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Some Kind Of Auction House? [Megathread]


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Not this Bull....




why your post count is so low but has master on it? raises red flags for me 

I made this post then forgot about it. But saw this and it makes no sense what so ever O_o? how can it raise red flags lol? I have not played warframe for ages and also, why does post count mean anything lol? I just play the actual game and not keep too active on the forums. If i feel strongly about something i will make a rare post. This i feel strongly about. People are worried about people undercutting? That's the idea. Not having people overprice everything or ripping people off because they don't know the real price.


Also the amount of times i hear "use search" stfu. If i wanted to resurrect a old post i would and would still get the same hate either way so i would rather make a new post where the post actually gets seen, with my thoughts and ideas. Don't like it? Don't read it. It's really not that hard.

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So being cheated out of a better deal from the same person is ok if they are not able to keep up with a chatroom?

That's not being cheated.  That's on them.  If they don't want to negotiate and just want to pay a higher price to get the trade over and done with then that is their prerogative.


If they didn't feel like doing the research or negotiating then it is their own fault for spending more than they had to, but like I said, some people prefer to just spend more so that they 1. get sold to before other buyers paying less and 2. they can avoid haggling about price.

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No auction houses. They kill economies.


If you want to know why- look at the hundred and one other "we need an auction house!" posts that have been thoroughly DENIED by the majority of the playerbase, especially myself.

They dont kill economies, they help them. Sure, they tend to drive prices down as competition arises, but that's basic capitalism. The game already functions on the idea of capitalism. An auction house would only make it more accessible to buy and sell items.


Think of it like this: Currently, warframe is like buying eggs with no supermarket. You have to endlessly search for farmers and ask for their prices, and their prices vary widely. It's frustrating and a waste of time. Why not just have those farmers sell their eggs to a supermarket, and the market will take the lowest offer so that the consumer gets the best deal.


In much the same way, people would list their items for lower prices than the competitors in order to sell faster. Counter-Strike has a system like this already in place and it's market is booming.

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They dont kill economies, they help them. Sure, they tend to drive prices down as competition arises, but that's basic capitalism. The game already functions on the idea of capitalism. An auction house would only make it more accessible to buy and sell items.


Think of it like this: Currently, warframe is like buying eggs with no supermarket. You have to endlessly search for farmers and ask for their prices, and their prices vary widely. It's frustrating and a waste of time. Why not just have those farmers sell their eggs to a supermarket, and the market will take the lowest offer so that the consumer gets the best deal.


In much the same way, people would list their items for lower prices than the competitors in order to sell faster. Counter-Strike has a system like this already in place and it's market is booming.

I didn't even read past sentence 1 because I know from that first sentence exactly what you're going to say in the rest- because I've had this "discussion" a million times.


I'm just going to explain to you in super compressed form EXACTLY what would happen if warframe got an auction house.


-Auction house enters. Everyone posts their items up. (Spares, since EVERYONE has spares. This means MILLIONS of items are now on the auction house.


-Prices drop so people can compete to sell. Drop hard. Drop to rock bottom. Buyers finally bite.


-Every single buyer that needs every single item purchases using the auction house within the first week or two.


-There are still millions of every kind of part, mod, etc listed on the auction house, with NOONE TO BUY THEM ANYMORE.



Do you see the problem now? Auction houses only work in games where it's actually hard to get the items that people care about, or there are limited resources with an endless need for them. In WARFRAME- everyone wants every item- and 90% are easy to get. There is an ENDLESS supply, with extremely LIMITED demand of 1-per-person. Infinite supply with limited (which turns to 0 VERY quickly should your suggestion happen) demand = prices crash to next to nothing, and eventually there are no buyers at all so no sales can be made by anyone. Everything because worthless. Noone needs anything. Noone can get plat through trading anymore. This is what would happen- it is plain to see and everyone who wants an auction house needs to wake up, see this, and accept it.


An auction house doesn't always kill economies, but it WOULD kill Warframe's.




Everyone who wants these auction houses has the same issue. They think of what they want- to buy quickly, cheaply, and easily. They don't think ahead of what comes AFTER that because they DON'T CARE, and that would end up biting them in the arse. Btw- I read the rest of your post now and have a headache. Finally someone actually said they want the free market to be turned into a supermarket- I almost cannot believe it. You say what we have now is capitalism. That prices vary, that there is no advantage to that. The advantage is that the economy is a living breathing thing that adapts and survives. People can get good deals either buying or selling if they're willing to put in the effort. The only reason to complain about the current system is if you are either lazy, entitled, or both; and just want everything to be handed to you without any work.

Edited by Stratego89
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I'm tired. Tired of sitting in the trade channel spamming "WTS" over and over, with no takers, no matter how low my prices are


Adding an auction house will literally do nothing to solve this problem you think you have.  Nobody wants to buy things that are extremely common. Making it easier to browse the things that are extremely common isn't going to result in more sales. In fact the only thing it's going to result in more of, is database bloat.






I hate to say WTB " insert rare stance mod" in the trade chat and getting no response also. Just because no one is on in my time zone that has the item I am looking for.


In your case, put up some platinum on your "WTB" offers.   Chances are good that plenty of people have what you want, but sellers are generally more reluctant to name prices because negotations can ONLY go down from whatever price the seller suggests. If seller says 15, the item isn't going to be sold for 20 even if the buyer would have paid 20. Or 50.


Give a realistic and honest value when you want to buy things, and you probably won't be waiting long.

Edited by Momaw
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I understand that you don't understand but I assure you, it's bad thing. Globally effective trading system invalidated drops, effort, scaling, leveling and influences economy in most undesirable ways. Blizzard removed AH from diablo and he earned millions out of it, it wasn't an accident. Trading, same as playing should require skill, time and effort. Then game has consistency. 

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I didn't even read past sentence 1 because I know from that first sentence exactly what you're going to say in the rest- because I've had this "discussion" a million times.

I'm just going to explain to you in super compressed form EXACTLY what would happen if warframe got an auction house.

-Auction house enters. Everyone posts their items up. (Spares, since EVERYONE has spares. This means MILLIONS of items are now on the auction house.

-Prices drop so people can compete to sell. Drop hard. Drop to rock bottom. Buyers finally bite.

-Every single buyer that needs every single item purchases using the auction house within the first week or two.

-There are still millions of every kind of part, mod, etc listed on the auction house, with NOONE TO BUY THEM ANYMORE.

Do you see the problem now? Auction houses only work in games where it's actually hard to get the items that people care about, or there are limited resources with an endless need for them. In WARFRAME- everyone wants every item- and 90% are easy to get. There is an ENDLESS supply, with extremely LIMITED demand of 1-per-person. Infinite supply with limited (which turns to 0 VERY quickly should your suggestion happen) demand = prices crash to next to nothing, and eventually there are no buyers at all so no sales can be made by anyone. Everything because worthless. Noone needs anything. Noone can get plat through trading anymore. This is what would happen- it is plain to see and everyone who wants an auction house needs to wake up, see this, and accept it.

An auction house doesn't always kill economies, but it WOULD kill Warframe's.


Everyone who wants these auction houses has the same issue. They think of what they want- to buy quickly, cheaply, and easily. They don't think ahead of what comes AFTER that because they DON'T CARE, and that would end up biting them in the arse. Btw- I read the rest of your post now and have a headache. Finally someone actually said they want the free market to be turned into a supermarket- I almost cannot believe it. You say what we have now is capitalism. That prices vary, that there is no advantage to that. The advantage is that the economy is a living breathing thing that adapts and survives. People can get good deals either buying or selling if they're willing to put in the effort. The only reason to complain about the current system is if you are either lazy, entitled, or both; and just want everything to be handed to you without any work.

^^^ I'd create a lot of accounts only to upvote this ^^^

I couldn't be able to explain better than Stratego.

As he said, any player asking for auction house is just thinking in short terms, but they can't understand what happens after a long time. The only way an auction house being viable is decreasing drop chance of most parts, and maybe even set a limited quantity of each piece (maybe monthly) to avoid killing game economy. and due to RNG complains, I don't think this could be any good to the game

Edited by -----LegioN-----
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Adding an auction house will literally do nothing to solve this problem you think you have.  Nobody wants to buy things that are extremely common. Making it easier to browse the things that are extremely common isn't going to result in more sales. In fact the only thing it's going to result in more of, is database bloat.






In your case, put up some platinum on your "WTB" offers.   Chances are good that plenty of people have what you want, but sellers are generally more reluctant to name prices because negotations can ONLY go down from whatever price the seller suggests. If buyer says 15, the item isn't going to be sold for 20 even if the seller would have paid 20. Or 50.


Give a realistic and honest value when you want to buy things, and you probably won't be waiting long.

the issue is the time zone and when I get on. I think the last mod I tryed getting was High Noon, not right after it came out but like a month or a bit longer after that.

Appearently around the time it was valued at 50p, Around the same time I kept raising the price I would pay all the way up to 100p and still no luck. My only thought of what it could have been was not many people on at that time and those few people did not have what I was looking for. 

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I don't share trading stuff coz it's not in my interest as a trader to do so but:


1. Besides primed chamber nothing else in WF is rare.

2. If you can't sell your primes for plats, its probably a junk. I don't care if you busted balls in T4S to get it.

3. I'll buy your junks for 1p while it still is worth 1p. I was thinking the price of junks should come down soon like 3p for 5 junks.

4. The reason for junks maintaining value is due to the good stuff baro has been dishing out.

5. Stop your wines unless you provide some cheese to go with it. AH or Trading Floor doesnt matter. The traders will still wipe your sorry asses somehow. 

6. Deal with it

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I don't share trading stuff coz it's not in my interest as a trader to do so but:


1. Besides primed chamber nothing else in WF is rare.

2. If you can't sell your primes for plats, its probably a junk. I don't care if you busted balls in T4S to get it.

3. I'll buy your junks for 1p while it still is worth 1p. I was thinking the price of junks should come down soon like 3p for 5 junks.

4. The reason for junks maintaining value is due to the good stuff baro has been dishing out.

5. Stop your wines unless you provide some cheese to go with it. AH or Trading Floor doesnt matter. The traders will still wipe your sorry asses somehow. 

6. Deal with it

 okay I disagree so stro,gly with this


1. of course there's rare stuff.... some stance mods and prime parts are insanely hard to get because of RNG..that's obvioux

2. okay he didn't even say what he was selling and besides. It does't matter : even if his stuff has value he'd have to be at the right place at the right moment in trading chat to sell it that's the problem

3. what?

4.What again?

5. He isn't whining , it's a real issue ,  not everyone wants to spend their time in game waiting for a chat tab to appear for hours. i've been playing for about 2 years now , i've managed trade quite a lot , i never spent actual money on this game. BUT lately trading is becoming impossible , everyone wants the latest stuff so you can't really sell anything that isn't trinity prime or the prime acess weapons. It's really really annoying. Trading has to change

6.No that's not what we're here for , something's wrong with the game it's in his right to point it out ; that's why we're beta testers


And besides , you should really be less toxic when posting man :/

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 okay I disagree so stro,gly with this


1. of course there's rare stuff.... some stance mods and prime parts are insanely hard to get because of RNG..that's obvioux

2. okay he didn't even say what he was selling and besides. It does't matter : even if his stuff has value he'd have to be at the right place at the right moment in trading chat to sell it that's the problem

3. what?

4.What again?

5. He isn't whining , it's a real issue ,  not everyone wants to spend their time in game waiting for a chat tab to appear for hours. i've been playing for about 2 years now , i've managed trade quite a lot , i never spent actual money on this game. BUT lately trading is becoming impossible , everyone wants the latest stuff so you can't really sell anything that isn't trinity prime or the prime acess weapons. It's really really annoying. Trading has to change

6.No that's not what we're here for , something's wrong with the game it's in his right to point it out ; that's why we're beta testers


And besides , you should really be less toxic when posting man :/


1. Price is an indication of rarity. What is the hardest, rarest and worst thing to farm today? How much does it cost? 200p? Come on mate. 200p is cheap.


2. Yes and no. Yes because you do have willing buyers for hard to sell/common prime parts at the price you wish to sell them at. For example a typical junk like fang prime bp. You might find someone willing to take it for 5p, more often than not you won't. So right place right time yes, but easier if its just 1p.


5. Warframe is a game to you. Trading in warframe is the game to me. Yes you might not like to play this game. But it is nonetheless still a game. You assume you will get your stuff sold in an AH without effort. I assure you that i'll prob end up buying most of your unwanted stuff off you at junk p prices faster than you can sell it on the AH.


6. You are right. The problem is the economy. Prime parts are too common and drop too easy. I made a suggestion to fix drop rates and I get flamed. But its true, you either restrict the supply and maintain some semblance of a market or you let the primes flood and kill your market.


7. Another trading tidbit. There is a cost to liquidity and often, I am that cost. When you want to sell things fast and now, I am here for you. But its not free. People complain I lowball. Its not a lowball its my price for saving you hours shouting on the trades. An AH will solve this problem? Maybe. When you sell your crap now, I'm here to buy them from you and whoever else is on in my time. When you sell your crap on the AH, you compete with the world. Now, I'm not sure which is the way you want it but I'd rather compete with a smaller group of people don't you think?


8. Its not toxic. Its reality. Its trading. And its the way the economy works.


Edit: I don't need to post this. I'm just trying to educate you kids on how the free market works. It ain't pretty and it ain't a bed of roses. Just like life itself

Edited by InfinitySinX
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OP, sorry but I would refrain from making threads about AHs. Unfortunately they all very quickly turn into the same discussion time and time again.


"Hey guys what do you think about an auction house in Warframe? How do you think it co-"





So if you're looking for a thoughtful, non-abrasive discussion about auction houses, you won't find it on the Warframe forums I'm afraid. Your time is better spent elsewhere, trust me. 

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