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Why In The World Of Warframe Does Sound Travel At The Same Speed As Light?


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Your suit's light and radiation receptors represent the information they receive in part as sound to be more easily understood by the person inside the suit in vacuum situations.


Bam.  Done.  Make something up.

Edited by ArcusVeles
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Warframes don't have ears (don't know about operators though), instead they have thousands of passive omnidirectional laser microphones that measure sound by analyzing vibrations of nearby and distant objects. Boom, sound in space, at the speed of light. Since laser microphones use light, rather then atmospheric pressure waves, to measure sound, they work in space. As for music, that's just DJ Lotus transmitting 26/7+^_^+


Laser mics in today's world are already the size of buttons. It's not inconceivable that the same tech could be scaled down to the nano-tech level by the Golden Orokin age+^_^+

Edited by ChikTikka
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The sound team actually explained this when archwing came out. They either had the choice to null all sound and make it authentic(which they found out was stupid and anti-fun) or simply "deaf" the sounds.


They went with the game choice rather than the logical course.


Would have loved it if they performed a dead space approach to sound. Just breathing and the recoil from the shots traveling through our bodies.


Edit: All these people trying to come up with an answer when it was simple mechanics that they DE chose.

Edited by OverlordMcGeek
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Physics issues: (to show plenty exist and its best to get over them)

Recoil on laser guns. Dera as example.

Also beam weapons wouldn't have a light, they would have a dot on a physical surface.

Hitscan projectiles

Any viewable travel time for lasers.

sound in space


Unlimited energy.

Manifesting matter


Just say space magic and move on.

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Space in the Warframe universe is not in fact a vacuum - it's filled with an effectively invisible substance which inhibits the passage of photons but provides an extremely efficient conduction medium for sound waves, allowing the two to travel at identical near-lightspeed velocities.

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