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Feedback Megathread: Saryn Revisited.


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And have you tried this after respeccing for the way her powers work now?

No cause spending to long setting up abilty's will just get you shot down.

I always used molt in high level and miasma for safe get away cause they would reliable using 4 skills to get ok damage is not reliable.

Stop using her like the Old Saryn and start learning how the new Saryn works. Treat it exactly how we all had to relearn Mesa and Excal and whoever got reworked, its not the end of the world.


Also this is getting to be a flamewar real quick guys

Using her like old saryn so saryn isn't a tank i should stop using molt and use all her ability's and hold back my team cause i keep dieing cause of the setup?

Edited by SarahApple
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You know it would kind of be nice if you know...Sayrn's kit could actually scale into higher levels? One basically needs every ability to do the damage you did previously which didn't even scale well past level 30 in the first place. They even reduced her ability to scale by removing the stun from Miasma.

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No cause spending to long setting up abilty's will just get you shot down.

I always used molt in high level and miasma for safe get away cause they would reliable using 4 skills to get ok damage is not reliable.

Using her like old saryn so saryn isn't a tank i should stop using molt and use all her ability's and hold back my team cause i keep dieing cause of the setup?


dying would be your own fault to be brutally honest. Avoiding taking too much damage is what all frames should do. Using abilities would actually help the team such as spore causing a guaranteed half health proc which means enemies die much faster. She can actually move while casting now so if you stand still its your own fault.

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they did this to put a damper on farming again like de always does. pay attention they always nerf decent ways people find to farm an area. is she as terrible as everyone ts spouting out...well no she isnt that bad but she is in a worse place than she was before. she no longer fits the role as a quick nuker. yes the spore does spread but thats just another spell you have to cast and that along side miasma being duration based now cost a sh*t ton more energy. she doesnt fit any niche right now and probably wont until someone else gets nerfed or she gets a slight buff down the road

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I have tried to mod Saryn a few ways... the only thing I could even get out of her worth noting was a viral status build with range + energy efficiency.

Molt has potential to shine on its own (well kinda) with Regenerative Molt augment (and you can get some use out of a Rage mod). Still, I think the base range on the molt explosion could be better considering how the rework is supposed to go (combo powers together).


Toxic Lash is okay... though it doesn't land Toxin status on Juggernaut (and maybe others?). Also throwing Glaives (at least via holding the melee button) doesn't pop spores from what I can tell.

The Ult is now pretty bad.. considering how 'meh' the range is and how it depends on too many mods and  different power casts to get it anywhere. Even then I find it to fall flat, and it doesn't even cause any status on its own anymore. Either up the damage or make it far better utility wise.

If going the utility route, maybe adding something like this: statuses that are on enemies currently are spread around to surrounding enemies. Would give Saryn some party synergy too.

Edited by Ace_Kayo
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Saryn Revisited


With this update comes a lot of exciting changes to Saryn’s abilities, giving her more synergy between each power and putting more emphasis on her ability to debuff enemies with Viral and Toxin procs.  As always we will continue to monitor Saryn after the launch of this rework.

Please post your feedback in our megathread here:




My poor Saryn... nerfed to the mud and spat on by DE which followed blindly the troll complaints of the forums. A lot of you are to blame for this catastrophe, but they are also pretty stupid to follow the whining of the forums to a T.


Now she's pretty much worthless not exceeding at anything at all and downgraded in almost every aspect including the physical with the new skin (very Sarkeesian of them and very appropiate to relate this with toxins and poison).


It's back to another frame for everyone and quite honestly buying the skin now seems pointless for all of the above reasons.

This is a sad day for me. My favorite frame is done for. Time to look for a new one I guess... until DE nerfs that one too.


...not really a nerf.


DE just de-emphasizes the min-max built... But this is also another choice. It's neither good nor evil. People who have complained causing DE to make this decision failed (or could care little) to recognize it's just another choice that they tried to force down on people using min-max/Saryn the way they hated.


It's just like now suddenly a rush to force players to be active on every frame and every ability... and a self-animated ability is a bane of Warframe... It's awesome that many abilities are active, but it doesn't have to be ALL and EVERY. Variety and diversity should equally be emphasized. Regardless whether DE has been conditioned to think this way or only able to see one way, DE just wants to survive and thrive with Warframe.

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Personally the spores could have better ways to spread.


With Molt+Spores. The spores still spread too other enemies after Molt dies from them. Why can't enemies that are affected after  2 seconds spread spores if they die from normal attacks. It'd make it much more reliable when you're trying to target that one enemy in a large crowd.


Her 2nd should survive differently, they should make her scale with the player's stats or just make it based on duration only.


I was hoping the 3rd could have been a drain per second ability. It would've made sense considering how Atlas' 3rd, Excal's, Ember's and Equinox's 4th run on drain per second and it wouldn't have been to game breaking considering it's only a buff to melee damage making you only go to melee range. Statistically I can't say how well it does since I haven't had too much experience with it to say if it does good damage buff.


Not a fan of her 4th now as much as before. It's fine too support synergy but everything costs a little too much and Saryn still has a relatively small energy reserve to support this synergy you guys wanted. Maybe increase the base energy more and decrease the energy cost on some abilities.

Edited by izzatuw
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Wow... Saryn is ridiculous now. Maybe Toxic Lash could use a bit more prominent fx, but overall awesome. Oh, and spores seem to not render on bombards and they often lag into existence.



Just one quick idea, what if Spores distributed all procs on that enemy to the surrounding enemies. So if an enemy with spores on it has a radiation proc a radiation proc will be given out to all enemies when a spore pops... Maybe that would be a bit OP.


And then come sweet little nulli to ruin your synergize gameplay

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No, there is no point in Saryn anymore. She cant do anything well. She fits no role.  Anything she does other frames do better. 

This is the worst rework ever.   DE did some good job on other frames...  but Saryn got nerfed into the grave.

It's especially sad that all our feedback on rework thread fell on deaf ears.





Edited by Monolake
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Not a Saryn player myself but I find it amusing how they reduced her HP and gave her an armour boost as some sort of 'compenstation' or attempt at 'balance'. Armour's still rather useless these days imo, aside from when it's a hefty amount but even then it's not that great. We need a real armour 2.0/3.0 already.

Edited by Naith
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Was hoping that, Finally Finally she'll get into top tier Frame.  She was stuck at mid tier for a long time.  But now Low tier?  Good on Paper, Bad in Game Play.  She now uses way too much energy to do anything.  If her Energy pool is still too small for synergy.  Even Excal, Exalted blade is doing over 100k and uses way super less energy.

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Ok so i consider myself a relative fresh man to this game... let me give you the ONLY feedback i can...

I always play one game period, i dont play 20 different games like others, i quit Diablo 3 because it became a game where i had to press 1234 and then FINNALY 5 to actually do something.

I discovered this wonderfull game and have not played anything else but warframe for a month, i ask you kindly... do not go in this direction and take away my joy.

Also listen to the peoples feedback in here, they are right about energy problem, in a way ember still has energy issues if u want extra fire damage from 2 and have WOF on as much as possible... you simply have to spam 2 way too often.

Thank you kindly.

Edited by Drag0nChaser
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