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[Changyou Warframe Image Megathread]


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Just thought I shared some additional pictures of the China's Warfame here. 40% off for founders pack on the chinese warframe btw (approx £63)






















I must say I quite like the tattered cloak. Excalibur prime chinese version looks alright i guess. There seem to be another weapon as well from the pictures (the long straight one without any hilt)

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Seeing the Chinese Excalibur prime makes me remember how lackluster the original Excalibur prime is compared to the visual modifications of later prime frames. 


It would be great to see a visual update for him if not the Chinese version replacing the current version. Although, I'm not sure how much rage would come from those who still want Excal. prime free for everyone. Personally I wouldn't mind it IF it allowed Excal prime to get an update. 


Oh, and to make this a more productive feedback post, I think that it would be great if DE devoted resources towards updating old/ugly frames to look as sparkly as everything else. Take for example Banshee. She's pretty ugly. 


Video for your Topic:



I hope that we will be abble to purchase this excal, and to see updates to all old frames, new Frost Prime : D

Edited by IfritKajiTora
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so basicly excal is god like with good weapons, kunais are probably better then despair and top melee weapon (Dragon nikana) is getting even more powerfull version.... Just throw boltor prime and carrier prime and they wont have to get anything else in the game -_-




Well im not founderer or anything but from their perspective they will feel cheated. Personally i was never envy of excal p it showed that you supported the game when it was a toddler :P


On side note can we get update to model like that for Frost Prime ? (his current model still have holes near wrists ¬_¬''')

Edited by Anubias
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Excalibur Prime was part of the Founders Package.... A package offered during a period of relative obscurity for Warframe when it's future was still questionable... Once that package was no longer offered you could no longer get it.


"Being a Founder has its' privileges. Snag Exclusive items that will never be available again." -DE founder advert


Fallacies aside, DE has always had the ability to release an Excalibur Prime version that did not have the Founder's tag on it simply by changing it's design and name up.

But... They haven't because it was argued to be Exclusive.

...Until now.


A different founder's version was not offered to any of the NA/EU console launches and the logic was consistent with "Game is launched... Founder's package not applicable" and again no Excalibur Prime console exclusives were given.


Lots of upsides to doing that... Doing so enforces the notion of Exclusivity and creates the illusion of immediacy in all subsequent Exclusive/ Limited Time offerings.

Anything that got offered with an Exclusive tag was more likely to be purchased because it had the Exclusive tag on it.

So long as the term "Exclusive" was believable.


But it could have been resolved at the outset merely by giving the new Prime another name (That sword has many names) and a different design...i.e. what players have been requesting for years and what they did with the Changyou offering.



Now Changyou Warframe is offering a Founder's version... But the future of the game isn't in question and the game isn't living in relative obscurity... So there's no cause for the Exclusive tag at this point.


Even arguing the two companies are different as an allowance of the offering isn't going to turn public opinion on this point.


Going by your logic, it's unfair that people were able to purchase apple/microsoft shares in the 1970-80s ! I wasn't around that time and it's unfair that i don't have a chance to buy it !!1!


Actually, that logic is completely sound...

You CAN buy Microsoft/Apple shares... You just can't go back in time to enjoy the IPO.

Applying that logic to your argument asserts that players should still be able to acquire a version of Excalibur Prime but not the Founder's Exclusive version.


Which has been many players argument the whole time... The Changyou Warframe offer is just proving it.


That's the problem with digital exclusives at their core... You can profit by making things exclusive.. But the minute the exclusivity is rescinded you open the door for all exclusives being questionable.


DE may as well make all Prime Accesses available via the market now because they CAN'T do anything else....

Because every offered Prime Access is going to create the same complaints.


Even saying, "It's Changyou, not us..." is going to ring hollow to players now.


DE will have to do something about it at this point or "Grit & Grin" while hoping players forget.

But players only seem to forget when it's console games...


Online PC gamers tend to have a long memory... Ask Funcom.

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Hey guys, why don't we just play our Warframe and just let China play their's?


Some of these comments are pretty childish and honestly, the amount of salt going around is hilarious considering this isn't the first time MMOs had country-specific exclusives.

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So if China gets Excal Prime then so should PS4 and xb1 players then right?

Exactly. Except they should already have it. Disgusting it was, disgusting it is.

They probably will make it an ultimate solution and release new version of excalibur prime for pc as well. They better do it quickly, it's already 2 years overdue.

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Will we get the new Excal Prime on the western servers?
If so: Will it replace the current Excal Prime to make Excal Prime available to everyone? (The old Excal Prime design could be a founder exclusive Excal Prime Skin... that's actually a neat idea if no one would complain about mastery points now)



Please no haterino community.

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Merged a few image-related threads. Posting to state that getting each fact and detail confirmed is the most important thing on my plate right now. It might take until tomorrow afternoon to have them all answered, but the list of questions is clear.

This is exactly what I was hoping to read, can we all please calm down now and wait for some official words?

Thanks as always, Rebecca!

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Hey does anyone remember the Datamine that happened with U16 or U16.5, in which an "Excalibur Prime Skin" was seen.


I wonder if this is what that meant, maybe? I would be pretty alright with having this little guy as a skin, While I would really want an actual frame with "prime" buffed stats. As long as I can make my existing Excalibur look like a Prime, I would at least be contempt with that.

Edited by Senketsu_
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Remember when nunchucks picks leaked what was DE's statement on that

"China wont get exclusive content like that EU/US players will also get those" - and after this i have a problem believing anything that DE will say from this point on. Its not like i will see the game in any new light. i will still play warframe just the trust in DE's promises will be tattered 

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