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Actually Impossible To Pay For Mod Upgrading/ducat Items. Deep Explanation Within. Please Support.


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just bashed my head against the keyboard at how correct this is. with one other solution i can add: legendary cores! make them a 1x week raid drop/craftable! please and thank you!


edit: please for the love of all that is good and sane DE (assuming you are going to reintroduce them, anyway), do not make legendary cores a "super rare drop" aka 5%~ drop chance. doing so ensure that practically no one will get them and keep whatever the price would level out at as extremely high. i am borne of runescape. i know the true horror that is RNG.... so many abyssal demons...such little profit from whips....*shudders and dies a little more inside*


slightly more seriously, please let us be able to earn things like that, kinda like how we can choose what we want from baro. the RNG just knows what you want and makes sure you will almost never get it. seriously. it's some kind of malevolent ghost which only divies out proper loot for the sole purpose of spiting other players.

Edited by Retrikaethan
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Question: why do you need to rank every R10 mod and buy every item the void trader offers?


There should be a possibility of doing it for super ultra hardcore players like the OP.  If it takes him that much effort, just think about what that means for the rest of us.


It seems really backwards that the hardcore farmers are complaining about the grind and impossible goals, while the people that don't farm that much are trying to discredit them.  Even if you are a more casual gamer that doesn't care, solutions to these problems will not hurt you.

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***This is text is just for any DE moderator or manager or who cares about doing something with the game***


I support this thread, this is the first time I am logging into a game forum to stop the game company or developers to ruining themselves.


It happened with 2 games I have played and I had to stop playing


DBO: Digimon Battle Online "wemade company"


Started as a cool game, then it became a  "pay to win", a "pay to have everything you want to be the best or at least the last in the list of the best"


As I have less time that this guy SnakeWildLife, I couldn't get everything what they were releasing for, the game wanted you to continue to play all the day just to have 1 best  thing, as I work and in that time I was in the school, I hadn't all the day to spend in games, so I hitted the "impossible bar" of getting at least an "omnimon", that was the primed items of dbo, , I saw the people who spent lot of money in that game and I don't take it personal but with sadness left the game and stop playing cuz it demanded too much time, less than a year later the game had to close because almost everyone left it like me there were only the few top players who paid a lot of money in that game, and there were no customers or players enough to mantain the cost of that game.


Another game: Wolfteam International (Softyx co.) Similar to warframe about shooter and wolf powers, totally cool and popular until....became "pay to win" "pay to get the best staff" , now? this game is dead, if you log in Wolfteam just 100 or 500 cashers from arabic countries play this game, how do I know? because all the other servers, european norht american and latin american that were full, now are empty and the arabic server has a few people, and the "players quantity bar" of that server is just shamefull, after playing 4 years in that game I stopped playing too, and that game is dead now.


Now this is happening with "DMO" Digimon masters online (Joymax co.), doing the same that "wemade co." the same because it seems "Wemade" is involved in the management of this game too, repeating the same process my "Clan or Guild" was in the top 20 I played DMO for 3 years until january of 2014 were I reached again the "impossible bar" of getting the coolest and op things that the game was releasing, so I left the game after the top 10 clans left and the members of my clan also left, now in that game there are only the guys who already spent lot of money in that game, and the starter players. I don't know if they are going to close but it is not my concern since I just left it.


I found League of Legends, they are in another rank or level of management, nothing that affect the customer performance is involved with "cash", is not a pay to win game, but was the first game that I really invested money into getting only "skins" that makes me feel good, but is very optional not something that give "extra power" to become the "best" that is the reason we all play to have fun and become strongers or the best, or at least close to the "bests", is an skill game that I just wanted to find, so LOL is the first game I play and don't mind in leaving, I will keep playing.


Searching something different I found the awesome game "warframe" I thought that was doing the same kind of perspective as LOL so I started to play in decembre 2014 with the best wishes/hopes, but it seems that I was so innocent cuz I didn't knew too much about this game, carefully growing in knowledge and experience of this game, it really started to took me a lot of time to get things that affect my performance comparing with the others, I just have 1 primed mod "primed reach", only 1 and I cant reach rank 10 in any of the rank 10 mods, as many other players I thought it was matter of time, setting long term goals to achieve, but you are constantly releasing many staff that is needed in order of getting the max damage or the max range or the max health, etc. Then I heared about nerf in R5 rare fusion cores reward in t4, overpricing of ducats and so on, with my experience I smell this game was starting to rise their greed as the guy who started this thread, and I find the forums are filled with this complaints about the "economy" of the game.


If this no life guy can't get all the things, I , who do the 10% of this guy or maybe less, started to getting bored and I am not complaining about stats mod from events where I wasnt even here in the game, or the famous exca prime that I will never get, I am complaining about the "supposed" obtainable things, that are not so obtainable.


Just an example the master of my clan is a guy who started to play this game long time ago I think maybe a year or more and this guy just stop logging in daily, he log into the game once a week, and his brother too, my clanmates too, so I am really smelling that this greed is going to hurt someone and wont be me, cuz I will do the same as always, if this game becomes greed, hard, and demanding of time I will leave, I have just many other games I can play, not only me, everyone!, this game started doing everything good, but at this point this game is starting to take steps back into a new path that I know as the old style of management of an enterprise.


Just analyze RIOT games, and its star League of legends, doing tournaments all over the world without facturing for weapons or items that affect players performance and skill.


This is a proof of what I am talking about:


Digimon Masters Online (World or International game)  facebook page - > 400k likes (that can be considered as the amount of people that knows about this game and plays it)





League of legends- (Latin American server only) -> 1.1 million likes




Only their latin american server exceeds the international and global server of the old style of management of Joymax in DMO international


Why I write this wall of text?


One reason, I like the lore of this game, I like the gaming style of this game (shooter and powers almost like the another dead game Wolfteam international), I like the designs of the game. But as I can't get those items, or full my items, or fulling it when another 10 items like the one I just finished fulling were released, leaving me totally behind of the other players, I am seeing this is happening the same that the other companies, and I advise this company to take care of their desicions, reorder your objectives I have a hint: "Care in the customer" is what Riot is doing and becoming the top online games in the world, and I don't know anything about Dota or Dota 2 that as far as I know gave birth to LOL, I think they are totally more popular than LOL doing the same, with the same perspective, so take in consideration your customers your clients your players, get the right perspective and hope you can still continue in the internet as a good game, because I am slowly getting dissapointed of this game, I hope not hit again whit this greed of companies with their unsuccesfully style perspective of doing money, I hope to not leave this game because of your decisions, again I can leave, and probably you won't care in me leaving thsi game as the other companies, you will notice not only me, lots of people if not everyone leaving the game, making this game that take you too much effort to grow and make known become only ashes of what it was used to be, if not kill you like DBO or Wolfteam, so is your choice nor mine, right now I am going to play some hours of LOL beacuse I am tired of farm the whole week this game, so I will take a rest, I am on vacations, so I am spending more hours than usual in games.




Sorry for my bad english. This is my opinion with some proofs that support my opinion. Everyone can agree or argue the opposite, but I am not writing for them, I am writing for you DigitalExtremes hope you make the right for your own good if you aren't thinking in mine as player.


Warframe, don't fail me.






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Sorry no time to read entire thread, did anyone do real math on how many hours it really takes? 

I recall some one at reddit said you need to farm ~2 hrs each day for 2 weeks to afford everyhting that Baracketeer offers (not mod upgrade costs)

That seems about right regarding ducats, but thats 28hours put solely on need to acquire new stuff which may never appear again.

That will mean that nearly 4 days worth of free time(8h work/school, 8h sleep) are taken just to get enough ducats for next big stuff every 2 weeks.


Pretty big deal imo, especially that i mentioned only ducats, theres also lot of credit farming to afford new stuff and being constantly on timer.

That will mean that to get all time limited stuff you will need to farm alot and then farm even more to actually be able to use that time limited items to the fullest 
Edited by Davoodoo
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With the realisation that after all i have done, i am unable to reach what i work for.

This, right here, is my feeling.


There is only one thing I disagree with OP, Baro'Ki'Teer's stuff should ask for Ducats-only, as it's description states, not Ducats+Credits.

Edited by Rodox2
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OP i am 100% with u on this one

I am MR 18 guy. which have almost everything i need in the game 

By seeing how long u play and how much time u put on this game a day i can see it clearly that this economy needs to change.


Personaly at first time void trader appear i think its gonna be easy to get all his stuff from now on, because u can sell ur unused prime parts/bp to get it, but.....last night, i was doing like 30 T4 C runs with my friend, i even buy a booster so that i can get double credits. After that i go to relay to exchange all that prime stuff to ducat, resulting a far from enough ducat to get his next stuff.


I Think DE should look at your point, youre a vet player, put so much time and money on the game, yet you realize sometime later this whole stuff from void trader are imposible to get and imposible to rank up. Your experience in this game should describe it clearly that it is imposible for us, and its making new player think 1000 times before they can enjoy this game.

And for all of u naysayers you can keep your opinions to your self, kep this thread civil, thanks.


Edited by EagleHawkz25
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Well I just finished reading all the posts here. It is a concerning issue, and I felt that I should read what was posted to see both sides of the fence.


I'm disappointed to see so much hate towards how the OP chooses to spend his time. Sorry, but if he wants to spend that much time ingame, he has his reasons and doesn't require "medical attention" because of it. He also doesn't need to live/play how any of us "think he should" and nor does he have to explain his choice to us. If any one has a problem with the point he is trying to make, address that, and not attack the player and how he chooses to use his time.



I have a few of the new primed mods (idk how many, 4 maybe? lol) just sitting there, waiting until I can get enough credits/cores to be able to even start looking at their upgrades. 1mill creds goes nowhere these days and they take me a while to earn. With strict NAT limitations and my "average skill at best" I am limited in my choices for go to spots for creds.


The main thing for me is actually getting prime parts. Most of them are only 10 ducats each, and some were recently dropped in value. As someone else said, the parts worth 50, are probably worth more sold in plats (something else I can't do) than flogging off to the trader.


I remember them saying that Baro was going to be a sinkhole for trash prime parts.. unfortunately, that only applies to those players who extensively farmed Void pre-trader. For the rest of us its only a few parts here and there.

I was surprised when they added the credits + ducats... I thought that was the point of having ducats? Why invent an entirely new currency, if you are going to charge the old one too. Should be 'either' 'or', not both.

Dual currency was just meant to make the grind more for no real purpose. I also saw the credit cost increase, again for no real purpose.



I agree with the OP about Baro & ducats.

I'm undecided on the cost to max rank out primed mods because it hasn't really affected my game play (I'm still able to use the old ones I maxed out without problem). Primed are just a nice boost, but not a necessity.

Getting enough ducats before Baro turns up for his incredibly short stay however, is.


Baro's return to a relay is quite stressful if you have bad luck in getting prime parts in any decent volume (remember, I have strict NAT, so don't tell me to just "join a squad" and farm something like T4 def - it doesn't work.) This does come down to want. Yes I want them. I have MR 16 now and I've seen how long it takes for these things to come back into circulation. The prime mods are a nice shiny to have.

Some builds are impossible on my weapons because I missed events (either before I started playing, or because I wasn't capable of doing it solo with strict NAT). so I'm really loving the Spy 2.0. But while I'm playing that, I'm not earning prime parts lol and spy 2.0 only pays out in 2k amounts for "credit cache". That payout is borderline insulting, but its not why I run the missions.



It's not even the grind that bothers me as much as the 2 week cycling and 2 day appearance of the trader himself. Before you could grind away for something and eventually, after some time, obtain it - you no longer have that luxury. It's the added pressure to grind that I have to admit I don't like.




TL;DR: Ducat system, and the frequency of the void trader (and the duration of his stay) need to be revised and reconsidered.

Edited by AhkNemet
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Well here are a few things that may be of relevance to the discussion :


1.  If it is available it should be possible to obtain


2.  The grind wall and RNG tactics need to be changed and one solution that a group of the community have been ironing out is Tactic Selections.


More info on this can be located here : https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/383582-tactic-selections-putting-a-stop-to-macro-farming-rng-and-grind-walls/#entry4231027


3.  When the grind gets harder, we start to notice a familiar pattern occur.


a.)  Players cry at the grind and are ignored for the most part


b.)  Players accept their fate and begin to find the most efficient way of beating the grind


c.)  DE Nerf this approach or make it irrelevant


d.)  Macro Farmers, Bug Abusers etc... walk on in and begin to harvest the maps and clean them out .. they sell rewards for plat and they are the only ones benefiting from the cycle (a > c)




It should become apparent that if you are continuously trying to plug up holes in a leaking boat.. it might be a good idea to just buy a new boat made from better materials.  The age-old saying, "if you keep doing what you are doing.. you will keep getting what you are getting" can certainly apply here.


Change needs to occur at a fundamental level to target the motivations behind so many of the problems in the game.  Tactic Selections didn't even take the group that long to arrive at after a few pages of brainstorming and I'm not saying it is the one stop shop to fix it all but it sure has potential to make a big dent in the issue.


The problem of obtaining things like fusion cores and credits could also be balanced out more along with the costs and demands put on players to obtain all possible available content.


The argument, "Just because it is there, doesn't mean you have to obtain it" seems to be a broken statement in the context of an MMO like Warframe.


The thing that will separate 2 equally skilled players in Warframe is their equipment.  (mods, weapons, frames etc)  As the game trends to become more PvP competitive, we will see an even greater demand to need to own all possible mods, guns and other equipment etc.


Anything that gives an edge is and should be obtained in the context of a competitive game.  These are not cosmetic items we are talking about. the items we are discussing are ones that have an impact on the players' ability to perform better and as such, are not simply  "there".


The items that the discussion is focused on are being stated as "available for all players to obtain" and yet it is made clear in the opening post that this is not a factual or true scenario since it is more or less offering players things they can't actually obtain and is therefore a false or misleading proposition.



Remedy is fairly simple and I do believe should be taken into strong consideration by DE.

Edited by Jax_Cavalera
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You heard the crewman, play nice. Secondly, I thought the primed mods were going into rotation, so you don't have to buy everything every two weeks.

You do need to buy everything because like you say primed mods will be in rotation ,but the ways it look , everything will get primed , so to get primed mod rotation you need first to finish releasing them , there is alot of mod just imagine the time required to get them all keep in mind it's 2 every two there is 470 MOD total (source wiki , or you can count in your codex...) so I'll probably do wrong math since I'm great at this , 470 / 2 = 235 Time that the trader must come to relay , 235 time but every 14 Day ...(I won't try to do the math for this one) so let's say If the plan is to release each time two mod every 2 week we're ready for one or two year before rotation


TL;dl : you're going to wait alot before primed mod in rotation get your plat's ready if you miss any

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i'm seeing the same words again, so let's change things up a bit.

i have always been able to buy whatever i want in Warframe, without feeling it. my Credits are stable, all of my Currencies are stable. they don't really go up, but they also don't really go down.

i don't play the game all day and all night. i don't only play this or that Key Mission or specific Mission.

blah blah.

yet, everything is very nicely within grasp.

with that in mind, all i can see are Players who want to be '360 extreme hardcore', yet aren't.

if hardcore farming so you can buy a thousand of everything and upgrade it in an hour isn't you, then it just isn't you.

but to suggest that this one branch of goal has too much goal in it, is ridiculous.

the items are for Veteran Players. through and through. they're superfluous, not necessary in the game, and very expensive for most Players other than Veterans.

so if you aren't that kind of Player, you shouldn't be expecting to yell "DONE!!!!!!111oneone" 5 minutes after the starting bell sounds.

infact, if you take a moderate amount of time to reach that 'done' stage, then you will keep good pace with the game, and you'll have that carrot to chase that you're making very clear you need in the game. so you're getting what you want, but you're saying that you don't want it.

'you' being a vague term not pointing at anyone in particular. 'you' know who 'you' are.

Edited by taiiat
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i'm seeing the same words again, so let's change things up a bit.

i have always been able to buy whatever i want in Warframe, without feeling it. my Credits are stable, all of my Currencies are stable. they don't really go up, but they also don't really go down.

i don't play the game all day and all night. i don't only play this or that Key Mission or specific Mission.

blah blah.

yet, everything is very nicely within grasp.

with that in mind, all i can see are Players who want to be '360 extreme hardcore', yet aren't.

if hardcore farming so you can buy a thousand of everything and upgrade it in an hour isn't you, then it just isn't you.

but to suggest that this one branch of goal has too much goal in it, is ridiculous.

the items are for Veteran Players. through and through. they're superfluous, not necessary in the game, and very expensive for most Players other than Veterans.

so if you aren't that kind of Player, you shouldn't be expecting to yell "DONE!!!!!!111oneone" 5 minutes after the starting bell sounds.

infact, if you take a moderate amount of time to reach that 'done' stage, then you will keep good pace with the game, and you'll have that carrot to chase that you're making very clear you need in the game. so you're getting what you want, but you're saying that you don't want it.

'you' being a vague term not pointing at anyone in particular. 'you' know who 'you' are.


I see your point and agree that being skilled at a game and wanting to be skilled are 2 very different things.  If this were a case of players not having skills and wanting to have everything the game has to offer.. then I would jump on board right away with all that you are selling.


The offered rewards are not superfluous (unnecessary, especially through being more than enough) they are the difference between a player/clan/alliance winning future PvE competitions or PvP games.


To try and claim that Primed Flow or Primed Continuity etc are unnecessary is a fairly inaccurate statement.  I agree that in the context of regular PvE, these mods won't dramatically hurt the outcome of a mission all the time, however with the introduction of Primed Flow, Energy Tanking regular frames like Mag has become possible.  You could never do this effectively prior to the introduction of Primed Flow as Mag and similar frames have an energy pool that is far too low to make this work well.


Prime Continuity is the difference between Nova priming most of a room and priming everything in the current room plus parts of adjacent rooms.  This advantage has bigger ramifications than may be apparent at first glance.  Consider that now enemies are slowed in movement speed before they even reach a point where they have Line of Sight on you.. THAT is a huge benefit and will allow players with such benefits to go beyond anything those without them are capable of achieving 


So in terms of being able to farm better, the mods are necessary in reducing how challenging grind walls are.  In terms of competitive gameplay (comps and pvp) these mods will decide the victor between 2 evenly skilled players I guarantee you this.  If your enemy is slowed down before they even know where you are because they are 1 room away, it's hard to try and pass that off as an unnecessary advantage.  Being able to remain Invisible for longer than your opponent.. again hard to pass off as unnecessary advantage.  Being able to take more damage via Energy Tank  (QT+Primed Flow) build.. another clear advantage.


And that is just using 2 of the many mods released as examples so yeah what I mentioned in my previous post would be applicable here.  If something is pure cosmetic.. it is unnecessary.. if it performs a function.. then it can't just be written off as "take it or leave it"

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Void Trader goods are rare. They're expensive, and they have a certain weight to them that other goods don't. Don't try to get everything, save up your money and learn to spend it.


That said, the goods are also ridiculously expensive at times. 600 ducats is a lot for a weapon, considering how much time goes into farming that many parts for that many ducats.

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Sorry no time to read entire thread, did anyone do real math on how many hours it really takes? 

I recall some one at reddit said you need to farm ~2 hrs each day for 2 weeks to afford everyhting that Baracketeer offers (not mod upgrade costs)

It is likely fairy accurate.


If we work on the basis of the 1100 ducats each round the trader appears..

- About 15 mins on average per prime piece (and idle time like load screens).  This may seem a bit high but keep in mind that would cover not only farming for the prime piece but for the key as well.  Also lets face it we have all likely done a 4 stage endless and gotten no prime piece for the effort (mine the other day was core, core, forma BP, forma BP).

Sure you can do it faster, but you can also do it much slower if RNG is spiting you.


So worst case is only 10 ducats per part (the only guarenteed value) thus 110 parts (potentially 100+ odd missions), thus some 1650 mins.  So about 27.5 hours, just for ducats.

- If we say 15 ducats is average return per prime piece then we are looking at about 1 ducat per minuite, or aproximatly 20 hours (18.333 to be exact).


Problem is the Void trader stock is akin to event rewards (limited offer gear with no idea when they will return).  It is the same event every two weeks too.  DE has moved away from those heavily grindy events we had initially.

Edited by Loswaith
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I'm starting to feel the strain of these costs, and I'm coming towards the end of my backup cache of goods to trade to the void trader. 


Not so worried about leveling up the mods asap, since its much easier to get cores than it has ever been.


Hopefully DE will address this soon.

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1 - you're using cores when you should use regular mods 1st, you have 11k duplicates, use them

2 - these mods are meant to reward players who place an effort in raising them over time, in short these are not mandatory to do whatever you want and it's a long term goal, not a 2 week one

3 - choose carefully what to raise and what not to raise, raising mods you don't use sounds fun but it is in it's most basic concept a fail.

okay dude I'm sorry but what?

1-you know those duplicates cost more than using cores right? they aren't all gonna be the same polarity so you're gonna have to use more so means more cost


2-you do realize there's also a section for the ducats cost? so even if you aren't gonna raise them it's still high AF.


3- you know he's literally got nothing to do in game but farm for these new primed mods....raising these mods is all he has left so might as well set a goal to raise the mods he still won't use even if it's a fail, rather than just quitting the game all together.

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The offered rewards are not superfluous:


Event Scores

bad Gameplay Strategies

if it performs a function.. then it can't just be written off as "take it or leave it"

PvP in Warframe is a joke. it's going to continue being a joke atLEAST until the dedicated PvP department actually balances it. that's going to take a considerable amount of time, to rebalance the entire game.

in the meantime, which is the foreseeable future, it's not applicable. Toxin Damage backed up with Magnetic or Radiation is already a one shot win. everything else in PvP is superfluous because of that.

Event Scores are just a joke. there's always, and i mean ALWAYS, community drama about Event Scores because there's always some people that are cheating. every single time.

competitive Event Scores are only worth your time if you close your eyes and pretend that some of the things that are happening aren't happening.

yes, so you can make this or that Ability more powerful. kay.

that's nice. you clearly could play the game before.

that's a nice definition of what's Superfluous or not. it clashes with something though.


exactly that is what i am talking about. for customization and having possibilities for Playstyles, Primed Mods are Superfluous.

we have them, but don't need them by any means.

therefore they are not an intrinsic self throat slit over. the things these Mods create are not necessary, and really we don't have anything in the game that places their purpose for existing in the first place. not the stats, atleast. the continued carrot on a stick for those that need it however, by all means.

there's a clearly outlined two steps to these Mods.

acquiring them, and upgrading them.

step one is the only one that you're even remotely time crunched on. you could always just wait a while if you don't have time. otherwise, playing the Game will most certainly allow you to afford them. if one Mission Type is starting to become dull, change it up, do some different Mission Types. change up your Equipment. Et Cetera.

it doesn't really matter if you take some time to complete step two. there isn't any sort of time crunch, you can just play the game and completing step two will come for the ride.

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there's a clearly outlined two steps to these Mods.

acquiring them, and upgrading them.

step one is the only one that you're even remotely time crunched on. you could always just wait a while if you don't have time. otherwise, playing the Game will most certainly allow you to afford them. if one Mission Type is starting to become dull, change it up, do some different Mission Types. change up your Equipment. Et Cetera.

it doesn't really matter if you take some time to complete step two. there isn't any sort of time crunch, you can just play the game and completing step two will come for the ride.


"A while" is putting it mildly. I estimated a few pages back that there are roughly 200 R5 mods available for priming. Assuming DE doesn't release any more and Baro's release schedule stays as it has been that's a whopping 100 visits minimum to get through them all. That's just shy of four years. Games have risen and fallen in less time then that.

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Hey OP, don't you dare lose heart to the naysayers. You laid out exactly what needed to be said for the sake of the entire community. In any online game like Warframe that is in perpetual Beta development mode, you will ALWAYS encounter members of the playerbase that will vehemently defend the flawed development decisions that suits their personal gameplay goals and desires. Change is tough for most people to swallow, but nothing improves without it. Ignore the opposition; they missed the entire point of this: The current model of the Warframe F2P grind system is unsustainable.

Besides all that's already been said, I think the very root of the most recent problems that complicate the economy is none other than Void Trader Baro himself and his disgusting exploitation of the Tenno with his filthy Ducky currency. Everytime he appears, I have nothing but loathing towards him. He is not worthy of being in the presence of the space ninja SAVIORS OF MANKIND. He's like a Ferengi in Star Trek (never trust a Ferengi).

Who is Baro really (besides his clever real life DE creator)? Where in the void does he get all these unique goods, and how does he obtain them? What gives him the authority to sell these things to us andto force a terrible new currency on us that creates even more wretched grind in this game? Screw him. I understand making deals with syndicates by doing work for them, we earn favors and gear in turn, but Baro is robbing us of advanced Orokin technology that rightfully belongs to the Tenno.

No...enough with the lore breaking insidious grind fest crap that Baro represents. We are Tenno. We should put 1000 skanas through him, take his void access codes/keys, and eject his sorry thieving carcass out the relay airlock. Then we venture out and claim the primed mods and shiny prisma on our own through the usual RNG. I think that's a fair solution to the game's economic problems.


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200 R5s in however many months you said (3) was honestly pathetic. Back when T4S wasn't nerfed you could easily get 25-40 cores per 40minute run. 


Edit: not to mention iirc it takes exactly 528 cores and like 1.7million credits to max a R10.

Edit2: Yah, Here ya go fresh off the prints.


Edit3: Primed mods are hard to max yes. But its not impossible in the slightest. For your "3" months of 16 hours of play a day, you must be the most inefficient person to exist. Honestly don't see how you're pulling these numbers.

Edited by LuxLo
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take a hint from Nightmare / Dual Stat and Corrupted Mods.

we ain't even close with those Set Types of Mods to having all of them represented in all sets.

so that isn't going to happen. i mean no offense when i say Digital Extremes doesn't have the 'attention span' to ride one thing that long.

we'll get some from Mods here and there, it'll cover the basics and some other niches, and then Digital Extremes will move on to another style of carrot on a stick.

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