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Coming Soon: Devstream #54!


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There's been at least two different threads from concerned veterans of Dark Sector conflicts and Conclave 1.0 that have sprouted to tremendous size in recent months. The Dark Sector one merely laments the fact that we lost a gamemode that, for many clans, apparently was a PvP endgame of sorts; the Conclave 1.0 one claims that the "honor code" implemented by players made PvP a much better experience, requiring great amounts of skill, and that the best course of action would have been to simply implement the honor code as hard reality - never mind the fact that it banned melee, abilities, and revives.

Do you think these threads concerns are valid? What do you intend to do to address past concerns with Dark Sectors while still allowing the original, enjoyable gameplay? Do you have any intentions to make some sort of Duel mode in the form of Conclave 1.0? And do you have any plans paralleling these veterans concerns?

For reference, the threads:



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One thing that I have noticed, is that since the introduction of damage 2.0, there has been a growing separation between the post damage 2.0 weapons and the ones that were in the game previously.


A very clear example of this was the Anku, a new scythe that significantly outclassed all the other instances in it's group, despite being more easily accessible.


In light of this I would like to ask, is there some consideration being given to a wide ranging rebalancing of all the existing weapons in the game, in particular to ensure that higher mastery rank weapons are worth the investment, and that there is a good distribution of weapons across levels?


Specific cases would be shotguns, sniper rifles, scythes, fully automatic pistols (e.g. Twin Vipers, etc. as compared to the Akzani's considerably better clip size) and clan tech weapons e.g. Supra.


Following on from that, if there is some consideration being given to doing this, would it be something we could expect to see around Update 17?

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Hello DE, 


Could there ever be a time where say, i could build out my own combo list for my Dragon Nikana? It would sincerely give us more customization over our fighting styles. Not sure if this was ever address or brought up with. It was the only question I could come up with that i would like to see in the game. 



one blade of many. 

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Q1. According to the concept art the Grineer Prosecutor models were original meant to be a Grineer working class or slave race. Since they recently showed up in the Underwater Lab concept art, are there still any plans to introduce these workering class Grineer?


Q2. Is there any reason which speaks against replacing the current Skana and Lato as starter weapons with MK-1 variants and buff the the regular version?

The current starter weapon selection seems a bit inconsistent with both weapons not being Mk-1s too.


Q3. How many people are currently working on the PvE weapon balance? Is it only Scott or is there an entire team working on that similar to PvP?


Q4. Seeing how Tenno can now run around with dual chainsaws at their wrists. Is there any chance the old Grineer Sawman could make a comeback with their palm mounted buzzsaws?


Q5. What was the motivation for making Archwing being attachable thrusters for Warframes, rather than for example compact space fighters?


Q6. Back in livestream 32, Geoff brought up the problem that most guns were still using the same holding position regardless of their design. Has this problem been resolved in your opinion or is it still something you want to do later?


Quote for reference: "Geoff: We’ll have to give them new grip options, because right now they all use rifle grip."


Q7. What other older weapons are on the list to get a makeover like Ogris or soon Burston?


Q8. Is updating some of the old regular enemy designs on your to do list too currently? Like seperated helmets for Crewmen or different guns on the back for Moas?

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1) Fight with Juggernaut Behemot on Phorid's boss fight arena was really entertaining. So are you going do replace Phorid with Juggernaut Behemot and maybe Ambulas with some overgrown Bursa?

2) Are there any new Archwing mission types coming? Don't ignore the Archwing 'coz players don't play it massively!

3) More info on Kela rework? Is she going to has her fight arena revamped too?

4) Is Kubrow armor going to be purely cosmetic or maybe there's something more about it?

5) Scott. What frame is your next target (after Excal's rework ofc)? Is it Frost as you said some streams before?

6) Kubrow wallruning? Geoff, where did it go?

7) MANY weapons need some really serious review and rework to balance them more into low-mid-high tier contents. Especially weapons that recquire other weapons too craft, shoouldn't those weps be more effective since they are more expensive than standard ones. What are your thoughts about it? 

8) How big is the potential for expanding the Orbiter compartment of our spacecraft?

9) You talked about stamina rework. You talked about charge attacks. What about melee counter and channeling multipliers? Don't they need any reveiws (maybe some buffing)?

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Hey DE! I main nekros and i hate it how alot of the scythes are not that great, i did see the new Anku scythe and it just destroy's the other scythes even though "Hate" looks amazing along with Reaper prime.


Maybe buff them?




Will you ever make weapons that are dropped by "Special enemies" like the Invasion assasins/The guy who marks you for your actions

(Dont wanna spoil it for those who dont know)

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1. Will you guys add an option that allows us to take off potatoes but destroys the weapon or transfer the potato to a weapon in a blueprint?


2. Will you add a feature to rollback mods like a button on the side or something like that?

P.S I have like 3 serrrations at different levels because of this.

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i'm going to keep asking this. lore wise, the corpus manufactured the braton by basing it off of the braton prime. could we possibly see more weapons "based off primes" and the primes they are based off of, like an opticor prime or a supra prime?


any news about a stalker rework?


are thrown weapons on the table for a rework? i find it a shame that to get the most out of my glaive prime, i have to keep throwing it and not bother with the gorgeous combos in astral twilight

Edited by LordOfScrugging
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Questions, questions and more questions.


1. More Archwing stuffs? when? Itzal's the latest AW and it was released waaay back 15.7 I think. It's time for more additions.


2. Any plans that allows us to revert/remove a Dojo's color scheme anytime?


3. How's the new starchart doing?


4. ETA on U17? lol.


That's all.

More power to DE.

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In Devstream #50 you mentioned looking at Frost again when referring to Excalibur changes. Could you please expand on what your possible plans are for him?


It is rather important as the last changes, primarily the Snowglobe, were brought in to change his style - to prevent him from babysitting the Globe all the time. However, unfortunately the alterations resulted in the exact opposite (especially as stacking isn't as effective as it could be due to timers), with more babysitting than before. So I'm interested to see what your intentions will be this time around.


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Parkour 2.0 is coming with lots of new moves, but are you looking at polish of existing, regular movement too?

The "Parkour 2.0" megathread mentions uglies like a lack of proper leg animation while shooting and spinning in place.

Don't forget about it, please.



Separate color choices for each attatchment, PLEASE.



Sniper buff?

Segway to HUD > with proper no-scope ADS, please?

Segway to Geoff > and remove that dead animation on Vectis after reload, so we don't have to manually tap R after each shot. Thanks.





Chat 2.0 pls.

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Ooo, haven't done one of these before, hopefully this is all groovy:


Question: With Stamina likely getting the Scindo and blocking potentially getting a rework, can I suggest Reflection getting some much-needed love?  Even at max rank, it used to eat stamina and reflect only a smidgin' of damage and it made me sad.


Suggestion: Tactical Alerts and their Stratos Emblems are mighty good fun to collect and acquire, but due to their slender design, can sometimes be hard to make out.  Perhaps, after hitting a milestone of say 10 Stratos Emblems, can we equip a Sigil displaying the rank (much like the Mastery Rank sigil)?  Ooo, oooo! And can we tweak the display of said rank via emblem/sigil?  I really liked one a few emblems ago, but can't display it for obvious reasons.


Question: When PC had Tactical Alert: Blackout, they had to wade through Manics for a Catalyst and Reactor while Console had the same rewards via Gifts of the Lotus missions.  When Console has Blackout released, will PC get the same Gift of the Lotus missions to balance the scales of the void?

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Is there any possibility of an AI 2.0? An across-the-board rework of mob behavior, so they do more than just run straight at you and spam their attacks? It would be interesting to have to deal with ambushes, decoy attacks, and so on. Even human wave attacks require some amount of strategy in order to have a hope of succeeding.

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Join us this Friday, June 12 for Devstream #54!

Who: Scott, Sheldon, Geoff, Steve & Rebecca take their seats on the couch for a Warframe Q&A!

What: We'll be fielding player questions as well as taking a look at progress on past stream topics and looking at new content!

Prizes? Why yes, we will be giving away 3 x 1000 Platinum Prizes!

Where: Find us at: twitch.tv/Warframe

When: Join us Friday, June 12 at 2 p.m. EDT! Time Zone Converter: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/

This thread closes at 10 a.m. on Friday, June 12. Get your questions in!


Q1) Are you removing stamina and if so when ?


Q2) Any ETA on Update 17 and if so any teaser screen for us ?


Q3) Any Faction changes like instead of said Faction spawning moa will they spawn a different enemy ?


Q4) Any plans on improving enemy AI so it does not feel like we are attacking walking piles of meat and by that i mean the enemys have more personality and not each enemy acts the same ... and have some give orders to other units etc. basicly changing the heat of battle in a instant.

because as of right now it feels like we are fighting emotionless enemys that we should not care about or respect, expect bosses.


Q5) Any plans on adding subtitles to the game if there not already so we can understand what the enemys are saying ?


Q6) Will there be plans on letting solo players be able to obtain arcane enhancements ? ... hopefully something like fighting a level 100 boss ?


Q7) Any ETA on [ Tombs of the Sentient ] release ?, https://youtu.be/2Bgez-fZCAE?t=1s


Q8) I heard some player suggest have mods level up like weapons do what are your thoughts on this and do you think it will be a good idea ?


Q9) When can we expect, IF AT ALL to give our kubrow and fubrow ( cat pet ) commands like follow or stay ?


Q10) Can we expect more DUAL SWORD stance mods because the ones we have right now seem kind of weak to me and not worth using.

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