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Chroma, The New Dragon Frame (Teased In Devstream 45, 46, Tennolive) Anticipation Megathread


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after the last warframe. Mirage,Mesa i like her design thou even if dont fit warframe biological suits, Limbo, now Chroma dat has a girl name but its a guy, i say art is losing in DE offices



Edit:Alt helmet may save Chroma

Edited by MrKage
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Can you guys guess what comes up if you google "The dragons of the sea"? (Quotes included)

Two types of "dragons" come up, the generic looking dragons (duh).



That's right those little "things" are nicknamed "the dragons of the sea". So if that's the type of "dragon" DE was going for the they nailed it.

As for my opinion on Chroma I love him. He gives of this feral and monstrous vibe that I really like.


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Let me help you out:


I guess the reason why people can't easily accept the way he looks is due to the helmet.

From what I can see almost all frames has a helm which can almost fit a human sized/shaped head in it, even Frost's.

Chroma's head is an entirely different thing.


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And people are complaining he's not a Rhino clone

Rhino clone is probably a little far stretched...i've seen the artworks you're probably refering to.. a bulky design, cut like a rhino with a heavy scale armor, pretty much how the player base would picture a dragon, inspired by the chinese dragon design that is allready in the game. Pretty much how samurai would cut theyr dragon themed armors.

This design was simply flawless. There sure is room for creative work but the endresult clearly missed the aim. Seriously. It looks like they didn't have enough time to come up with anything except the head and therefore just smashed together pieces of other frames to make the body.

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while i do admit that i find twizzlers to be a fine delicacy, i merely reluctantly accept what we players have recieved as a dragon frame. its more of a "sigh...fine, i'll take it" kind of deal. and granted, scales would've been a better alternative, though the outcome is highly unlikely.


and to be fair, i think that Tombs of the Sentient trailer showed some parkour 2.0...though it wasnt actual gameplay, i think it pleasantly displayed what's to be expected for the subject.

No! Be upset! Be outraged! We can't let this design stand!

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looking through the concept of typhus - he will definitely be totally another if DE ever considers his design - it is too anime-ish

They'll just do what they always do. They'll make it from plastic. Then dip it into pool of acid. Then melt it and stick various weird gadgets and gizmos (or golden hoops and cubes in case of a prime) into it while it's still soft.

Also I HATE the faux-extra-fingers on warframes.

Edited by LABAL
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That's why we have fan concept section. Sometimes I feel totally useless to post there anything because in the end we given some mess.


Also I like this design but not a dragon theme. DE make pls a real dragon, just simply copy paste the fan concepts.

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I think people are too used to the cliche of western dragons. They said they looked at dragons from every culture, not just eastern. Many cultures believe seadragon to be actual dragons. Beside the last two frames were god awful and overly cliche: Limbo and Mesa, no creativity. I'm glad this design is going back to what warframes looked like more.

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That's why we have fan concept section. Sometimes I feel totally useless to post there anything because in the end we given some mess.


Also I like this design but not a dragon theme. DE make pls a real dragon, just simply copy paste the fan concepts.

They'll never do that. If they did that, then it'd basically mean Mynki is useless for that frame and he wont get paid. Plus, not every single frame will look good in its concepts. One concept I saw had breasts and a butt so big you'd swear it was for one of those volleyball games that had those bikini women in it.

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I think we can safely agree that not everything that everyone complains about is necessarily a "good thing"...


Also, what hunch back? What the heck are you guys viewing? LOL I was at tennolive yesterday with a huge screen in front of me and I saw no hunch back, I saw no seahorse, I saw a very twisted and rough/spiny looking suit of armor. He's very ornamental and decorated.

How can you see anything spiny in that blob of an infested anteater!?

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More original than making yet another generic dragon-themed suit of armour, which you can find in any mmo in existance which has said armour.

i bet people would pay more for dat dragon themed armor then an sea dragon anteater armor


Edit: but the only problem i have with Chroma its hes name and hes helmet

Edited by MrKage
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Shuddup clockface


It's actually Void Key Face, but since you don't know what you are, I wouldn't expect you to know what I am.

i bet people would pay more for dat dragon themed armor then an sea dragon anteater armor


Sure would.

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I think people are too used to the cliche of western dragons. They said they looked at dragons from every culture, not just eastern. Many cultures believe seadragon to be actual dragons. Beside the last two frames were god awful and overly cliche: Limbo and Mesa, no creativity. I'm glad this design is going back to what warframes looked like more.

 Creative, the guy has a lephantis face, ash arms, and vauben torso , they just Lego'ed the design ...


EDIT: i do like him, but its the truth

Edited by Hayzemet
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