, but if you look at the helmets for all the first generation frames they all have this insectoid-ish design with mandibles.

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