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Hotfix 15.16.2


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So they destroyed Excavations in general because of how the spawning system worked in the game mode itself? Great, been using Triton ever since R5 Packs were given there. Because and i know i'm now the only one, DEAD tired of the void, i rather do excavation which i enjoy and get packs from it and good xp. Instead of doing voids which after countless of runs are just down right boring. 

But no, instead you guys change the Excavation in general because ''E-Gate'' ? 

And lets not forget the AFK timer which is just broken, when people actually doing something gets marked as AFK because they are not moving. Which spoiler alert, in high level content you end up finding a spot and sitting there holding your ground.


So now what, where are we getting R5 Packs now that Triton and Excavation in general is just destroyed, because i am really not going back into the Void...Please tell me.

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But no, instead you guys change the Excavation in general because ''E-Gate'' ? 


remember the first Viver nerf? It was a totally irrational nerf in panic just to stop people doing it. later they went back and redid it in a more sensible way. I'm hoping that's the case here too, no need to nerf it across the board... just fix the specific problem.


my guess since e-gate went public was that they would fix that specific spawn glitch but also remove or meganerf greedy pull. i love greedy pull but it can be quite a bit too useful on a handful of afk/power use heavy setups and tactics.


Nullifiers has also been used in the past to nerf stuff.

Edited by dddeath
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remember the first Viver nerf? It was a totally irrational nerf in panic just to stop people doing it. later they went back and redid it in a more sensible way. I'm hoping that's the case here too, no need to nerf it across the board... just fix the specific problem.


my guess since e-gate went public was that they would fix that specific spawn glitch but also remove or meganerf greedy pull. i love greedy pull but it can be quite a bit too useful on a handful of afk/power use heavy setups and tactics.


Nullifiers has also been used in the past to nerf stuff.

Plenty of abilities+augments that help with afk/power use and so forth, i also hope they tone it back so the mode can be rewarding again.

But in term of AFK timer they are really going overboard, the whole ''hotfix'' is overboard i say. HOPEFULLY they change it back considering this is just as bad as Viver nerf.

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I would be lying if I would say I am pleased. It was already pretty long since Update 15 came out in February when you were originally planning to release this Update 16, then you set a new goal of early March: https://warframe.com/news/devstream-47-overview but you missed that mark it seems unless it comes out today. I can not say I am pleased because while I might understand your intention to release it next week due to anniversary of this game going open Beta, it still reflects poorly on this game itself in that too much content all at once is never a good business practice, nor is putting off the release simply to hit a personal mark of something significant at the expense of customers, especially those who are paying ones.

Now of course this is based on a mere assumption so take it as it is but if that is the real case then that is bad, that is bad for DE and that is especially bad for the customers who have been waiting to get something to do for so long. If the Update 16 is released next Wednesday 18th March then it is a whole month of no new content for players which is probably some of the longest periods of time whereby players have had nothing to do and add insult to injury, the longest time there has been Update either.

I don't know what the case of E-Gate is all about as I did not even knew it existed nor would I have personally used it. However if the feedback is anything to take on then I would suppose that the changes to AFK are punishing all players in all modes due to the actions of some players without actually addressing any of the real reasons why people cater towards exploits or standing still behavior or enemy spawn patterns to begin with. Punishing players for merely applying and using the mechanics you created is not the proper response to this sort of issue.

As for the change to the Hydroid augment, I am starting to wonder if the application of these specific augments are even thought about before they are released. Mag Greedy Pull being another one of those that caused the AFK and spawn mechanic changes in modes simply because of bad choice of augment application and now Hydroid too? A Warframe that is already notoriously nearly useless in the eyes of public perception and the only thing he probably would be taken primarily is now taken away? Look. I sort of understand this but I do still wonder where is the design logic in this if all it ends up doing is reverting and punishing players for being creative and clever, applying the mechanics you set to create in the first place.

And I do understand the concern of a lot of players saying that how come old bugs, some of which are a huge problem to certain players barely get addressed or fixed at all but things like these, that do affect your sales are quickly and swiftly fixed and then even so far as to being labeled as important fixes. Well they are important fixes for sure but to whom? Not to the community and the fixes that community has been talking about for some time now do indeed seem to be conveniently forgotten wheres issues like these are dealt with no time. It is suspicious and it indeed does imply where the priorities stand and it is not customers it sometimes seems.

Don't get me wrong. While I am a harsh critic I am not mad or angry. I do understand where others are coming from and I do also recognize these obvious issues that anyone can observe for as long as they want to be honest and critical about what is going on with the game. This is my honest straight forward feedback, it is not meant to insult anyone but to point out issues where obvious and apparent.

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I regret to be a founder just cause the afk thingy :) is broken i was trying to hit Energy Vampire and was not able to get energy in the whole game ... what does a trinity does ? give energy what i cant do now? give energy cause if i stand for 10 seconds trying to hit someone from far with EV i will get "Energy Banned" till we extract.

instead of fix your spawn problems or delete greedy mag you just nerf whole excavation... at least at survival to all planets so we can still farm with Endless enemies... Excavation on Earth Cambria was so good for Ferrite, Neurodes, Rubedo but no no more endless enemies ... pls add at least 1 survival per planet then cause Earth Does not have a good Survival... and so on Defence is SO SLOW the amount of enemies are not High enough...

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You can't violate forum rules when you say something bad. There's a difference.

still no fix for forum rules loophole. if you say something bad about someone indirectly, its not a violation. if you say something bad directly you get warning instantly.

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You can't violate forum rules when you say something bad. There's a difference.

I dont want to sound rude or to tell you what to do but can you guys pls fix the Afk update? was standing trying to EV (Energy Vampire) With trinity and for real... was not able to get energy cause was trying to hit enemies from far and i was Stand Still , give us like a little message on the Hud or on the chat : "Hey you been afk x amount of time move or get energy banned!",  cause i dont know if that was intended (not able to get energy in whole game till you finish that mission) or is just bugged... 

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Yes you are correct it exists in every game in one form or another. I've never seen it at quite the level as it is in Warframe though. Having said that as per my big post before, I think that Warframe is better than all the other FTP games I've played thus far with regards to not paygating it's content and for that reason I think I will continue playing it.


Well now whos to blame that maxing mod is such pain in the arse for newbies? and that those mods are so friggin crucial in some strategy for missions? It's clearly not people who r recruiting.

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Edit: Well played, well played

So E Gate is Dead and still nothing new to do since .. 5 weeks?

No new weapons, no new stuff to farm or grind ..

The disappointment is big

Then go do something else. Holy Lotus, I don't understand some of the people on the forums.  I myself am enjoying Hegemony Rome: Rise of Ceasar while we wait for U16....got it for $.49 in a bundle on Bundle Star.

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rip e gate,F*** DE,keep do prime mods and delete every way to get rare cores,game all about grind,but all time when players find something to make grind faster you shut them down,ok i go farm t4 survive for 10 cores/day thx DE.

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I rarely post on the forums in games I play, preferring to lurk in the shadows while eating popcorn. But I'll come out and put in my two cents:


The AFK timer is not being implemented in an ideal way. For one, the https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/381637-update-159/page-10#entry4211727 '> explanation of how it works was okay for end of mission rewards, but now with this "you won't get energy thing?" It's back to being pretty vague. The result of this? Tenno playing with fear. I do not like playing with fear, I do not like playing with others who have fear. Not knowing if my efforts will be for not is a really bad feeling. The solution to moochers/exploits is not to punish the entire playerbase with a vague mechanic that potentially ruins the roles of several frames (potentially! Again, it's vague - I've read several forum threads and I'm not the only one who's confused).


For example, I don't know if I can play as a Banshee (or other continuous, unmoving ability users like Mesa, Nyx, hydroid, etc.) aiding my team and getting punished for using a frame the way it was partially designed to be used (I mean really, these frames cannot move at all while using some of their abilities, and in tough defenses, they have to keep those abilities going). Every moment is precious to a Tenno in combat, especially a group of Tenno relying on each other. The solution to this is more clarity about how AFK works - because it's a huge change, even though it may seem like a little thing, it's really not. It underlies the mentality of every mission. But I have a better idea in general.


My suggestion as an alternative to the AFK timer is to establish an automatic weighted system of performance. For example, if you, as a player, get into lots of missions and deal 0 damage, you might be a Nekros or something helping your team, so that's fine...but If you get into a mission and deal 0 damage, and use 0 abilities, you gain negative weight. As this negative weight accumulates with more missions that you shamefully mooch, the AFK demon starts to pay attention to you a lot more. Your AFK liberties rapidly diminish, with a minimum of say, 1 minute (pretty harsh! but I have no pity for the moocher). The max cap for all Tenno would be...~15-20 minutes (even 30, hey, I like survival), and new Tenno would start with say, 7 minutes. You can lose negative weight by being a good Tenno, but it takes much more effort to lose negative weight than gain it, similar to real life and being fat. You can view this reputation-like statistic in your profile...as well as view it in the profiles of others.


In addition to this, an option to vote-to-kick or vote-to-authenticate fellow Tenno for "Being AFK" will show up in every cell member's menu if one (or more) of the cell members is targeted by the AFK demon. This option isn't a POPUP popup, it just appears in that menu that shows up when you press escape. You can toggle in your preferences whether or not you want to auto-vote for kick or authenticate (by default, the option just stays there until votes are accrued, and by default, all Tenno authenticate because we like to believe we live in a perfect world). A majority kick vote is required for kick to occur, and any authentication vote nullifies the kick vote for the next AFK cycle. Kicking does not remove the Tenno from the party, but they will lose anything that was gained during the mission up to the point of being kicked, and will not be able to pick up anything except energy and health orbs. Well, they'll keep affinity up to the point of being kicked of course. Why not kick them from party? Well, you will hurt your fellow Tenno with the loss of that 4th CP or ES aura, won't ya? Getting reward-kicked adds to the negative weight mentioned above (votes to kick you have no effect on the negative weight, only the majority vote going through does). Authentication does nothing except reset the AFK cycle for that mission. If your cell has voted to kick you, your game will turn grayscale, and your frame will turn into a black silhouette (visible to all, kinda like a black loki decoy), a shell of a shameful Tenno. You can plea to be unkicked, have the negative weight for that kick removed, and rewards restored...but good luck with that!


This could lead to more community service profile factors, such as niceness vs. troll behavior (bouncy vaubans and portal novas and limbos not letting you carry datamasses through hallways? Spamming elevator button so that nobody can get off ever? BLEH) Slap them with a label - the game will check to see if these abilities/actions have been used, and if they have been, the label will turn into a negative social point. Over time, the amount of negative points will be mostly reflective of the true Tenno - since there's no positive votes, you can't just get alts on and upvote your own butt. They will show up in your profile and that's that, they shouldn't affect how your Tenno gets rewarded for missions. Although...the automatic party joining system could be adjusted so that players with negative play social points have lower que priority. I digress: AFK timer needs clarity, and it could be better.


Regarding E-Gate: yeah that nerf was coming. It was poorly handled - why nerf spawn rates into the ground and make an entire mission type super easy, instead of fixing the tile/spawn rates? A larger issue: loot in general. DE, do you know why some honest players keep searching for loot caves? Because you tease us with stuff like R5 stacks in survival, and then take them away. I know how that makes me feel - like anything else I do is a waste of time. Like, why would I eat this cookie, when I can have THIS ENTIRE CAKE? Oh, the cake is a lie. (I had to make the joke! I had to! I'm sorry!) I feel like Warframe hotfixes have turned into a game of whack-a-mole, where the moles are exploits and the hammer is the "fix" for said exploit. But the entire whack-a-mole game is still powered by the hammer wielder. This Video about the "Age of  Warframe Nerfs" describes the potential logic behind this whack-a-mole pattern pretty well.


Great game, love it, been playing for ages. You usually listen, so, I'll just go back to eating my popcorn now.


EDIT: yeah, BB code, not...other stuff I'm used to.

Edited by Asternova
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rip e gate,keep do prime mods and delete every way to get rare cores,game all about grind,but all time when players find something to make grind faster you shut them down,ok i go farm t4 survive for 10 cores/day thx DE.


quoted without profanity so it atleast this one wont get deleted.


also, add 5-packs of rare cores as syndi offerings for 10k rep if you want to keep players happy and not trying to find a way to bypass the grindwalls.

Edited by dddeath
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Just wanna say DEAD Banshee, DEAD Mesa for having 4th ability considered as afk. Pls work on them in future patch as they are utterly useless with ur afk system. Heck yeah, I can keep staying afk for 200 seconds straight till all my energy depleted.

Edited by Brangien
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The AFK timer is not being implemented in an ideal way. For one, the explanation of how it works was okay for end of mission rewards, but now with this "you won't get energy thing?" It's back to being pretty vague. 


DERebecca explains in that post that:

"Players will now be disqualified from end-of-mission rewards if they've been dead or AFK for over a minute.  This will not affect players that are waiting at extraction."


This is not true. I was curious and tested it. The AFK timer is active even at the extraction. I didn't have time to test it in the mission with rewards at the end, so, I don't know if aside from not replenishing the energy (while being at the extraction) you would also lose the end-mission reward.


All in all. Nice. The game becomes less and less boring. It motivates you to be more engaged and active. Lots of physical activity is good for the health of your frames. ;) :D

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So, before, after a little amount of time during my banshee ult, I stop getting xp.

That was sad (especially in high level missions when you get one shot with your paper frame)

Then i get no energy from Energy vampire.

And now i get no energy at all. And I am NOT AFK, just maintaining my ult, a boring task but essential given the difficulty of some missions (tactical for exemple).


Yeah, cool, so much fun playing the game as it is meaned to be played and getting no reward. You had to nerf it further, with higher priority than U16. You better don't miss your U16, I probably won't bother playing (and paying anymore) if it misses it's mark...


My group was arounf 8 at the open beta launch playing warframe. Now we're more or less 2, and all leaved because of some choices of the devs (confusing UI, more grinds, etc) Don't underestimate the impact of such update on your playerbase.

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This fix is like the stamina fix long time ago :D. Please fix the AFK and missing rewards, could care less about e-gate, there will always be loot caves. And yeah I was considering to start playing Hidroid only cause of the boss loot multiplier, but meh.

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