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Coming Soon: Devstream #55!


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After seeing the Excalibur update I ask is it possible to make Valkyr's ultimate lock on to targets like archwing melee? I wonder if this with her being stuck in melee would help her close the distance and keep her combo going.

Any plans to adjust her ultimate for example remove her invulnerability? Perhaps allow more weapon mods effect her or make a way to mod her claws seperate so she's not dependent on certain weapons effecting her damage output.

Excited for her pre corpus skin. Long Live Catframe!

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Gotta few questions here


1. When will we be seeing the ability to downgrade clan tiers?

2. Since Strun Wraith made a return in the Den of Kubrow tactical alert, will other event weapons such as the Gorgon Wraith and Wraith Twin Vipers make a return through a tactical alert or quest?

3. Will we be seeing Dual Prime secondaries? 

4. Will there ever be T1, T2, and T3 interception missions? Would be interesting if there was. 

5. In T4, we have Corrupted Vor attack us in T4 missions, will we be seeing more of these types of bosses such as a Corrupted Raptor in other types of missions, maybe as an encounter in T5 if they ever come?

6. Continuing from Question 5, will we ever see T5 keys? 


Edit - I forgot the void is gonna explode soon, so here is question 7 in relation to accessing the void now

7 - Will there be ways on how one were to access an orokin tower to do void missions as normal such as an Exterminate run? An example being a hub on the node which has a gate to take you to the void if one presented their keys, or a similar method at the start of the Vault of Glass raid on Destiny where we stand in a circle and kill mobs and wait till the gate opens that way? 

8. Will we be seeing a Corpus version of the Buzlok?

Edited by Tangociss
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Looking forward to the stream. I hope we get to see some gameplay with the Yin-Yang frame or mabye the new Tyl Regor bossfight.




1. Many exciting things for the future have been shown such as the cephalon primary, catbrows, yin-yang frame ETC. but is there any news on the lore front such as new quest or mabye a new prime warframe lore?


2. Steve did mention some devstreams back that we would get a quest which would flesh out the relation between the Lotus and Teshin. How is it coming along?

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Can we get some more information on the new Frame that is currently in the works?

Any quirks we can know before it's release, information on it's acquisition, lore?


It's certainly interesting, and I am very curious about it.

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Dear Dang Diddly DE Developers


When will you be expanding Archwing in general? 

We all know Sharkwing and J3 Trial is right around the corner, but I'm talking about missions in general.

Archwing's biggest problem is its lack of content, and adding many more nodes across all planets with new mission types will greatly reduce that problem, more so than Sharkwing and J3 will.


Also, what about the rebuilding of Relays and Fomorian Sabotage teased in the Eyes Of Blight event? When are we getting that?


Like always, stay hot dog.

Thanks for the read, have a Hektato:




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1. While I understand the need to update older and popular frames, talking about Frost now, don't you think it's more important to take a look at frames that have no real niche first? I'm talking about underwhelming mess that is Oberon, forgotten Ember and generally useless Zephyr.


2. What are current plans regarding shotguns?

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Now that we've gotten those fantastic cloth physics, when can we see them being applied to other objects? Also, are there any plans on delivering those physics to helmets? I know Mesa's default should be getting it, but I'm hoping to see more helmets utilize the physics now that we have them.

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Any plans on bringing Teshin's Nikana wakizashi to players?


Any plans on a new compound bow?


Can you talk more about the future of Dark Sector and the everlasting armistice?


Any progress on the Orbiter compartment?


Will Syndicate assassins get a revamp in the future?

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What types of weapons you want to but have not tried yet implementing on the game?


Any chance for another sword+shield or gunblade? perhaps lance + shield? What about morning stars,  three-part staves or any other exotic weapon?


And any ideas for tweaking the saryn's third ability?

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This might be a touchy subject, so I'll understand if nobody wants to pee on a third rail, as it were, but....


Would the senior Dev staff want to briefly list some things that have been brought up over the months on Devstreams, and which have since then either been discarded, or players should not expect to see in the form they were originally discussed?  "Focus" comes immediately to mind, since it's already been explained that elements of this system keep getting incorporated into other things, and IF Focus ever gets into the game, it won't be in the form it was originally talked about.  The grappling hook might also be on such a list.


This wouldn't (necessarily) be a discussion of what the current state of development or discussion is regarding these items (although I'm sure we'd all be interested in hearing that) (hint, hint).  This request is for just the list.  It could even be a semi-regular feature, going forward. 


This might go a long way toward helping players, especially those of us who regularly try and watch the Devstreams, keep up with what is and isn't going on with the game's development, which I've always thought was one of the main goals of having the Devstreams.

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QUESTION Parkour 2.0 Dodge and Evasion


Can you please speak about the changes and/or revisions happening to dodges, rolls, back handspring/flip? Will Parkour 2.0 receive new dodges? Will the current ones remain? 


I personally would love to chain a back handspring into a full tuck back flip that will take a Tenno over railings and other obstacles. 


Will hit detection be revised at all to facilitate appropriate dodging and evasion?

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We all know what my first question will be, right? Right. Still, just to make sure:

- Can you give the Community more information about the Guides of the Lotus Program? (yes, I am sorry that I ask this question over and over again :s)

Okay, that's done. Time to ask some questions about other stuff^^


"Bigger" things:

A lot of players are looking forward to the new trading-system.

- We know that it is coming, but what exactly can we expect? You showed a different UI for the trading-menu in a previous devstream, but do you have any other w.i.p UI-screens and menus (or ingame trade-places?) you could show us?


- replayable Quests ETA? I still want to complete all my Codex-scans :3 (maybe I missed/forgot that you mentioned an eta somewhere..sry if that's the case^^)


"smaller" things:

-What about more special Liset decoration? (enemy-masks, plants) I like noggles, but still :3


Orokittens! We all remember those threads that pop-up about the little Orokitten-statues...they are just an easteregg...soooo:

- What about the option to pick up Orokitten-statues and place them in our Liset? It would be a fun little gimmick that nobody needs and there are a lot of more interesting and important things that should be done before..but... mhh...I don't really have a but... (okay, I just wanted to mention this xD)


That's about it.(I had more, but then I closed the tab and..nvm <.<') I will edit this post if something interesting shows up with 16.10

Edited by Fabpsi
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When are Dojo's getting updated and places like the Temple of Honor going to get more capacity so we can actually use all those little niche's to place our Trophies in, instead of being forced to use only the Clan Grandest Hall to stuff all our trophies into since it has an unbalanced amount of space compared to other rooms? :/

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