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Hotfix 16.0.2


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Thanks DE, for making my favourite frame useless again.


Blind is still crap, Super Jump is still useless, and now you decide to go ahead and re-implement LoS back into his ult.

This makes his ult practically useless indoors, especially in a large room with quite a bit of cover. You just nerfed him to the ground


Instead of re-implementing LoS, maybe you could have done a makeshift one: make it target all enemies in range, and turn the "Skanas" into actual homing projectiles with certain punch-through. This way, at least it would make clearing targets hiding behind cover way easier, while making thick walls impossible to penetrate. There. We all win.


At least make Excals useful, damnit.

Edited by HatchetHaro
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Nice fixes, but there is still no fix for not being able to hack with controllers. Well, I only tested it for grineer hacks, but it doesn't work with a XBOX Controller anymore.

Also, there is still no fix for helios scanning everything (even if the codex entry is already finished) after you had to revive.

And there is a little bug with the icons of collected items (from the floor). If you found a colour piece (mutalist red for me), some icons in this match are showing their own icon and the colour icon in front of it (I would post a screenshot, but i don't know how) 

I hope to resolve as soon as possible.

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Too... low...


*throws hands up*


Sorry, I can't agree with this, it feels longer than Halo.


Only if you use the wrong items and/or miss most of your shots (which some guns are prone to).  :P  Most weapons are crap but there's a few that aren't.  The only upside over CoD is the range of engagement is a lot shorter most of the time so you get actual duels instead of being sniped or shot from cover from halfway across the map.

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Excal again? Really? What's the meaning of the feedback you devs get? Everyone hated the LoS change before, so what changed? Maybe as its a big update full of features, and you rolled it back in a sneaky way (conveniently not telling us anything), you expected it to go unnoticed? 


You better buff Excal a looooot to make up for this nerf... Im not talking about buffs like super jump one, serious stuff.


Again I wonder why Excal?! How many abilities go through walls? Are you nerfing every single one of them?

If this is all about the rep/xp farms, congrats for picking the cheapest, silliest solution instead of looking at the thing as a whole. 

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PSA: Excalibur Radial Javelin


We understand there is some confusion regarding Radial Javelin’s recent adjustment.  Our original version of the power had built in Line of Sight, and was never intended to push through terrain.  As such, Radial Javelin as it currently stands is functioning as it was always intended to.  We apologize for the confusion this has caused and will do better to communicate these refinements in the future.



BullS#&$. I remember the details explained of Radial blind and Radial javelin.  Might even link em. Radial Javelin was not said to be LoS. You did speak on editing Radial blind. But not javelin in this manner. This is like a bad wank joke. Come on DE.

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Megan with the black text again -___-


Re-nerfing Excal after the overwhelming response from the community, which inevitably had it reversed.

DE apologising for the way it was handled, admitted that it was a panic move but was as intended for the future of some powers (back to the drawing board).


Answer: Wait a few months... re-nerf in a massive update and hope it gets swept under the rug?


This is lazy.


Maybe we need a "Year of Communication" instead?

 A thousand times this.

You had put LoS on Excals ult before.


Alright you change it back to no LoS.

Months later, let's put LoS back on Excals ult.



Seriously though, what is the thought process here because this S#&$ just ain't making sense.

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Phage, quanta,  thunderbolt Attica, Boar Prime, Drakgoon, Glaxion, Ignis, Kohm, Opticor, Penta,  Torid, Synapse, Amprex, Angstrum, Castana's, etc.


Some aim = point in vague direction and things die?  Ok then, I'll just take my high explosive, massive spread, AOE status effect guns and go shoot in the general direction of things instead of, oh I don't know?  Using the powers that SELL this games combat!  If I wanted to play random-shooter 5000 IN SPACE EDITION.  I'd go play that.  I continue playing this game because the powers are varied, unique and are fun to use.  His Radial Javelin is no longer fun to use, it get's me killed trying to kill things with it, even when I'm not spamming it and using it tactically = bad design choice.  Simple as that.

Are u seriously comparing THUNDERBOLT and continuous  fire weapons with radial javelin spam? no comment.

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It's crap like this, mutalist, and manics that makes it seem like DE gets idolizes EA, trying to alienate every sensible community member they still have left.

Step 1: Have all nuke silos tied to Warframe updates

Step 2: Have them check for a Warframe update that doesn't screw over players with thoughless nerfs, broken enemies, or other unjustifiable problems, and trigger the nukes if such an update comes out

Step 3: we're safe from World War 3 forever.

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Very disappointed not only in the change to Radial Javelin but the fact that DE failed to even mention such a change in the notes especially given the amount of feedback that occurred the last time this happened.


And by the way, just to remind, still no fix for


Excalibur's broken immortal skin channeling effect.





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Very disappointed not only in the change to Radial Javelin but the fact that DE failed to even mention such a change in the notes especially given the amount of feedback that occurred the last time this happened.


And by the way, just to remind, still no fix for


Excalibur's broken immortal skin channeling effect.






My god when are they gonna fix that?!?! And still no word from DE.......I'm scared.

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after i paied 375 plat on chroma and was having fun till i hit lvl 30 then when i went back to the normal game to find my hero lost his powers and became useless so i guess no warframe till you fix this BS 
and you shouuld trash proto skin cuz it make no sence now no one will buy a 150p skin even if its cool for non playable frame 
i almost forgot you did good killing synoid gammacore and kohm the only usable shotgun 
this update brought many bad changes the bright of the new things cant hide them 

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PSA: Excalibur Radial Javelin


We understand there is some confusion regarding Radial Javelin’s recent adjustment.  Our original version of the power had built in Line of Sight, and was never intended to push through terrain.  As such, Radial Javelin as it currently stands is functioning as it was always intended to.  We apologize for the confusion this has caused and will do better to communicate these refinements in the future.

Sorry to say,I am really upset.


Really? It was an intended feature? I think it wasn't. I am sure I am not the only one who thinks the same way.


If it was an intended feature,why did you remove it during Vivergate? You(as in DE) could have said the same thing then also.


If it was never intended to push through terrain,then why wasn't it fixed within a month? I don't think it needed months to fix if it was always intended.


Circumstances force me to believe that the above quoted statement is not true. I am sorry,but I feel this way.


Not that a single post in waves of thousands of post will matter,but I never imagined this kind of behaviour from DE,even in my wildest dreams.


Look,if you guys want to nerf things,atleast say what you are doing. While you don't need to listen to us(community), we might have come up with a better way to nerf Excal.

Instead of making the skill useless with LoS,you could have just reduce the range of Radial Javelin.

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We can only hope DE powers through all the garbage feedback they're getting and starts changing the way they design radial abilities and cc, as well as scaling back the power of weapons.  Somehow, though, I feel as if all we're ever really gonna get in future updates is new content and support for new content.  



Hey on the bright side since DE has killed most of the fun things in this game all future updates should at least fix some of that.


I think you're confusing "fun" with "makes enemies a joke and makes it easy to farm."  These things were contributing to a lack of fun, not the gameplay diversity that actually makes the game more fun.

Edited by RealPandemonium
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