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Coming Soon: Devstream #60!


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Join us this Friday, September 18 for a special Devstream #60: Update 17.5 Preview Stream!  


Who: Rebecca is joined by the usual suspects – Scott, Steve, Sheldon, and Geoff!


What: This Devstream will feature previews of our next Update: 17.5! Tune in for information on a new Warframe, new enemies, and more! We'll also be discussing hot topics from last Devstream. Lots to show and lots to discuss, so don't miss it!


Prizes? Why yes, we will be giving away 3 x 1000 Platinum Prizes during the Livestream!


Where: Find us at: twitch.tv/Warframe


When: Join us Friday, September 18 at 2 p.m. EDT! Time Zone Converter: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/


This thread closes at 10 a.m. on September 18!  Get your questions in!  

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We need enemies 2.0 not multishot 2.0

The only reason we even use multishot mods is because high level enemies are bullet sponges. They just soak up damage. When will enemy units get a rework? Give us a reason not to use it rather than nerfing it

Also please make raids reset daily. This would make it much easier to play as i play at different times and im not always able to play exactly 23hours later. Im sure other players feel the same

Edited by BloodSage09
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Some things i want to know if you guys would implement

1.Letting us trade more than 5 copies of an item and let it give an indicator saying it would use x amount of trades. For example i select 10 ammo drums to trade and it would notify saying that the current trade will use 2 of my daily trades.


2.Resetting raids with daily reset. Throughout the day i see people hosting raids but when my time is up i have to sit in recruiting for 1h or more to get a squad to play with. If it is affected by the daily reset i could just go with any squad whenever i see someone hosting raids.


3.Changing colors for interception. Let the icon be orange for a point that is being captured since the current one is very difficult to see while moving and difficult to see on certain maps.


4. To make scanning worthwhile give 10 mastery points for every completed codex entry. This would also make helios more popular. 


5. Would you make smoke shadow be affected by range mods? getting 3 other players to stay together is very difficult and most of the time someone is just outside of the range.

Edited by PyralisTT
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Can we hope on UI Team and Art Design Team for gold tint or tint #5 for gold part on any prime weapons/frames or prime cosmetics that has PBR update? some of them(+Immortal skin on prime frames) got screw by PBR.


QoL on trading system? auction house? trading chat 2.0?

Also any news on QoL AI Kubrows?


Will Immortal skin for frames that release after Oberon happen soon?


anyway HYPE for 17.5

Edited by Shafilp
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Can we expect finishers animations to be quickened or changed completely, and overall lock-down in animation smoothed out? And I understand people want cool animations, but it hurts the game experience too much: finishing an enemy takes forever because the whole 3 second animation has to play, then there's a second to wait until enemy is registered as dead so you can actually move, and by the time all is said and done you think - was it worth it?

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Question about warframe skins.

It seems that the Trinity and Rhino skins are "fan made" , or at least were made by someone other than mynki at first (I think)

Do you plan to do the same for all warframes  and if so will Zephyr get his "concept art from his  original artist"  





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With the Multishot changes coming, how or what will happen to "Multistrike"? I assume you'll just say channeling which brings me to my next point.


Channeling has never felt right with me in Warframe. I understand its power and importance with melee but I just never got into it even when I try. I don't really like Channeling. Maybe its the fact it uses energy or maybe it's something completely different. But now that coptering is gone maybe melee needs a bit of compensation.


My main question is. Will there be a chance to make Non-Channeled melee more viable? I only ever seem to use melee for the quick attacks and even when switched to it I never channel.

Edited by Zahnny
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How is accuracy calculated?

Will you ever stop balancing new additions by feels and establish some system in which every weapon would be statistically balanced?

The problem with balancing by feels is that it requires pretty much infinite iterations to be in the right place, and considering balancing happens less often than once a week... Yeah.


This would obviously require some of you to rebalance like 300 weapons nearly from scratch, but coupled with difficulty rework (infinite scaling really needs to go), it would result in much better and more consistent gameplay, where being ninja and using cool guns would actually be viable, instead of max DPS+CC spam coupled with 4CPs.


Infinite scaling rework? This thing is one of the reasons why people focus on max DPS in their builds.


Update on Kapros :^)?

Edited by Mofixil
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Yay! /o/

Q: Any progress on allowing clans to downgrade tier?

Alot of clans try to expand to bring and hold more players in to the game, but is very common some players only coming to play because is a f2p game, they want to see how look like, or is because they are on vacations, and etc. Then they stop playing, some of them came back later, others not. Result: Clan get stuck with a wrong tier.

Q: New features/tools for dojos?

Warlords needs more control on donations for their clans, with this will be possible to allow members to direct donate resources to clan vault and then, warlords can know who did the donation and how much was donate, because some players would like to show they are active through donations, while not having much time to play and directly help the other members of the clan.

Q: Current plans to implement rewards to survival/defense etc. leaderboards outside events?

With starchart 3.0 will be possible to have less nodes, or specific nodes, for leaderboards ? Then all competitive players/clans can have a specific goal outside dark sectors/global events.

Edited by Zusdragon
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Will the new J-3 Golem raid bring with it new Arcanes?


Has there been any interest in making new mods that aren't just stat upgrades?


Any word on being able to replay quests?


How has the discussion on multishot and related mods been going (you knew this was coming)?

Edited by Playford
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The dwindling corpus window budget forces me to ask, any chance of a manual trigger for syndicate AOEs?


Will arcane enhancements ever be available in (super hard) non-trial content?


Also, can we get some sort of behind the scenes videos with the voice actors of various characters?

Edited by ZinGrin
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will you change how the syndicate blast mechanic works? currently it's annoying to use a syndicate weapons (or a weapon which has a syndicate mod) in stealthy gameplay because the syndicate blast effect will almost always alert nearby enemies, and in corpus ship tileset, it will break the windows resulting in a lockdown

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will you change how the syndicate blast mechanic works? currently it's annoying to use a syndicate weapons (or a weapon which has a syndicate mod) in stealthy gameplay because the syndicate blast effect will almost always alert nearby enemies, and in corpus ship tileset, it will break the windows resulting in a lockdown

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When will Vermilion Storm be finished and polished? The stance continues to be broken and unfinished. It has been over a year since the tease, it does not deserve to be forgotten.

Any new Nikana sheaths in the work?

Will Baro Ki'Teer play a role in any quests soon?

EDIT: Hm, Devstream is on my birthday. Yipee.

Edited by LazerSkink
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The Eris tileset is an Infested Corpus ship, however we never see that area without the Infestation on regular Corpus missions. The regular Corpus tilesets are still the same with some new features here and there.

Can we expect to see all of the interesting rooms present in Eris, but without the Infestation and fully functional as a Corpus tileset?

Edited by Slaytanic93
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When will a complete overhaul of The Stealth and Ai system to be done? For us that goes stealth, may it be slow, splinter cell styled, or faster but swift styled, the stealth system and the Ai is to horribly broken, and going stealth is painful due to the large amount of bugs, gltiches and problems.

Edited by Cebius
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Hello all, good game you have here.


My question is, could you see fit to allow Prime weapons to use the original weapon looks, and not just their ADDITIONAL skins, ie Braton Prime can look like the plain Braton, instead of being limited to the store skin versions; and... can we do the same thing with the Warframes?


Now, in an ideal world I'd like to see the customisation of warframes (Primes in particular) be expanded - a dedicated colour slot for their Orokin bling, for example, and maybe even the option to remove some of the armour additions.

For example, Nyx. I really like the spine, belly, and hip additions, but the decorative eye on the chest, I don't like.

I know it's a nitpicky thing, but if the warframes are getting altered to incorporate cloth physics, maybe the way Prime armour works can be rejiggered also.


Worth an ask.

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-Attica arrow skins work, i've tested this. HOWEVER, you cannot color them; they remain blank/default colored.

-Update on Cerata? Disc melee weapons are great! XD

-Kestrel is super nerfed in Conclave, plans to change the total of 7-dmg it deals? T__T

-Any other immortal skins coming out for frames that don't have them, like Zephyr?

-When will the dojo obstacle course get reworked for Parkour2.0? Will there be "downsizing" like many others ask for?

  For ^ that ^ matter, anything in the dojo getting worked on drastically?

-Where is the Boar? non-prime, of course

-Will the "possible" Orokin Moon Base be a whole new location in the Navigation panel? Or will it replace the Void location as we

  already see?

  And if the Void is gettting demolished, will the Orokin lab in the dojo see some usage besides Solar Rail / Dark Sector activites,   which are at a halt curently? There are prime weapon holograms just sitting in there, kinda curious if they have a purpose.

-Vaulting over ledges, will that be readdressed soon or later? Vaulting was excellent, i find.

-Any new spy vaults coming out for specific tilesets? Maybe Phobos, for instance? Or Europa?

-How long until we can use the new form of the Nexus phone app?

-Parrying and Blocking is excellent; will it be statistically specific per weapon type? Example: Sword/Shields have higher dmg reduction than Daggers would, but Daggers would have higher Parry chance than possibly other weapons, and etc.

-When will the Bursa return to corpus missions? Will they be an uncommon enemy? Special/Specific mission enemy? Or will they "hunt" us down like Stalker/G3/Harvester. Also, are we just calling Harvester the ZanukaHunter? or will that be definetely Harvester? i like Harvester more.

-Important!- Some tenno cannot continue a quest, like the Archwing one for instance, because they could only play a particular mission to gather the three parts ONCE. Will there be changes to allow multiple attempts, and even replayability, on quest missions?

-Update on syndicate emotes, and IF we will be able to keep them if not within that syndicate any longer. For example: I was once with NewLoka, obtained the emote, and then left to CephSuda. Will that emote stay with me in that timeperiod?

-Kuria noggle is excellent after finishing the hunting for them. Any possibility for another/seperate/possible reward? Sugatra?

- Will Frost/Excalibur Prime recieve a visual touchup to look just as Orokin as the other primed frames? Also, instead of sheer gold, can the special gold effects on abilities possibly be colored just like the 4th color slot in Appearance? or energy color?


Nyx for president :P

Edited by Phailberry
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Hello DE!

Ash is my favorite warframe, and as Ash Prime was released some time ago, there are large aesthetical issues with him.

They are described in my post here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/488216-ash-prime-textures-mesh-animation-bugs-collection-thread/page-19#entry5717536

In short, these are:

1. Not being able to color Ash Prime in black. Black and all dark colors look grey and washed out.

2. Basically 1/3 of Ash Prime is uncolorable (as you may clearly see from my original post)

3. Color tint 3 colors utterly little details, while there are large grey chunks that can't be colored (which is also clear enough)

Since customization and cosmetics play a great role in Warframe, is this issue going to get fixed any time soon?

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