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Warframe China New Frame Revealed "nezha"? (Update) [Megathread]


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the burden of proof is on the accuser. i personally dont care one way or the other if DE did or did not develop these frames but in an effort to make your own argument strong you should provide proof. also as has been said many a time, dont use PSA in your titles on the forums. they lead to confusion and anger if its not DE posting them.

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I literally think the opposite, Wukong looks really cool and Nehza looks like crap

To each their own man. Wukong just feels like "excalipole", his moves aren't anything special and his design is eh.


But that is my opinion.

Edited by Makairi
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Heres your proof everyone:



Dearest Tenno-


Three months ago many of you were surprised to learn of a proposed investment in Digital Extremes. Today I am confirming that, after a long phase of changes and negotiation, this investment has become a reality.


Here's the official announcement: https://warframe.com...rship-announced


I’m more comfortable in pink shorts than a suit, so lucky for you I don’t have to attempt an explanation of the deal. You can actually read it for yourself here: http://www.hkexnews....20141014641.pdf


What does it mean for Warframe, for you, and for me?


For me, it’s business as usual, with zero changes in DE management and no outside interference whatsoever. After the shock wears off I simply go back to drowning in coffee, crunching on the Archwing update and building end-game content we desperately need (I might be sneaking some into Archwing at the last minute actually).


For you, I hope you read the deal and realize it’s not the doomsday scenario you may fear. I hope you agree to at least wait and see what it means and I hope you engage with us and our community on what is important to you as a player as Warframe and Digital Extremes grows from this partnership.


As for Warframe... well it’s getting an Orokin Reactor installed. It will have more resources to increase quality and scope. It will continue just as it began, as a labor of love. It will continue to be built by the same passionate developers you know while being guided and challenged by the most passionate and positive gaming community we’ve ever experienced.


 On behalf of the team we can’t thank you enough for the tremendous support and faith you’ve had in us and in building this game alongside us over the past two years.  I hope you stick with us as Warframe continues to grow under our control.  Stand with honor, Tenno.




The above is Steves official words from way back when the deal was finalized and since we haven't heard any changes in said deal, I think its safe to assume that the above is still relevant today.


Now heres where we have the proof that China isn't making anything for Warframe themselves besides publishing it:



For me, it’s business as usual, with zero changes in DE management and no outside interference whatsoever.



What that means is that Warframe is still, as it always has been, being solely developed by Digital Extremes

Edited by ToxicTroublermaker
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Well to be honest would you prefer nekros had a skill named "Desecrete the dead for the spoils of the unworthy"?


Its too long, not because its of eastern heritage but because chances are its gonna go past the ui borders.


I know just wanted to know why you thought I wanted Miku "westernized". :P



Ah. Either way my mind would have shortened it to just desecrate, however...  I cannot help but imagine Nekros being in a anime and shouting out: "Desecrate the dead for the spoils of the unworthy! -Jutsu" ...I'm a horrible person, lol.

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Also, PSA is reserved for the DE's and their Com Mods.  This is to prevent confusion amongst community members and stop the spreads of untruths, falsehoods, misleadings and the like. 


Let's not derail the thread, but... since WHEN was this?  I've used "PSA" before, and I've seen others using "PSA" before, in this forum AND other forums rofl.


Either way, proof was edited in, thanks to:ToxicTroublermaker


He went through the trouble to find the text that I was referring to, so he deserves credit for the proof.



Also, to everyone else, don't get your jimmies in a rustle over lingo.  Unless I was doing a completely false topic, all you are doing is derailing it trying to be politically correct about who can/cannot use terminology which apparently has a restriction that at least to my knowledge is not common [across multiple forums/] forum knowledge [nor something that I knew and I've been here for two years AND as I said before... used "PSA" multiple times in my past]


It shouldn't matter if I say THIS IS FACT, or PSA, or whatever in my post.  I'm not a moderator, or dev, and with or without the "PSA" title anyone can still spread falsehoods.

Edited by achromos
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back on topic.. yes its true DE made the 2 new china warframes .. about 2-3 dev streams ago steve also says something along the lines of " we designed wukong this way , we put alot of effort into him ect ect" that isnt word for word but u can see how steve is referring to himself as well as his design team working on the chinas frames there isnt some sort of magical coding and design team hidden away in a china jungle making these its de themselves the same people who have designed ember,frost ect.

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Let's not derail the thread, but... since WHEN was this?  I've used "PSA" before, and I've seen others using "PSA" before, in this forum AND other forums rofl.


Either way, proof was edited in, thanks to:ToxicTroublermaker


He went through the trouble to find the text that I was referring to, so he deserves credit for the proof.



Also, to everyone else, don't get your jimmies in a rustle over lingo.  Unless I was doing a completely false topic, all you are doing is derailing it trying to be politically correct about who can/cannot use terminology which apparently has a restriction that at least to my knowledge is not common [across multiple forums/] forum knowledge [nor something that I knew and I've been here for two years AND as I said before... used "PSA" multiple times in my past]


It shouldn't matter if I say THIS IS FACT, or PSA, or whatever in my post.  I'm not a moderator, or dev, and with or without the "PSA" title anyone can still spread falsehoods.

7 other people say basically the same thing and you pick me to tell off about derailing?

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This happened May of 2014 btw

Its not really an investment as it is a sell off. To a large conglomerate from China (I don't have feelings based on the country, just saying)

To summarize:

DE has been sold off for $73.2 Million
Multi Dynamic Games (shell company) owns 58% of Digital Extremes (Majority Stakeholder, i.e. the one who makes the decisions)

Perfect Online gets 3% of the stake in DE.
DE retains 39% of the stake, This is the CEO and his kids, as well as DE Steve, in addition to overall profit sharing with the employees.


James Schmalz dumped 40.9% stake in the company Earning roughly $49 Million

Michael Schmalz dropped 4.2% Earning $5 Million

Steve - 6.2% - $7.4 Million

Employee Trust - 9.7% - $11.6 Million (this is basically employee retirement and such)

... Roughly Stumpo acquired roughly 60% of all shares across the board.


Has some good facts too: DE made 30 Million the first half of last year (Revenue).


Some info on "Stumpo" who now owns DE: "The Group is principally engaged in the trading and manufacturing of chicken meat products, animal feeds and chicken breeds under the “Sumpo” brand (the "Chicken Business")."

Chicken frame incoming


What this could mean:
1. Nothing changes, and Stumpo just wants to have this as a diversification in case their business hits a rough year. This is optimum and nothing will be touched.

2. Pricing increases: Minor (or more) plat costs for items as Stumpo will need to get a cut, but DE will need to retain the same revenue to continue as normal (often done under "inflation" reasoning)

3. Theme changes: as many people have stated the possibility for the influx of Chinese focused content being added (we're not going to discuss that here) DE may be directed by desired of the now parent company (this can also be done in other aspects not just "Chinese content")


How each affects us:

1. none, all is good with the world

2. varies, depending on the increase in cost, excessive cost could push players out, which can slowly kill the game. Most likely it will have little to no effect.

3. other than some people raging, you will likely see designers (even those in key positions) start to leave, as their creative desires are being steered more than they have been. As a result quality of content may change (for positive or negative, either is possible)


Personally I'm not a fan of this stuff. I see it so often that a company gets to a point where, even if it's doing well, it just sells itself to a bigger company. It's sad, I feel like companies won't grow past a certain size anymore, they are only acquired by bigger holdings. I'm hoping that DE stays the same as Steve said in the post (perhaps this is how they get the new motion capture rigging). I'm not one to surrender control, because who knows when / if / how they will feel like changing things.

I feel my current employer is getting ready to do this, and its just annoying (although they are also doing it in a poor way) I can't say that DE is doing that (the effects would more be felt internally)


I'm not motivated enough to check to see if any pricing impacts have risen since the purchase. It could be these new Premium Skins are the method they are using (rather than increasing the cost of things) If that is the case, I don't mind it at all. Remember it is unlikely the $ per Plat in increase, as much as the amount of plat for content (a more subtle change)

Edited by Lightsmith
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Its long since been confirmed DE made the chinese exclusives, theyre not comfortable perhaps with exclusives but they were assured thats just how it has to be. Hope Nezha is next - no one truly would have made near the same fuss if Wukong came out in global first, there seems to be issue with non-DE control but all design and conceptial work does seem to have remained in Canada so whats the fuss?

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Like if I were to ask you who Indra is or what a Vajra is, who what Ame No Habakiri is or what a Shen Shou Jing is, or who is Izanagi or Izanami is, or who Cheonjiwang is, or who Shangdi is, you wouldn't know without googling them all.


Trust me, I know :)

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