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Chroma, The New Dragon Frame (Teased In Devstream 45, 46, Tennolive) Anticipation Megathread


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Well i personaly like most ästhetics from warframe, but im actually not shure what to think about him.

Honsestly i like the tanky fan concept much more.

Its just too organic, while, for me, it should look more like the natural armor plates of a crocodile or dinosaur.

For me it looks more like an animal/shaman frame, then like a dragon.

Edited by Dawn11715
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Wait... is this a dragon? Really? A DRAGON?!

I think that DE and the rest of the world have pretty much different "opinions" of what is a dragon and what is an infested anteater that shoots fire from his "mouth" -_-



Gotta agree he dont reminds of a dragon....

Gotta disagree here, it does look like a dragon, an actual sea dragon from the real world:


DE never specified what kind of dragon.

Edited by Meganin
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and it makes sense that you can't make your Fire look green, or Electricity red.

But why? Ember can deal with green or blue fire just fine. After all, the colour of the flame can display the entirety of the rainbow, you just have to add the right metals.

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Well i personaly like most ästhetics from warframe, but im actually not shure what to think about him.

Honsestly i like the tanky fan concept much more.

Its just too organic, while, for me, it should look more like the natural armor plates of a crocodile or dinosaur.

For me it looks more like an animal/shaman frame, then like a dragon.


 Nekros is too referred as a 'shaman' among the Tenno, if I recall correctly. It would be nice to see more of that sort of Warframes join the family!


According to datamine a while ago, the color just affect skill #1, and it is just a fire/cold/toxic breath


  This. This is what I can't wait to see. Acidic breath? Frost breath? Magnetic breath? I'm giddy with anticipation D:

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I saw this post and thought, this is gonna get SUPER ugly SUPER fast. But my opinion on the dragon frame is it looks dumb...BUT i'll look past its dumb body if they fix the head and its kissy lips... I know it actually has kissy lips at the end of its anteater snout. Oh last thing it dosent look bad or terrible its just the level of hype it destroyed and how our expectations from Edrians SUPER awesome design were not met.

Edited by NutMut123
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 Oh last thing it dosent look bad or terrible its just the level of hype it destroyed and how our expectations from Edrians SUPER awesome design.


 Indeed, this is what happens when a dev reveals a tad too much or overhypes something , the community pictures something else and the end result misses the expectations.


 I sincerely hope they add a more an alternative helmet that will change people's look on the new Warframe. After all, what's the point of a split community in a game about teamwork?

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Chroma -has- a dragon feel to it. If as a collective, someone said 'dragon', everyone would picture a Western-style reptile. Warframe has a very unique art direction to it. It's not following stereotypes as most game would and it's what makes it stand out among other games


Maybe it feels that way to you, but not to most people - especially those of us who love dragons and know their many designs well. There is no stereotype in the same way as there is no stereotype for what cats look like. Dragons are historical art, from which we have a common consensus of what a dragon is supposed to be like. Everything else are modern twists.


But we did not want modern twists; we wanted a classical dragon. I would have been fine with elements from an Asian style snake dragon, yet Chroma does not look like one, despite what some people have suggested. His body looks infested, there is neither scales nor fur, the snout does not look draconic and he is bulky instead of sleek/agile, like one would expect from a flying yet powerful reptile.


Nothing on him feels like a dragon to me, and I am a visual artist who has been looking and participating in dragon art for decades. If it does not feel draconic to me, then neither will it to most other people who know what they are talking about.

Edited by Sunfax
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striping down customisation so you have to have colored energy to *insert corrosive color here* to figth grineer and *insert magnetic collor here* to figth corpus .... welp what ever collor viral is im going with that

There will only be the basic elements, as in Fire, Ice, Electricity and Toxin.

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This post is just smug and rude. It's cool to be happy with any particular frame but just say that. Don't make an issue with people who don't happen to like it...and don't act like its as simple as liking EVERY visual choice that DE makes or liking none of them.

Eh I kinda agree, but people like different things.

Edited by NutMut123
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DE made 3 male warframes in row who really dont fit in warframe as warfrmes.How much do we need to wait to get some good male,cool,ninja warframes.I mean come on guys.This guy has head like a horse and his body is not that impressive.I think DE should really see what we want for once.I mean they could make warframe like Typhus and it would be great.That warframe is just really well desinged and idea of him is great,his looks is also cool.I can just say i would never get overhiped again.

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This is getting derailed. The original argument is that the Tenno have their own culture. Chroma is intended to be a dragon, or resemble a dragon of sorts. Cultural depictions of dragons aren't universal and can be depicted in different ways.


I wouldn't bring cultural depictions into that, because we already have a dragon depicted in game -  the Dojo statue looks exactly like the classic Asian dragon. You can make an argument that it is just a non-canon decoration or that the Orokin had a different version of a dragon in their culture but that's a stretch. Just pointing out the inconsistency here, not arguing the subjective opinion on aesthetics.  

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 My main point was to show DE there are people who are enjoying the design. But I guess the larger group who are upset with how Chroma looks like will be heard/seen more. 


 Then again, opinions. We all have them. I shared mine and I keep on looking for actual constructive criticism in the community, other than 'looks sh*t, change it'.

Like I said, saying you like it is awesome. Taste is taste and that is all good. That is not the problem.

But you can't make a statement like "your tears will bring us the underwater tileset" and then claim to want actual constructive criticism to happen....

well at least not in this thread you started.


To be clear though-the common complaint about Chroma's look is more detailed than simple "it looks bad".

There are descriptive statements about what creature it evokes in their eyes and so forth.

Considering Steve's hints and it's name being Chroma and it's element changes based on energy color...it is clear that it's at least in part inspired by chromantic dragons from Dungeons and dragons which have a specific aesthetic. Also, Scott referenced wanting to apply design inspirations from a variety of cultures...It is not illogical that people would expect a certain visual style.


Of course all of the info we got is from the gameplay design stand point and none were from the visual standpoint. So who really knows what inspirations were involved in that aspect of things. I'd say anteater and seahorse are closer to what it looks like than the European, Asian, Aztec/Mayan, or even the dragon like creatures featured in the worlds first recorded creation myth. 



  Chroma -has- a dragon feel to it. If as a collective, someone said 'dragon', everyone would picture a Western-style reptile. Say 'asian dragon' and everyone thinks Dragon Ball's Shenron. 



You might consider certain styles of dragon overused and you m ight THINK you know what everyone thinks of when they here eastern and western dragons.....but when something is said to match a certain theme yet looks nothing like ANY commonly known version of that theme...well.... Fine if DE wants to go that route but its pretty easy to fore see some player base confusion and discontent as a response. 


Personally I am not so far a fan of Chromas look, more specifically I do not like Chroma's head/helmet in particular. My hope is  that one of the alt helmets will be more my style. Just as I did not like Hydroids base helmet, I did not like his first alt helmet, but finally the third one was pretty aligned with my personal tastes. Where as the only Oberon helmet I like is the base one. Again, taste is taste and that is fine. 

The whole point of DE making a variety of helmets is to offer some visual choice.

Because "not always getting what you want" is true but can be stretched quite a bit with a few smart choices by the developers. 



Eh I kinda agree, but people like different things.

Exactly. As I said, its cool to like what we like but we can be cool to each other about it.


So yeah...let us all share our preferences but let;s be cool to each other about it.

Edited by Ronyn
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What I have learned from Chroma reaction is that there are a lot more fanboys than i thought there were, let me explain.

If this concept was made by somebody in the concept art subforums then the concept would get boo'd so badly that the moderators would be forced to lock the thread.


However, because it came out straight from DE/Mynki it's suddenly praised with "Wow, very unique", "Amazing design", "This is art!".


I'll add this as well.




What I have learned from Chroma reaction is that there are a lot more fanboys than i thought there were, let me explain.

If this concept was made by somebody in the concept art subforums then the concept would get boo'd so badly that the moderators would be forced to lock the thread.


However, because it came out straight from DE/Mynki it's suddenly praised with "Wow, very unique", "Amazing design", "This is art!".


I'll add this as well.



Nice said my friend i like how people like you exist.

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DE made 3 male warframes in row who really dont fit in warframe as warfrmes.How much do we need to wait to get some good male,cool,ninja warframes.I mean come on guys.This guy has head like a horse and his body is not that impressive.I think DE should really see what we want for once.I mean they could make warframe like Typhus and it would be great.That warframe is just really well desinged and idea of him is great,his looks is also cool.I can just say i would never get overhiped again.


We're way past the "fitting ninja frames" argument to be honest. Ash is the only true ninja.

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DE made 3 male warframes in row who really dont fit in warframe as warfrmes.How much do we need to wait to get some good male,cool,ninja warframes.I mean come on guys.This guy has head like a horse and his body is not that impressive.I think DE should really see what we want for once.I mean they could make warframe like Typhus and it would be great.That warframe is just really well desinged and idea of him is great,his looks is also cool.I can just say i would never get overhiped again.

You're right bro!! 

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(...) you can't make a statement like "your tears will bring us the underwater tileset" and then claim to want actual constructive criticism to happen....

well at least not in this thread you started.


So yeah...let us all share our preferences but let;s be cool to each other about it.


 Yes, I edited the OP- I did get ahead of myself there, I admit. And thank you for your output- a much better read than majority of comments on the forum.

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Gotta disagree here, it does look like a dragon, an actual sea dragon from the real world:


DE never specified what kind of dragon.

That is a fish, not a Dragon. Dragon is in the name, yes, but that doesn't make it a dragon. If I name my dog gorilla, he's still a dog.

A Dragon is a fictional creature with many types that all derive from different cultures. All of which come from stories. The European Dragon, the Asian Dragon, the Serpent, the Hydra, ect. A lot of the types of dragons look very different.

This fish, though? It says it was a more recently discovered species. Long after Dragons were an idea. So, some dude went: "I like dragons, and I just found this new fish, so It's a Dragon now. Take that science!".

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