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Hotfix 16.11.4


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I just got the boltor prime receiver after only one attempt on a T4 survival today. So far after getting prime parts and fusion cores today the drop tables seem balanced to me, I am getting prime parts, Void Keys, Forma Blueprints and Fusion Cores now and not just Void Keys, Forma Blueprints and Fusion Cores. 

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My fellow tennos, have you watched the last dev stream? The 2 DE's played T3 Survival and got the Ash p sys on the first 5 minutes.

My fellow Tenno, have YOU watched the devstream? Or are you just spouting stuff?


She said Ash Prime CHASSIS, not System. That's one of the easiest to get. If you look at the symbol of what pops up, it IS the chassis, NOT the systems. Systems is on Rotation C, every 20 mins. NOT A. Get your facts straight. If you're still in doubt, look at the mission result table when they extract. It's Ash Prime Chassis.

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-end exasperation- thank you for the update cant wait for u 17...

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"I love this game," I whisper softly into my wallet, grubby fingers nibbling at the edge of my credit card. I rock back and forth in nothing but my shorts and a pizza-stained shirt. "I love this game." Tears roll down my fat-man cheeks.


My hands violently explode with energy as I pull out my credit card. I can feel the tension in the air. Suddenly, my door shakes and bursts down, as <DE> rush into the room wearing nothing but shorts and half cut tank tops and an aura of fiery passion. They push my lard ridden body to the ground and take my card, kicking my bloated stomache whilst yelling out the words "FORMA, POTATOES. ALL YOU EVER GET. ALL YOU EVER NEED." They leave me weeping on the ground, after telling me to "Get Klem"...


... But I can no longer be Klem. I can only be a poor farmer for the rest of my life.

I whisper to myself, "Potatoes are love... Forma are life."

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  • Reduced the frequency of Forma Blueprints dropping in T3 Defense Rotation C.
  • Bo Prime Blueprint and Ember Prime Helmet Blueprint have been added to T3 Defense Rotation C.



  • Fixed issues with the Prisma Cleavers not having proper audio effects in a variety of attack/holster scenarios. 


Note: The changes to T3D tier C drops didn't dilute the chance of getting the Ash Prime part you're after -- they just added ducat-variety to the common drops.  Ash Prime BP still has the same drop rate as before.

^ lowering forma frequency but adding 2 different primes to the same drop table location just causes a higher level of dilution.....


I am not entirely sure if DE understands how to balance this out

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Still no fix for:

1.Deactivating Excalibur's Exalted Blade makes me Unarmed:

2.Broken camera for Blade Storm (zoom in too much after 16.6.3):

3.Decreased melee weapon range and messed up hit box (since U16.5):

4.Invisible Syndicate Medallions

5.Client side suffers unusual delay for weapon holster animation to start even the game is not lagging at all:

6.Frost's Avalanche:
A)When casting while hosting the game, killed enemies will be shattered (correct).
B)But if not hosting, killed enemies will stay and block our sight and shots for a long while (incorrect).
   Sometimes some enemies even never disappear and just stay forever.
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Still no fix for: 


A bunch of game situations leading to inconsistent states, not being able to cast powers or switch weapons, getting stuck in hacking animation.





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Still no fix for: 


A bunch of game situations leading to inconsistent states, not being able to cast powers or switch weapons, getting stuck in hacking animation.






And Carrier's Vacuum that is still borken with ammo (Tic Tic Tic Tic Tic Tic Tic...   :o)

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a) give us full blown forma in T3 and T4

b) reduce forma build time for 1-3h so we can actually work on the amount of BPs we have instead of just stacking them


I like A.  B would be good too, but I'd rather we just be able to queue multiple copies of the same build - so for example, I can simultaneously build 5 sets of 10x Large Energy Restores instead of spending 4 minutes and 50 seconds twiddling my thumbs waiting to be able to click the build button again.


And no, I am not rich enough to spend 5 plat to avoid the 5 minute wait.  Spending 7 plat to finish an entire 12 hour dojo room is one thing, but 5 plat just to skip 5 minutes is insane.


But I shouldn't have to.  We should be able to stack multiple builds of the same item.  It makes no sense that my Foundry can build a reactor, a catalyst, 5 weapons, a forma, and 2 frames ALL AT THE SAME TIME, but somehow cannot build 2 Formas at once.


Foundry 2.0 in U17.5 maybe?

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It makes no sense that my Foundry can build a reactor, a catalyst, 5 weapons, a forma, and 2 frames ALL AT THE SAME TIME, but somehow cannot build 2 Formas at once.


Foundry 2.0 in U17.5 maybe?


The logic behind the inability to build multiple items of same kind at once is that there would be absolutely no reason to rush items. You could build all 100 forma at once during the night and pretty much never be in dire need to build that last one forma you absolutely need right now.

Same with every other item.

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Still no fix for:


Excalibur' s Video Profile still describing Super Jump, no Exalted Blade in sight.


Your poster boy!


tsk tsk.




They've added a new video, just haven't added it to that page.


This was on their youtube channel: https://youtu.be/II8Up3NnZpI

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How about increase the drop rate of ash systems OR PUT IT IN ROTATION A....... there are so many of us saying that it's almost non existable!!

"Saying"? I am even proving it:


80 Mins, no valuable crap.

Here ya go:


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